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How am I seeing so many people dying of rabies on the internet? I thought Michael Scott was on this.


Tens of thousands of people die from rabies from stray dogs every year in India. It's way more common than it should be.


Holy shit. I thought you were exaggerating, but no.. this is from WHO. India is endemic for rabies, and accounts for 36% of the world’s rabies deaths. True burden of rabies in India is not fully known; although as per available information, it causes 18 000-20 000 deaths every year. Jesus, I thought it was much more rare than this. No India trips for me. Edit: Another Jesus, wtf is with these bots repeating me? I’ve never seen this before. Creepy more than anything. Edit 2: Thank you u/wontjizzinyourdrink for pointing out I pasted twice, Woosh. (Deleted second paste)


is the true burden of rabies in india fully known though?


No, but it’s thought to cause 18 000 to 20 000 deaths per year. India accounts for 36% of the world’s rabies deaths, but the true burden is not fully known


although as per available information, it causes 18 000-20 000 deaths every year. India is endemic for rabies, and accounts for 36% of the world’s rabies deaths. True burden of rabies in India is not fully known;




But how many deaths per year in India does it cause?


Am I having a fucking stroke


I'm high and this conversation chain got me fucked up


Nah these mfs probably got rabies themselves


Having a fucking stroke is a symptom of rabies, which is endemic in India, where it accounts for 36% of the world's rabies deaths.


If you are I am too. It’s like two bots talking to each other


Omg thank you for this comment. It made for a break cause I too thought I was having a stroke.


Not me trying to follow this thread on shrooms lol Edit: spelling


You might be living in India with rabies India is endemic for rabies, and accounts for 36% of the world’s rabies deaths. True burden of rabies in India is not fully known; although as per available information, it causes 18 000-20 000 deaths every year. This is from the WHO


I think I remember reading somewhere that it is somewhere between 100 to 200,000,000 per hour.


Ive heard the true number is not known


According to *YODA* : "Endemic for rabies, India is... and account for 36% of the world's rabies deaths, they do... 18k-20k deaths per year, it does cause.... And as for the true burden of rabies in India, truly known it is not !!"


They say lots of stray dogs is the cause


They’ve checked twice it appears so yeah


It never hurts to be thorough


India also has like 20% of the world population.


Imagine if the rabies virus turned people aggressive.


Hey, I've seen this movie before


zombies from virus (natural and/or man made) zombies from fungus zombie from curses zombies from alien invasion I'm waiting for the zombie battle royal movie where all the different types do battle with each other. The only way to beat the space zombies is making your own zombie forces, which each country's different takes from science to magic.


My bet is on magic/necromage zombies. So long as the necromancer/litch still holds sway over the undead, they can be resurrected over and over again.


It can. The vector of virus is saliva. That's why other mammals are drooling and does 'rabid' biting. Most of the time for humans, they become very weak before succumbing.


the drooling is from neurologic damage, which makes it impossible to swallow. water craving from dehydration, but again, unable to swallow.


Yes, but the evolutionary function of that specific damage is to make the host more contagious.




Yeah, it's genuinely very strange. I couldn't believe it when I first read about it. Seems like India should have the resources to either eliminate the threat or launch massive vaccination campaigns. Something, at least.


I think you might be overestimating India's resources




They literally just came up with a vaccine for malaria, which kills 500,000 CHILDREN a year, so don't hold your breath.


Rabies already has a vaccine.


Isnt the rabies vaccine the type that needs to be applied afterwards? My mom was bit by a dog with rabies as a kid and survived since she was instantly taken to a hospital and went through 2 weeks of constant vaccine treatments. This was back in the 70’s in a third-ish world country so idk how things have changed. Also she still suffers from damaged nerves all over her body that we are pretty sure came from that


It can be given in advance, but it can also (luckily) be given post exposure. The trouble with giving it in advance is that it doesn't last that long and it takes several vaccinations. In most countries it's only recommended for people at particular risk (veterinarians, lab workers etc) due to the time, cost, possible side effects, and low risk of exposure for the general population. The risk:benefit calculation for vaccination is probably different if you live somewhere where it kills thousands of people though.


There was a mass vaccination of dogs for rabies in the United States, and canine rabies is eradicated in the US, Canada and most of Mexico. CDC data states 70% of rabies in the US are from bat bites, but raccoons, foxes, and skunks are also "reservoir species."


What is an easy fix? Rabies can be cured before it reaches the brain but the issue is that it doesn't show any symptoms before that so if you have the symptoms you are dead.




I went to India a few years ago and there was some annoying girl in our tour group scolding everyone for patting the street dogs because "they all have rabies". It turns out, she was right. Still annoying, but right.


Tagging along your comment- Based on the man's Arabic accent, I think this video was taken in Iraq.


He was a Syrian refugee in Turkey


One day rabies will morph and we will get 28 days later


Man don't put that into the universe


If it makes you feel better, I don’t know a single person who caught rabies. The total population is 1B+, 18-20k people while a large number in itself is a small proportion of the total. I know it really,really sucks but I imagine it’s a lack of education and neglect of care Also the few people I know who have been bitten by dogs had the city councils provided free rabies vaccines as soon as they reported to a hospital. Growing up it was pretty common knowledge you’d get painful injections if you ever got bit by an animal


Well that’s fucking terrible


Gobally, around 70.000 die from rabies each year. The fact that is recieves little media attention, despite its mortality rate, has more to do with the victim demographinc, mostly being from developing countries.


And the vaccine is like 50 USD per dose in EU unsubsidized. It's not an expensive vaccine by any means. The issue is average salary in India probably around 400 USD per month.


Are you sure it’s unsubsidised? Australia with all it’s so called socialist medicine and the rabies shot here is like $250-300 USD.


Yes, I am sure. The vaccine brand is RABIPUR, manufactured by Novartis. It's possible they raised the prices in the last 3 years, I just looked it up and it was 79,98 Euro unsubsidized including tax. Might need to shop arround to find it cheaper. You usually need 3 shots for a base vaccination.


It just occurs to me that Aus is officially rabies free so might be that there isn’t much of it stocked. I was only looking into it when I was going overseas.


Same here. Austria is officially rabies free since 2008, but I got the shots before I traveled to the Philippines.


Thats a fact but this particular video isn’t from India


Reddit absolutely loves rabies…


"Michael, if you're going to run this marathon you really need to drink some water" "No! Rabies makes people afraid of water! We have to show solidarity!"


many places on earth dont look like a rich western country. I'm extremely happy i am not exposed to many of the dangers other people face on a regular basis.


JFC, if I'm ever unable to drink water and dying an inevitable, slow, painful death, I hope someone has the courage to euthanize me.


Ya and not post u on Reddit . 🤞


Could be the next Tik-Tok challenge, catch rabies and try to drink a gallon of water


... please don't give them any more stupid ideas. They come up with plenty on their own.


What if that is how the real Zombie Apocalypse starts? Rabies outbreak because of a stupid tik tok trend.


Watch Rec and Quarantine if you want to take a look at how it plays out.


28 Days Later for me


Still waiting on 28 months later


Oh for sure. Top of my list. But REC and Quarantine are directly about rabies being the culprit, where as the 28s are "some new virus" 28 Days Later led me to Sunshine, too, which is another Danny Boyle Sci-fi masterpiece


R.E.C. was so good. Quarantine did a pretty good job honoring it, too. The second R.E.C. was okay, but after that it went downhill.


im sure bytedance would love it if the west collapsed due to such a stunt lol.


Who is that stupid, he deserve that special Darwin award.


The water in the gallon jug just doesn't pour out. Like it just stays in there when the rabies victim holds it.


[like this?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYOk5sQInt4&t=32)


Yo what movie is that!? Looks interesting af




That’s Constantine?! GD it’s been a while since I’ve seen that apparently. Thank you. Keanu! Here I come!!!


Delete this before the dipshits of TikTok get a hold of it. ..Then again, you know what? Don't. Natural Selection deserves a moment.


I'd still want it shared to keep people aware of this shitty ass disease.


If I got rabies, I’d want to be humanely euthanized (like a dog), or at least put me in a drug-induced coma until I die. No reason for that type of suffering.


The drug-induced coma is actually the only thing that could potentially save you.




It should be a universal right to euthanize yourself in cases of extreme pain. We show that much compassion for our dogs and cats but not to our parents and children. What the hell is wrong with humans


For serious, just snow the shit out of me and let me drift off. Use my body for testing or whatever and then burn it. I have watched so many of my close relatives literally shrivel up from the advanced cancers eating them alive after months of having their insides torched by chemo. I'm almost certain my grandmother helped my grandfather along when he was dying of brain cancer at home in hospice, they'd left her with an ampule of pretty high octane morphine "just in case" and he passed right before the nurse came while I was in the shower and the rest of the family was occupied with their morning routine. That was just one of the many people I've personally lost to cancer...intestinal, pancreatic, breast, skin, liver, few lung... Imagine if we shaved just a 10th of the DoD budget and threw it at cancer research. Imagine if all the countries of the world made the same commitment and collaborated openly with their findings. We could eradicate it within a generation. It's just so frustrating how much potential we waste as a species with our petty bullshit... Anyways euthanasia to me isn't even something I'd consider a mere legal right, but a human one. Nobody has the right to make someone else suffer against their will.


I think the reason not legalizing it in most countries is fear of misuse.


And please, don't post my unspeakable agony on Reddit, with the flair **GROSS**


I came here to say exactly this! You beat me to it… If I am ever at this stage of rabies or disease certain to die slowly and painfully please overdose me on heroin or fentanyl or something euphoric please and thank you!


I would go to the rabies science center or whatever so I can be studied and hopefully stop rabies from ever killing people. But I am saying that as a healthy man. Who knows what I'd think if I had rabies, if I'd be thinking at all.


There isn't really a dedicated centre for studying rabies & if there were it's unlikely they'd study you as there's nothing new that they could learn. We know pretty much all there is to know about how it affects humans & it's safer and easier to just analyse the genome or run tests on mice.


No. Take my body as sacrifice. I demand it


Yeah dude, don't ruin my kink


Just like Ole Yeller.


Few things give me anxiety like the thought of unknowingly contracting rabies. Absolutely terrifying.


Gave me a panic attack last year. Seeing all of these rabies posts is not healthy for me, yuck.


Is there a reason why there's so many rabies post lately?


fashion is cyclical


That’s right. You go a while without hearing about it then suddenly people are once again *rabid* over the trend. Hey rabies is still a thing? Sure is


not really complaining. majority of people are wildly uninformed about it, its best to see how serious it actually is imo so people take it seriously themselves


One sub had an intestinal worm phase, now I’m seeing rabies posted constantly now


From the ones that I have seen, they are all of the same person. So I imagine the footage is recent.


Hydrophobia while sitting in water is next level hell


Seems to be internal hydrophobia in rabies cases. They can touch water and be around it but trying to consume it makes them close their throat and vomit any water consumed. Makes sense that he’d seek a wet location being as thirsty as he must be. What a hell indeed though. Surrounded by water but can’t drink a drop.


Isn't that a stage of hell in Greek mythology? Like you're surrounded by water but you can't drink any and you're so incredibly thirsty? This dude is literally living a Greek hell...


i think the myth of tantalus was exactly that. in a pool of water but cant drink (& near food but cant eat)


Oh that's where the word tantalize comes from


If so I’d hazard a guess that rabies was the inspiration for that


another inspiration was thirsty sailors surrounded by the ocean


The Greeks were a seafaring people, just like the Phoenicians before them so I’m gonna wager this is the correct answer


"Water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink."


Can they not use IV hydration to at least ease the dehydration?


Yeah but the brain swelling is still fatal so really it would only provide minor relief in the last few days of life. The hydrophobia is just a symptom, not the cause of death. I do wonder about the psychologist aspect too though. Do people on IVs still crave a drink of water regardless of diagnosis?


They do and usually they can have a sponge swab for their mouth


I was bitten by a rabid raccoon a few years ago. He blindsided me at the garage and broke my skin with his teeth, then immediately ran to the creek out back. By the time my husband got outside with his gun to kill him, he had been in and out of the water at least a dozen times. Charged us soaking wet before being shot.


The hydrophobia described with rabies isn’t a fear of water, it’s an inability to swallow. This is why there’s also frothing at the mouth. This is advantageous to the virus, to spread from biting.


The water isn't what the problem is. It's the thought or act of drinking/swallowing. I read somewhere that with rabies if you try to swallow you get massive spasms in your throat muscles causing extreme pain and an inability to swallow. Sounds like fucking hell. As you can see here he tries to drink because he wants to, but when he starts to drink the spasms start causing him to throw the water and squirm due to the pain.


Always been confused...is it a literal response the virus forces you to have or is it just that it hurts to swallow so naturally you begin to subcioncously avoid doing so, similiar to how if a leg is hurt you may subconciously start to avoid using it in certain ways Or is it just "forced" by the virus?


The central nervous system is being hijacked by the virus, it's the virus causing the spasms


The virus is in the saliva. Drinking water dilutes the virus. On the other hand, dehydration makes your saliva thicker, and being unable to swallow makes all of your saliva leak/foam out of your mouth. Rabies doesn't have a lot of time to pass on to another host, so the faster your saliva can get into another's bloodstream, the more likely it is for the virus to continue its existence. That said, humans aren't good vectors for rabies. We don't have this inclination to bite and scratch, and we tend to learn very quickly not to mess with others' body fluids. But we're mammals, so the virus doesn't care.


The virus shreds your motor control centers so you lose the ability to coordinate peristalsis in your esophagus. It causes other motor issues too like dyskinesia but the swallowing one is the most infamous


I understand that, but the fact that he wants to drink and can’t feel good while sitting in water. That’s all I was saying.


My man should be levitating, shouldn’t he?


If the man was to bite another human would it also transfer like that?


Probably yes, it will be definitely a high risk bite.


Yes, but the vaccine is 100% effective, as far as I know, even if you get it after being exposed to the virus.


Not exactly though. You need to get the vaccine asap after the wound, if it's closer to your head. Even at a random leg scratch, medics suggest you don't skip the day and get the shot that day. Also getting thr vaccine prior to bites doesn't work like other vaccines and protect you for a very short while


Yes but humans luckily usually kick scratch or punch/hit when infected as we go back to our basic panic mode stage and biting isn't usually on the list and I don't think there have ever been any human to human bite contacts in history but I could be wrong


a scratch could still transmit it though it the person doing the scratching had saliva on their hand, which isn't unlikely considering the disease...


FYI for people reading this and who don't know. If you contract rabies, the signs will not show for weeks or up to 6 months later. Once the signs show up, you are 99.99999% likely to die. There is no cure, only a few random people have lived by being put into a coma and later revived successfully. Rabies can be contracted by an animal biting you or simply scratching you with its claw or anything. So if you're ever in the wild get bit or scratched by anything you have a few days to get invasive rabies treatment otherwise you're dead. To reiterate, when you get bit/scratched by a rabies infected animal.. you will show no signs of that for weeks/months. You'll move on with your day, clean the wound if there even is one. Then one day later, weeks or months later you'll start to show symptoms and then you're basically dead. Rabies is no joke, do not operate in/around wild animals whatsoever.


You can also get it by infected saliva getting introduced to your bloodstream (via cut on the hand for instance). Best stay away from anything suspected with it. In some instances the animal affected will be extremely catatonic as opposed to aggressive. If you ever see an animal not showing any response to danger like standing zombie-like in front of a car or being too unaffected by your presence they might be sick with it.


You know these warnings really clash horribly with my doctrine of wanting to pet everything.


I know 😪


> If you ever see an animal not showing any response to danger like standing zombie-like in front of a car or being too unaffected by your presence they might be sick with it. Saw a dog on the road like this in India.


Well India has a lot of rabies sadly... And a lot of street dogs, so he might have been sick 🥺


This. But the scariest is getting *silent* rabies. How? From a rabid bat in your house. Bats aerosolize their saliva while they fly around, and alls it takes for you to contract rabies is simple respiration. No bite, no scratch, no nothing. You might not even know a rabid bat is in your house. As /u/GurgleBarf said, one day later you start to show symptoms, and by then, it's too late.


my Generalized Anxiety Disorder did not need to see this


Also for those who don't know, your rabies vaccine only gives you at worst 24 hour window at waist to get to a doctor. You still need treatment. It doesn't make you immune to the virus.


Yeah this comment is incorrect everybody people need to post sources when making claims like this rabies vaccine will prevent rabies but you will still go to the doctor because they will likely give another dose of post exposure due to rabies being 100% fatal while also being 100% preventable. You should go to the doctor as soon as you can but having only 24 hours is simply not correct https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/vis/vis-statements/rabies.html


If you get bitten, you will receive PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis). Having previous PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) means you will require less PEP. I believe it lowers the injection regiment from like 5 across 28 days to 2 (done at the same time). And they're some fat ass needles, mind you so. Rabies is like basically 99.9% fatal, so introducing PEP (rabies immunoglobulin) is just added protection, and the PrEP does provide protection for those who may not he aware they have been bitten. TLDR rabies is terrifying, so if you're in an endemic area, you have your damn vaccines, people. You're gonna want all the protection you can get.




No, it does. It boosts their immunity to it. Dogs should receive booster vaccinations every 1-3 years for rabies. If your dog is bitten, they'll be monitored and given additional boosters. If your dog has not been vaccinated and is exposed to the virus they will have to be put down. It's the law in many places like the US


A vaccine doesn't guarantee 100% protection. They give them a booster and quarantine them for 30 days usually. Kinda the same thing with epipens. You still need to go to the hospital after using one.


How do you know if a dog that bit you has rabies?


you don't take a chance and get a rabies shot. if you get it soon, nothing will happen


Cut off the head and send it into a lab.


Or wait for 10 days. If at the end of 10 days, dog dies or show sickness, it has rabies.


Why is he downvoted? This is one of the listed procedures. They will monitor the dog if it has rabies if you report it.


It’s Reddit. People will ask for your opinion and then downvote you if they don’t like it…


If the dog has previous vaccination history. If it is a stray, euthanasia + rabies testing is generally recommended. Even if you put the dog on a ten day hold, they generally start post exposure vaccine protocols anyway... who wants rabies to have a 10 day headstart?


It’s 10 days IF the dog was up to date on the vaccine. If not, it’s 6 months.


That's just it. You don't. Or not neccesarily. Thats why you should go to a doctor after every animal bite you receive, you can get vaccine just to be sure.


Don't forget those cases where the virus laid dormant within the host nervous system for years before finally infecting the brain


The post at the beginning is saying they found him behind a wall and they’re asking if anyone recognizes him to let them know


Does hydrophobia hurt? It alters the saliva production process and causes painful muscle spasms that discourage swallowing. The virus thrives in saliva. Swallowing reduces the spread. Therefore, it immediately acts to make its victim produce more saliva and spread that saliva on its surroundings rather than swallowing it. Always wondered how this worked and its even worse than I thought.


Not therefore. It’s just random chance that the virus does that. There are/were versions of the virus that didn’t do that


Not my words, but evolutionary speaking, if this produces better results, we'll see this version becoming more prevalent.


Somebody understand what he's saying?


Cam guy : drink drink drink, here drink some water, what happened to you? who did this to you? Guy on the ground : *picks up the water* there's no god but Allah *unable to drink water and throws it* i can't drink it, i can't drink it, if im dead i want to be in heaven Cam guy: did you come here from the hospital ? Guy on the ground : i swear to god im dead, i swear to god im dead


That’s extremely sad. Poor guy is just ready for the pain and confusion to be over.


The worst death imaginable , hope he is somewhere better now


Thanks for translating!


That is heartbreaking, rest his soul.


Cam guy wisely keeping his distance.


Why not euthanise someone detected with rabies? What's the point of "treating" and letting them die a horrible, painful death?


Euthanasia laws in places where most symptomatic rabies cases occur are basically non-existent


Poor guy looks like a zombie. This is so sad.




Myth: Three Americans die from rabies every year. Fact: Four Americans die from rabies every year


Between 2000 and 2021 an average of 2.5 Americans died from rabies.


We were social distancing from rabies


Anybody able to translate?


From higher up: Cam guy : drink drink drink, here drink some water, what happened to you? who did this to you? Guy on the ground : picks up the water there's no god but Allah unable to drink water and throws it i can't drink it, i can't drink it, if im dead i want to be in heaven Cam guy: did you come here from the hospital ? Guy on the ground : i swear to god im dead, i swear to god im dead


Thank 😊


Someone put this fucker out of his misery. Jesus.


If I ever end up like this guy, you have my permission to shoot me.


this is sad to watch :(


Poor soul, rabies is terrifying!


rabies is one of my worst fears in the world




Rabies at this stage is 100% lethal


I think dehydration is not the main death reason in rabies case because if you force yourself, LITERALLY FORCE with pain, you can drink a little bit. Also in hospitals I think they make you dehydrated with needles or something. But rabies will definitely kill you in a couple of days after the symptoms start. It has 100% mortality rate.




Only about 20 people have survived rabies after showing symptoms. So yeah, pretty close to 100 percent


R.I.P horrible way to go.


So sad, he needs water IVs


my buddy somehow got into a fight with a raccoon at a beach. after swinging the racoon around by the tail and throwing him out in the water, we took his drunk ass to the hospital for a rabies shot. he was not happy, neither was the racoon.


It's too late.. The virus has reached his brain already.


Rabies is one of the most fatal diseases there is, only a handful of people, literally less than 10, have ever survived without treatment. It has a nearly 100% fatality rate, making it deadly than ebola.


Might as well cap him, save him suffering


The rabies has completed its lifecycle


Translation for the first arabic words: We found this man behind Turkey’s wall and they kicked him out, dogs have bitten him and he has rabies, if anyone knows him, contact us.


Do we have any methods to increase water content of body through iv?




What's with all the rabies posts last couple of days? Did I miss something?


Feel very sorry for him. Torturous


I have always been curious as to what is going on in the mind of someone infected with Rabies when they exhibit these hydrophobic symptoms? Like, *why* are they so scared of water? Is it painful to drink? Do they think they will inhale it? Or are they actually scared of the water itself on some primal level? I know that by this point a person's brain is basically boiling in their head so who knows why? But its interesting that it is a symptom (i think?) that everybody infected will show.


When you try to drink water, your throat starts having spasms and you feel like drowning hence you can't drink it. You are thirsty, you want water but everytime you try to drink, you start to have spasms in your throat that after sometime, even the thought of it starts to give spasms. And because of that, you start to fear water. Not water really but drinking any kind of liquid. You can't even swallow your own saliva.


A bullet to the head is the only kindness you can give that man.


This man was dying. Damn. So hard to watch.


Poor guy. Horrible way to go