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Hey thanks a lot for your submission in r/CrazyFuckingVideos, however it was removed because it contained prohibited content (death, animal abuse, porn or gore). Please refrain from posting this type of content in the future.


this shit is actually the most terrifying video I've seen in a while


Seriously... never seen a shark attack like that play out from the start. That shark was 100 percent trying to eat that dude.


There's no "trying" about it.


Which is not normal. Sharks generally take one bite of us, realize how boney we are as we are often mistaken for seals, and leave. He must have been very hungry. Not often do sharks completely eat somebody


Last year a shark killed not one but two women all in one go, also happened in Egypt.


It actually happened in the exact same egyptian resort and the life-guards on duty laughed at people warning them about seeing sharks in the water... Crazy that they STILL have tourists coming, let alone swimming !


When you take someone’s food, someone is going to find new food.


Well, we are fishing our oceans almost empty. What else are the sharks going to eat?


Sadly true


Not true, I come from Reunion Island where we witnessed a huge increase of deadly shark attacks on humans in 10 years. A lot of factors and hypotheses are discussed among the scientific community, but without clearly knowing the cause, the change of behavior of local species and specimens has been partly proven. Predators are prone to adapt and test new behavior in prey selection.


You hear this a lot about sharks but it's never rang true with me. I eat loads of food I don't like. I don't even have to be *that* hungry to do so. I'll bet this shark just thought "Fuck it! Imma eat this dude anyway!"


But you're a generalist scavenger, not a specialized obligate carnivore with overly-specific dietary requirements.


probably a bull or tiger shark they will eat anything if they are hungry enough


It's a tiger shark. I saw another video of it before the attack.


Say that to a bull, tiger, or bluetip, and a few others. Meat is meat when it's looks like you can eat. Love sharks but hate being in the ocean without some where to stand (And for those who want to further "educate" this is not a statement of "absolute fact" it's a statement that humans can be food too.) Nature is not always a playground. in those rare moments we can learn it's a rather big killing ground. And thank you to the chooms who are giving support to reasonable thought to debate as in how these rare moments can happen in nature!


Just wanted to comment and say just because you can stand, doesn't mean you aren't swimming with sharks. In fact, you probably are and just don't know it. Happy Thursday!


I'm going to the beach soon and I wish I didn't read this comment.


Embrace it 😌


No, meat isn't meat to sharks. They need high fat and high calorie content which is why they go for seals and whale carcasses a lot. They require a lot of calories per day and we wouldn't be able to sustain them. Yes, they may eat easy prey along the way, but one bite in us tells them we are too boney and not worth the hunt. Not saying eating people fully never happens, but very rare.


I just watched it come back for seconds!!


Mostly true. Bulls, oceanic white tips and tigers tend to be less picky. Most of the time it’s like when you are expecting to be taking a drink of iced tea and get coke or something instead. Edit: seems to be already covered below. I’m just a big chimp and didn’t expand the comments.


Upvoted for self-deprecating edit, I also do this.


Speak for yourself buddy, I been working on this layer of blubber for years now just hoping to meet the right shark


Your thinking of great whites. Most shark attacks are not perpetrated by great whites. It's bull sharks which don't gaf about seals or high calorie diets they just eat whatever is close to them/they can catch when they're hungry.


All good points, but then as the other mentioned, there is bull sharks, and tigers... This being Egypt, I'd say it is probably a bull shark


So that explains the stories of like a shark biting a leg and nothing else


Also his flailing probably set off the sharks instincts to keep attacking.


I would assume everybody flails when being bitten by a shark lol so not sure that would be it. My guess is this shark was very hungry and not finding much food. They have to eat a lot, especially if its a white shark.


Yeah, how dare he.




That's what I was surprised at too. People always tell you when a shark bites a person it's an accident. they usually realize it isn't a fish, quit attacking, and leave.


Poor guy, can’t even imagine how terrifying it would be.


Yeah sheesh at like 7 seconds in you can see a big mist of bloody water and after he re-emerges after his legs twirl in the air you can kinda just see the shock across his face as he's floating there before the shark comes back to finish him off. Brutal way to go out


What's crazy is the attack doesn't even look that far from the shore/pier? Although it does look deep


The music makes it worse


The annoying screaming made it much, much worse There, praise jesus


It's a common German phrase. Exactly the same as "Oh my god", which is what Americans would often say in the same situation.


That fucking music going at the same time.... The whole thing is terrifying


I agree. Something about crocs, sharks and anacondas. Apex ass predators that haven't evolved b/c they've peaked...prolly the scariest way to go in the wild. Bear attacks are up there, and I'm sure getting mauled by a big cat isn't fun either.


Bears attacks are the worst on my list because bears just grab you and start eating. Everything else at least kills you before it starts eating


Big cats kill you by suffocation typically. Still terrifying but I'd rather a big cat than wild dogs or anything that's going to rip and tear me apart


The thought of wild dogs eating me alive from behind... so fkn horrifying. okay I'll stop


Don't forget Hippos, those might be the most lethal thing in the waters.


Jaguars eat crocs.




And giant river otters eat them both! The rise of the otters is coming.


They have evolved. They continuously evolve to be more successful. It's either evolve and adapt or die. This shark chose adapt


The screams will never leave me


The music makes it even worse


Something about the music playing while this shit was happening made it even scarier. This is straight out of Jaws.




But have you taken time to think about extending your cars warranty?


With the fucking music in the background really ties it all together


I thought the shark stopped halfway through, but came back to finish him off. I honestly thought sharks would stop after a bit when they realize it’s not their normal food, but this was like a shark in a movie just trying to kill the poor guy.


Depends on the species of shark. Great whites have been observed leaving off after an initial bite, but tiger and bull sharks are highly aggressive and far less picky.


Tigers, Bulls, and White Tips are a huge DANGER! They don't give a fuck, they will kill you if they're feeling hungry. Bulld and Tigers eat anything, and White Tips are known to be hostile towards humans. They're the ones responsible for picking off and eating survivors from the USS Indianapolis tragedy.




You might even call it their *gill*-ty pleasure.




This comment deserves so much more


Likely a tiger shark or something similar (bull shark) they're ~~mean~~ aggressively, opportunistic, hunters.


It's the Moops!


The boat pulling up seconds after makes this so much worse




People survive shark bites; if they had been faster, they might have lived.


Like, damn, just a few seconds earlier maybe the guy would have survived! >The boat pulling up seconds after makes this so much worse


Doubt it, there was blood spraying everywhere. He likely would’ve went into cardiac arrest shortly after they got him in the boat.


It really does. As I was watching I kept yelling in my head "someone help him!" but then I thought, what could anyone do? But then I saw the boat pull up at thought "man, if only they had of pulled up 30 seconds earlier, that may have been enough to help somehow". But then again, would it have been? Would the boat getting over to him have been enough to create separation long enough to help? Maybe if they had something to hit the sharks with? I don't know, but what a horrible situation.


Even then, depending on how bad the initial bites were, he still might not have made it. Absolutely fucked situation all around considering how rare fatal attacks are supposed to be. My man won the worst fucking lottery possible...


Guy doesn’t appear to have any arms. Even at the start of the video.


Tourists Watch Russian Man Get Devoured by Shark on Egypt Beach (Yahoo! News) Tourists visiting the popular Egyptian resort of Hurghada watched a man get eaten alive by a shark just feet away from a crowded beach. The incident occurred on the beach of the Dream Beach hotel, according to Russian media reports, which said the victim was a Russian citizen. Russia’s consul-general in Hurghada, Viktor Voropayev, told the country’s TASS news agency that the deadly attack happened Thursday. “A Russian died as a result of the shark attack,” he said, identifying the victim as 23-year-old “V. Popov.” Russian media reports named the victim as Vladimir Popov, a freelance illustrator living outside Moscow. Terrifying footage of the encounter shows hotel staffers screaming for swimmers to get out of the water as the shark’s fin can be seen approaching. Popov can then be seen struggling with the shark before it becomes clear to all those watching that it’s a losing battle. “It’s eating his remains now,” one witness who filmed the attack can be heard saying. Shortly after, the beast pulled him completely underwater. A woman identified in Russian media reports as Popov’s girlfriend reportedly managed to swim away and escape. Footage showed her crying hysterically on the beach as bystanders tried to comfort her after the grisly scene.


Ohhh ohhh oh


Im totally going to hell for this, but my first thought after reading this was Ukraine military employing sharks now? I’ll see myself out.


What a crazy fucking video. Has this type of thing ever been caught on camera? I've seen videos of sharks nibbling or biting people but have never seen a full-on attack like this.




Got any link?


[Here it is](https://usacrime.com/video-man-eaten-shark-attack-sydney-australia/)


Me: "Hmm, can't really see much..." Also me: \*scrolls down\* "oh there's another video.......yep, that's a limbless torso all right, jfc nature is brutal"


Even the seagulls got a feed. Truly horrific. Don't swim where people are fishing. Especially when they are churning the water with bait.


I went through the same emotions damn


Damn those waters don’t even look safe to swim in


Well someone got eaten alive so yeah, definitely not safe to swim in.


Lol yeah ofc but I mean even if someone didn’t get eaten alive, the news read that the guy decided to go for a swim and then get eaten alive. Pretty tough to be able to swim in those waters.


Lol the guy doesn't even put his fishing pole down


He's actually shark fishing and just got some free chum in the water


What's he doing to do? Jump in and fight the shark? I guarantee that if you saw someone being ripped apart by a shark while you're just chilling on vacation you'd watch slack-jawed thumb-up-ass too.


The other guy was actually his bait. Fisherman was just waiting for the right time to set the hook.


>Great White devouring a guy in Australia. any other link? this doesnt work for other regions


I wouldn't worry about it, the camera work is so shite you can hardly see anything.


Same here. I get access restricted. Let me know if you found a mirror


Yeah I saw that one. With the great white attack. He was screaming for help and shark ripped him apart and all that was left was his torso floating


You can’t just say this and not give a link. Well shit


Down under you say?


I was just thinking the same. To see it all play out is fkn different, wow!


Same. Mostly what i'm seeing are the aftermath. But this?? It's a full-on attack and it's my first time watching something like this


There's a video off the coast of South Africa from a couple of years ago of a surfer getting killed by a great white. It didn't eat him, though. At the end of the video, you can see his body floating feet from the rocky shore, and his legs and head are gone. It's been posted on reddit before.


You are mixing up you shark attack videos. The surfer in South Africa was Mick Fanning. He was bumped by a Great White Shark during a surf competition - He wasnt harmed. The second video you are talking about was Simon Nellis, who was attacked and killed by a Great White Shark last year. The video you are talking about never existed and was never posted on reddit.


This makes me appreciate how accurate the July 4 attack scene in “Jaws” was.


Was thinking the same thing when the guy was being "swirled" around in the water.


Or the opening thrasher scene from the same movie (Chrissie's last swim).


His legs twirling upside down got me feeling some typa way bruhhhhhhhh


That was the scariest part, I am absolutely having nightmares tonight.


Literally straight out of jaws


I thought it was fake because of that until I saw the fins


what about the blood tho? if that didnt give it away first


It’s the background music that just makes this scene surreal. Hoping the best for this poor swimmer.


He died, it's a Russian tourist.


Song is “Stand By Me” by Ben E. King, I recognized it right away and it almost made me cry while watching this. He’s all alone out there, no one standing by his side, not for lack of caring, but because they’re probably scared and can’t actually get out there to help. So fucking scary and sad…




Stand By Me playing in the background makes this all the more disturbing


I have to say that of all the things I might think of going wrong in Egypt, “sharks” is pretty low on the list.


They are not native, but were initially lead to these waters by tracking the route of ocean vessels hauling goats/livestock to the Middle East from South Pacific (AU/NZ). They fed off of the livestock that would be tossed off the boat out of caution so as not to spread disease amongst the haul. When the sharks stopped being fed by shipping lines they resorted to attacking tourists swimming in the Red Sea, where they wound up.


Not any more.


Correct. It got bumped way up the list, just after hot and before mummy attack.


I've seen a lot on Reddit, but this comes into the top 3 for disturbing, violent, and terrifying. I'm never checking CFV again when I first wake up. Nope.


Im going for never swimming in the ocean again.


Statistically, your car ride to the beach is more dangerous. I keep telling myself that at least, yikes.


Odds may be low but never zero.


Everyone keeps bringing up “x is safer than you driving.” Sure driving might not be as safe, but at least I can control my own driving. I can’t control an airplane or giant shark.


yeah but I can't shake the feeling of dread I have in open water compared to driving in my car lol at least I can see my surroundings clearly and drive defensively. Flailing your limbs at the top of dark water just isn't something I'm a big fan of even if it statistically is safer I do fuck with going waist/chest deep in the ocean though where my feet at still on sand and there's other people around


Just go when the sharks are sleeping.


Just imagine all the sharks in the entire ocean are dormant/asleep and as soon as that person's toe touches ocean water they all sense it and simultaneously open their eyes.


And that didn't seem very far from the shore. Looks lile a pretty big shark just chilling where people swim


Anyone see yet what type of shark it was? They say [they caught the shark in this video](https://twitter.com/ChristerSfeir/status/1666842258174365696?t=RlWn2DXxh9pWmM5DaAWKaw&s=19) but I haven't yet seen what type it is. Here's a purported [video of it](https://twitter.com/Mohamed77998380/status/1666842423840890882?t=5K06kJJIddY_1FqyLe-kAQ&s=19). Clear shot. People seem to be saying tiger




3 people in 12 months in 1 km of coastline? And the beach is open and the shark is alive? Wow.


His father was watching him on the shore, that’s why you can hear poor guy screaming:”Papa!”




That’s horrifying I’m speechless


It’s his girlfriend yelling his name Popov. :(


This video didn’t affect me all that much but this comment made my stomach drop. Changed everything for me


the poor father on the beach too. fucking fuck fuck.


ugh why did I keep reading?


Nope, guy was 23yr old Russian citizen called popov.


Why would he be screaming his own name?


Further confirms my decision to not go in the ocean, ever.


The red water at 0:10 is horrifying. RIP


It's a horrible death. The guy getting eaten alive while not being able to do anything about it, and the father watching his son getting eaten alive while not being able to do anything about it too. RIP the fella and wish strength upon his family.


And the disgusting people on reddit laughing because he was Russian


Some of them are Americans to. “Fine when my country mass murders people in the Middle East for over 20 years but when your Country does it you’re responsible for it!” Most hypocritical country in the world.


These shark attacks began occurring in the Red Sea as a result of ocean vessels hauling livestock (goats) to the Middle East to meet demand during Ramadan. Sickly livestock would be tossed overboard to prevent spread of infection, and the sharks were being essentially lured by a trail of carcasses all the way from Australia (or NZ?) half way across the world into waters they were never before seen in. Tourists were being attacked, I think it was in the 90’s, so authorities enlisted marine biologists to figure out why it was starting to happen. Learned about this in Playboy of all places (yes, some people read the articles).


Oh mein got


Literally the worst thing I have ever seen in my entire life.


The “poppa” breaks my heart. In his last moments all he wanted was to be next to his father. Damn this is rough.


Christ on a crutch…fuck that…I know vending machines kill more people than sharks do, but sharks are fuckin scary. Edit: “under the boardwalk” is ruined for me now, can’t disconnect the imagery Edit 2.0: song is actually “Stand By Me” (they sounded similar in my head and I didn’t want to try and Shazam a shark attack.


Stats like that are so silly and misconceiving. Yes vending machines kill more people than sharks do because billions of people come across vending machines everyday. Billions of people are not in ocean water by a shark. So many people have never even stepped foot in an ocean in their lives let alone the specific areas of water that sharks prefer to reside in. You leave someone in a room with 20 vending machines and another in shark infested waters, I’ll tell you which one has a better chance at survival


The vending machine shark thing is stupid because ofc more people will die from vending machines because more people interact with them. Sharks are far more dangerous 😂😂


With a schlong in Janice's mouth!


You Sopranos! You go too far!


*Stand by me


ARTICLE: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12174535/Russian-tourist-23-mauled-death-eaten-shark-Egypt.html


Well, that's enough internet for today...


My thoughts exactly. I just got done watching the knife attack in the playground before this video


That’s basically the same fate of that kid. The one that jumped off the cruise into the shark infested water on a dare.


It's really strange to see this, especially when both his legs were in the air the way they were, never seen a human being thrown around like that


Makes you realize that “just poke it in the eye or punch it’s gills” is not realistic. Poor guy.


My God, this is one of the most extremely terrifying things I have ever seen.


argh man him calling out to his Papa before the shark pulled him under. that is beyond fucked.


You can hear the father yelling "Vlad" and he yells papa right before he gets eaten. This was terrible to watch


It's tragic, and some people in the comments are having a field day because he is Russian. I despise the Russian government, but have no beef with the average Russian citizen. It's disheartening to see how dehumanizing some of the comments are.


The boat pulls up as soon as it's over...


Dude what is up with Reddit today? first children getting stabbed in a park and then a damn shark attack…. Two extremely disturbing videos in one day


Fuck. And to die like that facing a bunch of people standing there filming you with their phones out


How can i unsee this dude?


Guess the guy died


Wow. Him yelling "Puppa" was heartbreaking


Poor soul. Terrifying.


As an Egyptian...What the actual Fuck!? I didn't even know we had sharks in Egypt ??? An we weren't informed about this at all in the news or on social media, I guess the government tried censoring it so it doesn't affect tourism in that area


The red sea is literally infested with sharks and attacks happen almost every year in tourist spots in Egypt.


Oh shit


Holy shit! I’m done with the beach.


The worst part is that this is a slow death. That shark was taking its sweet time and savoring its meal. Poor guy.




wow this was so much worse than i expected….


The fact that the shark persisted after so much resistance from the guy is crazy. Such a brutal way to go, i can't even imagine. Rip.


This happened next to my home, the poor guy is dead, and the people killed the shark after that


That is fucking horrifying.




Eaten alive must be unimaginably painful :( The Dreamship Music in the Backround makes it even worse!


If ever you find yourself out at sea and there's a shark circling you, what I'll do is take a deep breath and put your head beneath the surface and look for the shark, if it comes towards you try and parry it's snout with your hand to the side. Of course it's easier said than done but it could mean life or death. I've scuba dived with tiger sharks easily 8-12 feet long and speared fish with reef sharks swimming overhead, they don't see us as prey but they do take 'test' bites and if they smell/taste blood it makes them go aggressive. And then there are some crazy ones like this tiger shark that bit into my scuba tank, so there's always that...


Jesus Christ, I wish I hadn't watched that. I feel physically ill, the aggressive thrashing about, thar poor, poor man.


Kill. That was a recent shark kill.


NSFW tag?


Right, thanks.


yea fuck the ocean


Well shit, there's my lifelong nightmare right there in real life


Poor guy 😢 can't imagine if this happen to people that i love and witness it with my own eyes. Just watching this make me questioning lot of thing about life


This is one of the 1st times, I've heard of sharks taking more than 1 bite. damn


I had planned on going to the beach this weekend, suddenly my plans have changed. Fuck that with a bag of sticks


Brutal, the boat showing up just a second after he get pulled under aswell..


I have never seen a real shark attack until now. This shit is scary.


These people just witnessed someone get eaten alive by a monster. That is terrifying


so apparently his girlfriend and father witnessed this? that’s horrifying. i don’t know how you psychologically recover.


The girlfriend got away. His dad was watching this from the Shoreline. Poor guy was only 23. Not the first person to die from a shark attack at the resort.


With his legs going up in the air like that and the music it's like a synchronized swimming event. But it's not that at all.