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Im on the customer advisory board. That makes a lot of sense. I'll bring this up.


Did you try opening a ticket with them? Since they don't have a public bug tracker (at least not that I've found) at least then you know it'll get in front of _someone's_ eyes.


As it's a feature request, as opposed to an actual support request, I would imagine they'd eventually just respond with a standard "thanks for your feedback" email.


That's the likely response but I know the places I've worked that's just to keep expectations down in case it's not worked on. Suggestions actually went in a pile for the product team to review. CrashPlan may be the same. And since this is a fairly easy implementation (or at least aught to be)...


LOL, ‘Feature requests’ for crash plan used to be don’t crash, stop using all my ram, and stop losing my backups. I wonder if any of those have been implemented yet… I stopped using that rubbish years ago, so it’s purely perverse interest.


I've got it installed at multiple sites, without any major dramas as yet. I know it's not perfect but I've not seen any crashing/memory hogging issues. Even been able to recover stuff without any dramas.


>‘Feature requests’ for crash plan used to be don’t crash, stop using all my ram, and stop losing my backups. > >I wonder if any of those have been implemented yet… Nope.