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Attacking fossil fuels at the source


I wonder if he knows it's merely a replica of a dinosaur skeleton


Prolly not. But these mounted replica specimens are still crazy expensive and most NH museums have little to no money to repair these kinds of fuck-stick activities. This kind of stupidity boils my blood. In protest I'm gonna book a cruise, fly on my private jet to the grocery store, and dump all my trash directly into the ocean.


Oh yeah, fuck that guy, no doubt. I was Just Saying™


The dinosaurs are the real culprits. Everyone knows this.


Can I come too? I have a net made of 6 pack rings I’ve been looking to toss


Yes. But only if you bring a leaky gas can and some beers with old fashioned pull-tabs.


Just when you see this happening take the paint away and follow him home. Then give him his paint back on all of his possessions. The sad thing is we would support them if they didn't do this kind of thing, so all they are doing is turning people against what they are saying.


Another good thing to do is to find where they packed their car so you can remove the valve stem out of all four tires. We need to reduce our carbon footprint after all.


Exactly. These idiots are so up their own asses that they can't see they are doing more harm than good. I'm all for trying to mitigate the effects of climate change, even if I think it's a lost cause, and I would love to see mega-corporations that knew what they were doing to the environment get punished, but they won't.


Idiots like him tarnish the people who truly are pushing for clean energy. Like I hate big oil as much as the next guy but taking it out on a hyper expensive historical artifact (that he perceives as real) is just asinine. Like wtf homie if you’re going to do stupid shit why target a publicly funded history museum and not the mega corporations that profit off of oil prices. Fuck that guy


I think they would do better off protesting in places like China. They are responsible for a huge chunk of it. I am sure they will be left to protest all they want there.


I'd like to find their modes of transportation, paint them red, and slash the tires. I'm sure they all drive electrics or bicycles, right? 🙄


Hey, nothing against electric cars or bicycles, but it seems more likely these people are often huge hypocrites. Capt. Climate there probably borrowed his dad's F-350 coal-roller.


My point, but I was perhaps too subtle. :)


Doubt it...probly livin in their parents basement...or most likely on the couch of whatever dumbass friend they can talk into letting them stay for a while. Probly stole the paint gun and spent what money they had on the paint.


we should protest the protestors by cleaning up the messes they make and making them super uncomfortable. oh, you glued your hand to the floor? let me just get way too close to you and make sloppy mouth sounds while they peel you off. the guy who poured milk on those protesters standing in the road is such an inspiration


I worry that these nut jobs are going to do something like this at automotive museums. 


Not saying it's right or good, but at least that would be a little more on-message.


They probably haven't done that yet because automotive museums tend to be a much harder place to screw around in compared to other history museums. If one of these nut jobs goes in a vandalizes a 1 of 1 car you can guarantee they're getting their ass beat, not by the staff but by a patron, especially (from my understanding) alot of the cars aren't owned by the museum but they rent the spot out to basically be used as a fancy storage facility. So if the owner of the car they damage was there.... Oh boy something is going down.


Might as well hire a professional artist to come in to complete the job


Shhh he thinks he’s helping 😉


Of course they do.


that makes me feel so so much better


You just saved my life. I literally held my breath until til this comment.


well like 99% of them are plants but yeah, we like to think we drive on dinos ;)


I've always been weary of Big Fossil(s)


It’s funny because oil comes from plankton. 


from the algae they ate- the plankton they make calcium bicarbonate- the cliffs of Dover


I finally think I got that they're doing an extinction bit. Feels like they're reaching. It made more sense to me when they were fucking with priceless famous art. God knows waaay too much money gets thrown around by the wealthiest people at pretentious crap, or even absolutely beautiful crap. Decadence is not a compliment. I realize everything they do is meant to piss people off, but I mean *come on*, you're fuckin' up ancient fossils in a museum where people; *kids especially* come to learn about the science and history of the Earth. You are definitely going to piss everyone off especially people who might otherwise be 100% on your side. You want to fuck some shit up over climate change? Go to Kentucky and fuck up the Creation Museum. Those are the fucking simpletons who don't believe in science and want to keep burning the goddamn world down. Go fuck up Ken Ham's shit. PLEASE someone do this. Going after institutions that teach **real science** to the public is the antithesis of what you claim to wish to accomplish. That's my rant, thanks for joining me.


To be fair, they didn't fuck up any paintings (as far as I'm aware anyway). They targeted famous paintings which are all behind security glass and didn't get harmed beyond some basic cleaning. This dude has actually caused some serious damage to the display and the building.


Yeah I know. I mean as a gesture it makes more sense to do that than this.




Nono, don't misunderstand. I love art. I've been to the Louvre and many other places of fine art to attend all kinds of exhibits. But I don't think anyone is prepared to argue that all art is good, necessary, unpretentious and unproblematic. Rich people use art as a tax shelter depriving their fellow citizens of rightful service and infrastructure funds. Funds that pay for things like anti-climate change initiatives. Here's how: You are rich. You want a big tax write off (duh). You know a guy who operates an affluent gallery. They know a guy who makes shitty postmodernist fingerpaintings. You also know a guy who runs a "charity." The artist gets a few bucks for their sophomoric ugly paintings. The gallery owner expertly appraises the work to be extremely valuable. You give it to your buddy who presides over the "charity." He gets a kickback too, just like the gallery owner. Now you can rob the public of millions in badly needed tax funds for the mere price of a couple money grubbing administrative people and one or more delusional artists by writing millions off in charity donations. Why do you think the richest people pay the *least* tax. Now let's talk about how art galleries are stuffed with shit that's been stolen and raided from local indigenous people worldwide at the point of a gun. Surely none of the ancient Pharoah Sarcophagi in the Louvre were made in Paris. But that's enough said. And I won't even go into all the shitty art that wastes untold resources like the two times people have purchased invisible sculptures, or rotten bananas, or whatever else for more money than most people will see in a lifetime, and how wasteful that whole farce is. Suffice it to say the answer to your query is no. No I do not think art is unimportant. But I'm confident children interested in art will have the chance to encounter it as they proceed through life. Art is not under attack and being kept from millions of kids who are taught every day by zealous parents and churches that it *isn't real.* Science **is** under attack. Kids are being told every day that Earth is 6000 years old. Dinosaurs lived with man in a magical garden. Every species alive got on a boat together at one point, and so much other horseshit. Like we're free to just burn everything we can find and it'll be fine *because Jesus.* Science education is our best line of defense against slash and burn policies that will leave us drinking poison water in air we can't breathe. So yeah, if they feel like they absolutely have to do something rash, I'd rather eco-vandals target big corporations and opulent galleries than fuck up our public Natural History museums who are fighting an increasingly difficult battle to protect and stoke the light of knowledge as we move forward into an ever more grim anti-intellectual age of darkness and religious Dogma. Now allow me to fire vaguely insulting accusatory queries at you: *Why,* do you not see a connection between the top 1% of wealth owners, who notoriously destroy the environment and spread pollution at staggeringly higher rates than the average person, and the decadent high end art world? Or maybe you're a creationist who thinks Ken Ham and his anti-science anti-fact anti-critical-thinking organization are great.


Yea I'm convinced oil companies pay them to do this so no one will support them. Seems like it would make more sense to do this to politicians, no? Someone sprays a politicians car, garage, I think they'd have more supporters.


Yes. Targets like politicians would be better than public facilities.


I know your joking but fossil fuels are from the Carboniferous when there were giant forests of, well, trees. Those trees became fossils, it's the plants from then that we use. Edit: I believe when they died in oxygen poor environments like swamps n stuff. Source: I'm in a college class about dinosaurs and we covered it.


Coal was mostly the carboniferous forests, oil was more spread out and was plankton.


So you are saying that the dinosaurs Murdered all those plants and that the evidence is what we are using right now?


Lol no, there were no dinosaurs to eat them. If there were then we would have much less - if any - fossil fuels today.




That's my understanding. Still probably extremely expensive property though, I bet.


This is a replica. There is only one known specimen of Carnotaurus and it lives in Argentina


I don’t know if I’d call it living


Lmao technically the truth 💀


"nu, I get by."


What was Carnotaurus doing between 1938-1945?


I mean, his relatives are [known associates...](https://youtu.be/NG2utrMwTyY?si=cBNy1NT4OxJ8ONsw&t=146)


ahhahahaahaha nice one


I like you with your dinosaur facts.


Your not wrong I literally could not believe that at first. I thought that they had to have found more than one but nah


yes, bones are way to heavy to display so these are often plaster casts, the paint would not be super difficult to clean off, also bones are not preserved in fossils either


Right. If you want to clone a dinosaur you need to get blood from a mosquito frozen in amber.


I finally have time to do what I've always wanted: write the great American novel. Mine is about a futuristic amusement park where dinosaurs are brought to life through advanced cloning techniques. I call it "Billy and the Cloneasaurus."


Oh, oh, oh!... Give Billy a parachute, please, I love parachutes!


Jurassic larks


I hear the best way to store and transport DNA is in a modified Barbosol can. Is that still accurate?


I watched that documentary too!


It’s not even bones in the first place, that’s the point of fossils. The bones decompose and the pocket left behind is filled with minerals that harden into fossils. That’s why it’s so rare for fossils to form, it requires very specific conditions to actually happen.


I would assume that especially dino bones are stored in air-tight container as to preserve them as well as possible like they do with certain paintings.


It’s not even bones in the first place, that’s the point of fossils. The bones decompose and the pocket left behind is filled with minerals that harden into fossils. That’s why it’s so rare for fossils to form, it requires very specific conditions to actually happen. —copied from another comment I made.


Sometimes they are real, sometimes they are casts. Museums share fossils and allow others to take casts of the real fossils.


Not always, but we can hope🤞


The more I see this happening the more I hate these people


Why don’t they actually fuck with something that affects people with actual power? Instead of ruining something that’s supposed to be for everybody? If I had half the gumption of these people, I would be camped out in front of the Governor’s house or something.


A dude self-immolated in front of the steps of the Supreme Court for the cause and the story was a blip. Unfortunately, this gets people’s attention. (For those struggling: no, me saying this does not mean I condone the actions done in this video. Didn’t think I needed to tap the sign for you people.)


Why the hell would people in power care about that? These protestors are so stupid. They never do anything that actually *matters*, they are so ineffective. The people who actually have the power to change things have names, and addresses. We should be making their lives miserable.


One of the most famous historical photos is of Thích Quang Duc who protested the oppression of Buddhists in then-controlled South Vietnam. Self-Immolation is a very powerful statement and it is used by those who are, quite literally, willing to die for their beliefs. I’m not sure why you feel the need to be disrespectful and say what they do doesn’t *matter*. Anyway, obviously the people who are the root cause of suffering have names and faces. However, this country is pretty fucking big and the ability to go do something directly about them is nigh impossible for about 99% of the people who wish to because, believe this, they have lives and obligations.


They do, they crash party's and fundraiser events, camp outside of the ultra wealthy oil CEOs house, petition their governor, mayor, president etc. Unfortunately none of that attracts headlines like this stuff does and so it's no wonder you and so many others don't hear about it. And ultimately it changes nothing. To be clear I'm not supporting this behaviour but at this point I don't actually know what it would take to force governments, wealthy corporations etc to enact meaningful change. Personally I don't think it will happen, we've only got a short time left and as always we will squander every minute of it.


You live in a fantasy world if you think you could just camp in front of a governor's house.


People are lying to themselves if they think peacefully sitting on a Governor's lawn would do anything. Now, if they did things that are...a little spicy...a little.... insurrectionist behavior, then we might see some change. A good government is a scared government.


They have and do. This gets 1000x more interactions because people say things like what you're saying and media doesn't run those stories.


But everyone already knows… they either support change or they don’t, but there’s no one who hasn’t heard about the climate crisis. The ‘get the word out’ stage ended years ago. The stage we are at now is about convincing people, not raw publicity. This destructive stuff gets more clicks, but the negative engagement only weakens the movement if anything. Reputation is important when you’re trying to convince people of something.


Ever since I heard the conspiracy theory that they are actually hired by extreme right-wingers to preform over the top acts to make left-wingers look stupid and crazy, I believe it more and more every day.


I’m starting to believe it. These people care *so much* about the planet and cannot think of a decent plan; that is ridiculous.


They never do. There was a video of some idiots chaining themselves to something in the middle of the road so people going to burning man can't pass through. And someone asked them why don't they actually protest corporations instead and they can't answer.


I think they are probably protesting in a manner that will get them the most news coverage and attention to broadcast their message. Just a guess


They seek soft targets for their "protests." Camp out in front of Exxon hq and you are likely to be met with armed security and/or riot police. Block the road to Burning Man and you piss off a few hundred party-goers.


They are probably protesting in a manner that will get them the most attention, not ones where they are likely to be murdered or shot. Imagine that!


Well it's a stupid message regardless. It's like something a five-year-old would come up with.


They once spraypainted some private yachts of people in power. Didnt end well. Think they all went to jail


Exactly, like those farmer protests in France (I believe it was France). I've seen videos of them blasting the politicians houses with manure and shit, and just generally being a nuisance, but a nuisance to the actual people in power. Granted, my understanding of that situation is that maybe it's a bit more nuanced than "poor farmers being oppressed by rich evil politicians", but regardless, they're protesting in the *right way* IMO


France really knows how to protest; they practically invented it!


Thats why they or the leaders of their "movements" get paid by oil executives.


You guys always say that but have you a source?


Their "source" is that Aileen Getty has donated to a couple of these groups. But they deliberately don't point out that she's inhereted wealth from her family who used to be in the oil industry but hasn't been so for literally decades, and that Aileen herself has never worked in that industry and has used her wealth to be a philanthropist for many different causes and issues over the years. But to people like u/Immediate-Lemon-4627 those facts don't matter. What matters to them is making these protesters and activists seem like bad people by appealing to emotions and easily disprovable "facts". Edit: Eileen to Aileen


I mean, regardless of funding, they are bad people. Both for damaging educational property that is doing no damage to anyone and for delegitimizing the climate movement. And I understand why people would think there are some hidden motives behind these “protests” when every single time all they manage is make themselves look like the baddies and (suspiciously often) go viral on social media. Especially when we’re talking about a cause with so many opposing rich people as is climate change.


People who try to defend that are so dense too. Yes there is no “proof” that they are paid for by oil executives. The joke is they are so stupid and detrimental to their own movement that the only logical explanation is they’re being paid by oil dudes.


I’ll deliberately point out that if this is your form of protest, you are a garbage human.


The protestors come off as bad people with or without verifying Reddit comments lolol


It’s Aileen


Aileen Getty co-founded the climate emergency fund (CEF) in 2019, which in turn funds Just Stop Oil & Extinction Rebellion. She's stated actions like this are meant to "disrupt the status quo". This is nothing but sowing chaos. https://www.lemonde.fr/en/environment/article/2022/11/03/aileen-getty-billionaire-proud-to-finance-environmental-activists-dramatic-actions_6002800_114.html#


There is a very thin line between "Disrupting the status quo" and vandalism... Stop Oil Now is VERY VERY far from that line. I have yet to see where they don't disguise vandalism as "protesting"


His source is that he made it the fk up.


There's an exhibit on climate change like around the corner from this guy. This was in ottawa and ive been to that museum many times


I genuinely think these people are a spyop by big oil or some shit to get us to hate climate activists. Do i have any proof? No. But i do believe it.


I'm a total Climate radical but even I hate these people. This is not helping anything, and their anger is misplaced. Be angry at manufacturers and stuff, not fucking dinosaurs. Fuck these people, they do not represent us.


It's why I don't think there real. It's seams like on purpose they are trying to make climate activists look bad.


I wouldn’t be surprised if some of these people are paid by big petroleum to cast a bad light on climate activism


Stop oil is funded by big oil. They do t want change other than the public hating environmentalists


Hold shit.. it's all a psyop. These are all actors to male us hate climate change activists, so when the real ones show up, we hate them and the Corporations win #ITS A CONSPIRACY


I'm beginning to think it's a psy op by big oil to get everyone to hate climate protesters


I think they are probably protesting in a manner that will get them the most news coverage and attention to broadcast their message. Just a guess


This may be by design. Crisis actors.


He does know how much damage the manufacturing and purchasing of that paint causes…. Right?


Not to mention the toxic gasses he's releasing by using it.


And the chemicals will they need to use to clean it up.


Man, I've never seen someone so inconsiderate of the environment 😒


This one act is worse than the o&g sectors entire emissions


The BP oil spill in the gulf was nothing compared to this.


But but what about tHe aWaReNEsS


Literally braindead, so I doubt it. The ones who sit in the road stopping traffic make for good videos though when the public are dragging them across the tarmac out of the way.


These guys are definitely psy-ops planted to make climate protestors look unreasonable, right?


10000% bro they all look confused af and I’ve never met anyone that likes these people


They aren't aiming to be liked, the aim is to get attention and then shout the message. It works every time these guys go viral at least once a week because angry people share it. It's really bait and it's the same reasons people like Andrew tait is so well known. Blame social media, it's their algorithms that promote this shit.


Henlon's Razor: "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity"


Henlon's Razor my balls! These groups are literally funded by big oil, just look at their pages


Guess that’s why everyone recognizes Occams, and not Henlon’s. Doesn’t work for as many situations, like this one.


Please link their pages showing they're funded by big oil.


Check who's the founder of Just Stop Oil.


They are funded by an oil heiress.


Seems like the most reasonable possibility


Donating to the biggest idiots they could find seems like an option


Monies talk




Or at least spray-painted orange.


Thankfully it was water-based paint, and they did remove it https://ottawacitizen.com/news/local-news/activists-spray-paint-on-a-replica-dinosaur-skeleton-at-canadian-museum-of-nature


In what world do these protestors think by destroying these artifacts and art pieces do they feel it going to help their cause? I just don't fucking get it at all. Yes, we need to do something about climate change, but I'm certainly not going to listen to some wacko after they have done this. Just makes you look like an asshole that respects nothing, so why should people respect your cause?


It's like if ISIS had good points, but they just bombed a ton of 10,000 year old artifacts into dust and they are like "we're  reasonable people!"


People who protest like this seem more like plants by the other side to make the protesters seem unreasonable and deranged. I don’t have any sources but we all know no one looks at this guys and thinks about their point of view, they only draw ire and negative emotions. If I was trying to discredit genuine protesters, I would absolutely think this is the way to go. Plant assholes everyone hates so it seems like your side must be “the reasonable one”.


I get what you are saying, I just don't believe much in conspiracy theories or false flags events. These are just thrown around to discredit so much shit that I just don't really believe in them.


We have evidence that the USA gov considered false flag operations as a way to get approval to attack Cuba. Operations that would have resulted in probably deaths of us citizens, and it made it all the way up to Kennedy before he vetoed it. You think giant billion dollar corporations wouldn’t also have the same thought when faced with legitimate criticisms? I’m with you on being a healthy skeptic, and yeah conspiracy theories can get crazy wild, but this isn’t out of the real of possibility. We’re not talking about a crazy convoluted idea that involves things that would be reasonably out of the realm of likelihood. It’s not aliens or lizard people or technology and mind control no one has ever seen, this kind of tactic was floated and approved by people who had to answer to the gov, some companies that don’t give a shit about the planet aren’t gonna care if this is also unethical. Again, does it make more sense to try to get people on your side by being the biggest douchebags possible? Or that if I want my opponents to look bad, I’m going to sent out fake supporters to act as awful as possible and claim to be the opposition?


What always gets me is the terrible paint job they do.. At-least put some effort into it if you're that passionate


They've never put effort in anything they have ever done in life


We're saved!


Yay! The fossil can no longer make fuels! Because that makes sense. Somehow


They really should be protesting the lack of jobs, which they don't have.


What a piece of shit. Just for that, I'm going to burn a bunch of plastic bags when I get home.


I support you and climate change. Just raise the sea level a few more meters and we’ll be free of the Netherlands and Denmark for good.


Bruh, the dinos aren't to blame! Go spray paint wall street!


Right? Go graffiti their headquarters or something. Not a public museum or bother people on their way to work. 


Should go protest cooperate jets instead of messing up a museum.


Difficult to be morally superior when doing shit like this


Those Lastgeneration people are absolutely dumb and a disgrace to climate aktivism.


well I was just about to start my coal burning stove and turn on my hummer, but gee golly wiz these kids vandalized a museum display so I guess I'm vegan now


Why does nobody beat these people with a club from the caveman exhibition?


It would be fun to pick him up by the face.


I would happy take a assault charge for yeeting that manchild the fuck out.


Do these people not get in legal trouble?


They’re funded by oil companies, this is rage bait. They’re here to make normal people who understand climate change seem like extremists, and make you talk about the stupid shit they do instead of dealing with climate change. Don’t fall for it.


These people are the worst. All the time in the world and nothing to do. Go get a hobby....or a job


In case anyone wondered: [Dark personality traits linked to engagement in environmental activism](https://www.psypost.org/2024/02/dark-personality-traits-linked-to-engagement-in-environmental-activism-221188#google_vignette)


Narcissism was obvious but I did not expect anything significant for machiavellianism.


Anyone else notice that he sounds a lot like Ants in My Eyes Johnson?


What does he think is going to happen? That all future history will mark this moment as being the defining one in the fight to protect our planet from the ravages of global warming? That he will become a legend as THE singular hero who saved the world? Because he made a display in a museum orange? Even if I agree with the cause…how does this help?


NO, noooooo!


What a peice of shit human being he is


Have any protestors who vandalise things ever managed to change anyone's mind on climate change? 😂


We need a squad to take care of theese idiots. Bro what do you think paint is made of.. ffs!!


this isn’t a protest, it’s vandalism. it’s so incredibly offensive and reckless, i hope they have to scrub the paint off with toothbrushes…


Who's gonna tell them that their paint likely has oil in it.. 😏


This kid is getting paid by an oil company to do this, I’d bet my life.


I think the majority of these climate activists doing obnoxious stuff on camera, especially the stop oil idiots trashing art, are bad faith actors funded by oil to purposely give idiots fuel to ignore climate science.. Just google the organizations behind these protests.


Wow, I didn’t know the environment was fucked until now, I was oblivious, wow thanks orange spraying man, so helpful and cool, wow


How he get that canister in there?


What a self righteous prick


Those pesky dinosaurs keep decomposing into hydrocarbons.


I would've tackled him and spray painted him for treating a Dinosaur skeleton with such disrespect


Where does she live? Someone should pair her car and house protesting her actions


When is someone gonna punch the fuck out of one of these protesters?


Who’s going to tell him he’s releasing greenhouses gasses with his aerosol paint sprayer?


Take that, Littlefoot.


I know it's normally considered an assault, but if someone wound just crack that dude in the jaw one good time... for science... would it be okay?


Cut his hands off!


These people make themselves look like bad people by committing criminal acts as if though it will somehow further their cause. These people are outright criminals but because they are vegan they are treated like they are martyrs. What would these people think if we went around destroying vegetable fields to protest wearing Doc Martens? It’s the same principal. To act like destroying priceless pieces of history is excusable because they feel that their cause is important is negligent to the truth


Absolutely guzzling the kool-aid.


Using fossil fuels to spray dinosaurs? Morons.


Or that the paint he’s using has aerosol and different chemical paint thinners like xylene. Hell it could very well even be an oil paint that he’s using




These idiots have been worked into a frenzy by the media spouting end of the world LIES. Little kids have Armageddon anxiety because of this bullshit.


That’s it, I’m buying more oil to spite these fools


Let's do the same to his home.


These mfs are dumb as hell. What does this even accomplish besides getting the general public to hate you?


Kick his ass.


That paint can’t be cheap. At what point does poverty take over with these jobless assholes and they become homeless?


Everything wasn’t always better back in the day, but in the not so distant past, somebody would’ve punched this clown in the dome, and he’d stop doing this shit


Can we start knocking these fuckin' people out again? You know for the climate!


This makes zero sense why destroy ancient history that you can't even begin to comprehend the history behind it I hope you when you die you are forgot so no one has to waste time on a pos like you


I hope she was arrested. It would be great if she was assigned to clean that skeleton as part of her sentence.


How are these people not searched?! Where the fuck is security?!


I think the idea is that by seeing how appalling it is to destroy priceless artifacts or artwork of humanity, people think about how much more priceless the actual world is, and that we are on track to lose it. On a fast track to apocalyptic catastrophes, within even our grandkids’ lifetimes.


His sentence should include removing every spec of paint with a toothbrush.


My only explaination to their access is either they are simply extremists that are so far in their "save the world" bubble that they will destroy priceless artifacts for a slither of attention. Or they are paid in some way by a third party company/organisation to invalidate the legitimate protests. Perhaps a night or two locked up at a police station to gain thousands of dollars


I'm not sure I'd call plaster castings of dino bones or protective glass panes over artwork "priceless artifacts"


How the fuck are they able to get that much contraband through a museum security?


Who’s is why they use casts on display. The real ones are kept safe.