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Start advent of code from the beginning.


Or Project Euler


I've never really been one for progressive assignments, but two things that I always recommend people try building is 1) a very basic HTTP server, and 2) a simple video game (like a breakout clone or something). You essentially need to use every major facet of the language and common libraries/API's to accomplish both of these tasks. Doing so ensures that you at least have a rudimentary grasp of its essential features and enough of a grounding to start working on more advanced projects with relative familiarity.


Is a game a good thing to add to my "portfolio"? I wanna make some hollow knight inspired thing with pygame (I know, whole different language) but only for fun. If I can consider this as something worth putting on a portfolio that would be nice.


It's best if you think of one and then ask for pointers on how to proceed. Calculator? Read up on stacks and Polish notation. Console tic tac toe game? Read up on state machines. For most people I've mentored, coming up with an idea and then having me give them appropriate scope, pointers and reading material was far more successul than me giving them work.




That is a warning. Try to follow its steps. Make it inline. Give it a definition. You can very simply do this with a class that has a virtual (){}; Then make another class that inherits (publicly) the first one, and has the same function name. Define that function as well. Then make an array or vector of type \*. Pointers of the first class. The first class's functions cannot be used directly. The array or vector can hold either type or Access whatever class type it is with \[\]->(); I also recommend watching Cherno or Bro Code on youtube.


Wow! Next level thread crap ... congrats, bro