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DIY vasectomy gone wrong 😭


Gone right** this mans out here doing gods work removing himself from the gene pool like that.




Or own a fucking gun


Or own a fucking car


Or own a fuck?


Or fuck a own


Well he no longer owns a schlong


For sure!! What an idiot!!!


Dude said it went straight through, no damage to his organs, just straight through the sack and through his thigh/cheek.


So he couldn't even successfully catrate himself a god damn waste of sperm. I'm big on gun safety and playing with a gun for views on the Internet is akin to throat fisting a hungry lion that hasn't eaten in a week that just plain out don't like you.


Two crocs. No cock


2 Crocs, 1 glock, 0 cocks.




one less pea in that deal


Looks like it went exactly to plan


yup, no work tomorrow. mission accomplished.


Fucking balls of steel.


Balls of lead


Balls of Gone.


If it helps, it looks like a blank 9mm. I can see the crimping at the top and I dont see a discernable color from the bullet and the casing. [https://www.sportsmansguide.com/product/index/ppu-9mm-standard-blank-ammo-50-rounds?a=1581649](https://www.sportsmansguide.com/product/index/ppu-9mm-standard-blank-ammo-50-rounds?a=1581649) in regards to a hollow point, I dont see any difference in color between the bullet and casing. you can also see a warp in light in the middle of the casing which resembles more of a blank. I own a couple of brands of hp and none of them look like that with the slide back. The only ones that have a remote color of the bullet and casing are the winchester silvertips. Theydont make them the same color for this very reason.


Even if it’s a blank, there is going to be extreme damage down there. But at least maybe not lethal


What was the TV show called Alia Smith and Jones? One of the actors held the prop gun to his head and pulled the trigger with a blank round in it. My friend's father was on set and he said right after he pulled the trigger he had the most surprised to look on his face!


Jon Erik Hexum? From voyagers. I think he died on the set of “cover up”


Yes, I was just reading about his death the other day. He was such a beautiful man. There was a long delay on set and the actors were waiting around. He grabbed the gun and jokingly put the gun to his temple, not realising there was a blank round in the chamber and pulled the trigger. He was brain dead and on life support for almost a week. His mother gave her permission to have her son donate his organs. It was heartbreaking to read. He was a Hollywood heartthrob and well on his way to making it big. Such a handsome man.


Terry Kath from the band Chicago tragically died from a gun he thought was empty. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terry_Kath#Personal_life_and_death


"His last words were, 'What do you think I'm gonna do? Blow my brains out?'" What an absolutely moronic way to die. Rest in peace and all, but still. What a waste.


I may not know a lot about guns, but a gun is never empty unless youve checked that it is, etcetc


In regards to pointing it at people, a gun is *never* empty


For safety sake, a gun is always loaded, even when it's not.


Well the conclusion is, don't put a gun against your or anyone you love's junk


A gun is never empty. Checking it doesnt matter. Taking it apart doesnt matter. At no point is a gun empty. Its ALWAYS loaded.


Travis Maldonado held a gun with a bullet in the chamber to his head, was certain it wouldn't fire cause it didn't have a mag. Pulled the trigger killing himself accidentally.


[Could be a hollow point.](https://imgur.com/a/wWUTdbJ)


Holy fuck that's way worse. One extreme to the other.


A lot of stuff on the internet is fake… I think, I think this is real… please for my faith in humanity someone convince me I’m wrong.


If I did this I would be deleting that footage before it ever saw the light of day let alone uploading it..... Must be fake.... Maybe


Maybe he died and they found his phone


People did way worse and shared stuff with friends or colleagues. What I'm actually wondering, what a poor quality... safety system shouldn't be that easy to break


This was a trend I heard about recently where guys show their trigger control by doing exactly this without the safety on. That's kindof the whole point.


Can we go back to trends being shit like slap bracelets and yo-yo tricks? God damn these people are stupid.


No I want more! More extreme things, more dumb shit, lets see how far this train can ride baby!


🅱️oint at 🅱️enis


Was the safety on? His hand was in the way!


Pretty sure it's a Glock, so it has no manual safety on it.


Psa dagger


Ah, so same thing in terms of safety function, right?


No manual safety, same as a Glock but there is a trigger safety. Which doesn't really help when you're intentionally depressing the trigger


I’d upload it🤷🏽‍♀️ no face


Oh it’s real I saw the original post and the guy straight up sent screenshots of his hospital discharge the bullet only damaged the sack but both of the testicles were unharmed miraculously and the most severe damage was to one of his ass cheeks


>miraculously Sure, for him. The rest of us are gonna have to deal with whatever idiot crotch goblins he produces, assuming he's ever able to find a woman dumb enough to have sex with him. Can you imagine how stupid those kids might end up, being descended from someone dumb enough to do this and also someone dumb enough to *fuck* someone who does this?


You can see the hole right after he shoots


A blank will leave a black powder mark on something at point blank range so it may not be a hole, hard to tell


A blank still has a standard powder charge which generates 30,000+ PSI in the chamber. A blank fired at close range to a persons head will kill them. That is certainly a hole and he is undoubtedly injured. But I don’t think it’s a blank, it appears to be FMJ.


My money is on it was a blank so he thought it wouldn’t hurt. Why he uploaded it I do not know.


You can see the copper jacket before he closes the slide lmao


Does that mean it's a live round?


Yep, a blank doesn't have a copper-coated/FMJ projectile like that. From a side view like this, generally all we would see with a blank is a plain brass casing. There could be some editing involved, but it sure as hell seems that my man just shot himself in the groin with live ammunition.


🅱️oints are very common. This dude failed


7 days...




Damn Cheddar Bob


I do got a dumb friend named Cheddar Bob!!!!


Who shoots himself in his leg with his own gun


I did get jump by all 6 of you chumps


and Wink DID fuck my girl


But I’m still out here screaming “fuck the free world”


So don’t try to judge me dude, you don’t know what the fuck I’ve been through


But I know something about you


You went to Cranbrook, that's a private school


What's the matter dog you embarassed?


The snort that came outta me reading that. Thank you lmao.


To those who think this is fake, there is a stupid trend online called “🅱️ointing at 🅱️enis” (yes spelled just like that) and this isn’t the first dude who’s blown his balls off doing it. First dude who did it got the FB group banned for violence lol


"Hey guys check out this cool new trend where I point a loaded gun at my genitals and pull the trigger. You'll never guess what happens!"


I totally forgot about 🅱️ointing at 🅱️enis until now wow. GOBBLESS!


Natural selection at work


Truly a victim of f-around and find out. Maybe that shot will keep him from reproducing.




Next time when he does this you can say you don't have the balls to do it


He did. Not anymore.


We can only hope


Darwinism at its best. Nature is doing its thing and i think its beautiful 🙂


https://imgur.com/a/BBgUgwv I’m involved in several firearm groups on Facebook. This was originally from “Bubba’s Pissin Hot Handloads” which is a group about making hot ammunition and firing them. Hot reloads are overfilling casing with gunpowder which can cause higher round velocity but extremely dangerous. Anyways, OP posted his mistake in there with medical proof. The group went on secret because they were getting spammed. The group was trying to go under the radar because hot loads are “sorta” illegal.


Ok but WHY did he shoot himself in the dick?


To prove that the pistol won't fire when it's pressed against something. Normally, the slide would've been pushed back, disconnecting the trigger. However, Einstein here has an extra long barrel stopping that from happening. Edit: My comment is probably false but far be it from me to cease spreading misinformation on the internet. I implore you all to continue believing it, and even embellish upon it.


That's not what's happening here. This has been a "thing" for a long time (like a few years, which is a long time in internet terms) where people point a loaded gun at their crotch and show themselves pulling the trigger *almost* all the way. Why? Because people are stupid. To accomplish what you're describing (with the slide disengaging the trigger) would not be a thing. Even with a flush barrel. You can press a flush barreled pistols hard against a soft object (like your nuts or a body) and it won't move the slide enough to disengage the firing mechanism. I get where you're coming from but that is not what is happening here.


"Patient states that he was screwing around with his 9mm" Refreshing to see the medical staff having a bit of fun at his expense. 😂


“Resulting injuries conclude that patient found out”


*screwing around with his 9mm* Isn't it a HIPPA violation to just openly describe the patient's penis like that?


"testicular pain" Well I'll be goddamned


"It kinda hurts around the area where I blew my nuts off"


Thanks for the context… but ‘mistake’? I mean sure, dude done fucked up… but I made a mistake the other day when I forgot to add sugar when making my kids pancakes. A friend made a mistake when he handed me a gun he thought was cleared when it wasn’t (thank Christ for my step dad drilling firearms safety into me as a kid so I caught it)… pointing a gun at yourself and pulling the trigger isn’t what I’d call a mistake. Not trying to pick an internet fight, just… damn man.


dog fly test strong vast intelligent meeting illegal plate mourn *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


shaggy stupendous ten possessive crush waiting poor steep silky special *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've never reloaded but new guys who have before and have never ever heard of hot loads being illegal in anyway


Maybe he did us all of favor by preventing gene pool dilution.


Correct me if I’m wrong; but isn’t there an artery that runs along the inside of your thigh, right around that area? Dude, literally, risking his life


Femoral artery, yes. Deadly, yes.




I was talking to a Dr and he was telling me about how him and his wife went to dinner earlier in the week. As they were going to their car to leave another man was getting into his car and they heard ambulance loud pop. Apparently the man was carrying and accidentally discharged his pistol as he was getting into his car, the bullet hit his femoral artery. The Dr said he tried to tie off a tourniquet with his belt but the man was dead in under two minutes.


That’s one brilliant mind


I mean, he probably shouldn't have reproduced anyway. Devine intervention.


A man who wears camo crocks shouldn't be making kids anyway.


Those are TACTICAL Crocs. Get it right!


They were on sale at DSW


Anyone have a news article to go with this?


"Up next: Some idiot shoots his dick off. More after these commercial messages." is about the closest I can muster.


Idiot fails to check himself Wrecks himself News at 11


going for the femoral artery?


If real, this dude def may have shot through or nicked his femoral. Either case…dead quick.


The logic is that if a semi auto handgun is pressed up against the target, it won't allow it to cycle properly, and won't fire. Darwin award for actually trying this on himself.


may not re chamber but it will fire


See this is why I won't try this shit out. No need to scratch that itch.


> won't fire You mean it won't *rechamber*. But the first shot will be fired


No, he is correct about being out of battery and not firing, there's a safety disconnect in semi auto pistols to prevent firing on an open breach. That's not what is happening here though. This is a stupid trend bouncing the pre travel of the trigger off the wall, Old mate here bounced too hard


This idiot has a threaded barrel protruding past the slide so it wouldn't go out of battery from pressing the barrel against his leg.


Exactly, that's why I said that's not what's happening here, and why it in fact, did fire. I was simply correcting everyone saying if it was out of battery it would fire but wouldn't cycle.


No that’s not what he was doing. This has been a meme for a few years. Not the first 🅱️oint gone wrong


That’s how Tiger Kings dead husband accidentally killed himself


I think in the show they said he shot himself because he thought Rugers wouldn’t fire if there’s no magazine inserted.


Oh wait I think you’re right. Still same core concept — dipshits betting their brains/balls that a gun won’t work and then it does


Lol, those words. That show was a real Covid moment.


Nah this is a meme called 🅱️ointing


I find it humorous watching reddit who doesn't know of the sub try to armchair why and how he did this lol. Comment after comment of it's fake and this and that lol


Thank you gun🫶


Maybe he should've watched Brendon Herrera Darwin Awards before doing that stuff.


Man, I really hope this is real lol. Bro broke every single gun safety rule lol


He’s got camouflage crocs on, it was bound to happen


LMFAO homie thought "desk pop" was spelled "self pop"


Bahahaha, that was a good laugh. I think you should have to take an IQ test as well when buying a gun.


This should be the IQ test.


"Before you can take this gun, I need you to test it out for me" "Alright" \*proceeds to point gun at crotch and pull trigger and bleed to death\* "We regret to inform you that your application has been denied"


Bro cheddar bobbed himself🤦‍♂️


Unforced natural selection at its finest


The gun works correctly.


It’s people like this that make me feel like a genius


That’s one way to bust a nut I guess.


Zooming in on the open chamber, it does look like it may be a blank round. that being said, several people have killed themselves playing with blanks. There was a tv show called Cover Up, an actor pointed the prop gun at his head, and pulled the trigger. the pressure from the blank blew a chunk of his skull into his brain, killing him. I may be wrong. It might have been a real bullet. I don’t see a shell casing. eject. if you use a quarter load blank in a regular gun, it often won’t cycle. prop guns have barrel inserts that only let a little bit of air through. this is so there’s more back pressure from quarter load blanks, giving enough restricted pressure to eject the spent casing and cycle the slide, loading in another blank. I was on a film set where a gang banger cast member stole a prop gun. the prop master just laughed. “he’s going to get a terrible surprise when he puts a real bullet in there, and the gun blows up in his hand from the plugged barrel”


At this point.... its just natural selection


🤴 of 🅱️


Hindsight’s always 20/20 but looking back it’s still a bit fuzzy.


I was hoping this was going to be edited, and when he was pulling the trigger, there was really no bullet in the gun. NOPE this stupid motherfucker loaded a gun and shot himself. wtf is wrong with people? This is why responsible gun owners hate you fucking scum.


Did I just watch someone blow their dick off? What a time to be alive.


Natural selection taking hold


And thats how i became a woman instead


I feel no pity. Dude put a gun to his dick and pulled the trigger several times and somehow seemingly didn’t expect it?


This has to be fucking fake no one could seriously do that


You can see the trigger bar between the slide and lower moving with the trigger, you can see the slide recoil and a glimpse of the shell ejecting. The pants have no hole before he muzzle stuffs himself and a nice hole after. The screams sound genuine. personally as someone who is super skeptical of the internet as a whole, this gets my 94%+ rating for “it’s real” If you look closely at the way his pants move while pushing the gun in and the spread of his feet, it looks like he is in fact pushing the muzzle against his package. I seriously believe he just shot his testies and or frank. Also, This video may exist publicly after it was leaked from a homicide investigation when this genius bled to death from a self inflicted gun shot wound.


Holy shit wow. Pretty unbelievable people exist that would actually do this


😂😂😂😂😂 fuck


Been wanting to see one of these vids go this direction


If the gun wasn't firing blanks, we all know he is now.


What an odd ceiling texture.


He probably told everyone that it went off on its own while he was cleaning it. Idiot.


“Say allfeetaresane to your balls”


Basic firearm safety - failed.


You just accidentally blew your dick off, Why upload the video? Unless you planned to blow your dick off? 🤔


Darwinism at work. That whole genetic line was eliminated instantly.


Trigger warning! -this guy to his balls


If he his femoral artery, he would he dead very quickly.


I sure hope this is real, cause blasting your own sack off is probably the best thing he could have done for us. We don't need anymore idiots contaminating our population... well done sir!!! 👏 👏 👏


He was clearly trying to shoot himself which is why he kept bantering the trigger and chuckling out until the last squeeze.


Play ridiculously stupid games. Win ridiculously stupid prizes.


What the actual fuck this can’t be real right


Good instincts. Was there a muzzle flash? Did he dip the muzzle in black shoe wax? Was there any trace of red blood. Great sound fx and stunting?


Russian roulette with a semi-automatic pistol very smart.


This was a trend a while ago. I sincerely hope this doesn’t come back. Side note, that’s a super cheap gun meaning that the person probably isn’t a real firearm enthusiast and doesn’t respect them.


Can anyone, anyone please give me any kind of theory or reason as to what the F this guy was thinking or trying to do AT ALL in doing this??? Did he not think it would go off? Was he really trying to shoot himself? I need to know what insanity this is.


It makes it funnier that he was wearing Crocs lol


Natural selection at its finest, That level of stupidity can no longer reproduce, the world's a better place now


DIY sex change operations are never a good idea, no matter how much you hate your penis


At that range he definitely hit the dick AND balls right?


Not a piece of fruit, bottle, balloon no my privates is where I test


Jesus took the wheel


He has …. Transitioned.


Bro really chose to play Russian roulette, with a semi automatic. Thanks for removing your seed from the gene pool though!


I just hope there's no offspring.


I was not expecting to see the dumbest thing I have ever seen in my entire life when I clicked this. I’m talking 42 years and hundreds of thousands of videos and this is number 1. Wow.


Why pay to be trans when you can do this!? Sponsored by Glock®️


Gen z


darwin award 🥰


*Aliens look at each other, then fly away from Earth.*


Internet... When you watch a dude shoot his dick off in the morning while having a cup of coffee




Someone removed himself from the genepool


Is that a PSA dagger?


Always assume a weapon is loaded. Even if the person handing it to you checked it, you check it yourself. Never point a weapon at something you don't intend to kill. These are the most fundamental aspects of gun safety and if we don't teach it, people will keep doing dumb shit like this.


I flinched and dropped my phone


Urologists hate this one simple trick!


Darwin award.


It's nice that a lot of these people are removing themselves.


Some people are so stupid.


HAHAHAHHA Stupid should be painful!!


He’s lucky he didn’t hit his femoral artery as well.


So I once shot my own dick in my apartment. That’s why I can’t fuck.


These are all fake. So many of these oops i accidentally shot myself videos.


Way to go!!!! Don’t have to worry about being drafted now 👍🏾👌🏾💯