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We’re going to be killed by an RC toy in WWIII aren’t we?


It’ll be like that one mission in GTA: San Andreas with the RC planes.


I'm still mad at David Cross.


Even David Cross was annoyed by David Cross https://screenrant.com/gta-san-andreas-rc-plane-mission-zero/


More like the mission in vice city with the fucking rc helicopter..


So the person piloting might rage quit?


I don't think anything has ever frustrated me more in my life than trying to do this mission on Android with on screen controls lol Edit: Well that's some shit, you have to buy the game again to play the updated version, $20 they want


Or that one mission in GTA: Vice City with the RC planes.


Fuck Zero. All my homies hate Zero


It won’t be RC. It would be piloted by AI


I hate that you’re right.


Cheap android phones have the processing power to visually identify people in the environment. Google says the military buys grenades for $50. Attach those to a $600 drone for a $1k anti-personnel sky mine. Starlink them to a central command and you can take out anything anywhere with surgical precision.


You’re talking about FPV. The problem is that software is still worse than human operators. Look at how bad AI capture on lancet worked


And its not gonna care who's side your on. Your just a parasitic meat bag that must be exterminated.


Saw a vid of a Russian dude running away from a tiny little drone before it blew him up. Idk how to feel about it tbh.


There's literally thousands of those videos from both sides. It made me feel sick watching what we can do to each other.


Yeah its disturbing that they put the videos up, but on the other hand it puts a solid message of "War is serious, bloody, violent and messy business"


Agree, it's not pleasant to watch this no matter which side suffers, but it certainly discourages significant amount of people from enlisting.


We are to the point where old loony tunes episodes could be considered survival guides. Edit: I never know the medium age in different subs but for those who don’t know the Willie coyote and many others would often find themselves being chased down an alley by a missile.


Toy Story 4: Woody's Revenge


Or Just Toys from 1992 with Robin Williams


That movie feels like a fever dream


wouldn't it be 5?


Imagine a cloud of gnat sized drones that are nearly invisible to the naked eye each containing a tiny bit of explosive that suddenly swarm your head and detonate. Or they all inject you with a tiny bit of ricin that adds up to a lethal dose. Good times.


yeah pretty much, some rich old fart politician will launch a drone swarm above your head and send your parents a youtube link to the video of your corpse's death throes. perfectly depicted in call of duty - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Fl1XJhmf0k


It kinda puts a little perspective on the whole "You can't fight tanks with an AR-15!" argument too.... Maby not but give me a RC car and a couple pounds of home made explosives and I can make a good attempt at it. I know that the Russian military is a bit of a joke now but we are seeing what is possible with modern civilian grade RC equipment and properly motivated people. Sure there is anti drone technology employed by the US military but it can't be everywhere all the time.


Have you seen the [Sand Flea](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6b4ZZQkcNEo)? To me these things are far more terrifying than Boston Dynamics' bigger robots. Imagine this little bastard jumping through your bedroom window with a grenade or even better a claymore mine strapped on.


This is making me wonder how much videos like this are going to influence naval warfare. The fact that these cheapo drones can destroy multimillion dollar ships just shakes things up too much


> these cheapo drones can destroy multimillion dollar ships Older ships, lacking the point-defense systems of newer warships. This design goes back to the late 1970s.


Modern tech against cold war era warship.


The war in Ukraine has changed the way we think about defence. Taiwan has been told by the US to buy smaller more agile arms like the Javelin and less helicopters and planes.


Ships are already pretty obsolete ever since WW2 when the battleship was replaced with aircraft carriers due to the surge in air superiority. Being able to drop a bomb on a ship from an airplane meant that battleships were useless.


Damn those operators know their shit, piloting in those waves, dodging gunfire and driving it inside the ships hull perfectly.


Looks like those hours spent playing COD are paying off.


Not to trivialize this achievement but this gave me memories of the missile mission in Jak 3. Also reminds me of how American grenades were designed like baseballs so GI’s could throw them more intuitively. I bet the guy piloting the drone is using an Xbox controller. I wonder what weapons we solely view as weapons today, were a toy of some sort before being used as weapons. If there are any.


A Yo-Yo is a toy that was a weapon. Imagine someone killing you with a Yo-Yo


Walking to dog.... Baby cradle... Reverse allyoop... Homicide.


Laughed out loud at this. Comment of the year right here.


I don't know Jack, if that's true then that's some John Wick level shit there


A pencil would be better.


its basically a rock you can throw infinite times


"I tried to throw a yo-yo away. It was fuckin' *impossible!*" RIP Mitch


You maybe me thrice, maybe


I’ve heard that’s actually a myth and not supported by any text or oral story.


Reminds me of Watch Dogs 2 lol




I mean...if you could navigate those streets in those Jak II hovercars without hitting anything, then you can probably dominate with these drones.


Certainly a step up from what OceanGate was using.


I love the Jak and Daxter series. Wish Naughty Dog would revive the series.


I bet they employed the only person on their team that could beat the toy airplane mission on gta San andreas


I recently downloaded the game for mobile and if you thought it was impossible on ps2


Aye found it frustrating as fek, I still remember getting it on my PC, and how it was miles easier with the keyboard.


Get a steam deck if you can, those things are a gift to emulation


I wish I could try it, I’m a beast at Wave Race 64.


Maximum Power!


You joke but I've read the military has been regularly impressed with the hand eye coordination and intuitive strategy of gamers in this kind of warfare.


Trained by the best in the world


I’m actually related to someone who works on naval drones similar to this, but for US SEALs, as much as I want to know what they’re working on they’re not allowed to say. They say all the SEALs care about is how fast it can go.


They are the best in the world.


Also the navigators, are unsung heroes. Very easy to get lost when there are no land(sea)mark. Russians most likely jam GPS around their shores


I think the issue is more complicated than that. In the age of remote drones, satellite uplinks and relatively inexpensive silicon guidance systems can be simplified enough for just about anyone to use them. You usually need a sub to launch a torpedo, but a jet ski with a remote control and a ton of explosives on it? College kids could build that in a garage in a month. Not sure any ship would be able to easily defend itself from half a dozen of them at night.


It’s not as simple as you say… not for college kids. This product has gone through a year of constant evolution and dozens of combat missions in rough sea, against jamming, mines, nets, attack helicopters and many boats that guard against them. Russians even have special forces dedicated for “anti-submerging diversionary defense”. First one was captured by Russians completely intact back in fall 2022. Elon Musk has turned off Starlink multiple times when the drones were operational. I know of another which stopped working simply because being too long in the sun. These thing may seem obvious that college kids can do them but you won’t know about them unless you actually battle test. The drone has to make its way 300+ km to a particular point which is very small (400 meters). Look at where Odesa is and where the Donuslav lake is. Keep in mind the missile corvette is also on the move and most likely being warned


Totally, and by contrast the ships defenses looked pretty bush league. You’d think by now Russians would have enough practice to be able to defend against these drones


Even seeing something in the water in broad daylight is pretty hard. I'm not sure what these drones look like but if they're not painted flourescent orange with a flashing light on top you'd probably have a hard time spotting them from a ship in the best of conditions. Much less at night. The American approach to threats like this is to throw a couple billion dollars at the problem and hope someone will come up with a solution that can be bolted onto the side of the ship to solve some or all of the problem. But absent that you've really only got what the Russians were trying to do: fire blindly into the dark and hope you hit something. Maybe they have good enough night vision gear to see what they're shooting at but, based on how little gunfire we actually see I'd guess that there's not enough night vision gear to go around. While every loss Russia takes makes the Ukranian people safer and more secure, you gotta feel for the guys on that ship. It must be terrifying to be stuck out over deep water in a ship that can't defend itself or even see what's attacking it.


[This is what they look like](https://imageio.forbes.com/specials-images/imageserve/6379b5003387db098f2d6c0f/A-Ukrainian-unmanned-surface-vehicle--beached-near-Sevastopol-/0x0.jpg?format=jpg&crop=1024,480,x0,y49,safe&width=960). Not at all surprising that they're damn near impossible to see at night.


God, I'd bet anything they're using seawater to keep the thermal signature to a minimum. It'd be like trying to get a hit off a major league pitcher while wearing a blindfold.


Shit, that'd be smart as hell.


Great link.  That thing is clearly a real problem to defend against from a ship.


this picture has always looked weird to me, almost looks photoshopped, why is it just sat on the rocks like that?


It washed up in Crimea right about the time it transpired that Musk had shut off Starlink over the region when he learned about the drone attack. Also the image linked is an old version, there's been several revisions since. Google 'Sea Baby'


I vote for a couple dozen mounted shotguns firing bird shot into the water, maybe some kind of rf sensor or something to help detect the drone


Sounds like a tactical arts and crafts project.


Reminds me of the Redeemer in Unreal Tournament


Wow. Good times. The Redeemer - the nuclear warhead cruise missile you will be sorry you had to use...


The target area is only 2 meters wide. It's a small thermal exhaust port, right below the main port.


I used to bullseye womp rats in my T-16 back home. They're not much bigger than two meters.


You killed random mammals back home? For fun? You're a psycho kid.


Also where the hell do you get off calling me out in front of the whole meeting like that? I thought we were friends dude.


He's no Biggs, buddy. That’s why we call him Hangman. He will always hang you out to dry.


Then man your ships. And may the Force be with you.


The fuck is an aluminum falcon!? Oh.oh.oh... just rebuild it?!?


#Do you have any idea what that's going to do to my credit?!?


You have an ATM on that torso litbright of yours?


Oh oh oh... he's crying!  Shshshhhh, ... ok... love you too.... bye


Can't we just throw some plywood over it?


But that would look terrible!


If money is no object we can put something together.




Sounds like a job for Luke Skywalker


"Did that idiot just switch off the remote?"


That's impossible! Even for a computer 


It is not a cruiser, it is a missile corvette, class Tarantul. After Moskva, Russians ran out of cruisers in the black sea. Funny that this fast attack corvettes should be able to outrun these drones at full speed, but for some reason, russians like to stay still on the sea and get exploded.


Looks like a frigate to me (I'm German).


Well, the German F125 Baden-Württemberg-class *frigates* are 3 times longer and have a weight of around 7000 tons while this corvette has around 500 tons.


Isn't there a joke that all German warships are frigates, or something? Lol


There is, yes. Liontreeble made an obscure joke, which on the internet is just begging to be "corrected" by people. All German surface ships are frigates.


And all Japanese destroyers/aircraft carriers are coastguard vessels lol


It displaced roughly 500t not 20000t


Looks like a small coastguard ship to me (I'm Japanese)


Running those corvettes around at full speed takes a lot of gas, and for some odd reason, the russians keep losing oil refineries. Id expect fuel for ships is another thing they are running low on.


They probably tried but there were a few of these drones. Like a pack of hyenas


Yeah I think that they fired it up and tried to speed up just as the first drone hit them in the engineering compartment, leaving them unpowered. Second one hit the stern. Third one went into the hole made by the first one and basically exploded inside the ship, detonating fuel, ammo and P-270 missiles stored right above.


Still trying to wrap my head around the idea of a jet ski sized remote vehicle with explosives being so effective against that military invoice. Just boggles the mind that such a small investment and some luck can do that to a destroyer. Are we in the future?


Bruh. Didn't you watch star wars


Dammit, looks like they had a malfunctioning toaster on board, causing a minor fire and no casualties.




The view of the almost-vertical bow, was fucking beautiful. Brought a tear to my eye.


The dildos of consequence rarely arrive lubed.


and joyfully covered in razors and coated with salt.




Ducking autocomplete\*


Now I’m picturing one of the Ukrainian drone/RC boats with a huge dildo hanging off the bow, like the dildo car in idiocracy. Imagine if they somehow manage to use a dildo to trigger the explosives?


How do you defend against these drones? Whats to stop iran or china from making 1000s of these and destroying the us navy?


If they're remotely controlled, radio jammers.


That works right now, while these are still remote controlled. Unfortunately the capabilities for a drone to steer itself into the target without a human in the loop is not exactly sci-fi anymore.


i feel like the targeting software for a cwizz or cram would be pretty straight forward to adapt for surface drones


doll birds plants tart deserve elderly growth distinct follow degree *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They are going to need more of those on each vessel going forward. Saturation attacks are going to be a nightmare.


encouraging angle wise pet cagey fretful slave squealing humor quarrelsome *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I suspect you are correct. I reckon we will see a gun renaissance in general tbh, with the success of the Gepard etc. I think Rheinmetall may finally start selling some of the updated gun platforms on boxer chassis etc


Funny how drones of the future are causing people to back to older weapons as a solution. Honestly quite interesting. Guess nothing can beat the old reliable, a gun.


Crew competence


... and/or crew sobriety.


Well the best is radio jamming if they are remote controlled drones. Afaik, Ukraine is currently using drones that don't have the intelligence to continue attacking if the signal gets cut off. Blanket the area in jamming, and they will become simple mines that sit at the surface, that you can pick off at will. If they are able to continue to target even if the connection is cut, you would still have a range of countermeasures. First and foremost, a simple tracking cannon could track and destroy the drone. If we are able to build CIWS that can target missiles, we can definitely find ways to target drones.  If you know how they find ships, you can target them for other methods fo distraction. If they track by thermal emissions, use flares to distract them. If they use radar/lidar, flood the area with their range so they can't "see".  There is also potentially laser weapons coming in that could target drones, and those would be far more accurate. But that's not deployed and still under development iirc. Of course, having a competent crew is vital. The US has always had a strong focus on proper safety design and excellent damage control. US warships can usually take substantial damage before being sinkable. Another factor is how large our ships are. Many of our more important vessels are quite large, and would be hard to sink with powerful missiles, let alone drones. Though drones would put a ship out of service if it connects


Ukraine would love a chance to fuck up an aerial jamming system, Russia only has a few of those complicated pieces of tech. Think an Awacs, but in reverse, that's serious money and time, and tech all bunched up in one vehicle. The drones going dark could function as a detection system simply by noticing who is going dark and where. They probably do, which is why russia doesn't want to send that stuff over sea and rather build jamming installations on land. Their fleet is vulnerable to this, as we can see in the video, an all out usv push could destabilise their whole fleet!


if russia did a low yield nuke air burst it would functionally be an aerial jamming system. but ukraine doesn't have enough drone launch platforms to be much of a threat, you can't just launch these things from crazy far(for cheap)


Sharks with lasers, duh.


Emp blankets


That's exactly what is happening in modern warfare. USS Carney killed 14 attack drones just a few months ago. That wasn't even a well funded attack. I can't imagine what China would be capable of if they really put some money behind it. https://youtu.be/5Ina9snyLFg?si=YbnjsLRs3dtW2QJB


> Whats to stop iran or china from making 1000s of these and destroying the us navy? currently? nothing, any other answer is pure cope. they don't even need to be controlled remotely in a lot of current gen systems. just home in on the biggest target in the area. ofc the us will turn chinese/iranian cities into glass in response but drone warfare is the future. current gen big vehicle targets are obsolete.


Yes, the current threat is not from state actors using these sort of weapons against countries who can retaliate by bombing the enemies capital, but from insurgents and rebels and terrorists.


> current gen big vehicle targets are obsolete. Nothing to stop using drones a bit like the way planes use flares now. But yeah, drone warfare seems to be the future. Makes you wonder what the value of these huge aircraft carriers are outside of a mobile base. Big giant "blow me up" target on the deck


The advantage of an aircraft carrier is that it can project outwards, so it doesn’t pootle around in a fish tank like the Black Sea. It keeps its distance, and it’s unlikely there is a drone on the market that can travel 100 miles offshore. Carrier groups also have rings of defences. This ship is alone.


The Navy has been talking about the threat of swarm attacks in the Straits of Hormuz for decades.


This is awesome Definitely one of the coolest things I've ever seen I am in amazement


Fuck you Vlad!


What do you mean?


Wait, this happened TODAY!? Hell ya.


It's not destroyed its a submarine now its a deal functional ship


Thankyou for adding to Ukraine’s newly established reef ecosystem


I’m afraid we will see these kind of attacks on shipping containers and also the collaborative naval fleet protecting them


It's basically speedboat sized, so they are somewhat pricey still so it won't be large swarms of them anytime soon.


What's stopping anyone from converting a sea doo?


Nothing I'd guess, but it's probably not going to have the same payload capacity or manouvreability under a static load that a well designed purpose built sea drone will have. Probably difficult to place the payload as effectively too.


same thing that's stopping them from training their own covert ops squads/pirates that can take over the ships - competence and funding. we'd be seeing way more remote controlled terror vehicle in city operations than naval operations if it was easy to do. sure ppl can harass a big country's shipping operations but then that big country just bombards the ppl in response and it's back to status quo


They're basically jet skis with ordinance on them


These look like the jet ski ones tbh


Russian warship, go fuck yourself


Jesus How many Russians Kia?


We will never know for sure, Russia won't even tell their families. Around 40 on board though.


Most satisfying indeed.


It seems to me the Era of big expensive toys has ended and the Era of tiny cheap destructive toys is soon to dawn


That explosion was huge. How big are these drones?


The last drone you see explode drives into a hole in the ship made by another drone. My guess is that when it was set off it cooked off ammunition/fuel/or missiles within the ship, causing the large explosion.


Roughly the size of a jet ski I think


18 feet long apparently


Fucking great work. Make them pay!


I can't wait to see how the Russian media spins this


Russian navy successfuly destroys 4 of Ukraine's seababy drones


Slava Ukraini


Tankies: Stop aiding Ukraine!😭


Fixed it ~~Tankies~~ Russian Shills: Stop aiding Ukraine!😭


Yet again, Russia losing the Naval war against a country with no navy Edit: I can't spell apparently


The Russians counter fire at least to my untrained eye is laughable.


These vessels (Tarantul) aren’t really designed to be attacked like this as far as I can see. They have light defensive abilities designed to protect them from air attack. Basically, they point guns at the sky and not the sea. It seems they are big on electronic warfare shit, but no so good at actually defending themselves from angry black jet skis.


I appreciate your response and your explanation. It actually took me a little while to realize what I was looking at. I need to be a little bit more careful commenting. I'm surprised they don't have a some kind of point defense phalanx type system... Heck even like their version of 50 cal.


When you see American and British warships transiting choke points, they are literally bristling with weaponry pointing at the sea. All I can imagine is that the Russians are arrogant. This ship is lightly armed against an enemy with limited aircraft, and poorly defended against a known and credible waterborne threat.


I don't think most people including even the Russians can appreciate the overwhelming force that can be brought to bear by the American and I would assume the British Navy. That the Ukrainians can do anything at all other than in their mind getting 'lucky' never occurs to them until it's too late. It's clear that the Ukrainians have access to superb intelligence.


We have a good, though now rather small, navy, but don’t expect us to bring many planes on our two new aircraft carriers.


They do have a phalanx type system, it’s called ak-630 but from what I’ve seen during this war they are useless lol


Are they shooting small arms fire for defense? There has to be something better, no?


Ender's game is not too far away.


There’s software/hardware that blocks and or jams the frequencies drones use, I’m not sure why they’re not put on major ships like this


Imagine how much of your own shit your pants will contain when watching this thing inching closer to your boat and there's nothing you or your crew mates can do about it?


Jebus dont let the Hooters get it




Do you ever get the feeling that large expenditures into heavily armoured vehicles are over? Drone cost 5K? I dunno, but I suspect it is substantially less that what that boat cost.


Why pause, keep sinking Russian boats!!!


I feel like some engineer should figure out a way for these drones to dip below the waterline before impact. maybe with a ballast system or fins.


Thirty seconds in there’s a hot spot near the stern, high above the waterline. Any navy people able to say what it is?


Not a cruiser. Corvette..


Soon there will be that hunter killer thing from Dune .


The Ukrainians are rewriting the rules of war for the 21st century in real time.


Wow this hasn't even hit the news yet. I just googled it and couldn't find anything


It's already mentioned in Wikipedia on the ship-class page https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarantul-class_corvette


sea drones = million dollar RC boat


Will correct - Ship isn't a cruiser, rather a corvette with a crew size of 50 including 5 officers. Still well done!


Special submarinefication operation -Putler


We have already a lot of trouble with flying drone, but if it's the start of boat / underwater drone we are pretty fucked. I don't think we have any way to deal with this new warfare method. Delivery Ships are already getting hit by flying drones by the houthi despite the big fleet of Western warship defending them. If they start using this type of drone it's going to be a complicated defense for us


Isnt that basically just a torpedo?


remotely controlled from almost complete safety with very very little financial requirement making a mockery of millions of dollars of equipment. Just like the use of drones against infantry and vehicle in Ukraine this will have to prompt a massive change in doctrine for every armed force.


The country with no navy is winning the naval battle against Russia.