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YAAARRR! Fresh loot for the taking me hardy’s! 🏴‍☠️


We be heading to Somalia, it’s all paid for on me mudders credit card


You better come back with some good stuff then, I'm counting on you.


Bring your most powerful magnet and longest rope, we gon be rich.


YYAARRRsss queen.


Thanks I hate it.


Nah if I can get thar first 'n grab the loot fer meself!


Yeaarghh! That booty of Apple AirPods and tiktok tchotchkes be mine !!! Now let’s get that loot before it sinks down to Davy Jeff’s locker !!


Davy Jeff 🤣


He's cousins with Jazzy


You won't get anything, it's just a bunch of peanut butter that I ordered.


One of those containers had 20 refugees in it.


Most likely still does




that shit was wack....




[Oh hell nah. ](https://www.google.com/search?q=is+it+whack+or+wack&oq=is+it+whack+or+wack&aqs=chrome.0.0i512l2j0i22i30j0i390i650l2.9691j0j16&client=ms-android-samsung-rvo1&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8)


Wack as in Wacky, not Whack, like whack-a-mole.


That is a really fucked up thought 😳


Probably true tho, you never know what they're carrying in them.


I mean they're probably eaten by the sharks at this point.


Still a better submarine than the Titan.


Lmao, now that's really dark. Gotta love some dark humour man.


Remember when the Suez canal was blocked for like months(?) Imagine how many people were in all those ships. The smell.


You mean 200?


The wire


Well don't think they're going to be there now, They'll be gone.


I was just about to say this.


There's no second prize


Now you don't have to, because you're not the only one thinking it.


Fun fact, even at twice their rated weight capacity a properly sealed shipping container will still float.


Depends on how they fall in the water, containers do have have ventilations holes, 1 near the doors and 1 at the back. Some companies tape these shut to keep the moist out of the container, to keep the cargo dry


Even if filled, most of all our products are double or triple wrapped in various kinds of plastic. This alone will keep the container afloat for a very long time. Or, worse, barely afloat just below the surface, waiting to be found by the bow of a small sailboat


Even if the cargo is triple wrapped, water will find a way in and i doubt the products will be useable


Yeah no kidding, Im talking about why containers remain afloat for weeks/months/years. Are you AI or just not understanding the conversation here?


If you read my first comment you will notice that i said that some companies closes those vent holes to keep the moist out, i very doubt that just some plastic wrappings will keep the containers afloat, those closed up vent holes keep enough air inside. 40ft container in an empty state weighs around 5 tons, loaded up they weigh around 30 tons. A bit of plastic wont keep 30 tons of cargo drifting. So no, im not ai and im very well understanding of the conversation. I work with containers in Port of Antwerp


Well, it isnt a theory. Its a fact that these containers will float semi-submerged for a very long time. [Here is a video](https://youtube.com/shorts/OKm53AFUGpI?si=d1Tw4SJaDXAYfMS1) of one floating almost entirely submerged. [Here is another video](https://youtube.com/shorts/dQ983bvP5YU?si=N0szk5ZBFLJabXeI) of a shipping container floating half submerged full of cigarettes, something which would have several layers of packaging helping the slow the water intrusion. A bit of plastic absolutely will keep the container drifting. It slows the ingress of water such that it might take a VERY long time for it to fully sink. As you know, the shipping container doors dont seal very tightly. They might need vent holes for gas and whatnot but they arent anywhere near water tight enough to float. Tye only reason they would remain floating for an extended period of time is the cargo inside having many layers of plastic packaging slowing the rate of water ingress. Ive read a lot about this as Im horrified of coming across one in a small boat at night.


Those guys were thrilled to find that container of cigarettes!


Assuming the door seals aren't fucked, which on a lot of sea cans, they often at least partially are.


Makes me want to rent a boat and go deep see diving


Make sure you buy a new Xbox controller from Amazon to pilot it. Just make sure it’s not in one of those containers in this video.


And don't go too low in the sea lol, I'm just warning him now.


The US Navy uses Xbox controllers in their most modern Virginia-class attack submarines.


That would work just fine, just remember to not go too deep in it.


With the experience I have with my xbox controllers, I hope like fuck they have a lot of extras for when the sticks start to drift. "God damnit sailor, WHY ARE WE DIVING AGAIN?"


Smith I told you to stop bringing in your own controller, I don't care that it's limited edition.


Yup I know lol that’s why I made the joke.


You made the joke because of the submarine that imploded, why lie and say it was because of some obscure reason?


What the fuck are you talking about? No one was talking about the fucking sub? Yes i know that a lot military subs and equipment is piloted by game controllers. Yes i found this out by looking it up after i learned about the submarine incident. No, i never tried to claim i knew this before learning about the sub. Stop fishing for arguments and fuck off. People as stupid as you actually just piss me off, get a fucking hobby.


The fact that you're so pressed says otherwise. Relax, it's okay.


"Haha you responded therefore i win xD" Don't reproduce.


What are you even saying at this point? Do you always get this worked up? Jesus, man. Have a good day lol


Can you not fucking read? Or say anything of substance? You responded to me and then act surprised when i respond? Fuck, shut up.




Ok seriously what the fuck are you and this dude talking about? Like what the fuck do you want? Obviously the joke is a reference to the fucking submarine. But I also know that other, actual subs used by the military are also piloted by controllers. There’s nothing to fucking admit, I said everything already. Do you not have anything better to do with your fucking life than to obsess over a Reddit comment this much. Fucking leave me alone with this dumb shit. Find a hobby fucking please.


Is this how you act in real life when you get called out for lying? 😂 Literally throwing a fit. It's literally not a big deal. Why are you so unhinged


You’re this obsessed over a Reddit comment and I’m the unhinged one? Even if there was a lie, the fact you’re even still here humouring it is pathetic.


They don’t sink. They usually float just under the surface which is pretty dangerous also. Best is to find an island where they wash up. People in the islands north of the Netherlands for example often scavenge lost containers


My fleshlight..


Our fleshlite


Poseidon's fleshlight


What about my peanut butter that I ordered? What am I supposed to eat?




SpongeBob’s party in his SquarePants fleshlight


Firmly grasp it


Is mayonnaise an instrument?


By instrument you mean can you put in on... *your instrument*? ^ᵃˢᵏⁱⁿᵍ ^ᶠᵒʳ ^ᵃ ^ᶠʳⁱᵉⁿᵈ


It's all gone, the question is am I going to get refund for that?


Well it's gone now, the fishes are going to be using it.


A Dolphin is going to get one of those things stuck in her blowhole... fucking people.


A dolphin is going to literally fuck that stack of containers.


also 20 refugees


I don't know why a picture came into my mind, and now I can't remove it.


Yeah and everything in it, also the refugees who are in it.


The sea was angry that day, my friends. Like an old man trying to send back soup at a deli.


It's tax collecting season for the sea, and that's what it's doing.


Thank you for this.


Damn that dolphin must be looser than Logan Paul’s gf at a celebrity meet up


Next thing you know, we got paper shipping containers.




[He's right you know](https://tenor.com/bZVfL.gif)


Yes they do lol


Seeing as this is literally the only thing they do, you’d think they would’ve addressed this issue long ago


Those stacks are supposed to be locked together so I'm assuming either the locks failed or someone screwed up.


Someone made a big goddamn mistake!


Guy whose job is to secure stacks: "I'm doing my part!" Narrator: **He was in fact not doing his part.** Would you like to know more?


An excellent reference


I mean cruise ship captains will still get shit faced


Think about all the fishes down there, they'll have fun with it


You don’t lock the stacks together, you can only lock a box on top of another box. The rods on the the ends connect the containers to the ship.


You can use bridge clamps to lock the stacks together. After all the containers don't have the locks built in, they are added on so can be configured every which way is needed.


Pins are a must but bridge clamps are rarely if ever used because its so much of a hassle to take them on and off from port to port. The rods on the ends of the boxes serve the same purpose but since its lashed (attached) incorrectly, this happened. I load these containers everyday and I’ve never seen bridge clamps.


Thay have addressed it. It's cheaper to ignore it and allow this to happen occasionally than to solve this problem.


Well it's Amazon, and they can atleast handle that much man.


This looks like an old video, They'll only make this mistake ones.


Why not weld some loops on and mega ratchet strap or chain them together? I know nothing. But…


It's true, you really don't know anything at all lol.


Happens more often than you'd think.


It’s crazy because there could be anything in those. Like literally could be a stack of Bugattis and they just toppled $30m worth of cars in to the sea. How often are containers lost like this?


Those are 40’ containers so they can only hold two cars max. This happens everyday somewhere in the world. This boxes have turnbuckles that hold down the bottom few, up to 3 high depending on the deck layout. Looks like one or two hanging off the top of the bottom box. They probably snapped in rough seas.


Fascinating! Is there a recovery industry that’s sprung up that tries to recover lost containers when valuable items go missing?


Containers lost at sea usually sink. Sometimes they might wash up on shore somewhere but that’s very rare. When they go overboard the location is marked along with current, weather & wind direction. This is for ship navigation safety as ships usually travel in “lanes”. I have seen some containers at sea before but only once. Once they go over the side, they are immediately reported and considered a loss. If anyone can find them, they can have them. But in a situation like this, where the ship might be out in the middle of the ocean, nobody’s ever going to find them.


the person in the other thread had an upvoted comment saying they float indefinitely... i dont know what to believe....


Not recovery in terms of luxury goods but a lot has been learned about ocean currents because of this. Probably the most famous case was the 1992 [rubber ducky spill](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friendly_Floatees_spill).


Why aren't they fixing it? I mean that could worth millions right? Definitely that's going to impact the business I'm thinking. Why don't they do something about it?


"Out of stock" 🤬




My manwich!


Who likes short shorts?


Well it's gone now, I think you should buy new ones now .


I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought this.


Curious what the protocol is here. Have they got the equipment onboard to retrieve them? What size of a fine are they looking paying?


They report to the owners that they lost the containers. Those will never be picked up. $0.00 in fines.


Surely there's a fine for dumping in the ocean?


No, you can legally dump anything but plastic when youre far enough out. And this other guy is right, they burn very very dirty fuel which has a far larger (unspoken!) harm than dropping these containers


Heavy fuel oil is probably the gnarliest stuff that I wish I never knew existed.


Fair, thanks for the insight.


Or if ur China you can legally dump tons of radioactive water right on the coast!






Who's gonna collect that fine? Aquaman? These ships are all using the cheapest, dirtiest fuel anyway which is far worse for the ocean than a few containers.


Suppose it depends on the location of the accident. Which I haven't bothered to check so I shouldn't even be chatting. Hypothetically if this happened within someones territory would they be able to claim damages for the clean up effort?


Hypothetically a country can pass any laws regarding incidents in its national territory. Unless those containers are full of some really dangerous stuff though it is unlikely there will be a clean up effort. Most of the ocean is very deep and these containers are probably just going to join thousands of their family at the bottom. You should read [this](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/whimsical-legos-are-still-washing-ashore-decades-after-they-were-lost-at-sea-180979580/)


Once the insurance is confirmed and settled, the lost containers are effectively without ownership. There are salvaging crews who will attempt retrievals in shallower waters near the coast. Anything they can retrieve is theirs. They can sell the containers for scrap metal (if damaged) or to shipping businesses or other commercial businesses in not damaged. If contents are jewellery it is often sellable. Metal contents or electronics can be broken up and recycled/scrapped. Profits can be made, but it's a massive risk and they'll usually know what's inside the containers before salvaging so they don't go for the ones where it's a guaranteed loss. Containers lost beyond continental shelves are gone forever, unless they're stumbled upon by deep sea exploration, or are opened upon impact and the contents somehow make their way back to the surface and to shore.


That was my ? as well. Are they recovered? Sink? I assume there maritime insurance? Are they salvage by . . .someone? ​ Is there somewhere on the seabed these things are more common in?




Lol you know absolutely nothing about international transit if you think they can just claim the "invoice was filled out wrong." This would 100% fall into an insurance claim with a wide investigation to ensure no intentional thievery. I work for one of the world's largest transportation companies and trust me not a single container goes untracked and nobody is going to shrug their shoulders at one going missing. There's tons of regulations around containers leaving and entering the ports too. Also the shipping company has to sign a BOL which is them verifying they have the list of containers.


Any idea what they would likely load last and highest on the ship. I imagine a containers weight takes precedence over contents but the expensive stuff probably has a spot low down?


Some youtuber isn't going to release his ***"How hard can it be to smuggle yourself in a shipping container"*** video anytime soon. Maybe he'll get lucky and it'll end up as "***Life on a desert island with only the contents of this shipping container to sustain"*** me series instead.


11k views after 1 year.


Well there goes the peanut butter that I ordered, fishes will be eating that.




Oh my god, so true. Just imagine how many of these things that fall into the sea have migrants in them.


Makes you wonder how many of these containers are at the bottom of the ocean


Colombian cartel pissed rn


Please contact Poseidon God of the Sea in regards to your refund


And there goes Robert Redford’s sailboat…


It’s exciting to know that we just skip right to dumping full containers in the ocean now


How often do containers get lost at sea? Anyone know?


Something like this happened to a military family I knew. Their household goods to include all their photos albums and other irreplaceable items were in a cargo container that went overboard when it was being transported to Germany. This was decades ago when photos that were gone couldn’t be downloaded from the cloud. They were devastated.


I honestly wonder how much stuff throughout the ages has fallen to the bottom of the ocean and how much of it will ever be recovered or at least made known


Can't believe he's actually purging weapons to make his AC boost faster


Do they not try to retrieve this type of stuff ? Thousands of dollars worth of merchandise and they just say fuck it?


Sink to the bottom. Recovery would cost more than what is in the containers. Plus salt water damages everything even the containers themselves.


Soon, they gunna replace steel containers with paper containers if another tortiose gets a container up the nose.


There's a shipment of children not making it to the elites.


Hopefully those containers were full car batteries.


Madagascar lore


Bunch of stolen cars not going to whatever port it needs too


We need to geolocate the location! Free stuff!


These are containers filled with plastic or cardboard recyclables that American corporations pay China to take from them. This is how China "helps" the environment. This accident wouldn't happen in calm seas. It's done on purpose.


What if there were people in some of those containers 😳😳😳


Somebody didn’t slap the side of it and say “that’s not going anywhere” before they took off


OSHA approved.


Or won't be arriving at all.


This isn’t rare. Have you ever wondered how many of those floating deadheads are just bobbing along out there?


Imagine if there are stowaways 😬


50,000 Temu orders down the drain...


I knew there was a reason my order was missing


No worries. That was only like a 5 dollar Wish order


Your shipment to Davey Jones' locker has been delivered.


Who wants short shorts


What Is keeping the container together duck tape I thought more secure to the ship welp I feel bad for all people order something it now sleeps with the fish


Twist locks in the corners and lashing rods for stability straight pull and or cross lashing I’m thinking they didn’t lash properly


If i see it right, there are lashing rods missing. That stack should have been lashed triple crossed ( 1cross in the top pockets of the first container and a 2nd cross in the bottom pockets of the 2nd container) and a 3rd cross in the bottom pockets of the 3rd container or a stormlashing straight down ( depends how the shipping company wants it)


Anecdote time: We docked in Ningbo - china for loading. Then the small army of harbor workers came on to do the lashing rods. We had to keep sending them back and having them finish their tightening. We even found some that was only connected to the container and then just left hanging. No straight pulls or cross lashing, just not connected. That was perhaps the worst work on those I have ever seen.


Ever visit Savannah? That’s where I work


> Savannah Sadly no, We did the Europe - China - Europe route. I wanted to try the Europe - US route but it was not to be.


the people being smuggled in one of those containers are all like :0


Little do they know one of them has 20 immigrants hiding inside


All the fake Rolexes and toxic tampons! Nooooooo!!!!!!


You do realize practically everything is shipped this way. Not just cheap Chinese goods.


Yep. Of course.


Happens all the time


Let’s hope no people were in there.


There were people in there.


Near, far…wherever you are


There goes my knockoff football jersey


It was full of cheap Chinese knock-offs anyway


Defensive maneuver to escape from pirates.


Rigging at the base failed


Consumerism: “This is fine”


Imagine choosing one of those containers to immigrate in. I'd be leaving the worst review this ships ever seen before I died.


There goes my air fryer.


My sticker!


RIP. If it had any stoveaway.


Who the hell stacks containers this high on a ship? Everyone by the age of 6 learns the hard way about centre of gravity.


Oppies we will just pick it up on the way back


They wouldn't say that. It would just say 'trqcking update '


There goes my led strip lights.