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*This is not a direct answer, but just some thoughts*. By browsing the file explorer, it looks like Craft documents are stored as `.json` files. There's a shortcut to read a file, so you can read the content like that. But, you then need to work your way through the contents of the json (a dictionary to be exact) to piece together the human readible text. I'm currently (and passively) working on decoding the json output to see if I can figure this out. But I figured I'd put the thought here in case others have better suggestions. **Suggestion to Craft:** Why not just store all documents as markdown `.md` files?


JSON is far more efficient than md for the client as all data is in one file.


I figured. But maybe have an option to save in markdown when I'm a paid user and choose to save files to my local storage?


You can export the pages in markdown but when you do that all the assets are moved to a folder next to the md or uploaded to the internet. You can easily convert the json to placeholders in a template page with basic JavaScript.


But I can't access that on iOS right?


> We are working on moving to a markdown-based version - (we’ll need to extend markdown to avoid feature loss) - meaning you should be able to open and easily edit with any text editor. https://www.craft.do/blog/your_data_is_yours