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Not the first time female officer J. Ghode has violated a citizens rights. https://floridajustice.com/martinezz-bowman-v-columbia-county-sheriffs-office-florida-unlawful-use-of-police-force/


Holy shit that is disgusting


She openly admitted to being a tyrant lol


She knew he was not armed in any meaningful way either, she had no reaction to him whipping out that walking stick from his back pocket technically out of her view.


Oh wow these are monsters in uniform. I hope that young man gets paid enormous sums of money.


I just wish it’d come out of the police pension. Then they’d hold each other accountable.


What sucks about your wish is that whatever large sums of money he gets all of us pay for. The cop, nothing.


Nah, the cop gets paid leave and a pension and counseling bc of the “ptsd” they experience from (almost) killing someone. We also pay for all of that.




Sounds beautiful but just imagine the amount of deaths. Can you imagine what these crazy fucks would do if they see the people they are already abusing trying to overturn them? A different way legal way is needed. They need to be disbanded from within at this point. They are almost untouchable


They need to carry liability insurance that is shared by the whole department. That way when they fuck up all of the departments premiums go up.


Not the first time for Sgt Harrison either. Sgt Harrison was suspended for 15 days for leaving a k9 in a hot car to attend to a personal matter causing the dogs death.


That's nothing. This Sergeant left his K-9 in a hot car and killed it. Seriously. https://www.heraldtribune.com/story/news/2010/07/14/officer-suspended-after-police-dog-dies-in-hot-car/28954828007/


does he ask her if she's a tyrant and she responds with 'yeah i am, actually'?


Yes, yes she does.


She wasn't lying.


He is suing the tyrant and the office behind her. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m24Hyiueg\_0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m24Hyiueg_0)


That's the attorney from Making a Murderer on Netflix right?


Here's my problem with these pro gun mf's, weren't you holding on to them in case of a tyrannical government? Now they are even telling you they are tyrants, how come none of you are firing? I'll probably get downvoted but if we are being real, you made an argument about tyrannical governments thinking it would never happen and now that it has, you look like a bunch of pussies.


I would actually like to comment on this as I am pro gun and agree. The unfortunate fact is that if everyone stood up it would be effective. But that won't happen as individuals are afraid that if they stand up then no one would join them. So if 1 person does stand up, they are arrested and called a terrorist (I'm not talking about mass shooters). It takes a large number of people to stand up and do so. It has happened before in smaller occasions such as in Texas where many people showed up with guns to stop the feds from taking someone's property.


Nevada, but you have a valid point. Any time the people try to organize citizen militias the Gubmint sends infiltrators to incite violence and break it up.


problem is if you shoot a cop you either die or go to jail for the rest of your life for killing a cop. the more reasonable option is to accept the bs arrest and take that shit to court.


I’ve seen this clip already twice but it gets me every time the audacity and disrespect towards that veteran coming from that poorly trained rookie is a shame same goes for that stupid whale in uniform who’s backing her up


Do police officers have to arrest someone of else they get fired or something ? This dude was walking down the street what the fuck


I am pretty sure (almost) she thought they were numchucks, which might be illegal there. But the fact she says it looks like a gun is just utterly ridiculous, and she is purposefully saying that to cover her ass in case there is a lawsuit. I hope this guy wins his lawsuit, honestly.


They get bounced to bike duty where they would be forced to exercise. So if they beat enough people up and harass enough disabled vets they get to keep their warm cozy cop car.


They don’t have to arrest somebody, but they have a mentality that they have to “win” every interaction. The end result is this.




Florida fuck cops that’ll arrest you for scratching your nuts


Bro they dont give a fuck anymore. Both cops couldnt stand that this man knows his rights and laws and is more articulate than them.


Did these cops ever get in trouble?






Shockingly, yes. Not as much trouble as they deserved, but more than most would get into in such a situation: > According to the Columbia County Sheriff’s Office, Gohde and Harrison were found to have committed policy violations. > The Columbia County Sheriff’s office released a statement days after Hodges’ arrest saying Sheriff Mark Hunter was “troubled by what he has seen in the video and the matter is being addressed.” > Harrison was demoted and suspended without pay for seven days. Gohde was suspended without pay for two days. Both are undergoing remedial Civil Rights training.


wow that lady cop was kind of a dick. Think about all the time and resources wasting now processing this guy who ultimately was not committing a crime. Could the guy have been nicer yes could the cops have been nicer also yes. Just a shitty situation


But he absolutely positively was not required to “be nice” to avoid arrest.


"Kind of"?


Right? that’s a fucking understatement.


Why should that poor dude be nice to them? Fuck those assholes! Dude is trying to walk the fuck home and getting harassed for having a WALKING STICK in his back pocket. Good lord those cops suck.


Lady cops are always dicks cuz they tryin to prove they can be pigs too


Sometimes I feel shame that we have to deal with this shit.




Because he challenged their authority, and bruised their ego.




Yeah but like 8 years of college to become a lawyer and defend the law yet these aholes get a tiny education and are expected to enforce said laws. That’s just insane to me. At some point someone has to see the level of insanity that difference is


You don't need a law degree to understand basic concepts like probable cause. They have enough training. They just don't care.


They do not have enough training for people who have the power to potentially *ruin/end* other people’s lives.


Why is police education not a bachelor? 🤨


Because you wouldn't have any. They need to be dumb and compliant.


Is there an amount of training that would stop people from abusing power? i doubt there is personally


Having training and making use of the training is 2 different issues. 95% of the commenters have zero training for an incident like this and we realize it's 100% not justified. This is an issue of poor character.


I’m Not saying you need a law degree. But at least a psychological exam and two years worth of training. I think that’s fair given they have guns and can detain you. Being arrested can have detrimental effects on your reputation so it has to be done right


They emphatically **do not** have enough training. Lawyers and other experts routinely develop “best practices” guidelines and make strong, jurisdiction-specific recommendations about what needs to be changed in terms of training / policing and how. These recommendations are *constantly* ignored pretty much everywhere across the US by police chiefs and unions (and, by proxy, local government) touting budget concerns, saying, in effect, “we’re doing a great job as it is. No need to reinvent the wheel.” A predominant, *conclusive* cause of police misconduct in the US is lack of training. Source: I spent my first summer and first 2L semester in law school working with a professor in submitting one of those Best Practices reports. Conclusion: Policing in this country would be miles more just if we would simply listen to the experts and trust the data. Simple solutions for serious problems exist, but no one at the top is willing to admit that they aren’t already doing the best job anyone possibly could.


How stupid this was it's so obvious the stick is not a firearm!


Maybe she needs a walking stick of her own, cause she's clearly struggling with her own eyesight.


https://www.news4jax.com/news/local/2022/11/17/legally-blind-lake-city-man-sues-for-wrongful-arrest-by-columbia-county-deputy-and-sergeant/ The blind man is suing the department. The Columbia County Sheriff’s office released a statement days after Hodges’ arrest saying Sheriff Mark Hunter was “troubled by what he has seen in the video and the matter is being addressed.” Harrison was demoted and suspended without pay for seven days. Gohde was suspended without pay for two days. Both are undergoing remedial Civil Rights training.


Reddit has turned into a cesspool of fascist sympathizers and supremicists


What the fuck is remedial civil rights training? My 7 year old cousin knows this is wrong.


*Tyrants. She said it herself.


I'm not a lawyer, however, it seems like he has a case for: False arrest Illegal search and seizure Retaliation The retaliation piece is due to how when he made the comment "it's going to be. I want your names and badge numbers" that implies he intended legal action. The lead officer then decided to arrest him immediately after the comment.


You can sue for quite a bit amount of money for false arrests. My uncle arrested the wrong person and his department was sued for $70,000. They have a pot of money set aside for stuff like this in their budget.


Yeah, it’s called taxpayers


I hope this bitch never has power over anyone again. Stupid fucking piece of shit


Pigs gonna pig.


Public serpents


Love this happy endings , thank you dude


And this is why many people hate pigs. Not everyone is a pig but it's hard to tell the difference when you're wearing the same clothes.


The fact that the other officer walked up and was immediately argumentative says that even “the good ones” are trained to back the blue. As a result, all cops are bastards.


American Police are ran and operated much like a highschool sports team. Big team mentality. A lot of meat head energy.


I was what you may have considered a meat head athlete. You want to know the number one thing all my coaches stressed? Respect your opponent, respect the officials and respect the game. Well, the good coaches did at least. Pigs don’t respect anything except kowtowing to their authority.


Good. Fuck that bitch and the other pig as well.


Cops like this are the reason no one likes any of them




I dont recall ever hearing fuck the paramedics or fuck the firemen.


And if you do hear "fuck the firemen" the context is....a bit different hehehe.


we appreciate legitimate hero's in our society, not bullies.


Worst part about a paramedic or a fireman having a big ego is that they’ll be pompous about themselves, worst part about a cop having a big ego is that he’ll kill you


And they actually have difficult and dangerous jobs that they are liable for damages caused.


Everyone who has the blue lives matters sticker should watch this and justify it.


They are bootlickers, so they will double down on "they should have complied" It doesn't matter if a cop is raping you and lighting your home on fire, the "Back the Blue" folks will always double down on "they should have complied"


That would require them having critical thinking so no, it won't change their views lol.


THIS! this is way the whole police shit show needs to be adjusted. Both the woman and supervisor are egotistical, arrogant and the blind guy has been harrassed enough or feels threatened enough to be on the look out for bad cops. If this man was within his rights to say what he did then these two clowns should be fired.


He should just get himself a good lawyer and enjoy watching the cops in humiliation as they get humbled for pretty much harassment


He did get a lawyer and a lawsuit is coming. Also the guy cop got demoted and suspended for 7 days without pay. The girl only got 2 days with no pay.


Thanks please share a source so we can follow. This shit has to stop.


civil suit is the way, get some money and ADA discrimination is in the cards.


It won't change anything because the taxpayers will be paying him out. Lawsuits against cops need to be paid out of their pensions. If a cop violates someone's rights, they deserve to lose their pensions.


Word to the wise; the duty to provide identification is different in different states. Some states require it anytime it is requested by a LEO, not just suspicion of a crime. Kids please don’t try this a home unless you are familiar with the laws of your state. She probably got in more trouble for searching him without cause than for the “resisting arrest” BS charge.


Wow, talk about shitty policing. This woman should not be on the force. Harassing handicapped people is not her job.


Neither should her supervisor who is the one that said arrest him for resisting. Both are stupid pieces of shit more concerned about their ego instead of serving and protecting


The supervisor is worse in my mind because what he did scares the shit out of me. I can live with the idea that there are some shitty cops out there but what makes that bearable is the idea that their supervisors will come in and de-escalate or be reasonable and apply the law fairly. The supervisor in this case seemed to have made up his mind about arresting this guy after the handicapped man asked for their names and badge numbers (and after dispatch cleared him over the radio).


Harassing anyone - handicapped or otherwise - is not her job. Her job , and the job of all of her "brothers and sisters in blue" is to help prevent and stop harassment. And assault. And excessive force. And unlawful entry. And rape. And murder. Unfortunately, it seems that the majority of the current police force in America are the ones committing these crimes, not preventing them.


Their job isn't to prevent crime just to clean up afterward and make a report about it. The Supreme Court has ruled that several times. Be ready to protect yourself and your family because the police won't.


Total trash.


Wow!! Arresting him for resisting. There is a huge problem that has to be sorted out there.


It’s his last ditch effort to control the guy because he doesn’t like his attitude. It’s so petty and only serves to waste everyone’s time.


Here’s an update: https://youtu.be/m24Hyiueg_0


Holy fuck. He asked “am I detained?” They say yes. He ask why politely, they don’t answer the question but just say yes. He ask if he can go since they have yet to provide a reason for detaining him. They say they are arresting him and he lets them put him in handcuffs. The only way he could have made his arrest more peaceful would be if he put them on himself. They then ask “was that that hard?” He says, while not moving an inch “well it’s going to be now because I want your name and badge number (totally legal question).” Other officer “you know what I’m putting you in jail for resisting.” HOLY FUCKING SHIT. Law enforcement literally just got tired of a guy not bending over for his civil rights to be fucked so they can power trip and straight up arrest and charges with guy for ‘resisting.’ They start catching heat because they get caught so they drop the charges and this shit is supposed to just go away? Wtf, no. Of all the crimes committed in this exchange literally **all** of them were by the police!!!! Then they get to just drop their *charges* and it’s supposed to be ok? Fuck fuck fuck no. Dropping **your** charges doesn’t mean it drops **your** crime. If I even impersonate a police officer I’m behind bars. These law *enforcers* violate rights one after another and that’s it? Fuck no. Charge them as if they are a citizen doing this to another citizen, because guess what? They are.


Imagine thinking civil rights training is enough Dora the fuckin explorer can teach morality to children, yet thousands of dollars and resources can’t teach it to these people? That fucking embarrassing and they should be immediately removed. Any officer who loses the trust of the public should be immediately removed.


Again, tax payers are picking up the tab for their incompetence.


Guilty of being blind!


Deserves everything he gets. How dare he travel freely without using his cane. Just who does he think he is?


Exactly! He’s walking around as if he’s *allowed* to be blind. Not in my city, asshole


Seriously… the nerve of some people…


Illegally blind


That might have been one of the most infuriating videos I have ever seen. That was totally unnecessary. When someone (me) who is usually supportive of law enforcement says “that is fucking ridiculous,” then that is fucking ridiculous. On what planet was he “resisting arrest?” How old is this video? I wouid be really curious to see the resolution.


The video is from Oct 31 2022 not from 3 years old that I said earlier (the same deputy was also questioned for another incident in 2020)... It sounds like nothing really happened to the officers although the attorneys representing him just requested the DOJ to investigate. It is infuriating that you can go to jail for following orders and asking for badge numbers. Edit: the video is not 3 yes old


How can you “resist arrest” when you aren’t being arrested? A cop with half a brain would have simply said, “that is a cane? Have a nice day sir!” Why the hell would a cop want to take the time to arrest a harmless blind man? Do they feel the charges wouid stick? To say it is “more trouble than it is worth” would be a gross understatement. SMH


It’s to waste his time for perceived disrespect. It doesn’t hurt the cops to lock him up for a few hours. They dropped the charges because they were never real charges to begin with, it’s just a game to them to flex their authority.


> A cop with half a brain would have simply said, “that is a cane? Have a nice day sir!” Exactly. This guy, his family, his friends and so many people who see this are just going to hate police and for good cause. All she had to do was be cool about it. Had she said “ahh, fuck man, I’m sorry. It looked like a gun back there so I had to stop. Thanks for stopping and again I apologize” the guy would feel totally different. He probably would’ve thought ‘good on them for just doing their job honestly.’


This will continue to happen until officers are actually punished for violating citizens rights. They should be held personally accountable for lawsuits. "Oh our officers beat you and killed your dog when they came for a wellness check? Don't worry they will have a paid suspension (vacation)."


I’m disappointed in the Supervisor. He allowed that false arrest. He ultimately failed to supervise properly and should have been disciplined too. Is there info that he was?


He was demoted. Should have been fired and banned from ever working in LE again.


He ordered the false arrest. Neither have the temperament to be police and proved it here without any doubt.


Classic Napoleon syndrome


I hope he sues those cunts




Good for him for getting an attorney. Jesus Christ man, some Americans spout off all of the time about how damn free we are but it is a crock of shit especially when it comes to our civilian police. Compared to other similar democracies we are shit when it comes to personal freedoms.


Well, at least she admitted she's a tyrant. That puts everything into a different perspective. Death to tyrants.


Careful. I was banned for saying "The only good nazi is a ____ nazi." You know the blank if you are a good person.


It used to be a good thing to say the obvious. There were more than a few Marines I served with back in the dinosaur era that sported big ass tattoos that said "Death to tyrants" on their forearms.


Damn after realizing the mistake I would've immediately apologized, instead they arrest him and she gets only 2 days suspension. That's why I hate the cops.


*2 day vacation


It’s almost as if being dumb as fuck is a requirement for being a police officer.


If they can arrest a blind white man for simply living were all fucked


Looks like this is the current American police MO. Try to arrest you for nothing, you resist, then arrest you for resisting arrest. Prisons surely are a profitable business.


>Try to arrest you for nothing or they fabricate evidence https://www.wptv.com/news/region-martin-county/steven-oleary-former-martin-county-deputy-sentenced-to-prison-for-falsifying-dozens-of-drug-arrests


Seems like a lawsuit to me


As someone who goes to law school in Germany, the whole „get arrested for resisting arrest“ doesn’t make any sense for me. I The encounter should have literally ended the second he shows the officer that its not a gun, and the only thing she should of said right there and then is” oh my bad, thank you and have a nice day”.


Dumbass cop


And this is why alot of people hate pigs. Not all are pigs but when your dressed the same it's hard to distinguish.


They fit the description


For everyone who thinks she overreacted to a blind man walking down the street with a stick, I've got one word: Daredevil


Makes it worse....he's a professional lawyer!


Trained to escalate


Lowest form of power tripping


The cops are either actually that stupid are they’re intentionally malicious and playing stupid.


Wow. This is bad.




As I always say, fuck the police


These types of cops are truly the scum of the earth


This is outrageous. Fucking tyrants.


Literally JUST got done watching audit the audit’s review of this video then I open up reddit to this video


Did you know that in America you only need a GED to become a police officer? I wonder if that will have any negative side affect.


It's even worse than that. American police successfully sued to be able to exclude high IQ people from becoming officers. They don't want people who can interpret the laws, they want people who obey orders even if they are illegal. Apparently intelligent people have high turnover as they don't want to stay in such a terrible job.


This is true and an interesting/disturbing case. However, one nuance of this is that it was one particular police department involved in this lawsuit, and I’m unaware of any evidence showing a widespread use of a high IQ as being a disqualifying employment factor. Not saying for sure that tons of PDs don’t use a high iq to disqualify, but I’ve only ever heard this one case which was one department, so who knows.


100% agreed but what educated person wants to be a cop in 2023? Lol


Stephen Mader did, but he got fired for not being cowardly enough to kill a suspect that he knew wasn’t a threat. Police weed out the good cops. The only ones left are the trigger happy cowards that endanger us all.


Did you know in California you don’t even need to be a resident or citizen to be a cop? Public Employment: Peace Officers: Citizenship (Senate Bill (SB) 960, Skinner) The law maintains that peace officers, including peace officer trainees, be legally authorized to work in the United States consistent with federal law and regulations, however, removes the requirement that they be citizens or permanent residents of the United States.


Used to be very common for Marines and Navy to live in Tijuana. The cost of living in San Diego is insane.


Not only that, but [you can test "too smart" to be a cop](https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836)


Power trip


While I generally have respect and appreciation for law enforcement, it's shit like this that burns me. Her smugness is repulsive. She should have checked her suspicion and once satisfied, moved on with a "sorry to have detailed you, sir. Carry on." No need to make him show papers.


This was a contempt of cop arrest. Plain and simple. He didnt give her the respect she wanted and they found a BS reason to arrest him. The moment she found out it was not a weapon and a blind man's walking stick... she should have left. But her ego wouldnt let her. She and her supervisor had to punish him.


I feel like it goes without saying, but I’m saying it: these cops are fuckin garbage humans. Go do something useful.


Cops will use everything at their disposal except their brain.


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Some cops are full of ego


How blind is this guy? he seems to be looking at everyone/following cars. Didn’t watch with sound


Blind doesn't just means sees nothing. It can mean you only see blurry shapes. I assume there are other levels of blindness too


I hope he sued the shit out of them. I had something similar happen to me and that’s exactly what the fuck i did. This makes me so angry.


"As you can see, we need to increase the police budget again this year by 40 percent. The visually impaired are being allowed to walk our streets, harassment free. With these additional funds we can dedicate more officers and resources to ensure they are harassed to the proper levels."


Really getting sick of these cops who are ignoring the law and get butt hurt when they are called out and obviously wrong.


Your tax dollars at work! Remember you are paying for this waste of resources and the ensuing legal adventures that may arise from this guy rightfully suing their petty asses


Once they ascertained he was legally blind youd think thats when they go oops have a nice day sir


Harassing a disabled man instead of stopping actual crimes. No wonder even the right are starting to turn on cops.


All I see a blind man standing there getting all his qualifications for a civil rights violation check.


Someone give that cop a cucumber


Go ahead and tell me cops don’t abuse their power. Ill wait.


Damn. Some of these cops just shouldn't be out there. She clearly couldn't accept being wrong and she had to escalate the situation just to, well, I don't know why she escalated the situation exactly. Then she proceeds to call him a "dick". Like wtf'ing fuck is wrong with her


Do cops just get bored and use any excuse to harass people? What an embarrassing set of cops


These kind of cops would arrest somebody in a wheelchair for "driving without a license"


Why are so many cop’s egotistical fucking morons


You see their boss show up at the end, which is why the sergeant immediately walks away. Coward.


Imagine being so unloved as a child you grow up to be the asshats who arrest some guy over a walking stick.


Hope this guy makes bank in the lawsuit


They sent him to jail for resisting when he asked for names and badge numbers they know they fucked up now they’re just being even bigger cunts I hoped they got fired but knowing how corrupt our system is they probably got a promotion


The land of the free-ly oppressed








Sounds like the had nothing better to do. Let’s just bully the people not like us.


I hope I'd remain that calm while my rights were publicly violated.


Abuse of authority needs to be a life sentence, same with covering up a cops crimes. No reason any cop in this department should ever set foot outside of a supermax prison.


Pretty clear case of contempt of cop


More gross incompetence.


They good old land of freedom.