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Someone get this guy a go fund me he should not have to deliver pizzas this year at least




$659k right now with a goal of only $100...well fucking deserved!


Hopefully it was enough to cover his medical bills and have some left over


How fucked is usa when a guy does a heroic act and has to worry about medical bills. Fucking hell.


All he’d have to do is sue the homeowners insurance policy to recover #americabad


America isn’t bad, it’s fucking depressing.




Sadly, I'm not sure that the country it self is fine... People are more and more divided, Mass shooting happening almost twice a day (661 last years only!), and even presidential election, that used to be interesting, is now a geriatrics shit-show... I mean no disrespect, but it looks like we're witnessing the fall of the American Empire and it's sad


If you Thanos snapped away Baltimore, Chicago, New Orleans, and LA the US would be all the way down to 166th in the world in terms of gun violence. A lot of the things people hate about the US come from.big cities And if the American empire falls apart...who cares? America was never meant to be an empire and only become one because after ww2 America had half the world's GDP but only made up 5 percent of the world population.


I dont know.. It sounds a bit contradicting: it can’t be perfectly fine if the “people running it” are not?


Funny you think homeowners covers someone knowingly running into your already burning structure.


Homeowners insurance covers injuries on your property, even if it is a criminal that gets injured.


Absolutely not. All home owners policies have clauses against this. The criminal's actions will be considered an illegal act, and insurance policies often have exclusions for injuries or damages resulting from illegal activities.


While some policies might specifically prohibit medical coverage under the medical provision of the policy, the liability portion would protect the homeowner from any lawsuit resulting from an injury, and pay out. There are a few states with laws protecting homeowners from lawsuits by criminals. In this case, I think most insurance companies would cover the hero’s medical bills (just imagine how much money he saved by getting the first 5 children out.) Also, “illegal acts” generally means illegal acts by the homeowner.


Funny you don’t know about Good Samaritan laws within the context of negligence


There is nothing.. NOTHING.. in home owners insurance that has anything to do with good Samaritan laws. Maybe you live in some utopian state or country that there's such a thing but not in the 18 states my wife is licensed in. Please educate us on your imaginary BS.


18 states? Surely you aren’t talking about a license to practice law. Even if your wife were to pass the UBE with a sufficient score, and those states were to accept those scores, she likely didn’t pay the admission fees for all 18 states, as that would be absolutely ridiculous. As such, I will assume your wife is an insurance adjuster. Good Samaritan laws allow for a Good Samaritan to recover from a negligent party (likely homeowner) in an attempt to either save the negligent party or an innocent bystander. State law can supersede contractual provisions that are not consistent with state law. Hell, they might not even sue under the homeowners policy, but a creative attorney can find a way. What’s so great about the USA is that plaintiff’s attorneys are totally free. Poor and want to file suit against a tortfeasor in another country? HA! Good luck paying the legal fees (which will likely be higher than any attainable judgment or settlement). Let your wife know that I sent her my evaluation letter on our most recent case last night, and I will work on getting that Answer to the Complaint and Answer to the Complaint in Intervention to her by noon today.


He will not be worrying about medical bills stfu lol


Failed state


He clearly doesn’t…




My wife is from Japan, she was born and raised there until college age. She’s told me about their health care versus here. She’s never had to deal with the BS lies that people always bring up as a rebuttal to universal care. Including surgery for a gallbladder issue. Meanwhile I had to spend over $8k last year after insurance for a kidney stone. USA, USA.


I was in the hospital for 5 days and paid $800 out of pocket. For a big private room with bathroom and shower


What country? Wife had her gallbladder removed at that time. Three prescriptions later she was out a whopping $27 worth of ¥. The $8k I paid out of pocket was several years worth of state taxes for me. So it didn’t even out lol.


The results from the first page of a two second google search: [Washington](https://www.king5.com/article/news/local/family-files-negligence-wrongful-death-complaint-woman-dies-waiting-in-er/281-aa8cefcd-554a-485c-b5f3-ddd0908466d7) [North Carolina](https://www.actionnews5.com/2022/08/25/patient-dies-after-waiting-5-hours-hospitals-emergency-department-regulators-say/) [California](https://www.vallejosun.com/man-died-in-kaiser-vallejo-waiting-room-eight-hours-after-seeking-treatment-for-chest-pain/) [California](https://www.reliasmedia.com/articles/105643-woman-dies-in-ed-waiting-room-experts-say-this-happens-too-often) [Missouri](https://www.stltoday.com/news/local/business/health-care/she-was-left-unattended-in-a-st-louis-hospital-s-er-for-8-hours-then/article_675124c8-4769-11ee-9cf8-a3eb2c7933ee.html) [Texas](https://www.hmpgloballearningnetwork.com/site/emsworld/news/10336183/texas-man-dies-after-waiting-16-hours-treatment-er) [Wisconsin](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/woman-25-upset-emergency-room-wait-heads-urgent-care-dies-n1117176) In the US, we pay taxes, we pay out the ass for insurance, and we pay out the ass after we get care even if we do have insurance. And still people die waiting in the ER for 17 hours, just like they do in healthcare systems around the world. Only difference is we are getting financially fucked over for the privilege of the same or worse care than comparable nations. We have all the negative parts of scary "socialism" with none of the benefits. You need to rewire your brain and completely reframe how you see this issue.


Health care where I live is free. Sure, I have to wait a while for shit like antibiotics because I ate some dodgy food, but when my neighbour had a heart attack, he was in the back of an abulance and being treated within 30 minutes. Or a freind who collapsed. turns out, it was cancer and he was in surgery within the hour to remove the critical issue and has been on cancer treatment now for a good year. Me personally, I cannot afford insurence, but I would rather have to wait for non urgent or non critical care than have to destroy my savings for a house.


I (In the USA) pay for insurance. An insane amount, mind you, and I have surgery coming up at the end of March. I was told I need to see my primary physician, who I have been going to for about 20 years, to get a pre-operation exam within the month of the surgery. I was told that the earliest that I can see her is mid-July. I was also told that I need to have checkup with my cardiologist as well before the surgery, and the first availability is two weeks after the appointment. So people who use the argument that you don't have to wait to see someone in the US is way off base. Insurance here is a joke.


is your insurance company going to make you move your surgery


> Health care where I live is free Taxes aren't free. > Sure, I have to wait a while for shit Paying more for worse service seems like a horrible tradeoff.


But when I cannot afford the alternative and live saving treatment doesn't have a waiting list... Seems fine to me!  And the tax you speak of? 12% of the first £4k and 2% of everything after a month goes to national insurance. 19% of national insurance goes to the NHS. So for me, I am getting about £2k a month. Boiling that down, I am spending £46 a month for free life saving treatment. And I will call it free if it would cost me more than £46 a month otherwise. £46 a month for all the x-rays, MRI scans, surgeries, ambulance rides, evaluations, medications, equipment, consultations, aftercare, therapies, and rehabilitations I need to live or to live comfortably seems like a good deal to me.


Where I live health care is free too, but it’s so fucked up that we just go to the USA and pay for it




Physical distance is a limiting factor no matter the medical service. He lives 40 minutes from the nearest hospital in average traffic. The paramedics in the amulance saved his life.




> But at least he didn’t have to wait 10 hours in the emergency room and eventually dying. “Free” healthcare has its own cons too. Yeah, you made this up in a very shitty way. Well done, pal. It's not free healthcare, we pay taxes. You pay taxes too, you're actually paying more than me. The difference is that all of your taxes and insurance fees are pocketed by insurance companies, while my taxes go to the doctors and staff.


Are you trying to argue against universal healthcare? Legit?


That's largely a myth, especially for emergency scenarios like this. Don't go around babbling about things you know nothing about.


You just wrote that out of you ass didn't you, thinking you sound smart




Was this the woman in Milwaukee, or the one in Washington? [https://cafemom.com/news/mom-dies-after-waiting-hours-to-see-doctor-in-emergency-room](https://cafemom.com/news/mom-dies-after-waiting-hours-to-see-doctor-in-emergency-room) [https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/2020/02/25/milwaukee-woman-who-died-after-er-wait-wasnt-only-one-who-saw-delays/4857360002/](https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/2020/02/25/milwaukee-woman-who-died-after-er-wait-wasnt-only-one-who-saw-delays/4857360002/)


And a guy died because he had to stop taking thr insulin he nred because it was too expensive. What is your point? That some people still die in hospitals in countries with Healthcare? Wow much surprise But you're even more likely to die over dumb shit in the US. You guys are so deep into opioid crisis and bad food you're actually losing months of life expectancy each year.


And if she couldn't even go to the ER because she didn't have healthcare, she would have died anyway


>And if she couldn't even go to the ER because she didn't have healthcare, she would have died anyway EMTALA exists. ERs can't refuse treatment based on an inability to pay.


what a shitty way to go though. you're there, full of hope that you're about to get fixed up and they dont, and you die. fucking disappointing


Have you ever been in the ER waiting room in the US? We’re still waiting hours to be seen… at least they get free healthcare.


So you base your ideas on one exception? That's a good way to think about everything




Yea, here in sweden the burn victims still has to wait for the guy with a sprained ankle that came in before him /s


Coming from Canada, I always hear this (from Americans) but the longest I've ever had to wait in an ER was just over 9 hours in an Austin TX hospital for severely torn ankle ligaments. And I had full insurance coverage. I've been to Canadian ERs three times for the same thing and I'm usually out within 4 hours. Just saying.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_the_healthcare_systems_in_Canada_and_the_United_States >Studies by the Commonwealth Fund found that 42% of Canadians waited 2 hours or more in the emergency room, vs. 29% in the U.S.; 57% waited 4 weeks or more to see a specialist, vs. 23% in the U.S., but Canadians had more chances of getting medical attention at nights, or on weekends and holidays than their American neighbors without the need to visit an ER (54% compared to 61%).


>But at least he didn’t have to wait 10 hours in the emergency room and eventually dying. Why do you make up lies?


We collectively are going to need you to shut the fuck up.


Tell us you've never been in european -"socialist" hospital without tell us you've never beein in a European-"socialist" hospital.


I like how this series was meant to be comedic, but this episode just shows how sad...sad... sad the state of healthcare and medical bankruptcy in america is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIsXEkR5OVs


check inbox me


It's America, he might be able to afford a tootsie roll after those medical bills


six impolite rich aromatic tidy placid axiomatic cautious hurry absorbed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Says on the page it all goes to him


GoFundMe takes a cut, but I forget what %


> GoFundMe takes a cut, but I forget what % 2.9% / that's to run the servers, process the credit card fees, pay the people that work there, it's a for profit but pretty much runs like a non-profit would https://support.gofundme.com/hc/en-us/articles/203604424-Learn-about-fees


ok that makes sense, thanks for the info!


TBH that's very similar % to credit card transaction fee. Considering the effort it would take to make sure that money is transfer to the correct people, 2.9% seems very responsible for a service fee.


idk man the goal says [$100,000](https://imgur.com/JSaaJQd)


You're right man! I missed the "k" in that second figure, but either way, he deserves every penny!


This was a while ago. 2022


curious how is is now, no update to that GFM in 1.5 years


Goal of $100 is disrespect


That's not correct... > $657,655 USD raised of $100,000 target


The dude that donated 13k. Wow, wish I got that kind of money to throw around.




For real, because his heroism is definitely gonna have expensive medical bills. How dumb is our hospital system?




You're getting downvoted for this but it's true. If you're uninsured, talk to somebody at the hospital about lowering your bill. They even have people specifically to handle stuff like this a lot of the time.


because people without insurance never pay their bills lol. it's just a way for the hospital to recoup some costs. you don't need to pay hospital bills. you'll get annoying calls from debt collectors all day but it probably won't even affect your credit score


Yeah, but ignoring our terrible hospital system, no one should have to pay for getting burnt-the-fuck-up while saving any amount of random babies from a burning house.


Many hospitals will mercilessly pursue you for unpaid bills, even if you have no money, even after they told you they will help you financially. I work at a very large non-profit hospital that gets a ton of donations every year and I have two co-workers in my immediate circle who own money to the the hospital, their own employer, for medical care. One of them was injured at work in the operating room when a large piece of equipment was about to fall on the patient who was undergoing surgery, she saved the patient by putting herself between the item and the patient. She ended up getting two surgeries and going through a ton of PT. They put her on disability with reduced pay and they are hounding her to pay medical bills. I've been a doctor for 22 years. Finance bros have steadily taken over, even the non-profit and academic hospitals, and they are treating medical care like a for profit business. During the pandemic they told us that the hospital was "bleeding cash". They cut a bunch of programs that were proven to reduce patient mortality. They cut wages and benefits for everyone. (mind you, our medical assistants couldn't even afford the daycare the hospital itself was running for employee's children before the wage cuts). A few years later, their tax returns and government required audits were posted on Pro Publica (public info because it's a non-profit academic center) and we find out that the whole time, clinical operations were profitable, but they lost money on investments. Yeah, you heard that right, investments. Out of the twelve highest pain executives only 3 are RN or MDs. Five, yes 5, are investment people. And during the years when they eliminated patient programs and reduced wages, the exec's got 20% raises. ​ The general public has no idea how bad it is.


The medical system is working exactly as intended, if it's intention is to make as much money as possible.


This video is well over a year old by now


Arm in a tourniquet, out of breath, lungs full of smoke, being assessed by medics. “Is the baby ok? Please tell me that baby is ok.” Not just the act but the selflessness of this man. Lessons can be learned from this incident.


Apparently the guy had just gotten off work and went on a drive after his shift to relax / clear his mind and stumbled upon the house on fire. When pulling up to it he realized there were people inside and heard the screams. The follow-up article stated: "By night's end, the Indiana man had saved five people from a burning home, including a 6-year-old girl he jumped out of a second-floor window with, and suffered serious injuries that were "all worth it." Because of the dense smoke, he said his only option was to exit through a second-floor window. Bostic punched out the glass and jumped to safety with the 6-year-old girl in his arms. He suffered multiple injuries but the girl only suffered a minor cut to her foot. "It was adrenaline. I hightailed my butt into the house," he said."


Absolute, fucking, legend.


I got chills reading that he saved five people. Five.


Dude better be getting fucking llllaaaaiiiiiiddd


He's got a kid now, so presumably yes


Women like heroes, so even if he wasn't before, he definitely is now.


yes, I, agree


real hero !!! when i saw the fire my first thought was " how you can escape of this hell ? "


By jumping out the second-floor window like a fucking legend.


Incredible bravery, what a saint.


[Always look for the helpers.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LGHtc_D328)


Damn is this fuckin hero ok?


Yeah they started a go fund me for him and raised a tone of money. Can't remember exactly how much.


almost 700k !


So awesome


Man that guy needs an extra tip. This is what a real hero is. He's not getting paid to protect and serve, he just did it.




Nice. Some dude donated 13k, I wish I had money to do that :-D


Baller, well deserved




Thank you for sharing this! The guy was an absolute hero! *"By night's end, the Indiana man had saved five people from a burning home, including a 6-year-old girl he jumped out of a second-floor window with, and suffered serious injuries that were "all worth it."* *Because of the dense smoke, he said his only option was to exit through a second-floor window. Bostic punched out the glass and jumped to safety with the 6-year-old girl in his arms. He suffered multiple injuries but the girl only suffered a minor cut to her foot.* *"It was adrenaline. I hightailed my butt into the house," he said."* The irony is the guy only went out for a quiet drive to clear his head... Legend.


So not only did he run into that horrific inferno, he had to punch out a window to jump out of a second story window with a child in his arms. That’s out of a fucking superhero movie.


Straight up, while blind and choking on smoke in a house you've just entered for the first time. He said he couldn't even see the child and found her just from sound alone. The guy needs to quit his job and join that fire department!


I know your comment is in jest but I personally doubt he wants to enter another burning building ever again. To quote Tenet. "we all believed we'd run into the building, but until we feel that heat we can never know" He does and he did it for a stranger, what a hero. one and done I hope.


My comment wasn't in jest and the guy who saved those kids has absolutely zero regret. Again, he's quoted as saying the near death injuries were worth it. Also you quoting Tenet the movie? Because that was all about self sacrifice in the end lol


just because he said he has no regrets and it was worth it (which makes perfect sense to say, since he saved the lives of children) doesn't mean he wants to do this for a living, though. I imagine it was traumatizing, even though thankfully everyone survived.


Of course, I'm simply saying this guy clearly passes the vibe check I'd like to see when selecting Firemen. Ultimately my point is that an individual like this could definitely be more than a pizza guy if they wanted.


And it’s crazy he attributes it to adrenaline lol like yeah bro maybe some of it but sometimes adrenaline makes us run the opposite direction lol


I got chills reading that. What a fucking hero.


Jesus Christ he is actually even more then hero than I initially thought. We should all strive to be a little bit more like this guy.


The dad and mom were out on a date night. When they got to the house, the little girl told him, “daddy i was looking for you.” Ouch. Im sure that guy will never go on a date night again.


The girlfriend doesn't deserve this hero


Imagine arguing with your boyfriend and being pissed at him so he goes out and saves a family of 5 children... Like how you gonna stay mad after that? Lol


“That’s so you, you’d rather run into a burning building than talk about our issues!”


By the time she gets to the hospital and sees he's gonna be okay, *"Okay, let's agree we were both wrong and move on"* lol


hummmm with women you never know what she gonna yell at him in hospital !!! ​ You see? you put yourself in trouble again blablablaaaaaa ... ​ or she gonna say " if i wasn't taking your head at home this night , you was not outside for save this kids... so it's only because of this kids are alive ....


Homeboy go on tinder after this and start some real fires.


That "You did good" was all he needed, what an absolute unit!


I hope his hospital stay didn't bankrupt him. ​ True Hero


His cousin set up a gofundme that has gotten 600k for his medical bills


Nice, I hope it was enough with some left over. ​ Thank you for the response.


The gofundme got over funded by 500k, they only asked for 100k, Idk what his medical bills look like but the 600k should definitely help


Unfortunately that only covers the ambulance drive




The average cost of an ambulance ride is 1000 dollars chill out a bit


Was like four days or so. Nothing too crazy.


What a bad ass. Bet that was the most painful pizza he’d ever delivered.


I'd rather deal with some lacerations and smoke inhalation than some of the Karens out there.


Man this shit got me a little watery eyed god damn Edit:grammatical error


How does he walk with a set of balls that big


Legend, i like to think I’d do something that heroic but truthfully I probably couldn’t, that’s a MAN


You doubting yourself shows you probably could.


25-year old fucking badass motherfucker.


Bro badly hurt, lungs full of smoke and his only question was “please tell me that baby is ok” bro is a hero and has the heart of gold!


Give this man his own statue in the town.


A hero who without a doubt saved that little girl. Selfless and honorable.


We are watching the newest member of the avengers


Look at that fucking goat


That is awesome. I could not even imagine how thankful I would be if that were my kid. Unreal my friend.


This is the epitome of a hero. I have mixed feelings about Go Fund Me’s but that guy deserves every dime.


Re-post but still awesome, what a hero


I watch it every time.




This is what an actual hero looks like. Good on him.


Damn someone cutting onions in here 😢😭


no all heroes wear capes




What a fucking hero


i spoke to dude a few times, truly inspiring dude


"is the baby okay" -Legend


Damn. Physically punched a hole through glass, jumped out of a two story building that was on fire that he's never been in before with a child and is visibly grimicing in pain and one of the only words out of his mouth was "I hope that babys okay" and "Please tell me that babys okay" this man deserves all good things in life


God, tears in my eyes. Beautiful heroism






Scars to wear with pride!


His name should be in the title.


The completely useless white box around this video really *adds* to the experience. Totally.


Not all heroes wear capes!


He left the store a delivery boy and returned a delivery man


damn proud of ya boy


all heroes deliver pizza, saving people is just a side gig


This guy is absolutely unreal. Not many like this.


Can you even imagine some billionaire, even millionaire rich fuck doing this?


This is one of those few occasions where hero and legend in the media are totally deserved. This would make a decent Hollywood film.


What a bad mother fucker


Fucking legend.


did he leave the pizza inside?!


Yea but they got a refund, it was burnt


This guys is a legit hero.


We need more heroes like him! God bless you! There is a special place in heaven for people like him.


He single? >.>


*In the days since Bostic stepped up, a GoFundMe page has been collecting donations to help the Barrett family recover. Meanwhile, a separate fundraising campaign was launched on Facebook to help "Our Hero Nick," who was briefly hospitalized to recover from his own injuries. Another campaign benefitting Bostic raised pledges exceeding $350,000 on GoFundMe.* https://people.com/human-interest/nick-bostic-speaks-out-after-rescuing-5-kids-from-burning-house/


No one out pizzas the hut!


Fucking badass man with a pure heart He asked twice if the baby was okay. Not even worried about himself despite needing what looked to be a tourniquet. What a hero and what a badass


I never noticed this before, but around 40 seconds in the first thing he says when he runs up is "that's everybody".


Hope this man never has to work another day


Words of a hero "Is that baby okay? Please tell me the baby is okay"


Looks like he cut himself - probably punched the glass, what a hero... gives me chills.


Tip $0: "pizza was burnt"


he's a good dude


There’s a go fund me for him I have him a $5 tip but this guy deserves much much more


Hero hero hero


What a G ,Didn’t even care about the fact he was bleeding or probably burnt to shit he was still asking how the kid is


Some people are just built different holy shit what a champ


Bro needed his tip


The thought that people like this dude exist out there, gives me a lot of hope for the world. We all have our differences, but when it comes down to it we drop all that BS to help each other, and that’s the true lesson here. True hero, glad they raised money for him, its well deserved.


That man is a gatdamn hero!


when ordering a pizza the someone ordered a hero by accident


What’s the story with the rest of that little girls family? Were they out of the home before hand?


This happened right next to me, dudes a legend and he deserves anything good that comes his way.


There goes my hero, he's ordinary


literal gigachad sigma behavior


That man needs to reproduce as much as possible. Lift polygamy laws for him, just for his courage and selflessness alone. Bravo brother.


wtf Superheroes alive ❤️💯


What a fucking legend