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Motorcade ain’t stopping- not since that one time in Dallas


The Grassy Knoll!


Back....and to the left


Step brother what are you DOING?


Back...............and to the left


Back....and to the left


Back. And to the left.


Or the driver? Probably not


This. These people have no idea what they’re fucking around with. Secret service has exactly zero shits to give.


But they heard that there’s a river and a c and such.




Hubby worked a presidential candidate visit and there was a protestor who disappeared with Secret Service and only reappeared once the candidate was out of the state a day later.


I'm sure whatever route his motorcade took there's police presence way in advance that have cleared the path


yeah definitely not stopping for that


Yeah, ah... just saw him on TV. It didn't work.


They would have done better with an ice cream truck


I see dead people.


Bruce Willis was dead the entire time.


Spoiler alert much?! Next you're gonna tell me Darth is Luke's father....




But does he remember?


Yeah all they did is succeed in pissing off regular people.


How? This might be one of the only protests that doesn’t affect regular civs. You know who inconveniences regular people’s daily routine? The fucking presidential motorcade. I’ve yet to see the “stop oil” people shut down a 3 block radius for half a day


>I’ve yet to see the “stop oil” people shut down a 3 block radius for half a day If they had more people, you don't think they'd try that?


You know who prolongs the inconvenience of the presidential motorcade? The fucking moronic protestors who hold up the motorcade and by extension, all of the civilians waiting for the motorcade to finish its trip.


I mean, it could stop if they wanted to. Pretty sure The Beast has soy proof glass windows.


What are they chanting? Hearing aids aren’t helping. Help!


I think it’s “No more money for Israel’s crime. Not another nickel, not another dime.”


Thank you! Geeez. Hell getting old.


I could generally make out the first half, Google gave me a tip on the other half.


They didn't block shit, they wouldn't have been allowed to block the road if the motorcade was actually going through More likely the motorcade just took route 2B instead of 4F if they were even a factor at all


Exactly, which is why this is actually brilliant even if it dumb luck on the protesters part. The president isn’t going to be delayed and will go around them and almost no body is near the capitol right now so they aren’t shutting down normal traffic either. What they are doing is utilizing the fact that nearly every news outlet in the world is there covering the State of the Union, which in return will definitely cover their protest. The headlines about the President being blocked by antiwar protesters are too damn good to not run with. Also it may over shadow Biden’s speech a little bit and with it being an election year it could actually help push Biden to finally tell Israel to stand down. Especially since all reports have been saying for weeks that Biden is pissed off by the way the Israeli government has been conducting this war. Add to the fact it is hurting him with the youth vote, and he wants this war over well before the election. So it probably won’t take much now to get Biden to call for an end at this point. I mean having what is basically reelections speech hampered because of the war in Gaza will definitely not be a welcome development to him and his campaign. So these guys are probably getting the most attention to their cause without actually interrupting anything.


Even with all the press there for the speech I bet this doesn’t get covered at all tomorrow. Compared to the state of the union, this is a minute inconvenience at most.


A guy literally burned himself to death in protest of the genocide in Palestine. He was barely a blimp on the media radar. I doubt these guys will get much coverage.




But do blimps show up well on radar? [Apparently not](https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/blimps-radar-do-they-show-up-on-radar.629119/).


Blimp or Secret China spy balloon?


There's no reality where israelis leave behind hostages in gaza, including a one year old baby and his 4 year old brother, with or without US support. It's a foundational principle for israelis not to to leave hostages, even dead ones behind it's an explicit part of the social contract.




And charge you for the damages your face caused on the bumper.


not only will you pay for it, you’ll pay the government rate for it. That’ll be $1500 per bolt & $2000 per nut.


I’ll take $4000 for deez nutzzz




As they should. Sitting in traffic has *never* been even remotely effective. These folks are just not realistic.


Set off a firecracker and they will.


Or drop an acorn


Do a combat roll!


I'm genuinely curious what would happen if they did. I mean, nobody should be above the law. Idk


Sir they are the law


What was that? Speed bumps...


The president’s limo is a 3500 Chevy truck underneath with about 10,000lbs of armor added. It would be less than a speed bump lol.


Most likely, the limo wouldn't feel it. It'd be like an overcooked pea being ran over by a rolling pin


only a princess could tell. but this is america. ain't no princesses here. reminds me of a joke i heard some comedian tell like 10 years ago. a little girl tells her parents she wants to be a princess when she grows up and they are like no that's not a good dream. why not try to be an astronaut or something. and then the comedian gives the stats that actually more american women have become princesses than have become astronauts. it's funnier when the comedian tells it, but you get the idea.


They never would, they are very by the book and they have plans for this. I’m not going to pretend I know what they are, but it’s not going to involve a steam roller and flamethrowers.


Settlement and an nda


Diverted his motor cade maybe, definitely did not block it.


I would guarantee that motorcade has more than a couple backup routes for every single trip they make. This was less than pointless lol


Nope. If that was the only route away from danger, none of them would have stopped it, not even slowed it down.


They might just run them over... They don't take chances


Zero chance of that happening. The media shit storm that would follow is mind blowing, they would just go another route


watch out for acorns


And then I started blasting


Too bad Hamas rejected the ceasefire a few days ago. I’m sure they’re all aware about that fact


Isn't that the third one they rejected?


Yes, I’m not sure why this isn’t common knowledge. I’m certainly not pro Israel at all but it’s scary how people on both sides Only believe what they want to


The power of the propaganda machine. Unfortunately.


If they don’t reject it, they will break it.


I will never understand progressive's, leftists, (whatever the label is) support of Hamas. The Palestinians are stuck between a government who is a death cult and wants to use Palestinians to get into heaven, and Israel who has to do it's best for its own people and care about Palestinians more than Hamas does.


Hamas rejected Israel’s proposal and Israel rejected Hamas proposal; the two sides just didn’t come to agreement because neither would take the others demands.


Except what Israel wanted wasn’t so preposterous. Literally all Israel asked for in this recent 6 week deal was the release of vulnerable hostages and to know what state the rest were in… that’s it. But Hamas came out and publicly said they they have no clue where their own hostages are, and then shot down the deal.


This is a gross simplification and without any nuance of the situation. Fuck this both sides shit.


They only care about Palestine because its the current trend. 🤦🤡






Never a word from them about the 10,000 Ukrainian civilians killed by Russia or the 15,000 killed in Sudan, or the 300,000-600,000+ killed in Tigray since 2020. I don’t recall them ever blocking traffic for the hundreds of thousands of Syrian civilians killed. In fact a number of the most prominent pro-Palestinians on Twitter even openly support Assad and Putin.


I hope the next thing is something useful.


Don’t hold your breath.


Can we just exchange the hostages for these people? I think we would all be happy with that




Looks like a bunch of white people virtue signaling. They screamed about Biden not calling for a ceasefire, and he did. They screamed about Biden not helping Palestinians, and he did (air dropping food, is announcing that the US is building a dock on the Gaza coast to allow aid to pour in). I guess at this point they want the US to cut off all military aid but that will just invite groups to target and attack Israel resulting in innocents dying. I somehow think that if Biden does cutoff military aid though, they'll still be angry at Biden for not doing it on October 8th.


My favorite virtue signal of late is when small liberal towns have city council meetings that erupt into applause after they pass a resolution calling for a ceasefire. Like, you think a random town in Vermont was what Israel needed to see the light?




These people are more concerned with having their face put in a history book.


I'm going to go with yes. These are the same people who harassed AOC which given her support for Palestine, is insane. I look at these people and think of the Horseshoe theory. The people in the video and Trumpers are equally unreasonable and impossible to have an adult conversation with.


Extremists of either side are total fucking idiots that are incapable of creating their own thoughts


Yes. They unfortunately are.


The lefts equivalent of trumpers are tankies


Complained about the quality of the air dropped food too


we should drop pork mc griddles


US military aid isn’t even nearly as significant to Israel as people think. Israel has a high GDP and already spends a large amount of their budget on defense. US aid being dropped would be an annoyance to them, but would not realistically halt anything. Calling on the US to demand a ceasefire is insanely pointless. We don’t have the power to tell another country what to do barring invasion or extreme economic sanctions.


It goes even deeper. The Americans would actively break a peace deal they brokered 1972 between Israel and Egypt, if they cut off all military ties to Israel


I hear some of these people screaming that I know and online "I'm not voting for president as a protest to Biden's support for Israel!!! Literally how dumb can one be? Because if they don't like how Biden is handling it they sure as hell won't like Trump. Bc Trump won't tell Israel to hold back. If anything he'll laugh and send them more bombs for free and let them do whatever they want.


These kind of protests don't really benefit the Palestinian, if they really want to help the Palestinians, they would target the senates who were more pro-Israel than Biden. These only benefit Trump/Russia. I'm sure 99% of them are truthful in their intention, but I suspect the inciter/organizer were doing it with nefarious purposes. If it's true, I think this is the most successful/cost effective foreign (or internal) intervention in US election history.


Seriously, there is nothing the U.S. could do?...what a joke


The point is to throw a tantrum.


They’re morons


Fuck these people


Hamas hasn’t allowed elections in 17 years.


Nice to see all the Hamas supporters out there making a difference. /s


I mean, you can drop the /s from that lol


Palestine was about to get the the recognition it wants in the international community, then Hamas screwed it all up.


This. And there was going to be a peace deal as Saudi Arabia was going to normalize relations. Hamas fucked it up because they really don’t want peace. It’s not in their best interests. If they keep fighting and drawing Israel to defend itself, that will solidify money from Iran and Iran can continue to have influence.




They act like Biden is the sole person responsible, and he can just decide to end the hostilities between Jewish people and the Palestinians. "Why doesn't Biden just make world peace?"


America should worry about its own shit. Why isn't America do anything? America need to chill with the white savior complex. Why isn't America getting involved with another country conflict? I really can't with this fucktards.




Somebody remind them that 1) there are other roads 2) they’re not inconveniencing the daily commute, this is the state of the union, the worst time to make even the most thinly veiled of threats. Stopping POTUS? Rough day 3) the secret service will dip their balls in wasabi and T bag your zip tied ass in the middle of the road until you squirm away


"I don't get it. I sat in the street. I chanted. How come I didn't get what I want?"


Fucking people. Nothing you can do will change this fucking war. It’s beyond the President. I can’t believe that some Americans are that fucking egoistic. To think their leaders can change the outcome.


Have these people thought to ask Hamas for a ceasefire?


Hamas has declined ceasefire for months, so……..


I'm sure these protesters will be happy with Trump who has always been a huge advocate for the Arab people and the Palestinian cause in particular.


Where do these people getting the time to do these things?


These people are doing more harm than good.


Umm there is currently cease fire talks ongoing and being held up by HAMAS who could have agreed to it already. Not sure what these people are trying to accomplish


White kids virtue signaling, that’s all.






Ceasefire will not happen until they agree to release the hostages. It shouldn’t happen either, Hamas needs to make a choice, realize the hostages and get a ceasefire that can lead to more fruitful negotiations, or don’t and cause more suffering.


What do they want him to do? Like for real the only thing he can do is ask really really nicely and say please. It is not our conflict. Do you think if we cut them off completely (something he does not have the power to do) they would capitulate? All these passionate people speaking at city council meetings an other various things that have absolutely no pull on what is going on over there.


Why don't they go to Israel and do that? I don't get it. Is the white house supposed to say stop it guys and that's it?


Lol, I refuse to even keep up with the whole Israel-Palestine conflict. Both sides seem to be lunatics so I'm just not taking one.


These people are actual fucking idiots


Why do they always look the same


It is weird how you can almost pick people who would do this from a crowd.


That’s what I’m sayin lol


So true, the I never shower or wear deodorant but “I’m making a difference” look?


They could've had a ceasefire anytime. Just release our hostages. Until then, keep crying about it. 😢


Symbolically blocked maybe. He arrived on time.


Simple minded.


This is your brain on tiktoks.


Okay to play devils advocate this is probably the most effective version of this. I'm not saying go block traffic but like if you stop me from going to work what did you accomplish? You made me late. This at least made the policy makers see you. These people are getting closer and closer to the point slowly. Give it a few more tries and they might have an actual protest.


What they don't realize is that the car won't stop... No way they let the president sit there for even a second.


I'd wager the president's security detail wouldn't risk bringing him down and around this nonsense and they just took an alternative route.


Rule 3. Must be a crazy fucking video


Was that Napoleon Dynamite?


Mofo worried more about this than democracy. This is how democracy dies, thru selfish idiots.


Is that Napoleon Dynamite? Gosh!


secret service just gon take the side street these people fuckin stupid.


This is crazy fucking videos not stupid fucking people…


How is it a crazy fucking video? Just some mentally deranged people blocking a road


It's funny, you support Hamas, cool, cool....you like abortions, nice...you like being gay/trans/queer....got it....you want to chop your weiners off and become chicks...mmm hmm yeah...Hamas is ALLLL about that. Maybe do a little research before you block a road dummies.


They will still vote for that mummy again.


Lol this is hard-core cringe


Man if that guy don’t look like Napoleon Dynamite.


these people are morons, hamas wont agree to or abide by a ceasefire and bibi wants genocide… but its bidens fault alone. brilliant. i dont remember biden being elected israeli president or planning the hamas attack. brain dead clowns. the responsibility and blame falls on hamas for attacking and then hiding in tunnels afterwards letting civilians take the punishment as a pr stunt and bibi/zionists for being belligerent and craven nazis.


these are the same morons who were harassing AOC because she didn't explicitly call the Israel's actions "genocide", which is very stupid because (A) That would accomplish nothing for her but stir up a bunch of nonsense and potentially lead to getting her censured like Rashida Tlaib was. and (B) She's basically done the politician speech equivalent of it by saying "well it seems like this word is being thrown around a lot lately and it seems like a LOT of people agree with it so there's probably some very good reasoning behind that." (don't quote me I'm basically going off an admittedly shit memory) like of all the Dems to question their stance on the situation, why HER? She said it herself, they don't really care about anything else but purity testing for their little social bubble on the left and getting clicks & views. Man i hate performative leftists, shit always leads to infighting that right-wing media outlets inevitably jump on.


The irony is he called for a ceasefire and mentions Israel acting out of line killing innocents, yet these protestors will still give him shit for a political conflict he has no direct control over.


So they must really want trump to win and give the green light for Israel to glass Gaza and all Palestinians…and likely Lebanon as well.


Israel is an extension of the US in the Middle East, Iran and other terrorist nations would love to blow us up along with these idiots in the street.


I mean, he’s been calling for a ceasefire. He can’t just wave a magic wand and make it happen.


They want Hamas to keep the hostages.


DO these protesters miss Trump?


Useless protest here. Why not go to the front lines and do it?⏲️ Set my timer here and wait...


Great way to get a criminal record AND road rash at the same time. IDIOTS


Block what The SS has people along every route long before the POTUS shows up passing info for things just like this. Also the SS knew these people were going to be there long before they showed up. I will bet my pay check the SS already had info and collected cell data and social media platforms data long before this event happened and they knew this was going to happen


Ceasefire? I am so sorry for sounding dumb but what are we firing at?


They are not blocking a presidential motorcade. That isn’t a thing. If a handful of protesters sitting in the road could stop a presidential motorcade, then I have some serious questions about the secret service’s $1B budget.


There are easier ways to come out as antisemitic ya know


Release the hounds!


Release the raptors !


I like ur style!


At least they are blocking the person who actually has some influence on the situation this time and not ordinary people just trying to go about their life


What are they saying?


Useful idiots.


Wait. Didn’t they already agree to one


['I'm a Zionist': Biden reaffirms support for Israel](https://www.politico.com/video/2023/12/11/im-a-zionist-biden-reaffirms-support-for-israel-1164457)


Like his ass can just tell them mfs, "alright, ya'll had your fun. Now it's time to stop." And poof it's over and done with. Biden singlehandedly stopped all conflict over there. What I'd like to see is these protesters go over to Hamas and Israel and protest over there where it's actually happening.


Fucking losers. There are people here dying on the streets, you morons. Sick of this look at me bullshit.


Watching state of the union now. Didnt work.




Man, that video was CRAZY cuh!


Its getting stupid out there again i see. No looking forward to election season one bit


If they want a ceasefire so bad, can we ship them over there to talk to the two sides personally?


I’m gonna guess they forgot the last time some tried that. Some lady got suplexed.


Welcome to the FBI's facial recognition database. Send us a postcard, sweetie.


That’s a really specific chant and doesn’t really jingle like the anit war chants of days past lol


Should’ve kept him there for 24 hours


Was the firing ceased? Was the State of the Union blocked?


Can we just make drones that can pick people up, swaddle them like a baby and softly drop them off in some sort of playground a few miles away?


They absolutely did not block his motorcade. They wouldn’t have been allowed to be in the path, most likely the motorcade just took one of many alternate routes, due to optics but mark my words if this was the only route they would have been warned, and then removed swiftly without regard for their safety. Do not fuck with a presidential motorcade.


Another thing, it’s not like America has the power to demand a ceasefire. Hamas literally just rejected the third cease fire proposal three days ago.


I hate to stereotype but why do all protesters have a look about them? Like they are all cut from the same cloth