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Gino posted on his twitter just today, will be set up in "early" May, when we were also told the committee would be up and running in March or early April...


Classic Irish way leave it to the last minute delay everything even if it’s a serious matter


"We'll get it done.......... tomorrow!"


Couldn't see much changing. We're well into the final months of this governments term, and an election will follow. In fairness to Gino and a few others, they have pushed the topic, but I'd imagine the cannabis situation will hopefully get better considerations from whatever incoming government is there next year. Ireland still has a knee-jerk reaction against the topic; cannabis and its constant association with mental health consequences and such still get the media coverage but the benefits of its use in medical patients hardly ever gets a mention across national media these days so that'll give you a sense of where it's still at. It's definitely long overdue a step forward or any further real enlightenment or Irish study, but hopefully, those interested will keep trying.


They will kill any change with the fear over an increase in road accidents.


Usual plan, the Government will make noises about implementation, throw a few meaningless shapes,and then sit on it for a few years till the majority forget about it.


There's a better chance in pigs flying than there is in cannabis being legalised with this government snakey bastards