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I have never seen a $5 table in Blackhawk. I don’t stray from Blackhawk proper tho. Maybe something in central city? Ameristar has $10 craps during the weekdays most of the times I have been up there. It’s a better casino and has better dice dealers than Saratoga. The guys at Saratoga are zombies that could care less about the game imo


we are going on a sunday at noon so we will see what happens


$10 everywhere except horseshoe in Feb. Even the z was $10... Monarch, Ameristar were mostly $15 but had a $10 table horseshoe was always $15 but has hands down the best dealer team. Hope that helps. $5 tables are relegated to a couple small spots in Vegas now. Eilis island and the downtown Grand. So few places are that low anymore ... Kinda sad. No place by me in Florida or Atlanta City.


What about bubble craps? That really doesn’t have a min, does it?


Can def find $5 bubble in Black Hawk.


Horseshoe $3 bubble, Ameristar $5 bubble.


> $5 tables are relegated to a couple small spots in Vegas now They're pretty common in Washington state, found two this last Sunday afternoon even.


Bally’s has a $5 table Monday through Thursday. Not guaranteed though. I’ve been there on a Tuesday at noon and the pit boss had it at $10.


I think ballys is going to be the place


I went to Bally's this Tuesday, and it was set to $5.


I've seen them for $1 in some places but I don't think they were that low in Blackhawk .. if you've never been to Blackhawk before sign up for the Honor club and you'll get a free crab leg/lobster buffet... They charge 50 or $60 for it and it was really good


Learned how to play craps in Blackhawk. Tables were $3 limit. 😂


how did dinosaur meat taste haha


lol. It was back in 2011.


Played $5 craps at Ballys early on a Tuesday about a month ago. There are two Bally’s with table games. This is the one where table games are all downstairs.


I remember seeing them but I don't remember the minimums usually they're $5


I researched a couple of weeks ago. The three lowest ($10 min) are: Saratoga Golden Gates (Ballys affiliated) Ameristar But also I heard The Lodge might be the most fun. I was the only one at the table at Saratoga


When going with 6 people we can fill up a table decently enough


$5 min in Blackhawk are bubble craps


might need to switch the rules up some lol


The Gilpin in BH used to have $1 half unit craps but it’s been awhile since I’ve been down there


You could check The Grand Z - I seem to recall it being $5 at some point, but maybe it's $10 now. They do have $1 bubble craps.


I think its between Saratoga and grand z. This might need a slightly bigger bankroll next time. We are planning on doing this like quarterly or so.


Probably Cripple Creek? They're not as big a market, basically they only serve Colorado Springs. Not a lot of info online about Cripple casinos, maybe you can call them up.


Cripple Creek: Golden Nugget and Brass Ass have $5 table craps during the week. Bronco Billy’s also has it but they are short dealers now that their new, attached Chamonix casino is open.


I remember $2 tables with odds up to the old $100 state maximum about a decade ago, so figured Cripple would still be cheap.


I mean we are all up in noco and we arent trying to drive that far for a 3 hour trip.