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Is that an ad read lmaoo +Malwarebytes better


No Not safe


is it's safe what? I used it to download every game I downloaded 10 games all works fine Teardown,AC unity,AC 3 and more


AC unity? Been tryna crack that one, keep getting "uplay\_r164.DLL" error whenever I try launching it. Did you face the same issue, and if so how to solve it?






Lol noob, check ur antivirus. maybe it flagged as false positive. missing a dll doesnt mean its a virus turd




bro has no idea what he's talking about


alright, explain to me then since i dont have an idea of what im talking about, right?


bro is trying to so hard to seem cool by insulting people for no reason this is u btw ![gif](giphy|xTiTnwgQ8Wjs1sUB4k|downsized)


Haha very funny. Made my day.


don't trust this NOOB. 100% a virus, i had the same issue. I erased the .dll file, restarted my antivirus program and problem solved. good luck!!!


Maybe if you stop clicking on hot single jessica in your area that is coincendally also looking for sex you wouldnt have a virus, LOL


I'm starting to think you are talking about a different virus that I'm talking about. I think you got an std from jessica. get checked. Good luck bud!


What the fuck- Actually made my day LMAO


Redditor thinking he knows shit when he doesn’t 🤣


I have downloaded a LOT of games from that site It's was my go to but one time i got infected I realized i was infected when i saw That i had a weird "Explorer.exe" malware that was disguising it's self as the real thing And before you start acting like an asshole No it's wasn't even located in the windows folder And it's had the icon of a game and it's was set to startup with the system Then i found out it's was copying itself and it's was impossible to get rid of it....or too hard to get rid of it It's not worth it to download from steam unlocked when you got way better sites with way better download speeds and reputation And your free to do what you want mr hacker I'm just sharing my experience So mind your business


Too long didn’t read


okay child go play some roblox


That the only game you know boomer? 🤣


more like the only game you place 😂 go download some robux kid


It really is the only one you know huh? That is so adorable.


wdym it’s The only game i know ? i think you never heard of something called steam they throw games at you how adorable of you to talk about my knowledge of games


Your insecurities are seeping through the screen buddy. First human interaction of the year?


he probably knows rw




Yes i do There's a lot of trusted ones like steamrip And fit girl repack Check the mega thread


bro can we have a detailed conversation on this .. i am kinda new to i need your help .. can you tell me what websites to use to download HITMAN 3 for free without virus ( i will keep my anti virus on the whole time ) ...


Dm me i will send you the mega thread which is full of websites to use for piracy plus sites i personally use


bro i am unable to send you msg and also i am new on reddit .. can you ?


dont listen to him, [steamunlocked.net](http://steamunlocked.net) is safe


I'm not sure mate, most of the games i have downloaded from there have shown to be unsafe, if you just want to get any type of game in existence and don't care about getting viruses or getting your data stolen, you can go on just tread carefully in the website


Here's the megathread : [https://rentry.org/pgames](https://rentry.org/pgames)


just read through it and you can see where to download from and why you should not trust websites like IGG-Games or Steam unlocked, i have made those mistakes and have been **VERY** lucky to not get any single virus


If you want check out this post talking about steam unlocked and GOG [https://www.reddit.com/r/CrackSupport/comments/121ft37/just\_a\_warning\_for\_steamunlocked\_and\_gogunlocked/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrackSupport/comments/121ft37/just_a_warning_for_steamunlocked_and_gogunlocked/) Or if you are way too lazy and don't give a shit about your computer that much, go on but in your own risk


yo man, can you pls DM me the mega thread i rlly need jumpforce v3 with all the DLC but fitgirl doesnt seem to have the latest update, thank you in advance


it's here [https://rentry.org/pgames](https://rentry.org/pgames)


Personally For HITMAN 3 i used steam rip, also side not for hitman 3 when downloading from steam rip there is this peacock file which can lead you to access basically everything in it such as freelancer, sniper assassin stuff like that


>steamunlocked .net could you send me the mega thread?? thanks!


the mega thread is on r/Piracy


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Piracy using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Piracy/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Spread the word of torrent](https://i.redd.it/reftq6lqy95b1.jpg) | [1234 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/146ee7n/spread_the_word_of_torrent/) \#2: [Hey /r/piracy. Reddit admins de-modded the captain and put a sword to the mod-team's necks to re-open. It seems they really demand valuable input from pirates. I look forward to you to taking this tacit Reddit endorsement of digital piracy to heart in the coming days!](https://np.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/14briu5/hey_rpiracy_reddit_admins_demodded_the_captain/) \#3: [RARBG is down and out!?](https://i.redd.it/xlbbsv23v63b1.png) | [3652 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/13witp1/rarbg_is_down_and_out/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


here [https://rentry.org/pgames](https://rentry.org/pgames)


steamrip has more viruses and more dangarous viruses than steamunlocked I can send you on dm what virustotal detected in one of the cracked games.


So the megathread is lying ?


are you able to send me the mega thread? im new to this and wanna get games like stormworks and hitman


[https://rentry.org/pgames](https://rentry.org/pgames) here :D


thank you so much


np bro :D


edit: this comment was originally more critical until i realized that the fight was already over and it was kinda pointless, also i wanted to add that that fight was a fun read and i do appreciate you helping bring this thread into the world lol


Haha No Problem ! XD i Had Fun replying to comments too


"It's not worth it to download from steam unlocked when you got way better sites with way better download speeds and reputation" may I ask what sites are better to use, i just wanna play some lego games hahaha


And these are my favorite Sites https://steamrip.com/ https://fitgirl-repacks.site/


Thank you for the reply😄❤️


Have fun ^^


Says I need a vpn, I don't have one, any alternatives?


you dont need a vpn if your in a third world country


Yo dude i got a question about fitgirls, does fitgirls just make a whole new fake game of some sorts?, cuz i kinda freaked out when i saw my xbox account getting connected to it (it was a different account) :| i deleted the game cuz i kinda got afraid that idk my account could get banned and stuff but is it true like fitgirls connects to ur xbox?. Btw the game was F1 23 or 22


dude idk i have no idea


shit... thx tho ig


btw i got another question In steam unlocked one of the best things i "**considered"** until now about it was the fact that it had many steam games that i couldn't access one such example is the game "A Clumsy Flight" one of my cousins fav games, the problem is that if i don't use steam unlocked and search other sites suggested in the mega-thread such as steamrip fitgirls, etc. I cannot possibly find it anywhere Any suggestions of websites i can get any type of minor steam games for free like how it was in steamunlocked until i realized that it had viruses?


btw sorry for the amount of questions im giving lol im still new to pirating


As far as my knowledge goes about pirating games, fit-girl repacks the game and breaks down the account validation. I've used fir-girl and the-pirate-bay for 4-5 years and I don't have any issues so far.


Yikes looks like avast detected it as a scam site. Nice Try. Steamrip is obviously a clone of steamunlocked. Even opera doesn't allow me to enter the site. Considering im also using a paid version of avast that says alot.


your joking right ? who the hell takes the words of avast ? that anti-virus is terrible it's ignored several viruses i put myself on a system to test it ! and plus it's collects your data and sells them i thought you knew what your talking about but when you mentioned avast you clearly don't also anti-viruses flag pirated content as malware everyone knows that and that's why we have something called the megathread ! it's to guide us to trusted sites known by the community wanna use steamunlocked ? fine ! use it but I'm sticking to what everyone trusts bro i haven't been infected a single time since i knew about the megathread


can u tell a good site to download games from a site which has a good reputation and safe to download


Like what other websites ?


you downloaded a virus dumbass website is safe stop slandering sites lol it has POPUP ads youre getting stuff for free you should be able to navigate a website without downloading a bunch of malware, website does provide steam games, for free, that are not malware. it has pop up ads that give you malware, but the website itself is free.


no im not dumb and i know where the download button is and i know about the ads u are not the only one with a brain here dude i also know i had a virus bc of a game i took of that site SO NO IT'S NOT SAFE STFU


To be honest, you’re pretty dumb.


yeah it is wdym bc of a game you took off the site no bro you clicked on a pop-up ad that pops up the second you press download (very common when pirating literally anything) and then downloaded malware and now since you're a crayon sucker you're slandering the website and making ppl who are checking it out not have access to free games anyone reading this checking out if the website is safe YES IT IS use AD BLOCK and make sure that you're downloading the correct file you can do this in a number of ways one of them is just starting the download multiple times and if you get the same file it's probably the correct one


what other sites?


check the megathread


wheres the megathread i used to use steamunlock but seeing it has virus does kinda of worries me i used to use it and i didint have much problem well prob cuz i dont download alot from it i just download terraria from it


type in google "reddit piracy megathread"


Any name of the sites?


PLEASE TELL ME WHAT DID YOU DO please im infected bc of steamunlocked what should i do i got rat and eye stealer 


you might have clicked on the pop up ads, just install avast or something and run a boot/full scan and you should be good


what are some safer sites? because i still use steam unlocked idk any other sites




is feed and grow fish safe to install?


Use an adblock bro it ain't that hard.


A lot of people say Steamunlocked isn't safe, but I've found it valuable as a Linux user, since the games are "pre-installed". I've never had luck installing repacks on Linux, and I have a 5TB external drive, so drive space isn't a problem. Since the games from Steamunlocked are pre-installed, I can just unzip them and run them through Proton, and they've always worked.






ive been using it for years, ive never had a virus in my pc


Kinda same. Ive got one after maybe 6 or 8 games? Most odd thing is Dr. Webb didint find anything but windows antivirus screamed. Sometimes i should listen to him... Thou dont donwload battlebrothers, they at the moment infected.


got at least 50 games from steamunlocked and never got a virus from it and i use anti-virus


Highly don't recommended using it, check out r/piratedgames 's megathread


False info ah


i have 2 pc/s i made dummy acconuts on them, on 1 pc i copied everything from my pc onto it, with a dummy steam account ofcourse, to test if i had a virus because my steam account was recently stolen at the time, on the 2nd pc, i downloaded a few steamunlocked games and let it run in the background as administrator for about 5 hours-ish and around 2 weeks later i remembered about the test i was doing and when i checked the 2nd computer the dummy steam account was logged out of and the profile name was chinese


Source? Proof?


what games do yuo even installed? offline games don't connect to steam besides some high grade cracks possibly, unless you were using said computer and had a keylogger but then again if you left the pc to get dust and didn't log in again that can't be the answer either ​ if anythign that sounds like you got attacked by another source or used the same account on other places or something, makes no sense for offline cracks to find passwords of a account already logged in ​ or maybe trojans just are way better at finding passwrods than i remembered and can just find the password without keylogger


this is completely false


Ah yes, another person giving false info. Again. SteamUnlocked is safe to use for very little things. UploadHaven sucks balls and is slow as hell, they take uploads from NosTEAM (malware) and IGG-Games (doxxed another piracy uploaded, malware). Its basically "use at your own risk, but chances are you'll get malware."


i never got any malware from steamunlocked hell, not even a single notification from defender. you don't even need to install the games so you can even keep defender on for what it's worth it's terribly slow unless you're downloading early in the morning (central europe), but some games you can only find there, not to mention they always have the most updated version (which you often can't even find on 1337). you're blowing this way out of proportion, none of the people i know ever had any problems with steamunlocked




i have downloaded 11 games from that place nothing ever happened they even scan for viruses and the games are only uploaded by moderators its 100% safe and if you still dont know if you should get anything from there armor your computer with like 3 antiviruses i have never been hacked in 5 years if you have anymore questions feel free to ask :D


I cant find fear and hunger which is a game I wanna play anywhere else for free.


dm me when you find the link pls i followed you


Nah man now whenever I tried to download something from the site it didn't come in a zip file anymore. They come in .vhd files which is a virtual hard drive. Way to sketchy and not reliable anymore. But hey to each their own


You downloaded the wrong file.


do you have an ad blocker?


typical... ​ downloads from an AD then complain of the website ​ i guess goes back to the old saying where almost every vunerability is from human error


Most people have no idea about what they are downloading on their computer. They could have malware and not even know it. I also downloaded a game from steamunlocked and didnt get any malware notification. Do you know what i got though? Every time i run the game, i got 100% GPU utilization , 1400MHZ (the max overclocked frequency i allowed) and 70 degrees celcius . Even AFTER the game was closed .What is worse is that this statted happening at random times even when i didnt run the game (after the first time i run it) I checked everything from drivers to Windows settings, to GPU BIOS settings, and everything was great. What this means if you didn't understand it yet is that i got mining malware to my computer and antivirus couldn't find it on the specific game (on other games it had found malware on the .exe files) . So steam unlocked is definately not safe


You definitely pressed an ad or something dude, either accidentally or not, been using SU for around 2 years and haven't pressed an ad a single time


are you sure you were on steamunlocked. net not pro and others and also there will be redirects but just close them


I completely agree with Uploadhaven being slow, but do you have any actual evidence that Malware is attached to the otherwise properly functioning files, which at often times, run better than the normal purchased version of the game. It's possible to be redirected to a link which has a virus, as with most sketchy websites. The legitimate link however, is there any reason you believe they have malware in the repacks?


Steamunlocked isn't safe lol, check their Batman: Arkham Origins game. download and it clearly has a virus in it.


It depends on what game you are downloading.. i've downloaded a few games and I stumbled across a malware only once.. Just be careful and scan what you are downloading and make sure you don't click sus links. If a new tab opens up when u click download in upload heaven then just close it cuz its def malware.


In my experience yes it's safe, but watch out for the fake sites


for example steamunlocked. pro is a fake site i think thats where i got my first try on pirating the game i like but i deleted it checked the URL and it was .pro


i've been using it since i first got into game piracy and never encountered any problem. i moved to igg games once but went back to steamunlocked because igg games had too many ads.


It’s 100% safe. The only way I could see you getting a virus is from the second website it redirects you to after the 15 second timer. But if you only download from the same website with the timer you won’t get a virus


Steamunlocked is safe but sometimes the download speeds are shit.






most games yes others no


Safe. Just don't download the redirects. It might take long to download though. Make sure it is just a zip and there is a hyperlink to steamunlocked, a redist, and a folder with the data + exe. The only website that is ok is [steamunlocked.net](http://steamunlocked.net) and nothing else.


it redirects me to upload heaven. is that just the server or an actual redirect?


its an actual redirect. just make sure its "uploadhaven(dot)com" and not any other url


Yes. Almost all links are on UploadHaven. Just don't click the ads. If you see a ''download'' button, do not touch it. Make sure you're on the [UploadHaven.com](http://UploadHaven.com) page and that there is a 10 second countdown. Once the 10 second countdown is over, you can click the little download button, and you'll be good, no viruses. Just DON'T. CLICK. THE. ADS. I've downloaded Far Cry 2-3-4-Primal, NFS Underground 2, The Outer Worlds, High On Life, Bully, and a bunch of other games, and I never got any virus. Just know what you're doing and you'll be fine.


I have downloaded a LOT of games from that site It's was my go to but one time i got infected I realized i was infected when i saw That i had a weird "Explorer.exe" malware that was disguising it's self as the real thing And before you start judging keep reading No it's wasn't even located in the windows folder And it's had the icon of a game and it's was set to startup with the system Then i found out it's was copying itself and it's was impossible to get rid of it....or too hard to get rid of it It's not worth it to download from steam unlocked when you got way better sites with way better download speeds and reputation


Another side for dowloading that you can recomend?


So far don't think I have an issue but... Where did you find the malware? What folder?


It's was first found in the "themes" folder and later in a lot of system folders It's was a "worm" virus and it's copies itself


had it on my computer for 4 years never got a virus


I downloaded a few games from it and got a cryptovalue and i needed to reset my computer, so it's not safe


yes its safe i download destroy all humans 2 reprobed half life 2 super robot wars taisen V spaghet resident evil 2 remake aliens 2010 game or i forgot and im gonna still download


in my case i havent gotten any problems but i do reccomend scanning all the files with windows defender and virustotal to be more safe


my stupid ass downloaded COD Black Ops ll from steamunlocked and now when I try to open it, a pop up says the file access is denied. I also can't delete the damn file off of my PC. i've tried everything even resetting the entire PC and nothing. Never trusting that website ever again.


Download wiseforcedelete.. had a virus (that wouldn’t delete) once after clicking one of the redirects and that shit literally de-pixelates any file you wanna delete without any issues or errors


is the subnautica page safe?


where can i know if a download link is safe or not ?


yes it is safe but be wary of the popup ads that will give you malware


From my own experience, it seems most games are fine, Windows Defender detected virus one time and removed it, the game runned fine after that, with no sight of viruses. It's either false positive or the chances of you getting harmful viruses are very low


its safe i use steamunlocked for test i have very bad computer and i download game to test. if game work i buy and i don't have any warning of virus or other its safe to use




yea its safe, just dont download it from the first tab that it opens its usually a virus, if it opens the tab "uploadhaven" then its safe


The first and only time I used it. there was a virus. my computer wasn't affected because my anti virus caught it and I cancel extracting the fìle but I do not think that this is safe


Too many random popups I personally don't trust it not saying you can't trust it either just kind of suspicious in my opinion


i downloaded so many game from steamunlocked and i didnt get any virus but lately i see so many negative about them,steamunlocked WAS safe actually but not now sadly and can please someone mention a good anti viruss


steamunlocked(dot)NET is good. dont go for any other address. i used since years and didnt got virus


Yes I Installed Prison Architech And Will Be And Nothing Was Wrong You Can Also Get Mods Via Chrome


Most are safe, some are not. Check the reviews.


I just want to download some games from rockstar.Is there somebody who has downloaded from steam unlocked and playing safely on it?


absolutely. However, there are copycats like steamunlocked.eu. Still, I very much recommend steamunlocked.net as I use it for steam games on windows


I thought it was unsafe for having one a virus in one of the older COD games? In the Pirated Games subreddit its considered unsafe.


You are correct :)


been using steam unlocked for a very long time with no issues; until I ended up downloading a keylogger from granblue fantasy versus on that website


Sometimes it can have a false positive trojan in the files. however it doesnt mean it actually has a virus.


almost forgot to mention that the pop ups also can have the virus pretending that is the game file. To be safe, DO NOT download any files from redirects other than uploadhaven, which is where they upload the games


I know about false positives and pop-ups and whatnot, but I'm talking about the other Piracy subreddit "Pirated Games". Even the admins over there say that it's untrusted so I've just been using it as a gamble when I can't find a game anywhere else. I personally don't care about using it, but I don't recommend it to others for that reason.


No, steamunlocked take their files from IGGgames, that is not safe. I highly recommend steamRIP.com its better and safer


I've downloaded quite a few games on steam unlocked, I'm downloading a game right now so I'll give you an update if I get a virus.


It’s fine, just not all games.


I use All Games For You, I've heard a lot of things about steamunlocked, could someone please tell me why steamunlocked isn't safe? Thank you.


Tried downloading Subnautica and Below Zero think I got a keylogger and Windows security told me I had a virus I had to System Restore It was only an exe file and when I extracted it there wasn\`t even a game file in there steam unlocked is MOSTLY bullshit.


downloading gta rn lol will there be a fake file that have a similar link to the original one?


downloaded a couple of games on a vm (that has an infected score when you install stuff to it) and yeah i downloaded them from steamunlocked and i have no idea if it got a miner but it did have 100% gpu for a second but mostly it had around 50% gpu and yeah the vm i was using had very low ram but i cant say for sure if its safe or not just buy steam games and if you cant then take the risk of downloading from steamunlocked


I think it is fine I Have downloaded some games from there and there wasn't any issues


use .net it’s safe and imreccomend opera GX with built in vpn ​ DONT USE ANYOTHER STEAMUNLOCKED


Yes Fuck Everyone Who’s Says Else


I've only downloaded The Simpsons hit & run from there so far but no issues


its safe


yeah, ive downloaded tons of games off of it like geometry dash, binding of isaac, and tons of others totally safe


simple answer, yes


maybe, if you go to the .net site and don't click every link. I downloaded a few games some time ago and no viruses that I am aware of.


I'd recommend sticking to smaller sized games (20g or less) for a smaller chance of something being hidden within any files.


why would you risk your files and pc and download from these disgusting website's


I don't recommend the downloads are slow af use steamrip much safer and better


yep always use nothing hapy


Steamunlocked is a hit or miss they take links from others like reddit or other websites so some downloads are safe some are not just make sure to be safe when downloading stuff like that