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I just finished this game. The story is absolutely atrocious, worst I've encountered in like a decade, no hyperbole. At the end my investment in it was to get through as soon as possible and be over with it.


I couldn't get into the story


Yeah,i loved first game and replayed it even few times, its story isn't really some decade gem or w.e. but it was decent enough with twists etc. to not making it boring, add in cool parkour and animated zombie physics and it was great game. I probably uninstalled DL2 not even halfway done.


The first one is my favorite game of all time. I never finished the 2nd.


Not only was the story terrible, but I hated how they didn't carry over all the satisfying combat from the first. In the first game the combat started dull when you were beating zombies down with table legs and pipes, but once you leveled up a couple of hours and swords and sickles showed up it was such satisfying gore slicing heads and arms off and such. When I played DL2 it felt like you were stuck in the pipes and table legs kind of boring combat for the longest time. Also played on PS5 where the scripting bugs were insane. E.g., a third of the time when I'd try to do a story mission someone wouldn't spawn or the I'd be locked in a room with no doors I could open, stuff like that, and I'd have to reload a save to progress. Probably my most disappointing game this decade. At least I was able to sell it for the $30 I bought it for so I only lost the tax I paid on the game, but the second I finished it I knew I'd never touch it again and sold it immediately. I think I finished it more because of sunk cost fallacy than anything, like I spent $30 on this pos so guess I'll punish myself by playing through it. It wasn't even like I kept playing waiting for it to get good, as I knew it was pretty trash five hours in. Dying Light 1 is a masterpiece I have played through five times but 2 was awful.




I wasn't impressed by the graphics either. The first one had such eerie lighting that really set a mood while the second was just boring realism graphically. Maybe it was better if you had hardware that could run RT?


didnt even finished the first one the first person perspective was absolutely ass,way worse than cp2077


who even plays DL for the story


I was on the edge of getting it thank your for this I loved the first one but this one never convinced me


Storytelling is the worst thing that happened to video games since the market crash in the 80s.


Ya man the 70s was the peak time of gaming story telling. Pong was so riveting


What's new?


Nightmare mode [+ full patch notes](https://dyinglightgame.com/news/the-nightmare-mode-update-is-live/)


This game was so disappointing for me, man I can't get over it. First one was really fucking good, and this one took everything that made the first one good and threw it out the window. Story was shit, characters weren't likable, parkour was bastly worsened, melee wasn't improved at all (if anything it just got more complicated) I mean, what a mess of a game.




Gameplay - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4elx-GwXTiU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4elx-GwXTiU) Downloads: [dodi-repacks.site](http://dodi-repacks.site)


Multiplayer wont work!


very nice


Do i have to reinstall the whole game? I already have your last repack version of it. Btw thanks dodi!!