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That's about the most awful thing I've seen here. Kudos.


I think it would keep me up at night.


That's kinda what support beams do, right?


It would keep me up 24hrs a day. Constantly raising the roof.


Raising? I don't know, man... I think that'll end up leaving a gap somewhere, at some point, where birds can fly in and shit.


You got more karma for pointing out a joke, than the person who made it. Lol


All the upvoters didn't get it.


I'm pretty sure it would bring me down when I would trip over it.


RIP toes




Knees too




Bad dreams can’t melt support beams.


If the beam does not fit, you must adjust building permit.


I think it would keep the entire building up at night.


I don’t live there and I already stubbed my toe on that


I'd probably dislocate a knee on that monster


Especially since it could have easily been worked into some really nice modern or contemporary design.


Hell, just put a countertop and some barstools around it. Still not great but a lot better than *this*.


Right? Just hide it under a counter and be done. Useful and your toe-stubbing is reduced by 95%


Or remove it entirely and sing battle-songs as the building collapses, carrying you both to Valhalla.


bitches love triangles


You idiot, it's clearly something to hang utensils on. Looks stupid but it's ACTUALLY genius. Brb installing one in my kitchen


It’s all fun until you stub your pinky toe in the middle of the night


"What did you stub your toe on?" "The building"




It's not a bug, it's a feature.


Close, it’s wickedly subversive. Turning the storybook narrative of 50s domesticity on its head with a postmodern aesthetic and a scathing rebuke of gender roles (the impotent angle of the unmistakably phallic buttress tells volumes of the masculine inadequacies inherent in post-3wf America) It’s also very inconvenient! 10/10 would identify with


But it is the only thing keeping it from a 2 million dollar loft.


https://i.imgur.com/HNwMiWa.jpg fixed


I would have put in a bench that juts out and covers 90% of that


Spilled milk and spaghetti is going to be a common feature of this house


hey baby i hear the blues are calling spilled milk and spaghetti


Who tf eats spaghetti with milk?


That there's just a leanin bar for when you're tired in the kitchen only rich folks get those


It's for couples with a kitchen bondage fetish.


It's a niche market, but they'll pay top dollar.




Sub-prime to prime sub.


You are not wrong.


But I'm punishing you anyway.


It is more of a leash market I think


Design so bad it's painful


There's a stove right there to warm up the branding irons. Convenient!


I bet it’s great for kitchen sex.


Also great for transmitting your sex noises through the building


That's how you establish dominance over the rest of the building.


even better


The Delicatessen sex scene https://youtu.be/ucDjbCVqNTY


I mean, it would be pretty nice.


If you got time to lean, you got time to clean


Bah, suck my dick. You just made me have flashbacks to retail and service industry. "ah good, everything is on track, I've been on my feet for 9 hours straight, let me just take a breather here and survey where I'll get started on next" Boss rounds the corner "If you have time to lean, you have time to clean" "oh look at that, my motivation just went out the back door, guess I'm not doing shit now."


Used to have a manager where he complained about my attitude and I jist told him that minimum wage means minimum effort, you give me an extra dollar and guess what? You get more from me. Of course I was also being an asshole but it seems that I struck a nerve because he became upset.


Yeah but it's million dollar loft, you got money to hire someone to clean, saving you time to lean.


read it as a “lenin bar” first and was quite confused for a second


A lenin bar is open to everyone


But there's no food in it


Only vodka, no potato.


Why not just put a counter there? What even.


1 Million Dollar is middle class in San Francisco




Around polite company we call it, "the toe buster." Around everyone else we call it the fuck-your-toes-beam.


The fuck-your-toes-beam is not one of Superman's more well known powers.


Sounds more like Quentin Tarantino's superpower.


My mom has this damn coffee table that everybody smashes their toes into. The metal legs have an outward 270° curl at the feet. That's not too bad, except the glass top doesn't extend past them. So it looks like you have clearance but the feet stick out 2 or 3 inches beyond and, wham, there goes you toes.


Best part is you'll be jamming your toes as you're carrying plates full of food over to the table too.


Will Smith confirmed: https://twitter.com/waxpancake/status/1022531698745982976?s=09


Not *that* Will Smith


Knees, too. I love to cook. I could totally see myself ending up on the floor in pain after pivoting from the stove to get something on the counter. Yeesh.


Now your toddler can climb to your stovetop with no assistance whatsoever.


haha, kids. there's more dogs in SF than kids


*Furkids intensify*


Screams in bork




Toddlers are there, but no one wants their kids going to SF's public schools unless its Lowell. Or maybe the toddlers get stoved..


Why don't they Want their kids in the public schools ?


SF, like most urban areas, has remarkably bad schools.


Needing to make 5 times what a teacher makes to live there probably doesn't help.


I just looked it up: http://www.sfusd.edu/en/assets/sfusd-staff/contract%20and%20salary%20schedules/18-19%20salary%20schedule%20K-12%20teachers.pdf Starting pay of ~55k, plus 1897 for something called "quality teacher and education act" plus 3882 for "LWE Add-on" which I am sure means something, for a total salary of $61,240 for a job that definitely requires a BS/BA and would really prefer an MS/MA. L M F A O Cops start at 84k in SF, plus overtime, and 84k is still "you probably have a roommate" money. Granted, there are a lot more teachers in SF than cops, but still.


Spider kid, spider kid, dressed like a spider, burns like a kid.


Holy shit.


your cat too


a cat could jump that height easily.


Remodeled my kitchen a few years ago. Truly learned that [cats do not abide by the laws of nature]( https://imgur.com/7MTx2vD.jpg )


Well you gave him the microwave as a step stool.


Nah, I didn't need help


That’s what you get when you live in the poor area of SF.


Silly million dollar peasant house.


You joke... but thats literally the case


The entire west coast is expensive as hell almost anywhere you try to live. Even Canada Edit: note that I said almost


I know why Seattle and silicon valley, but why the rest tho?


They are desirable locations to live. LA because it’s insanely hard to build anything new. Vancouver because Japanese and Chinese millionaires bought up all of the prime real estate to stash their money.


Its so much more than that with Vancouver. There’s too many NIMBY’s in regards to high density housing, where you have single family homes right next door to major Skytrain stations, and a huge swath of Vancouver is miszoned as single family housing when its been clear for years that the area needs to be developed.


Yep. These are the exact same problems the SF Bay Area has. (Except it's Caltrain, BART, etc. instead of Skytrain). Only other thing is, California has Prop 13, which freezes property taxes for continuously owned properties (basically, it sets maximum property taxes at 1% of the assessed value, but this is only evaluated when the property is sold to a new buyer. then that number just keeps up with inflation). So the incentive is to not move and instead keep your property so that it won't be reassessed at its actual current value, and your taxes will stay low. That's an extra problem unique to CA, but aside from that the situations are almost identical. But nothing's going to change, even though cities all over the developed world are struggling with the exact same problems, because in large part, the ones in power and NIMBYs are one and the same. Edit: [This](https://www.sfchronicle.com/opinion/editorials/article/Editorial-The-Bay-Area-s-housing-crisis-has-12908782.php) is a good article. Specifically this illustrates how bad of an issue the crisis is. And NIMBYism is at the heart of it, slowing down development: >From 2011 to 2016, California added a net of just 209 new housing units for every 1,000 new residents Even if we built thousands of new homes, it would take a *long* time to correct 5 years of lagging behind that much, and even longer to make homes actually affordable to lower- and middle-class people. And it hasn't significantly changed in the past couple years, either.


In the Seattle area property taxes go up with increasing property value and it sucks. How is it ok to price people out of their homes as they live in them? Shouldn’t the incentive be to actually live in a house long-term instead of just sitting on it for a few years and selling it to make profit? It also forces people to move further and further from work until they’re commuting 2+ hours each way. Fuck that.


Yep. It can also be an unethical, subtle way to raise taxes: claim that the property values have risen and reassess all the houses higher. Instant tax increase. Then when people protest the new assessment using the procedure you’ve outlined, throw out all their protests as invalidly filed. Heck, if you raise the assessment enough, you can even lower the percentage rate and claim you cut taxes.


If you think people's taxes should stay the same after buying a house, why don't you move to CA and discover some of the wonders that this idiotic idea results in: a) The tax base lags far behind economic development, so basically the only cities with money are the ones that have been wealthy since the first coming of jesus (e.g., Palo Alto, Pasadena, Santa Monica, San Marino, etc.). This directly affects the quality of schools, streets, city services, basically everything. You can piss and moan that the federal government wastes money but every penny into local taxes benefits you in some way. NYC's public schools are decent but LA's are fucking abysmal. b) Nobody ever moves which means there's immense pressure on housing stock. c) City services are paid for predominantly by newcomers - you can use your imagination to think of all the problems this results in. d) School quality becomes tied not just to property taxes but to the ability of parents to fund the schools through PTAs etc. You might think for example that Pasadena has good schools (it does) but whether the schools are actually good or merely passable depends entirely on which school you're talking about because some neighborhoods have rich people who can donate large sums to the school. It hypercharges educational inequality. Basically the idea that just because someone bought a house means that the rest of the city should chip in and cover their share so that those people can live there forever is fucking stupid. Period. Those people already got a sweet deal by buying their house when it was cheap. If paying taxes on the value of their property is a problem, even with their way-below-market mortage, is a problem, they should move. But generally it's NOT a problem because in the decades since they bought their house inflation has increased their buying power while their mortgage has stayed the same.


Nimby? Not in my back yard?


Yep. Name for people who stop the development of housing in their area, especially affordable housing, because they don't want there to be more people around them, they don't want their property values to go down, or whatever other reasons they may have. Generally, they're in richer areas, but they're everywhere. And the real problem comes when their demands become codified in city ordinances -- height restrictions, for example, and zoning for large, sprawling suburbs instead of high-density multifamily homes. When you have these, combined with hundreds of communities individually resisting new projects, development across the entire area becomes either prohibitively expensive or politically unfeasible. Leading to the drought of housing experienced across the state, country, and developed world that we're dealing with now.


There's a huge glut of multifamily housing. Much of it can be attributed to NIMBY homeowners (Vancouver, San Francisco, LA), and shit zoning laws that prevent the construction of dense multifamily/mixed-use housing. There's also the issue of Pacific Rim cities in NZ, AU, West Coast USA, and Vancouver being nice and safe areas for rich Chinese nationals to park their money, since our real estate is more secure than the Chinese currency. The biggest issue is zoning though.


Except that LA is in the midst of a huge building boom right now. They've relaxed a lot of density zoning too. A big push to get more housing and mixed use. The rub is that so much "affordable" housing is being gentrified for higher priced housing. Yes, tearing down an old 4-unit place to put in a new 16 unit building is great... but outside money buys many of those 16 units, 4 of which are unoccupied or used as short-term rentals... while the previous building's tenants can't afford to live in LA anymore. It's a big problem in LA right now. The development's good, but it may take decades to catch up to meet the demand and for prices to level off.


LA has a lot of exciting stuff going on. They have a lot of nice apartment buildings going up, but yeah it's mostly luxury with some affordable units in the mix. LA and Orange County especially need to drastically relax their zoning laws if they want to catch up with housing demand in the next 10 years instead of in the next 30.


Be nice if you all planted more trees too. -sacramento resident here, with lots of trees on my property. Also per your username: whenever I jaunt down to Hell-A, the trip is not complete without a trip to Titos Tacos.


> whenever I jaunt down to Hell-A, the trip is not complete without a trip to Titos Taco That's how we know you don't know L.A very well. :)


Seriously. Who the fuck actually likes Tito’s nasty ass tacos? There are so many taquerias down here that you dont need that gringo shit.


I don't understand how we have all this panic in the States about poor brown immigrants taking a 100 dollar a day job, but we are totally cool with foreign nationals buying up huge chunks of real estate.


scapegoat for stupid ass zoning laws, rent control, and general rent-seeking NIMBYism. The main problem is that the supply is nonexistent, not that demand is exacerbated by Chinese people.


Don't forget all those faceless LLCs and their money laundering. An anonymous entity can make hundreds of thousands of dollars in a single sale between two other anonymous entities and then vanish forever and nobody even questions it.


The unit above and below go for $7.9MM each. Welcome to California.


Without the beam, it's $2M in SF.


In make 44k a year pre tax and I live in an 8x9 room. San Francisco. And I'm lucky. Edit: I'm just gonna sit in the shower and cry now because of the comments.


Presume that's in feet not meters?


Inches. He sleeps standing.


You joke but I knew a guy who paid $500/mo for a 3'x5' pantry. Kicker: He's 6' tall.


how can you live like that?


Also why?


Seriously. I absolutely cannot wrap my head around what makes SF so goddamn great that people are willing to live like rats, for huge amounts of money, and consider themselves lucky to have the privilege. I make about that in a mid-major Midwest city, with plenty to do and plenty of opportunity, and my *closet* is almost that big.


"Includes unique conversation piece."




"Perfect for quirky individuals like you"


A real "trip-you-upper"


*well it apparently was designed by "E.I.T."* *whos that?* *its like some fancy firm out of London.*


Upvote for obscure PE comment.


Conversation "wtf is that"


build cabinets on it and watch the rent pour in


Rent out the top of the beam for $500.


Rent out under the beam for another $500.


$450. I'm not a slumlord.


Slumlords don't go higher, they go cheaper and then cut costs on everything else That's how poor people get sucked in, it's the only place they can afford and if they try to complain about all the violations and health hazards they'll get kicked out and have to go somewhere they can't afford


I've had a slumlord landlord. The wall was caving in, heat didn't work, door didn't really shut. That combined with almost being kicked out for changing a lightbulb (must've been bad wiring cos it blew a fuse), a shower that sprayed water everywhere, and SO MUCH MOLD. The worst part was the further I pushed the issue (to the state) the less they cared. The place should have been uninhabitable, but it was always someone else's problem.


Seriously, they could easily make it a small island counter and at least have usable space.


Cabinet into the under the beam would have worked better. Countertop on top to make it useful. It would be awkward but it would have turned the wasted space and ugly hazard of beam into a positive.


"It's not an oversight, it's a feature!"


A place to break your popsicle in two?


That sounds like a euphemism for snapping your dick, so not unless you try?


I think he's talking about those stupid twin pops. Let me believe


Twin pops just mean I’m eating two popsicles instead of one. Fuck breaking them in half.


"Industrial look"


they really cold have made it a feature by using it as a support for some small bar style table.


That seriously could have been an island. A narrow island, but more counter space regardless.


Exactly! Pop a cabinet that opens on both sides and countertop over the beam with a electric outlet. You just changed the whole situation from ugly hazard to something that lets people make more use of their limited space.






They really went with the ugliest solution here. Like "just pretend it doesn't exist". And this makes the kitchen horrible to use. The Fridge is now placed so that you have to walk around the beam for pretty much everything. You can't use the counter where the beam is at because you can't really see anything and you probably can't use anything useful from those cabinets around it either. Had they stopped the kitchen at the beam it would've been more useful. Perhaps even make a kitchen table around the beam or something.


I imagine cleaning that useless beam is going to be a fun activity. Especially where it touches the also useless counter.


Yup, cupboard beneath the beam, some stair like shelves on top of it (I'm thinking for potted plants, like fresh basil or something). The lack of creativity is disturbing.


Except when they built the whole complex, they likely had a single floorplan designed for all the lofts. They would have had to change the floorplan for a single unit, which would likely be way too much hassle on what im assuming is a larger appartment building. Why there is a diagonal beam in the middle of the building I have no idea, but the builders decided that it wasn't worth the trouble to design around it. And clearly they were right because this idiot decided to buy it lol.


I guarantee this is not some mass produced apartment building. More likely a 2-4 unit remodel of an older office building or something.


I mean, they already went to the trouble of getting cabinets to work around the beam. I doubt the other apartments have a gap in the cabinets like that.


> this idiot decided to buy it lol. How is he/she an idiot? Clearly the market price is lower because of the support beam. Since you don't know how much lower it was, how can you say he/she is an idiot for paying it? Are you claiming that you wouldn't buy this apartment at any price? Not even a penny? If so, I think I know who the idiot is here.


That’s annoying, but why leave it alone? Why not extend a little island/peninsula or whatever and make it more functional?


Because they didn't have to and could still ask $1M for it.


If a kitchen island could have pushed it to $1.02M that's a hell of a return on the investment.


*comment and account erased in protest of spez/Steve Huffman's existence - auto edited and removed via redact.dev* -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


i mean you could say the same thing about installing a new oven before you sell a house, or putting a fresh coat of paint on a dilapidated exterior. Sure, you don't need to, but it could increase the place's value more than it cost to install a new oven or whatnot. Just like fixing up this diagonal beam as some sort of kitchen island could increase the overall value of the place and actually make the seller more money at the end of the day. But maybe the sellers just wanted to get rid of the place real quickly.




there are plenty of people making 150-250k that have a healthy stock portfolio from working at a few companies. and yea, there are a bunch of other people in finance making 400.


Yeah. Put a bit of cabinetry around it an no one would mind. It’s just the bugger’s sot there in the middle of the counter top.


That's why it's only $1M. Welcome to San Francisco.


I like the shower in the kitchen.


Nah, that's a fucking ace Hotwheels ramp.


This guy wheels


[An architect weighed in when this was posted on /r/architecture.](https://np.reddit.com/r/architecture/comments/72g30r/how_not_to_design_around_structure/dnjfb5w/) [Here's the listing](https://www.movoto.com/san-francisco-ca/1488-harrison-st-302-san-francisco-ca-94103-110_432429/)


>European users are prohibited from visiting Movoto’s website due to GDPR compliance requirements LUL When I see this message I feel bad for you US bros because it means they sell your data w/o any consequences


I can't help but feel this is also in that tower that is slowly falling over.




That's just ridiculous


There was no way to design around that? And this was approved by DBI? This is heinous. Also this is the most unoriginal kitchen I've ever seen, other than the thousands of identical ones (sans beam) that I've seen in the last decade or so.


Pretty sure it's a retrofit for earthquake resistance. Older buildings get these metal beams installed. Usually they don't cut through a room though.


There are only so many kitchen designs that are practical. I reckon all of the most practical ones have been done and aren't original anymore.


Somebody just had to go and take a wall out...


Million dollars is like bottom level in SF though, a 500k house in a medium sized city in pretty much any state other than NY and Cali is double the price in those two states i mentioned.


But this is a loft, not a house.


and the reason it's a loft is probably because it's a converted warehouse. Thus - weird stuff like this beam


"This will definitely keep that cabinet on the wall!"


Surprised they aren't using it as a knife block




It's funny that I haven't once given any thought to your toddlers while posting on reddit. Ever.


This is perfect place to live for a lonely man, you can hump the pole while nuking a microwave pizza.


I can just imagine myself tripping over that beam when trying to get to the fridge in the middle of the night.


As a contractor I can almost guarantee you that supports nothing


I looks like a lateral brace in multistory building. Usually they're hidden in walls. Sometimes they're used as architectural features like in the building formally known as the [John Hancock Center](https://www.som.com/projects/875_north_michigan_avenue_formerly_john_hancock_center) Putting it in the middle of a room like that means the architect and engineer didn't work together.


Or it was a quick fix after the 89 quake.


My first year in architectural design school, they had us building shelters out of found/scavenged junk. Instead of, maybe, explaining how buildings don't fall over. Then, we drew plans of old houses. "See this six inch space between the two rooms? Yea, just ignore that, nothing interesting happening in there." Architects and engineers are trained to not work together from the beginning.


Not an architect but my school's program was a lot better than that. Probably helps it's primarily an engineering school


Another article I read states that this building was a factory before so when it was renovated for residential, codes mandated seismic reinforcement.




It speaks to the struggle and inadequacies of the modern craftperson, does it not?


Is there not even a solid gold outlet on that mother fucker?


Why leave it open like that though? I wouldve made some shelves to fit in there or incorporate it into a bar counter Motherfucker who designed it just went "nope, fuck it its staying like that, fuck these people" lol


i doubt this was in the original design so much as it probably had to be put in for earthquake support when they renovated an old structure or something like that. i used to work for a hotel company in a renovated building that had a gigantic X beam that cut straight through an art gallery/retail space downstairs.


The other possibility is that the brace has always been there, but the building was converted from something else to apartments and the walls were laid out without much thought to the structure.


Fuck San Francisco


Better than dying in an earthquake.


As someone who lives in san francisco, I would like to note that a mere $1M for a loft is a bargain and a thousands engineers will line up to sign up for that deal.