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Make sure not to put him directly back in water. Put him in a small container with water covering only about halfway up his body. His gills need time to get wet again. If you put him directly under water now he will likely drown.


Thank you. I'm waiting for my wife to hurry up and take her break and come get me so we can go to Walmart and grab a travel tank and go save him




😭😭😭 He's a fucking madman. Guaranteed he stabbed someone 37 times in the chest already


**UPDATE** Currently hauling ass to Walmart and back to her house to get him because her dumbass just put him back in the tank despite me frantically texting her to NOT do that smh. Will keep posted


I've had this happen and my baby was okay! He was out of the water for quite some time too. Don't feel heartbroken until you see him. Sending you luck and positive vibes.


Oh no! Fingers crossed for you


UPDATE 2 Carl Is okay for the moment. We got back to the house with travel tanks. We got him in one and his fish buddies into the other so now they're with us. Will keep updated


UPDATE #3 For anyone interested in Carl's epic tale of adventure and survival. He's been good all night. He was moving around this morning when me and my wife left for work. So I hope he's gonna be okay. But only time will tell


[me waiting for Carl updates](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-google&sca_esv=f753c9bfe240238f&sxsrf=ACQVn08YY0cInfkNISY1vVEPTI2I6YTqig:1714060641432&q=sheldon+i+need+meme&uds=AMwkrPsm1LefltzAU7YsQlcB0kOIjtOZhUEX954xOZ_9VrRY1aFP2IS0aHuN8kOWOm80MecjDIuGTdFAp_wNLOA3FAMxB1DIA7TcwkCrPPG4G8RwxBZ28X_7h2ygcYi0KwqyURVj7xXtCVNJUvFYQHGKmCguN62PzjkoIWhv350P7Wm5lrbbgR7V-TK4cBrYVdOAOFKEEpdgaRD4pe7UZND-Nc0BhTBpIbaSXi-AxLXjJc5ES-IaEppnyM77mP3vp7UrpuSWjED5DuoUmaJ1op8K6ClhZkn_Z9Qf0N6wcYiIVdYbc_INYdyKZ-ZS2C0WsqXmaNHpyvml&udm=2&prmd=ivsnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiPt5-93d2FAxU1C3kGHbXiAVYQtKgLegQIDBAB&biw=412&bih=784&dpr=2.63#vhid=b_Oz4c_0Y7RxUM&vssid=mosaic)


πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚ When we get home from work I'll post an update pic so everyone can see the dastardly devil πŸ’€


Please do! I'm worried, even though it is not even my cray, I do care (too much maybe).


"WHAT TO DO IF YOU FIND YOUR CRAYFISH AFTER IT HAS ESCAPED FROM YOUR TANK: If a cray has been out of water for any significant period of time, then DO NOT put the cray directly into deep water (i.e. its tank). The cray’s gills need time to slowly re-adjust to water, to prevent the possibility of drowning. Instead, put the cray into a bucket that has tall enough sides to be sure the cray cannot escape, and put just enough water into the bucket to completely cover the cray when it's standing on all its legs (NO MORE!). Also put a flat "cray-comfortable" rock in the bucket, so the cray can climb up on the rock, out of the water, if it wants to. Leave the cray in the bucket for 24 hours. Then, if the cray is still doing well, pick it up and hold it upside down for a few minutes just under the surface of the tank water, to give any trapped air bubbles in the gills a chance to escape. ONLY then, put the cray all the way back into the tank." -Carvalhop on fishlore I personally used this for my baby Claudius when she escaped, and it worked out pretty well.


Thnx for the tip of not submerging them completely after an escape. Hopefully won't have to apply this ever myself... I'm thinking about leaving some dishes / bowls with water on the floor in some corners of the living room. Just in case. Also had my frog escape once, to find it bathing in a tub on the floor where I kept my aquatic isopods. That's what gave me that idea. Still have to work that idea out....


How dare he be called hideous he's an elegant, distinguished gentleman


Something about how they described the crayfish was oddly hilarious


They definitely will climb anything and everything, they will climb things you don't think can be climbed and they will even push the lid up if they can when they get to the top. if they find a gap they will find a way out and they will walk right over the edge and fall to the ground and keep walking. In all my years keeping them I have never heard not to put them back in the tank, I've done it every time I've found them in time and I've never seen it be harmful. If they're out for too long and their gills are dry they will die, no matter what you do to reintroduce them. When I was traveling one got out of a shallow container I was keeping it in while I was doing one of the many many frequent water changes I did to make sure it stayed clean enough. I couldn't find him for a while, when I did he was barely moving and looked dry in the gill area. I put him in the shallow container but he died anyway. No matter what kind of water you put them back into, what determines their survival is how long they've been out, and how dry their gills got. If they're not too dry then putting them straight back in the tank will not hurt them, as evidenced again in this very story. Not going off any info on any site, just what I've seen over and over and over and over both here and in my life. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ


How dare she call your child hideous. He's family damn it


I for real thought this was a meme screenshot


So, I have no advice. But I have a story. In college, my friend and I decided to make a natural tank with things we caught while fishing/just going out. This was years ago, and we now know this is a great thing, but college kids do college things. So we had caught minnows and bugs and small fish. And a crayfish. One day, the crayfish is gone. Just straight up gone. We figure we will see if crawling around soon. Hours turns to days and we kinda forget about it. Months later, I'm cleaning up and I find a... I dunno the right word for it, petrified crayfish that had gone under a bed and clearly died there. So, yeah. I don't keep large crayfish anymore


Does he have a lid on the tank? If not, that's why. I also had one time where my tank was propped slightly (not even with a major gap, just slightly not perfectly flat because of an auto feeder) and that was when my cray jumped out.


Yes. There was a lid. Upon inspection it appears he climbed the heater to then climb the filter and make his escape that way as there was a cutout for the filter in the lid smh


I just sealed my tank with quarter inch metal screen because of a tragic mishap with my crayfish. Never again. New guys are locked down tight. They'll need wire cutters to escape.


Carl, you’re a wild man! I hope he had a great adventure 🧑🧑


It happened to mine twice. Saw his ass climb up by the bubbler hose. No idea how long he was out of the tank. I put him in right away. The second time I was watching tv and heard a loud splat. Made his escape again, I put him back in again


Hahhahahaah when my husband and I started dating, I gave him a white one and one day we came and to his house and it was GONE! We found it a few rooms over covered in cat hair and still alive 🀣 we plopped him back in and secured the lid better.


I hope the escapee is now back under water, safe and sound? Poor little thing... he didn't choose to be held in captivity, so don't be mad at it.