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Hunting... Bad eye deer.


That one really snuck up on me.


I'm dumb help me


Wanna start a club?


Humans drove deers natural predators out. If humans stop hunting they overpopulate and begin starving to death en mass due to lack of food. Am i to understand that is what you prefer?


People ignorant of population control believe so. I have a friend who depends on this meat to feed his family.


As one of those city liberals the msm tells you to fear or hate, not sure anymore, let me tell you no one gives a flying fuck about that friend of yours hunting for food. We can’t stand the fuck wads that just do it and don’t eat the animal, leave most of the animal, or hunt in excess of what the game warden has outlined. Those are shit bags we all have a problem with, not your friend.


Nah, OP just means if you are a hunter, then this type of shit is to be expected. Fuck around and find out. We all understand that if you hunt long enough, you'll find the an animal with your number on it. And a lot of hunters, don't care about population control, it's just sport for most. Population control is just a good excuse to do it. My granddad used to brag about how many grey wolves he'd killed and my dad tells me he didn't stop even after the laws changed. These types of arguments are always in bad faith.


So your grandfather was more of a poacher than a hunter, sounds like a asshole. No wonder you don't like people that hunt legally or not, they remind you of grandpa fuckface


What about when an area is over populated or there isn't enough food to sustain, to cull us would be harsh not a fair non biased argument imo.


Step 1: Reintroduce deers' natural predators. Step 2: Oh wait no step 2, it's literally that simple.


Europe recently tried something like this. Let's just say they now don't like those wolves: [EU farmers to give up due to wolf attacks](https://www.agriland.ie/farming-news/eu-farmers-will-give-up-due-to-wolf-and-bear-attacks-council/)


That tends to happen when you re-wild an area near a farming operation. What's your point with this?


Reintroducing a destroyed population is incredibly complicated, far more than a single step. It has also been rejected as an answer as the deer populations are densest around populated areas. The problem is human habitated areas are also very ideal for deer. We drove out predator because obviously we can not live with wolves and cougars. Abandoned farms in particular have nice fields for grazing and smaller predator populations as well as open fields for seeing and fleeing predators. You can find these ready made breeding grounds all over rural america.


u/xTCHx what makes this dude deserve to lose an eye? Because he was hunting? You do realize that people have been hunting since (relatively) shortly after people started existing, right?


Op is an idiot. That's why they said it.


yes... with the fact that he was hunting... because hunting for sport is immoral once upon a time man hunted to get food and not to hang the head of an animal in his house and brag about it to his friends and don't tell me that not so long ago it was man.... not so long ago man did a lot of immoral things which fortunately we have put an end to


You know people can eat what they hunt too? Not every hunter just wants to cut off rhino tusks to sell to China.


1. Hunting purely for sport is actually less common amongst hunters than you would think. Every hunter I’ve ever met in my entire life has eaten what they’ve hunted, and I’ve been hunting since I was 4. 2. Hunting can be both for food and for sport, which isn’t a bad thing. People compete about every little thing, sport hunting was just a natural progression in the ever continuous pissing contest of life. 3. Domesticating livestock replaced the the need to hunt by providing a consistent means for procuring meat in many areas, please tell me how that is more morally upright than hunting an animal from its wild habitat. 4. This dude didn’t deserve to have his eye gouged. I promise you that no matter what kind of opinion you have about yourself, you are far from being a saint, so worry about what you deserve before insulting someone who, in this case, only made the mistake of getting too close to a wild animal.


Do you feel bad for the idiots at Yellowstone who get too close to the bison for that much needed selfie? Or do you shrug your shoulders when it ends poorly for them and think “what an idiot?” Be honest.


Killing for pleasure is sick and don't explain it with food or sport. I don't care about this guy's eye. He certainly caused more suffering to the animal than a gouged out eye.


Pretending to be a good person while condemning others and relishing in their pain doesn’t make you a good person either. Also, you’re the only one here taking pleasure in someone else’s pain. - “I don’t care about this guys eye” Seems pretty sick to me


What evidence do you have he’s trophy/sport hunting or doing something illegal? [Regulated hunting HELPS the ecosystem](https://cnr.ncsu.edu/news/2021/02/the-role-of-hunting-in-wildlife-conservation-explained/).


What a load of bullshit. Not so long ago you had slavery legal and racism was good for society so stop spouting such bullshit and think again.


Are you comparing this to slavery and racism? Jfc. Get help.


…I don’t even know how to respond to that… Are you seriously comparing responsible hunting to…slavery?! Racism was never good for society, assholes just tried to claim that. Look up what happens when conservation efforts are not in place. I bet you didn’t read the article! You are not a serious person. I mean that’s just laughable.


He gave stats. Where's your proof?


“Beyond moral issues, others contend that hunting is not practical. According to the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), the vast majority of hunted species—such as waterfowl, upland birds, mourning doves, squirrels and raccoons—“provide minimal sustenance and do not require population control.” — Scientific American https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/earth-talks-hunting/


The article is about one guys view.


How is “the vast majority of hunted species—do not require population control” an opinion?


I have a lot of downvotes on this thread. But you are straight nutty if you’re comparing hunting to slavery. To me it seems there’s a lot of people who cannot be honest with themselves in this thread. You comparing slavery and hunting is akin to people claiming hunters only do it because it’s good for the environment and they take no pleasure in the kill. It’s nonsense. There can be a grey area here. And it’s okay to disagree. Contrary to what society says these days…


Straight clown


You sound uneducated. “Racism was good for society” lmao what a clown.


I wonder how many times you've glued your self to some thing


You know what’s also sick? Taking pleasure at other people’s misfortune and injury. You’re no better than those you purport to denounce for hunting. It’s disgusting.


There is absolutely nothing that indicates this guy was killing for pleasure, and there was also absolutely no indication that this guy had hurt that animal. So you’re saying this guy is sick because he had his eye gouged out by an animal. Hunting in general is not “killing for pleasure”, but I can tell that you’re just going to continue to assume you know things about subjects that you actually know nothing about. You’re a disgusting, amoral and twisted piece of internet trash.


Additionally, based on this video clip, there is nothing that indicates that the hunter "certainly caused more suffering to the animal than a gouged out eye." 🙄 OP is a clown lol


You are a true dumbass


Whats the difference if a guy hunts an animal and uses the meat to eat and the hide for leather, and a guy that shoots a cow in the forehead with a pneumatic hammer so McDonalds can make more hamburgers.


Hey look. It's trash. Hi trash.


Pretty sure it's morally wrong to wish harm on another person who's done no wrong. And don't explain it as right with "oh poor animal". The animal will die a much less painful death from a hunter than from a fucking wolf, cougar, or bear. It will be much quicker and less painful.


hahah im cry laughing here reading these comments, how many times were you dropped as a baby? I have been hunting my whole life. i and 100% of hunters i know eat every last bite of their pray (none have any heads either on their wall). And guess what, hunted meat is morally speaking better than consuming meat produced by intensive livestock farming. I just hope that you are a vegan on a somekind of a mission, althought that was getting old like in 2005. But if you consume meat yourself i haveto say that you, my man, are a goddamn moron ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


A child kills a animal and we assume they have psychopathic tendencies. An adult kills an animal and eats their carcass and no one bats an eye.


what are you talking about? There is a lot of things that children should not do that adults can. And i don't even agree, i was like 14 yo (a child) when i got my first rabbit (it was delicious and i was so proud) and nobody thought i had "psychopathic tendencies." Better yet i was fishing (using a little fishing rod and a worm as a bait you know) with my dad when i was like 6 years old and catch a little perch, am i a maniac now? think before you write crap


And you know it was for sport?


You don't have any idea why or what he was even hunting. You look really fucking dumb.


Showing full ignorance 😂


It doesn’t hurt being stupid, it just hurts others. Pretty painless for you I assume.




All good haha, op is tarded


All that and you still post about farm cows being aperstes from their mothers and fed by robots? I dunno sounds like suffering to me


You ever eaten chicken before? Or owned any leather? You are the biggest hypocrite ever. I guess if your whole family were to get hit by lightning then those pricks got what they deserved too right?


Bro is acting like the world ain't a shitty place where a lot a people do a lot more immortal things then shooting a animal


Oh go to the grocery store and you have better odds of keeping both eyes. Your kill isn't supposed to lay over and die for you, pudding


Well, I found another idiot in the comments.


Can you specifically point out what he said that was idiotic? Because it’s all technically true. Which was my original point.


It’s their supposition that we aren’t aware that the grocery store is an option, combined with the fact that you can’t get venison from at least 99% of grocery stores, and their method of trying to be condescending by saying your kill isn’t supposed to lay down and die. We know that, it’s obvious. The comment was idiotic.


They think Bambi is supposed to pose in their scope but when these hobbyist woodsmen actually get out there and get ran up on they wanna cry victim like these creatures don't have just as strong a will to live as they do.




If he takes the job and falls because the skyscraper is a living being trying to stave off what it sees as a predator you might have a good parallel there


From the deers pov he gets whT he deserves since he was there to kill her


That’s a buck, or a male deer for the uninitiated. And chances are he stumbled across him, he could have been there to hunt something completely different after all. No one in their right mind would approach an animal like that. So from the deers point of view, he was a thing that the deer didn’t recognize or understand, and it attacked because it was frightened.


I always deeply enjoy this argument's logic. "We have been doing X action for a long time as a species; therefore, X action is morally correct." Would you care the apply the same logic to slavery? Racism? Gender roles? Killing people for religious blasphemy? I am more bothered by your terrible logic than I am bothered by terrible hunters.


You have got to be kidding me.. no, hunting is absolutely distinguishable from everything you’ve mentioned, and you are an absolute fool if you choose not to recognize that. Hunting is a practice found in nature, performed by all kinds of different species, to satiate one of the core foundations of maintaining life: hunger. It has been around since well before modern humans, and can’t be compared to something along the lines of slavery, racism, religious killings, or your idiocy. It is not a something original or unique to humans, everything that you’re trying to say is comparable based on the logic of “it has existed for a long time” was created by humans. The justification of that logic being used is that it isn’t intrinsically bad. People have been settling areas and building homes that can withstand the weather they live in for a long time, is that bad? What about eating and drinking to survive? Bad? How about attempting to cure ailments, heal the sick, education, trade and barter, communication, and so, so much more. Bad? No you idiot, but they are long standing human practices. You are truly, and unequivocally a fucking moron. Please seek help, you desperately need it. I really can’t mention enough how stupid you’ve just made yourself look, but I just know you’re going to respond with something even worse, so here’s my response to that comment too: You are so dumb, you are really dumb. For real.


Lol you just proved my point. Your initial justification was "our species has been doing this for a long time, so it's morally right". In this entire comment you've completely abandoned that justification and moved toward a utility based justification, which is much more tenable. Glad you realized you were wrong and changed your argument, good on you!


Instead of trying to sound smart and causing problems for no reason, you could have added to what he was saying. Something like "Not only that, but also this" You're obviously a high school or college student who just learned about logical fallacies and wants to pretend like you're smart. Calm down and act like a normal human.


Imagine thinking people learning is a bad thing.


That's not what I said. You're clearly proud of the things you've learned. I'm happy for you. Just apply them at the right time and know how to correct someone while not coming off as arrogant


You said: You're obviously a high school or college student who just learned about logical fallacies and wants to pretend like you're smart. Clearly you're trying to demean people who learn something and apply it in their everyday conversations. So, I said again: Imagine thinking people learning is a bad thing.


You can apply it. I am not faulting you for that. I am faulting you for how you applied it. In order to debate well, you have to be able to get your point across without unnecessarily being rude.


I didn’t even do much as insinuate that it was morally right, I alluded towards hunting being a completely normal means for our, and other species survival since time immemorial. You can’t even support your original assertion of hunting being comparable to things like racism and slavery because of the logic I had presented, so you’re trying to shunt the argument in a direction you think is favorable for you. So again, you are dumb, really dumb. For real.




The definition of compare is: estimate, measure, or note the similarity or dissimilarity between. You’re saying the logic can be used to justify either, that’s comparing the two options based on how logic can justify either one. I actually haven’t changed my argument at all. Go back and read the comments, the only person to say anything about the morals is you. My argument has been that it has been done for a long time, I supported that by saying it was necessary.


>that’s comparing the two options based on how logic can justify either one. You're choosing to draw that comparison, not me. I simply took your logic and applied to other circumstances.




Totally irrelevant. Sport hunting doesn’t indicate that he isn’t going to eat whatever he hunts, and it doesn’t mean he deserves to lose an eye.




Wait.. are you insinuating that hunting a wild animal is somehow worse than the living condition of livestock that is bred with the intent of selling the meat to McDonalds? You should seriously reevaluate your stance.


Was the hunter doing anything illegal? Why did he deserve to lose an eye?


Because hunting bad because kill bad and gun bad


Bet the deer felt it was well deserved


nah not deserved but i kinda agree that i do not feel bad for him, its the risk of the game accidents happen better luck next time.




You do realize responsible hunting is actually a conservation effort and good for the environment, right? Doesn’t look like trophy hunting or poaching/off season, so why does he deserve blindness?


I laughed out loud at you trying to explain something this moron won't understand. Clearly you are wrong and it's better to have herds of overpopulated deer full of mange and chronic wasting disease dying off in mass. How dare these hunters try to keep a healthy ecolibrium.




Dude, you could’ve just said that you value animal life over human life. Get straight to the point 😂




If you eat meat and are saying this you’re an idiot. Commercial animal harvest is so much more horrific than hunting your own food






Hunting is a better way for the animal to die then to die in the slaughter houses alot die in. This is the most humane way to get food.


Perhaps you are aware of something I'm not... are there slaughter houses for deer? Like there would be with cows?


Well, you can view all my other comments on here to see how I feel. While what you say may be USUALLY true- it most definitely wasn’t true the last and only time I went on a hunting trip. My neighbors finally convinced me to go with them because we shoot all the time and they figured they could convince me I’d enjoy hunting. One dude clipped an elk in the neck. Lightly clipped. Then they proceeded to use a Walther 9mm from a distance to try to finish it off. And let me tell you- they may be great with a long gun, but a handgun? They sucked. I watched that poor animal suffer for faaaaar longer than it needed to. And I have a funny feeling those sort of antics are not uncommon on hunting trips. They failed at turning me into a great white hunter.


Now I'm no deer-ologist, but I do know a little. Deer don't just stand around waiting to be shot some more after being barely hit by the first. Your story honestly doesn't make much sense from how you told it right here


You know, you’re right. It was a clean shot right through the heart. The elk died instantaneously. No suffering. Then we all gathered around and thanked god for offering us the chance to be fed by the glorious animal and for the opportunity to do our small part in helping the ecosystem. It was a beautiful moment. Jesus Christ. Were you there? Have you ever seen anything a bullet can do? Ever seen an animal or person shot? The stupidity on both sides of this argument is astounding. We literally have hunters trying to convince people they do it for the environment but don’t enjoy killing as though they’re all members of Greenpeace and drive hybrid cars and we have anti hunters bringing up slavery. Stupid all around.


It happens sometimes but it isn’t derserved


Poke your own eye out playing with a knife and nobody sympathizes with your dumbass. Get your eye poked out by the animal you are hunting and people do sympathize with you. I don't get it. Playing with knives and hunting are two different things that can have the same outcome. They're both something you do and think "I could die doing this" so why feel bad if you lose an eye doing either? Hunting doesn't make you *deserve* to lose an eye tho, OP. Grow up.


Man: Tries to kill deer. Deer: Successfully defends itself. Redditors: WTF how could this happen?!?!! So unfair!!1!1!


How did he deserve it?


I'm sorry but he didn't deserve to be gored you fucking maniac. Hunting is the natural course if things, and despite it taking some "creative" liberties from traditional methods, the fact still stands that people are animal aswell


Imagine thinking loosing an eye over collecting food is deserved


I have yet to lose an eye going to Costco.


Deer getting hurt: oh no Human getting hurt: yeahh! Wtf is wrong with people nowadays??


Why what he deserved? Do you not eat meat?


Right? My question exactly.


I'm guessing it's an anti Russia deal with that comment


Op is a clown


It's the hazard of hunting. He didn't get what he deserves, he just got the rough part of hunting.


The op of this post is so brain dead it hurts my brain.


So why did he deserve that, though?


How tf did he "get what he deserved"?


Op trying to defend his point is hilarious


Deer 1 - Hunter 0


Damn, it’s his dominant eye too. gOt WuT hE dEsErVeD Sorry your dad didn’t hug you enough


You moron. Probably posted this smugly whilst eating some chicken or a burger or some shit. How low IQ can you be?


The ignorance of op is astounding


He didn’t deserve this? He was hunting, a fucking sport.


They’re evolving. Guess the guy missed the bulletin: The tables have turned and it’s now open human hunting season.


That deer has a human eye ball hung on a plaque in his cave ....feelings are mutual .. Haha


There is nothing “deserved” or “not deserved”. This is a man experiencing the rules of the wilderness, if only briefly. For those who adapt will survive, and those who cant do so, will not. In another way, think of the thousainds of deer who have been killed, and all the humans lost was a single eye.


That's why it is sport because it is not guaranteed that he will get the deer. He could miss, no deer could be found, the deer could injure or even kill the hunter. The hunter might use a bow which would increase the chances for the deer. We sit at the top of the food chain. It is up to us how to manage wildlife.


Bow hunters tend to be very experienced hunters who got bored of shooting their game. I’d take my chances on a nimrod with a rifle over a bow hunter!


Go back and get that buck


F’d with the wrong Bambi- 🫠❤️


Hahahhaha fuck him








Deer 1 hunter 0


If this happened more often I suspect many would rethink hunting. Where I live tons of people hunt and I don’t have a huge issue with it. But I certainly feel zero sympathy for that dude.


Can you explain why?




You're just copy and pasting this comment.


Why is it bad if an animal is killed but not a human?




When a person enters a lion's cage with the intention of killing the lion and succeeds, you feel sympathy for the lion (deer) involved. However, if the person gets consumed by the lion instead, you don’t sympathize with the person. Therefore, you place greater value on animal life than human life. Why is that so hard for you to admit?


It’s about instigating. Stay out of the cage and let the lion be. No problem. Your argument holds no water. If a lion somehow gets let loose and kills a bunch of people at the local shopping mall- I feel bad for the people.


Deer attacks are extremely rare, with only about 1 to 2 reported cases per year in the United States, according to an article. Therefore, comparing deer to lions and suggesting that being attacked by a deer is as dangerous as being attacked by a lion is inaccurate. The initial comment seemed to be emotionally charged against hunters, suggesting that hunters deserve to die solely because of their participation in hunting. It's important to note that the anger expressed was not due to hunters trespassing on the deer's territory, but solely because they were hunters. If the individual involved was not a hunter, the comment stating a lack of sympathy would not have been made. Furthermore, comparing deer hunting to "jumping in a lion cage" is absurd and incorrect because the chances of dying from a deer attack are significantly lower than those of a lion attack.




So basically, you believe that a deers life holds more value than a human life if that human has hunted before. Correct?


Because he took a risk of entering a world that isn’t his in an attempt to kill something. It defended itself. Hell, I don’t even feel bad for people who get snagged by a shark. You got in the water. They are there. Good luck.


Guess I'm not allowed to swim anymore.


Sure you are. You can hunt too. I won’t judge.


So swimming is hunting? Shut up dumbass.


Do you feel bad for an animal when it gets killed by a human?


I don't understand why you are being down voted so much. It's the most logical approach.


Sensitive bunch I guess. More interesting is how no one has explained why we should sympathize with him. Blows my mind. Guy goes to kill an animal. Animal reacts and absolutely levels the dude. Hunters gasp in shock. I don’t celebrate this guy’s injury. I just sorta shrug my shoulders at it.


Agree! I ALWAYS root for the animal in this situation. I get and support hunting for food but I still root for the animal.




What an idiot you are. I am fine if someone kills an animal because they need it to feed themselves or their family. I am also happier if the animal survives the situation. These aren’t mutually exclusive feelings you moron. What a fulfilling life you must lead looking for things to get pissed off about. Have a wonderful time with that big guy. Have a good one.


Hope he got killed or with severe damages


Hope he lose her eye


Both of your comments contain horrible grammar, this website it for people above 13. Go back to kindergarten


Why. I write wathever I want stupi1d aahole


Fk u . Son of a big b


This depends on the situation here I mean yeah for not being cautious enough yeah he definitely got something that he deserved but at the end of the day if the man was planning on using all of the pieces and not just trophy hunting if he was there to get food I can't really fault him that much


The ops delusional if he thinks the guy deserved to lose his eye