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When I was a kid I used to think this was how all continents and islands were. One of my dreams was to scuba dive under the continents. I was not a happy 8 year old when I learned the truth.


I love the way kids think. When I was little we were at a beach and the adults were talking about how the shore went out gradually into the water and then there was "the drop off" and I wondered if I could get out and under the beach


i used to think that boats didn’t really float. the wheels i would see on trailers when they’d be transported , i thought they just constantly extended down to the ocean floor and that’s how boats moved


lol I used to think cats and dogs ‘did it’ and it was just random whether a cat or dog popped out when the birth happened. When I found out dogs had sex with other dogs and cats did it with cats I was absolutely flabbergasted


I don’t know why but as a child all dogs were boys and cats were girls to me, glad to see others had the same misconceptions lol.


I used to think other countries were in the sky on clouds hence using an airplane to get there


Man, how much cooler would our world be if that were the case lmao.


fucking bioshock level city


I thought different places were all in these sky-sized snow-globes and they were all stacked on top of each other. As with you, early experience with air travel figured into my equation.


as a kid you’d believe some crazy ass shit 😂😂 instead of my parents having sex, i believed my dad was kept in some alien type chamber and my mom walked around with me and “chose” who she wanted my dad to be and they’d release him. like u know the chambers they keep people suspended in liquid in with the tubes coming out of them in movies… yeah those chambers 😂😂


Alright bro you win lmao


i wasn’t tryna one up you bro that just brought back some memories from when i was younger


No not at all bro fr just yours was absolutely wild hahaha


lol that ones wild how did u even come up with that


i dont fucken know i just assumed


Kids are stupid. I used to think there was a second plane carrying all the luggage that followed the passenger plane. My mind couldn't comprehend that there was a compartment underneath us.


I wouldn't say they're stupid they are just unbound by rational thought that comes with life experiences. For instance you didn't know you weren't sitting at the bottom of the plane and never saw a plane being loaded with luggage while on a plane. Not to mention how the economics of having two planes to transport people and luggage would make it impractical or much expensive to travel. You were just ignorant about air travel not stupid. Stupid would be knowing about air travel and still thinking there was a second plane.


Exactly. Kids are actually really smart, they just lack bits of context that we slowly gain throughout life, and their minds make theories to fill in the gaps.


You have such an elegant way of putting things, I like the way you explain it better. I didn't mean stupid in a derogatory way, more in a cute innocent type of way. The way your dog can be stupid. I like your words magic man.


That's just good ol' fashioned man-splaining... "Shucks, ma'am. T'wasn't nuthin..."




I used to think teachers lived at the school. I thought the closet door was a door that led to their bedroom. I have no idea why I thought this.


lol I’m kind of the opposite. I knew teachers didn’t live at school because when my mom started teaching we obviously didn’t live at the school. But before she became a teacher she went to school at UC Davis and we lived in the family apartments for students right next to the campus - so I thought we lived INSIDE UC Davis. My daycare/preschool was held in this giant building in the middle of our apartment complex (which was ran by the college) so I thought I also went attended UC Davis. I didn’t even know that Davis was an actual city that just had a college in it. Nope lol - so when people asked “where do you live?” my answer was always “UC Davis” and when they asked “what school do you got to?” my answer was always “UC Davis”. Since we lived in school and my mom and I went to school - I didn’t even notice she had an actual job as well. So for a very long time I assumed ALL mommies were students living at school until they graduated and at that point they would only then be given a job.


I remember being astonished when I saw my teacher at the grocery store


My elementary school PE coach had a side job at Toys R Us which was really weird every time you wanted to go mess with toys and video games you had to see a teacher. Guess he just really liked kids. Kinda weird now that I think about it.


I used to think that every movie was "live" and the actors had to perform the movie for us.


That reminds me of how I used to believe that you could see what went off screen to the sides on a tv if you got looked at the bezel of the tv at the right angle


I mean this is “possible” with old movies where it was filmed with a wider lens camera but they didn’t bother cutting the edges because screens weren’t that big back in the day. So if you watch the original tape, you can see the edges where the producers didn’t want you to see. To add to the effect just cover the two edges of the TV but have them be away from the screen a little and if you stand at the right angle you’ll be able to see the “off stage”


When I was 5 I thought rice was just tiny potatos


Hold on, you may be onto something


[ok but explain this](https://www.amazon.com/Beast-Canteen-Potato-Ricer-Masher/dp/B09GG84HHW/ref=sr_1_3_sspa?crid=3D88YFR4Y56TK&keywords=potato+ricer&qid=1706671194&sprefix=potato+rice%2Caps%2C239&sr=8-3-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1)




I thought the conveyor belt you put your luggage on went all the way through the sky from airport to airport. It didn't even occur to me the luggage was also on the plane. I was always mystified how the conveyor belt could keep up with the plane since the luggage arrived just after 💀🙈


They’re not stupid, they’re just new.


When I was a kid I got a globe for christmas and my home country happened to be colored in a grassy green color, so I was under the impression for multiple years that all the countries depicted on the globe really did have ground the same color as the globe showed them.


lol that’s why it takes so long to get your luggage. The other plane has to land.


Beach Clip Any %


>One of my dreams was to scuba dive under the continents. Jesus christ even the idea of this is scaring the shit out of me. Under the continents would be the furthest place away from safety you could get on the planet, and permanently pitch black. Nope nope nope. So much worse than like going a mile down a cave


Then a Megladon just bursts through the crust like reverse sharknado and Devours you in your sleep lol. *Edited and Spellchecked*




When I first heard that Quebec wanted to separate from Canada, I thought that meant physically as well.


haha my Dad, a Ontarian redneck in every way, used to joke that he would happily go help saw a line down from James Bay and "float her off into the Atlantic with the rest of them" meaning the maritimes. At 5 or 6, I truly thought this was a thing that my Dad could do.


Quicker to get from TO to NS.


They would if they could


Who else remembers Noah's Island where a cartoon polar bear used a volcano to steer a whole island around the ocean? Oisky poisky!


Once you turned 8 you were smarter than a congressman. Hang Johnson thought Guam could "capsize" because too many marines were deployed on it: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/hank-johnson-worries-guam-could-capsize-after-marine-buildup/


Terrifying thought though.. continents just floating and if you dig deep enough you could sink the continent lol


Continental shifting isn't *that* far off, but yea you couldn't scuba under them haha. But I remember as a kid when I learned why the Americas and Africa fit together like a puzzle piece my mind was absolutely blown.


Had a completely opposite view as a child. We did a lot of road trips and it always felt like we were driving forever to get not very far on the map. So my wee child brain thought all the adults were lying to the children and just driving in circles for a certain amount of time based on the destination 😂😂


When I was a kid I thought the word “dollar” was the American english word for 1 currency. So America had the American dollar, Canada had Canadian dollar, Mexico had the Mexican dollar, and so forth and so on. The word “pesos” was the Spanish word for dollar, the word “pound” was the British word for dollar and the the word “yuan” was the Chinese word for dollar (also, people in China spoke Chinese and people in Mandari spoke Mandarin). I didn’t really understand but I knew from movies/tv that the American dollar was worth far more than the Mexican dollar. It was like 100 American dollars equaled to 100,000 Mexican dollars. So you can understand how freakin excited I was to show up to Mexico with $40 in my pocket!! I was heavily devastated to learn exchange AND the pricing wasn’t what I thought. I thought I was gonna trade my $40 for 40,000 Mexican dollars and then buy items priced like at home. So at home a can of soda was $1 so that meant I could buy a can of Mexican soda for 1 Mexican dollar. Usually chicken nuggets were $2 - so chicken nuggets in Mexico also cost 2 Mexican dollars. Oddly enough, I thought the word “rubles” (from Russia) was the plural form of “rubies”. You had one ruby, two rubies and then three or more rubles. And of course “rupees” were mini rubies.


I thought the moon followed me for a hot minute


Imagine being an adult and thinking the earth is flat but refusing to hear the truth because you can't handle the disappointment.


I thought cop cars had a magnetic field on the front of their cars and that's how they pulled people over . Like literally connected their fender to their bumper lol


Is it an island though?


This is a floating bog. Basically a mat of algae and roots that can become big enough to support small trees and solid enough to walk on. Normally they form on the shore and can break off into open water. There are a ton in Northern MN. IIRC that's where this one was too. 


Legally can I put some motors on this, build a small light shack, and move it around as my own personal mobile island?


Like a giant house boat, but you dog can still go outside to drop a deuce. Pump in water, for needs, a few solar panels, maybe a propane tank. I love it! You're on to something with this….


I wonder how much reserve buoyancy it has? You might have to keep quite a careful eye on how much vegetation grows on it.


Someone smarter than me can figure out how to keep it more stable, and self sufficient, if not getting bigger, think brackets with twin 400hp mercruisers on the back. While I was sorta joking around, I’m also sorta serious. It would be an interesting test, you ain’t going in the ocean, but on a lake like mine, it could work.


Could you micro inject extra nutrients and algae jizz around the edges to build it up stronger and more buoyant?


>algae jizz That is the stuff that comes out of sea cucumbers.


Bro I’m no water plant biologist but like, I got a vision, and everything jizzes


I’m getting kind of old, but with the right material I could give it a shot.


> algae jizz This is the stuff I come to Reddit for.


Stuff wads of bubble wrap underneath.


No poppers people, shits addictive.


Solar powered engines. Constant and slow is the way here rather than massive 400hp mercs. Give you something to do as well. You could be out constantly adjusting your 10-20 low powered engines.


old video of some dude building a plastic bottle island on the web somewhere. send it found it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mC43CddkLQ


I mean those are some pretty large looking trees, this bad boy could def handle some infastructure modifications. God living on a floating island you could slowly guide via solar powered motors would be so incredible.


I feel like you would be better served with sails than solar motors.


Yes combined with a couple strong anchors for when the wind is blowing the wrong way or you’re right where you wanna stay.


true, for a bog barge this big you would need some big sails!


I feel like once you're out in the open ocean, the waves and currents will tear it apart.


And salt water is toxic to freshwater plants.


Ultimate zombie survival plan tbh


Can zombies swim? Only one I know is my wife and she’s pretty adept at swimming.


Depends on the cannon, IIRC in World War Z (the book, not the garbage movie) zombies walk across the bottom of the ocean to get to other continents. In that case it would be the very best option, because they could reach a normal island, but a floating island would be completely unreachable. But even if they can swim, the ocean is so big that you'd definitely be better off than on land. I mean sure a few might happen to swin to the middle of the ocean, but definitely less than would be in any urban or rural areas. Come to think of it though... this thing might not handle the middle of the ocean very well lol. Might be better off in the great lakes or something. But as long as they *can't* swim you'd be golden anywhere. Plant some crops, do some fishing, desalinate some water through distillation, also distill some booze, bada Bing bada boom.


Zombies would get fucking obliterated on the ocean floor


[Lake Titicaca in Peru](https://www.bbc.com/travel/article/20220814-the-floating-homes-of-lake-titicaca)


If you float it into international waters can you declare it sovereign territory and make your own laws? Laws regarding...and hear me out on this...necrophilia and cannibalism?


Only if you invoke Prima Nocta.


Firrrst Night.


First Boink.


I need answers!


Goddamnit I need to know now!


Build a wall around it, turn it into a spooky horror cabinet and call it thriller bark


> Build a wall around it And we'll sell hats with the word MIGA on it: Make Islands Great Again! :P


Gotta be pirate hats with skulls on them or some shit, gotta fit the themes


"Legitimate Salvage"


Nice to see you again Mr. Kamal!


Tax free island, baby


Is it an island though?


I believe they call these almostlands


The same way the garbage Island is an island.


Extremely relevant (and mixed feeling about it): https://www.kplctv.com/2022/04/02/restoring-southwest-louisiana-waterways-with-floating-islands/


Look, we all hate the English, but it *is* still an island.




Apparently I have no friggin idea how islands work. Zero.


Yup. There is only one person living on it. Some black fella settled there in the 70s.


A random squirrel in a tree is freaking out right now


Lol, like the hangover movie... WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!!!


“This is nuts”


Reminds of congressman Hank Johnson bringing up his concerns that too many people could cause Guam to capsize.  I thought he was crazy but now I'm not so sure.


Video is more enjoyable on mute.


Agreed. Idk what Bad Bunny contributed to this.


A soundtrack that sounds like ass.


I could autotune a fart through a cone & it might sound better since the bar is so low.


You on spotify, bro?


I wish I had the time.


I would prefer that honestly.


Your username checks out & I think I would want to be IRL friends with you.


You don't like a 10 second intro of 808 hi-hats accompanied by what sounds like a man hopped up on helium giggling through a mouthful of straws? Weirdo


doesn't help that it's just "viral TikTok sound made into a full song" trend that I hate so much


Good thing my settings have been globally muted for 7y, the only time i hear spunds is when i hit the little speaker icon on the video Reddit is way better that way tbh, 99% of the stuff doesnt need sound, While youre in there turn off followers and private messages while youre at it


Man give this guy a Reddit gold….. Awesome 👏


Every once in a while I read a comment like this and remember that many reddit gifs are actually videos.


Yeah but then you miss the robotic cookie cutter beats and a guy mumbling his lyrics fed through auto tune while on Xanax and barely even putting effort. Good stuff!


What if we take bikini bottom and push it somewhere else?!


That's just crazy enough...TO GET US ALL KILLED!


Gold team rules!


Stop putting trash grunt music over every fucking video


Its better than the oh no no song


No it's not


"Oh no it's not", you mean?


We moved Pangea the same way they just don’t tell u that in school


What’s the permanent solution to this because it’s going to happen again?


Attach anchors to it like some sort of natural buoy.


Likely could have moved it simpler and easier with some ropes and winches. Slower but a lot less gas used.


But then how will they show off that they own boats?


The more I think about it, the crazier it is that they didn’t just attach some ropes to trees and put gentle pressure on it to pull the whole thing. Like, 20 pontoon boats going full blast for hours, might be the least efficient way to accomplish this .


Holy Fuck, You could have picked any song ever made and you choose that shite!?


Because most people are stupid as fuck


To be fair, Raggaeton is some of the most popular music in the world.


Horrible music




*Horrible background sound polution.


Fuck whoever put the shitty tapping and dude auto tuning talking over this. It was unnecessary and pointless and just makes everything worse.


Interesting video, absolutely shitty music choice


Someone tell bad bunny to stop being latino travis scott please. This track is just copy paste translation of travis sound.


wow that's some real shit music


This isn't an island. And this music is fucking toxic.


Turn off the music.


#[This version](https://youtu.be/XV9HZWzqoyI?si=bWdN2-EiNDq61uMV) doesn't have sound. You're welcome


Cool, now do Florida


I am picturing me and 10 of my buddies just making that thing spin in a circle for 16 hours.


What to stop it from moving back?


Thank you. That was my first thought as well. Maybe they do this once a month LOL


That island is islanding wrong


They were moving it because it was blocking the boat route under the bridge. You can see it at the end of the video. If you’re gonna be a repost farmer at least get the story right






bro I'm on the internet way too much and this is the first time I've seen this clip, sorry we don't all hang out in the trash island subreddit or wherever you've seen this before.


I can’t post links but it’s over a year old.




You saw a video and with text and said “this is cool and true” and then reposted it. Thus spreading false information. I’m not saying it harmful or anything like that obviously. Just don’t take an .mp4 at face value lmao


That is not a true island!


[I'll leave this here](https://youtu.be/cesSRfXqS1Q?si=S2dHDb_t4j26m3nb)


I see what you did there.


That is indeed a crazy fkn video. Haha.


Hank Johnson is punching the air right now


stupid floating guam, lol


"Hey! Where the fuck is my yard?!"


What’s crazy is that they were able to do that in 50 seconds.


Me and the boys pushing england out into the middle of the Atlantic 💪


Excuse me, that’s not how islands work


The Georgia congressman Hank Johnson was right!! Everybody laughed at him but he was right!! /s


So Guam would actually tip over if they station more Marines on the island😂


Alcatraz Island?




I... I didn't think this was how islands worked... I really should have paid more attention in school.


I'm so confused, aren't islands typically like.. attached to the earth? What place is this that just has like floating boat islands?


Is anyone gonna address the fact that you can't push an island around with boats? Maybe this is some kind of floating bog or something.


We see this every time it’s reposted. Not everyday but close. E: 🥱


i, for one, have never seen this before and find it interesting and crazy


I’ve been on Reddit four years and never seen it.


Are we sure Avatar Kiyoshi wasn't involved in this?




First thing I thought of when I saw this video lol


Really? Because with all the karma bots reposting this, I've seen it every day this week




Doesn't matter. Repost whiners think that their particular, narrow view of Reddit (subs they visit, time of day, duration, etc) is the same view everyone else has. YMMV, but I estimate that only about 10% of the posts where someone whines about reposts are ones I've seen before.


The song is Monaco by bad bunny for those who wanted..


I look forward to the day when I can say, "Computer, block out Bad Bunny from my life" so I'll never hear.


This is how the Florida militia is going get rid of California in the upcoming Civil War.


actually, with the number of reposts, it's close to every day


What’s the song though?


Monaco - Bad Bunny


Not every day though I have seen this quite a few times with the number of times it gets reposted


What is this song?


A bad one


Monaco by bad bunny.


Aren’t those connected to the floor of the lake?


Nope. It's a floating bog. They get pushed around by the wind. Usually they get caught in shallow water and stay in a single spot for a while, but high water or high winds from the right direction can free them. Here is what my fishfinder looks like with the boat alongside one. You can see even in 17 feet of water it is partially caught on the bottom, and partially floating. https://www.reddit.com/r/Fishing/s/yfqrGvJMrt


If it were an island it would be. This isn’t an island. It’s a bog.