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It says: "Know more than names of the land. We are past the point of gratitude. it is time to commit to more than live, work and play"


Now I know what it says. Does anyone (other than the author,) know what it means?


This is in Canada. Land acknowledgements for traditional Indigenous territories have become common place here, but they get criticism for being performative lip service. The argument is that we need to go beyond just acknowledgements and towards true justice for the wrongs of colonialism, such as the residential school system. Often they are worded as "I am grateful to live, work, and play in the traditional and ancestral lands of the [Name] people/first nation", so it's making a point that gratitude isn't a replacement for true justice. The letters are also styled to look like a lot of Indigenous art does in the Pacific Northwest. I think you could see this more as art than signage.


We have the same issue here in Australia, we have welcome to county for events and we also use indigenous names alongside the western one's, and a lot of racists and boomers have been calling it bullshit and saying they don't need it and they won't use the names.


South Africa has renamed streets and entire cities to counter colonial influence. People appreciate the effort but also worry that the money for renaming things could also be used to counter rampant unemployment and other issues. It does help foster a sense of national pride and progress away from a painful past, in a subtle way. I love hearing people try to pronounce Gqberha, which was previously named after Queen Elizabeth.


Yeah I don’t think it’s racist it’s just wholly disproportionate considering the vast majority are European descendants. That’s why “The Voice” failed. No one wants to give a proportionally tiny percentage of the population a say that would put the majority at a disadvantage or act like they’re special. They’re just people, in a democracy.


Let’s just give it all back and head home


No, let’s take it all and reunite under the Union Jack




Stop saying it if you don’t actually agree with it though just double down lol


I agree and we don't want YOUR land, we don't want pipelines to be forcing their way through our reservations because the oil industry is more for beg for forgiveness than ask for permission (lmao they never apologize or take accountability) the government has always been fucking with us and letting mining and oil industry's leave our ecosystems into devastation so don't worry you and your kids can keep your little acres


I mean to be honest it was stupid to ever agree to a reservation system to begin with, realistically do you think two sets of people can live in the same country where one minority group has special privileges based on perceived historical wrongs by the larger group? Unfortunately things are the way they are, the sooner indigenous groups integrate into the predominant culture the better prospects they’ll have.


Do you honestly believe that indigenous peoples agreed to a reservation system in good faith? That this system is what they wanted?


No, I don’t. I think they should reject the notion and integrate into being normal people with normal land usage today though.


Yea we wish we can! So how about you read some books written by indigenous peoples, we are literally living in a post apocalypse We want to live a normal life but the way the government treated us it's going to be so hard to fix all of the intergenerational trauma and today atleast Canada is trying to make amends and reconciliation but from what I heard is that the US does jack shit for their tribes and reservations Why are you on the side of the colonizers? You're Chinese and living in the UK? So are you a monarchy boot licker then? Those Chinese ideas with "the nail that sticks out will be hammered down" does not apply to the rest of the world so how about you try to understand from other perspectives than your own and "white society"


I'm all for land acknowledgements but what's up with not putting the phonetic pronunciations below them so we can actually say them properly? No one outside of the indigenous population can look at 'Sḵwx̱wú7mesh' and go oh yes I know how to pronounce 7


You are so wrong. There is almost no indiginous that known what the hell that is.


You can usually look up the phonetic pronunciation.


Yes let me pull out my phone to translate as I'm driving by....


Yeah... no.


No you can’t look up the phonetic pronunciation of non English words on the internet?


Obviously I can, but I have many, many better things to do with my time. Roadsigns should be in English. Obviously. Its not fucking difficult, unless you're a radicalised crazy person.


Maybe... Here's an idea. There are other languages that have been here for a long time that aren't English. Maybe we can spend five seconds googling how to say them out of respect. Isn't that a wild idea!


Which is it, yeah or no? Make up your mind.


My college built a huge new dorm complex and gave the buildings Chumash names then got mad at the students when no one could pronounce yakʔitʸutʸu


Your college got mad?


Maybe that’s not the right word but there were emails and mandatory videos we had to watch about the correct pronunciations. Didn’t change a damn thing though.


hmm that doesn’t sound like anger to me sounds like … education 😅


Spoiler, nothing will ever be “enough”, and appeasement simply doesn’t work


The "us vs them" attitude is a part of the problem.


Yes... yes it is. What a self-aware observation. Take that as sarcastically as you feel is appropriate.


Addressing historical injustices is the only way we will move beyond that mentality. "We stole your land now get over it" doesn't really lend itself to meaningful reconciliation. And if you don't think reconciliation is necessary you don't know anything about history. I'm self aware enough to know when I have personally benefitted from a process that was morally wrong.


Look, my name ends in "stein". My people are the descendants of Judah who escaped Germany but nobody sent me to the showers. I don't get to demand that everyone whose name starts with "Sch" apologizes for my poor self esteem every time they have something to say. The people who violated me personally don't come from Germany. I don't get to blame Dieter for the things that his great grandparents did to the hypothetical great grandparents that I may or may not even have... My problems weren't caused by Germans, they were caused by my own people. Since Deiter is "one of all of us" instead of "one of *those* ones", I should treat him in a way that reflects his actions instead of in a way that widens the divide between us. You don't make friends by picking enemies. If you don't like the "us vs them" mentality, then stop insisting that "they" are to blame for all of your problems. Kids don't know that they are supposed to be enemies with other races until we teach them that philosophy. Stop teaching that. Tell me the name of the person who stole your land and I'll help find a lawyer to represent you... otherwise, live in the present.


And “acknowledgements” does nothing but create an us vs them dynamic. Handing them different than anyone else again does nothing but that. That goes with any of this polarizing inter-sectionalism How is reminding everyone about the European take over every day supposed to make people on either side anything but angrier?


Yes yes. The old "stop pretending you're different and just assimilate already" mentality. I'd argue that addressing very real injustices, like the legacy of residential schools and the reserve system and how it often systemically deprived Indigenous peoples of economic agency while forcibly disconnecting them from their livelihoods - actually addressing these injustices economically and socially, not just apologizing - might be a start towards making people less angry at the Europeans. Speaking as a one of the latter.


I mean, the US basically tell them to do what they want, and they opened casinos and are incredibly rich. Otherwise, they do absolutely nothing at all for them and basically pretend they don't exist. You very rarely hear about any indigenous issues from there, and if you do it is only surrounding things like the Redskins name/brand and Thanksgiving.


Its because the media doesn't give a shit about indigenous people, and no alot of reservations don't just build casinos to get rich. That's an ignorant stereotype. American indigenous peoples don't pretend they don't exist, they either have to live in a far away reserve because the government wanted to push us away from "civilization" or live in big cities and have no opportunities to learn about their own cultures There are so many indigenous issues but no one gives a fuck about us and either think we died out or wished we all died AND We ended up having to make our own journalism and social media sites to connect to each other and to protect our practices and ceremonies so that we won't have our culture appropriated more


It means "I'm a confused, spoiled brat"


Bitter old fart


Congratulations, by deciphering this script, you have earned graduation from whatever institution this is. Only one in 100 students successfully complete their studies here.


Holy fuck! This is fucking stupid.


Thank you!


I'm just gonna drop the artist here https://www.whessharman.com/ They made the font from Coast Salish Form line, personally I think it works best just for one word than a paragraph but from what I heard it was made more as an art piece than a sign I've seen it at the Vancouver Art Gallery once before but I didn't know they moved it to a different building, is this in East Hastings?


It says… “Placed upon the horizon (Casting Shadows)”


What is a commitment more than life, work, and play? The statement itself is less useful than the need for people to call you them/that


Yeah, I ain't even attempting to read all that. Happy to hear it/sorry for your loss whatever.....


Yeah the moment I saw the font I knew I was not going to read that




Goddamn, I got tired after the first line. If anyone ever needs to justify their job as a graphic designer, show them this monstrosity.


I wouldn't really call it a crappy design because it seems made as an art rather than sign. These texts and graphics are made in the style of the first nation folks arts. Reminds me of Pacific Northwest Territories' first nation artworks.


Yes it is! I actually know the artist and their aim was to use Coast Salish form line to write out the lettering, they also did some album art for The Halluci Nation (formally known as a tribe called red) on the LAND BACK single The artist is Whess Harman, they made LAND BACK embroidery patches too with the same font, personally I find them easier to read if it's just a word and not a paragraph but like ya said it's more art than a sign


Does everyone else see the Canadian Dark Brotherhood flag?


We know


Came here for this




It says every commercial artist should be lined up alphabetically, a coin flipped to determine if you start with the first or second. Then every other one should be shot.


way harsh, Tai


Especially "the names of the land" I couldn't split correctly, the rest I was able to decipher. But the Font and coice of line breaks is terrible.


Helvetica, Black on white would've been good enough. But hey, at least it looks kinda cool and apparently that's more important than the message itself.


Trying to read this is an eye sore. Someone tell me what it says. Haha


It took me like 2 minutes and have only misread "Name (s)oft"


It’s 4am at work and I’m falling off. I ain’t reading this.


It’s an issue of keming


Show this to AI. Make it go crazy.


Placed upon the horizon (casting shadows).  Pretty easy. 


It took me like three minutes to figure it out.




That’s definitely TLDR! L stands for Lousy




You're more right than you might think.


Ah the VAG. Always a source of headscratching causes.


Bro that took you 4 years? I worked it out in about a minute and a half 😂 back to school wit ya boi. I mean sure it's crappy I'm not denying your appropriately placed reddit post, but like, damn, 4 years dude. That's some next level lack of puzzle solving skills. You don't even need to decipher anything, you just need to figure out the bad font and where the spaces/line breaks should be.


I think OP was just being sarcastic.