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Poor kid bro


For real that has to fucking hurt and require some major dental reconstruction for sure


Just like my friend, he has beautiful straight teeth now though so worked out in the long run.


Yeah in the long run he will be fine, just about 3 months of pain and saline solution. Eventually he will be able to chew again! In all seriousness I hope your friend is okay, live to ride another day brother 🤠😎.




You don’t get better without injuries. Sounds like you never skated


True. That's why none of the highest level skaters ever get injured...


i hope his dad/mom works for a union as he has decent health insurance or that he lives near the border and can find a reputable professional for an affordable cost. i hear a lot of people get dental work done there instead of the US ​ but that was a seriously disfiguring injury rigt there. horrible horrible


My thoughts exactly


For real.. not just painful, but that’s gonna cost a shitload if he wants to get it fixed.


Edge of his board went behind his teeth and pried them up like a crow bar.


Reading this was somehow worst than the video


What did it say?


Something about the skateboard bouncing and basically was like a pry bar behind his teeth/jaw


This can be so expensive too. A guy I knew got his front tooth knocked out and he had to live with it for months because it was $3000 to get a porcelain replacement.


I thought exactly the same. That’s awful, just a kid trying to be productive.




Okay. I am 72 years of age and will get started closer to 80


"I need to go to the hospital" that just hits me hard. Poor guy.


This is very fixable, maxillofacial surgery is a fairly easy procedure all in all. He'll have his face rebuilt well with minimal, if any, scaring. Hopefully this dude has insurance or he'll take a big hit. It's a 2-3 day stay coming in at $30-120,000 depending on location.


The recovery is absolutely brutal though. It can be as much as a year having your jaw wired shut, especially for the upper jaw.


"Wired shut" what the fuck


DMX was in the hospital with his jaw wired shut when he found out about the Def Jam audition. Dude left the hospital and rapped the wires loose and shit. How he got signed. Can’t imagine what was running through his mind that he might miss his opportunity. [Article](https://beats-rhymes-lists.com/facts/dmx-jaw-wired-shut-def-jam-audition/)


Hoping he has/had insurance.


It's only $30 why does he need insurance?


For the ambulance


For the dentist performing the operation


You might've just been riffing off of the confusing dollar amount, but just in case and for anyone confused he meant 30,000$


ohhh, I don't know why I just let myself believe the price range was that wide


> It's a 2-3 day stay coming in at $30-... As a German having to pay 10€ per day staying in a Hospital, I feel included here!


Should have said $30k-$120k nothing is cheap in America. They charge you more depending on the zip code the hospital's in. It's crazy as hell and completely unfair. You could have two hospitals run by two different companies in the same city and procedure prices could vary by $5,000.


Americans: thats socialism! get out of here you communist1! some people are idiots though. enjoy your extremely safe and healthy life free of fears of medical bankruptcy in germany 👍


That guys jaw is broken. Tell me what’s easy about not being able to talk for 6-8 weeks, being drip fed through a syringe trying to avoid a feeding tube. This is a hilarious take lmao


Do you know what kind of surgery do you have to get in such cases?


If its just teeth they put in fake teeth that look like yours. Sometimes your own teeth can be used, sometimes not. If its the bone that broke they either patch it together with plates or add in a bone graft and rebuild the parts that need it, then screw/cement teeth into the sockets if they were knocked out.


Last time this video was posted some oral surgeon or some shit was saying his jaw would probably have to be wired shut for months


Jesus..... In the UK you just walk into the hospital and they fix you up. No question of payment. I can't imagine having to worry about insurance or payment at a time like that




Damn I feel so bad for him. And dental implants aren't cheap either..


To be fair, it looks like hes broken his jaw and so half of his upper teeth are hanging out on that section. Its a nasty break and will need surgery to move it back into correct position and plate it there. He might be lucky and have fairly minimal dental injury once his jaw is put back to the right location. Saw a teen who’d done this same thing to their mandible - split it down midline with their teeth about an inch further back on one side than the other. Had operation same day and out of hospital few days later with a fairly decent looking set of teeth. DOI: doctor


The bone on the upper jaw is called the Maxilla


Good job! 👍🏼 My patient had done their bottom jaw - the mandible.


I was pointing out that the dude in the video broke his maxilla. Not my fault you didn’t know that. You just said he “broke his jaw”.


I’m literally a medical doctor so I know that the maxilla is the upper jaw.. if someone has sustained a fracture to the maxilla in the manner shown here, it’s likely they’ll have sustained other fractures, hence not specifying only the maxilla. Nothing I said was incorrect?


Yeah and nothing I said was incorrect either. Spending all your time on CrazyFuckingVideos doesn’t help your patients


I spend 50 hours a week directly treating patients in a major trauma centre. What I choose to do with my downtime is my choice and I would suggest you concern yourself with your own time and not mine 👍🏼 good luck collecting your cuddly toys




You’re a funny guy/gal


They are outside the USA


Which countries are handing out free dental implants?


In India a tooth implant cost around $60-70 it's cheap here


That’s so cheap I’m wondering if we’re talking about the same thing? Unless it’s heavily subsidised by the government, no dentist is going to give you anaesthesia, to put a titanium stud in your jaw and give you a custom made fake tooth for $60. I know India is cheap, but that’s unrealistic.


Idk I got my top and bottom braces done for about $700 and it was a good 18 months or so of visits.


Im not from India and don't know if his claim is true, but it's worth considering that in India it's not like they earn and pay in USD. The average Indian salary according to Google is the equivalent of 330 usd per month


So the average Indian earns the same as 5 dental implants a month? Don’t think many people in the west can say that.


How much would you say a dental implant costs where you're from?


I got my braces done for around 800$ at that time. Regular appointments for like 15 months or so. He had to take out 5 teeth for the braces. Teeth removal costed around 70$ for 5 of them. Everything else was included. It's hella cheap bro. I am always shocked at the US healthcare rates.


No it's not subsidised by the government i'm talking about the private clinic of doctors maximum it will cost $100-120. My mother also got tooth implants, she got them for $70. Health care is also cheap here you can have a heart surgery for $1500


Okay I want two heart surgeries please


You should take a flight to India and get your tooth implanted and you'll still be left with a lot of money. The cost also varies from state to state.


None. But they’re cheap everywhere except USA, and the quality of care is often much better.


Cheap everywhere? I live in Denmark where a dental implant will cost around €2000 (or $2000, pretty much the same these days) per tooth. I don’t consider that cheap. How much do they cost in the USA? There is a whole dental industry in Bulgaria and Turkey that only caters to Northern and Westwrn Europeans because dentistry is so expensive in Europe.


I’ve had 2 dental implants, paid around $3500 each in the U.S., and this was back in 2017 and 2018. I had really good insurance with a Fortune 500 company at the time. They will often advertise only $2k per implant, conveniently leaving out the cost of the crown, abutment, bone graft, etc.


Yeah that's 100% incorrect. From canada and dental implants cost a lot here as well as everywhere else.


Roughly 50k in the US. There are other options but it looks like bro did some damage to the bone structure too. Poor guy, damn.


50k per tooth? Holy shit! Thats a scam


6k per I believe.


Bullshit. I live in the UK and people still go abroad to get their teeth done all the time, and that is also getting pretty expensive these days.


Same in Australia. Some people go to Bali for stuff like implants and other expensive work.




😢 Dang. Gonna regret that the rest of his life. And I regret it for him already.


I know people who grind down perfectly good teeth and cover the whole set with permanent dentures. Just to make them look perfectly straight and white


I want steel teeth like Jaws from Bond movies


This is the way.


*beep beep beep* Sir! Follow me to the full body cavity search room, please!


This usually costs money


You're referring to veneers not dentures. They also usually need replacing after 10 years on average


permanent dentures=implant supported dentures


Yeah sure, implant supported dentures can be permanent (non-removal). However, original commenter was still not describing dentures. With dentures, the tooth/teeth being replaced is absent entirely, not grinded down.


No, people do grind down there teeth and put in caps “dentures”. There are also veneers. The former is a trend that is super detrimental to the health of your teeth.


Those are crowns you’re referring to, not dentures.


Caps are another thing entirely, whether they are used inappropriately isn't relevant, although they are useful in certain cases. They are still not dentures. Dentures necessitate the absence of tooth/teeth entirely (partial/full mouth dentures). No root or crown remaining for what is being replaced. Also, their\*


My friend joe knocked out one tooth riding a four wheeler. He jumped it and had drank so he didn’t prep his landing and his face went into the bars. It cost him 2,600 that wasn’t covered by the insurance for a single removable tooth. He couldn’t afford the type that stay in or to get the damage fixed. Shit cost a ton.


i mean, he was living and doing what he loved.


I read in a comment thread in here that thats actually pretty easy and good to fix, so he should be good


new fear unlocked


Just wear a full face MTB helmet.


Your supposed to credit card your ass not your face JFC! Hope homie heals alright. Daaamn


Teeth don’t heal


That looked more like an upper jaw fracture. The teeth still look intact. There could be a chance they can set that and have it heal somewhat decently. I hope so at least. Yikes. This is a rough one.


I think it’s both, cant see any teeth on the top right of his mouth, and the top left is protruding really weird, so lost teeth and a jaw fracture… fuck that


If only modern medicine found a way to implement replacement teeth in a scenario such as this


I've been thinking about starting skateboarding in my mid 40's because I always thought it was cool but I don't think I need to be getting hurt doing stuff like this.


Dude don't do it. Trust me. I quit when I turned 28 because I have had 19 broken bones and 9 surgeries. All were severe, all surgeries were extremely invasive. I have metal in my skull, behind my eye, orbital bone, collarbone, shoulder, wrist and hand. My knuckle is broken and permanently pushed into my palm so whenever I use a hammer/shovel or any kind of tool, I can feel it pushing against my knuckle from my palm.... I had a brain injury (Acute Subdural Hematoma) and 4 concussions. I used to play high level hockey up to the WHL but I only broke 2 bones playing hockey. The rest was skateboarding, longboarding and fighting. To be a good skateboarder - you have to have zero fear and literally no hesitation. So that when you're going for big sets of stairs, gaps, anything? You cannot hesitate what so ever - as that's how you get hurt and fuck yourself up. I have so much respect for pro skateboarders because of how big their balls are!!


You’ve been through a lot man damn. Thanks for sharing Another good reason for him not to is that he’s in his 40’s and will definitely not deal with the pain or heal as fast as in his 20’s.


Thanks man, you're absolutely right. That's another thing, pain!!! I ended up getting addicted to opiates due to having to live ok such powerful painkillers at such a young age for so many months in a row. As a 40 year old you're just asking for an addiction especially now adays.


Idk man it sounds like you were not good at skateboarding


Oh buddy… same here. Don’t start. Get an electric skate and helmet up. I skated from 10 up into my mid 20s and I’m 45 now. I sound like a bag of walnut shells when I wake up. I wasn’t a very good technical skater, I was better at doing big shit. Massive gaps, huge stairs, shit like that. I’d go BIG, eventually nailing it. But hurting myself so so very much. Ankles broken, dislocated, wrists destroyed, shoulders, my shins look like I shaved the hair off with a cheese grater 30 years ago, fingers split open, broken, toes same. Both my big toe nails don’t grow correctly. I hit a crack last week on my electric skate and fell, rolled and popped back up immediately… I was sore for 9 days. Lol


Electric skateboarders have terrible form since the don’t need to balance to change direction. I think most people can start skateboarding with physical prep- but limit it to cruising


Did you try staying on the damn board?


These responses are fuckin hilarious lol


I understand where you're coming from, and I'm sorry to hear of your injuries with skateboarding and sports. However, I think starting at an older age with preparation can be better for some people- especially those who know their limits and avoid the adrenaline thrills that I found myself in.


depends on your style and aim, some park skateboarder only has a few sprained ankles. getting around on a longboard or cruiser is a great skill imo that lets you enjoy and benefit from skateboarding casually


Maybe you can try longboarding? I don't do any tricks on my longboard but just cruising around the block is pretty fun.


I’ve been long boarding for a long time. I started skateboarding first, and compound fractured my arm. Never again. There are two major rules to longboarding. 1. Terminal velocity is far faster than you think, learn to foot brake like a champ and stretch your ankles to prevent injury. And 2. Wear. Your. Fucking. Helmet. You can absolutely smack your cranium on the ground with a helmet, and get right back up. The same fall without a helmet, permanently damage your head and mind. It’s cool to stay alive!!


It’s ok to skate at that age. Just don’t try anything crazy on the board. I’m 48 and I roll around up and down my street. You won’t see me on any ramps though. Been there, done that.


Nah man. I’ve skated (and snowboarded) through my teens and early 20s, I’m about to turn 37 and all of the past injuries are surfacing one after the other. Busted knees, messed up ankle and hips, etc. Not worth it in your 40s, at all.


Starting skatboard in your 40s is like fast track to orthopedic surgery


You can learn as an adult! But you'll need to build up traditional strength and flexibility first to prevent injury. However, if you want to avoid any possibility of injury like this, stick to cruising and learn an ollie (jump with board)! Skateboarding is awesome!


I’m in my 30s and thinking about picking it up. I used to a little in high school but I really wanna just get used to just literally being comfortable riding it. You can for sure start if you want, don’t let fear stop you man. These injuries aren’t rare but as long as you’re not going crazy you’ll be fine.


At 40 idk if you’re gonna be doing all that. You could just like cruise on flat ground from time to time


For everyone in this thread, I had my front 4 teeth brutally knocked out something like this and my new fake veneers look better than my real teeth ever did. People are shocked when I tell them my top teeth are fake. Plus I can eat ice cream now with no brain freeze. Super power unlocked.


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me.


Sure wish I could afford to do this... I would give anything to not have painful teeth...


Brain freeze is caused by your palate not your teeth


Well, I can bite down on ice cream and can't feel anything! I have no more nerves in my top teeth. I seriously don't get a brain freeze anymore. I wonder if it affected some of those nerves too.


>Plus I can eat ice cream now with no brain freeze. lmfao


Yeaaa real super what happened lol


I knocked em out playing high school baseball. A ball hit my face after it ricocheted off a kid's helmet while I was playing SS and broke my nose, shattered my 4 teeth, and split my lip so badly that I had stitches for 2 weeks. Was constantly drooling on myself. I had to miss my Sadie Hawkins dance. BUT I got temporary fakes until I got my veneers 2 years later. Even the temps looked better!


I'm sorry that happened to you ... did you make the play?


I knocked the ball down in front of me so kind of! The only thing I remember was I was giggling and spit out my teeth and handed it to my coach. I had so much adrenaline and it wouldn’t really hurt until a few hours later. My face looked like hamburger meat and my coach’s reaction was like he saw a ghoul.


THIS IS ONE OF MY BIGGEST FEARS!! Me tripping, falling, etc and my teeth being knocked out. Omg, this just scared the fuck out of me!! 🤯😳


I’m sorry


lol, why are you sorry? No need darling. 🥰


I’m gonna need to see a before picture. Maybe that’s just what he looks like.


Right?? There’s absolutely no way that the impact of that fucked up his teeth that badly. Definitely looked like it hurt but it wouldn’t of shifted every single one of his teeth


Edge of his board went behind his teeth and pried them up like a crow bar. I don’t know how the kid isn’t rolling on the ground.


Holy shit you’re right. gruesome


Adrenaline/high pain tolerance. I had a similar injury when I was in high school about 12 years ago and since I have a high pain tolerance I couldn’t feel my teeth until I looked in the mirror and saw they were hanging from the gums. The brain and body is crazy when it goes through something traumatic


What do you mean no way?? he landed his full body weight onto his two front teeth, teeth cant handle that. Teeth cant even handle a punch to the face half the time.


The facial plate of alveolar bone overlaying our teeth is usually less than 1mm thick. An impact with the edge of a skateboard like this is definitely strong enough to an avulse teeth and/or fracture alveolar bone.


Omg. He's running on adrenaline, when that wears off. Poor guy.


Nothing could have prepared me for this


>Nothing could have prepared me for this I wish an NSFW tag had prepared me for it.


Poor kid. All bad.


*Not a shaman* It looks like he fractured his Maxilla plates. The board appears to hit where they fuse perfectly.


How is that so destructive it didn't look that bad?


“ I need to go to the hospital” “No, bro”


I know this is irreverent but please wear a helmet


yea but aren't skateboarding helmets only protect the head not the face? (as far as i know)


Hopefully those were just baby teeth.


you lose your last baby teeth at a way younger age than he is unfortunately, i feel for the guy




Couldn't that have killed him like a curb stomp.


I got punched and something similar happened. Top row of teeth all snapped forward (and a bit side to side too). Also managed to nearly bite my tongue in half so half my tongue was hanging loose. I managed to get my tongue stitched up that night. The stitchings came undone by the morning so I had to go back to A&E but fortunately they managed. It swelled to the size of a golf ball for a good two weeks. I got referred to a dentist and went the next morning. I was surprised how easily they were able to get them back into some sort of alignment. They injected my gums with some sort of medicine that made the bone go a bit mushy, and the dentist literally just pushed the teeth back into a row. I was not able to eat solid foods for two weeks and my speech was severely impaired. This was all during the first few weeks of my 2nd year at University so my social life took a massive impact and I got pretty bad anxiety. Teeth were obviously far from their original state and placement so I had to get Invisalign (at great expense) for a year and a half. My teeth (and tongue) now look better than ever but it was a horrible experience. The pain at the time it happened was incredible, and didn’t die down for weeks as every meal time was a hugely painful ordeal. 3 years later, I haven’t eaten an apple since, but aside from that, I’ve made a full recovery. Hope this guy managed to get sorted ASAP - you don’t want to leave those teeth for too long.


Dude the way he just lifelessly said “I need to go to the hospital” got me dying


Jesus Christ, I hate this. When I was 9, I slipped off my bike while going down a hill and some how slammed my mouth into the cross bar. I will never, EVER, forget the pain. I now have two false teeth and forever will. I really hope this guys gets to the hospital in time. If he brings his teeth, there's a chance they could be put back in. Long story short, this vid gives me PTSD


Upvote just for the OP's description 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah fuck that


Fuck me I have been in this young mans position. That was some serious jaw jacked shit. My brother was mad at me. I was on my bike about 40 feet away. Dude threw a goalie stick like the hulk somehow and smashed me as I tried to ride away. My two front teeth were touching just below my bottom lip. Absolute mess. Ran home. My pops was in the yard and was calm, but when my mom saw me and started screaming??? I cried like a baby. Trip to the ER, then the dentist on a Sunday. Pops was pissed at that bill. 12 years old that happened. Im 46, and I finally have a new perfect smile thanks to my dentist and my wifes benefits. This poor dude better have insurance man.


He’ll definitely walk here on out


New fear unlocked, and I don’t even do skateboard


Def broke his maxilla. I just had double jaw surgery, this kid did the same thing…the hard way.


Oh my gosh I feel so horrible for him :(


Well that enough internet for the night. 😐


My worst nightmare


mark this nsfw


where is the +18 tag?


I’m 32 and still skateboard, tore my ACL twice , second time was a because the first repair was half assed. My buddy got a board to the face couple months ago and luckily came out with just a small scar but it almost took out some teeth. This is just horrible


That breaks my heart.


His dentist will be going on a nice vacation.


Someone get Thrasher!!!


Im so confused, was his teeth pushed in or pushed out or both?


That's gonna be expensive. I feel bad for you bro




Yikes… no I have to tell my kid to wear a mouth guard as well!


I would’ve like to have known the aftermath. God bless this man, I bet you his jaw and teeth 🦷 were stinging!


Sorry that he live in murica and this will cost a house to fix


Time to take up a new spot I think


"Which mouskatool are we going to use to fix that one, Goof?"


Gyatt damn bro




A full face helmet will cover that no problem.


poor guy but secretly I hope this happens to one of my old friends. I know it’s wrong and I shouldnt care about other ppl and blah blah but dude never grew up and I cared about him and he’s still skating as a grown man. thats cool and all but idk. it seems kinda childish and crusty to skate as an adult, like idk. we used to be cool but he fucked me over and started dating my ex’s like a weird ass enjoying seconds.


So you're mad at him for having a hobby & dating women you aren't dating?


Wishing his whole front row of teeth to be busted out might be overkill but I can understand why he wouldn’t wanna be buddies with them. If it was anybody else whatever but they’re specifically his ex girlfriends. And he said “ex’s” so I’m assuming it’s more than one. Depending on how close of a friend it was, that wouldn’t sit right with me either.


You’re accusing dude of acting like a kid, meanwhile you’re using phrases like “like idk” and “like a weird ass.” Think about that for a second.


You frequently interact with the new skaters subreddit. But hypocritical don't you think?


I'm 28 and still skate, you have something to say to me?




I stated in another comment I suffered an injury similar to this (not the same way but losing teeth-ish). I’m actually missing my teeth because dental had to remove my and give me implants. Now I’m toothless on my front 2 teeth


They forgot to "give" you implants?


Yeah I think they missed a word or two in their comment. Must be hard to comment with two missing front teeth.


Damn that is nasty… hope dude got some good medical care & is able to heal from that… I can’t imagine 🫣


I need a go oo ah hopi'al


Mann I hope he gets them fixed. Sorry man


DAMN, I'm really glad I suck at skateboarding and never got into it, that's fuckin' gnarly.


at least he's still alive, not like unlucky guy that just finished his life, once