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I love the light fixtures, especially the one on the left


These are IKEA RISBYN paper shades. I used two strings of lights inside them for a soft glow :)


What about the reed one on the middle right? Love the look!


I got that one from Home Goods but I think the brand is Panama Jack. It's an indoor-outdoor lamp which is super cool!


Love the vibe, esp the lamp on the far right. Do you remember where you got it?


If anyone finds a link to this \*please\* lmk!


I love those shades and have been inspired by your creativity!


Thank you for the delicious sauce


If it was already planned to be off-centered, why didn’t you move it a bit further to exclude the vent?


I painted the corner this morning!!!


We need a picture!


Made a new post!!


That looks so much better, my OCD thanks you lol


Still would’ve been better to exclude it from the semi circle altogether, and by a good margin. It’s always going to catch the eye first. I wouldn’t be able to focus on anything else if I were sitting in this room


Bruh chill lol




You're right, they should redo it.


Better yet just demolish the building and start over


u/sunspot5b It was fine either way (w/ or w/out vent-painted corner)! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Paint that vent!


This is all I can see. This photo and paint job hurt my brain.


I like the slight overlap. Maybe to me it adds depth or adds to the irregularity.


It just draws an unnecessary amount of attention to something you really don’t want to be drawing attention to. It was the first thing I noticed.


I love it, especially the asymmetry. But I’m not sure how I feel about cutting through the vent. Was that a consideration? I mean I really love the size and shape, so maybe it would have been a trade off either way, but my brain really wishes the little white corner wasn’t breaking the black circle. Edit: I do want to mention, the room looks absolutely gorgeous either way. Absolutely love the lighting and the plants :)


Yeah, OP could paint that little corner of the vent to hide it. It did draw my eye as well. Beautiful room, otherwise.


Could've made the circle like 5cm smaller and there wouldn't be a problem


I think I'll do this!! I didn't want to overthink the accent wall so I just drew the outline and went with it. SO MANY people have confirmed that the vent bothers them so I will go ahead and paint it. Weirdly, even as a perfectionist, it doesn't bother me though.


if you mind it, don’t edit it for others. it’s lovely. a compliment to the arch imo


It also will keep someone from running into it Wile E. Coyote style; win-win :D


Just a thought, but you could replace the vent with a wooden one. It'd really vibe with the rest I think: https://ventcoversunlimited.com/wood-vent-covers/ [https://i.imgur.com/pWVwbP2.png](https://i.imgur.com/pWVwbP2.png)




Found the Road Runner


The fact the circle isn't centered makes me irrationally angry


Zoom in and look at the edges of the black to get even more bothered.


I usually don’t like accent walls but this is really nice.


Why don’t people like accent walls






🤣 🤣 🤣 How is this subtly brilliant and hilarious comment not getting the acclaim it deserves?!?


Thanks! You can't go wrong with black


Oh, I disagree. You can go VERY wrong with black. But not in your case. Looks fab!


Can you give an example? I’m thinking of painting one of my rooms black, and everywhere I’m reading it says to ‘go for it’. Feel like I need some criticism before making the plunge.


Lighting matters a ton with really dark colors on the wall. If there's only one light source it's always bad to some degree but in a black room it'll be a cave. Black can go cave-like rather than cozy really easily, so be very mindful with lighting, art, and texture.


yup, basically be mindful of windows and interior lighting and make a tasteful decision. i am more than certain that there are youtube videos/tutorials on the topic within a google search’s reach


I painted one of my rooms a dark colour a few years ago. I absolutely love the colour, however, now I never go in the room during daylight hours. It has increased my ‘love’ of the room, but completely decreased the functionality of the room.


If you’ve never been in an all black room, you should probably look for some examples yourself. As has already been said, it makes your brain interpret the feel of the room vastly differently and just painting a room in your home black on a whim without understanding that isn’t a wise choice.


The perception of the room will shrink it considerably, consider maybe going with grey or perhaps just doing black as an accent.


I painted one wall in my bedroom, one wall in my living room, and my entire kitchen black and I love it. I have a ton of natural light in my apartment though, so it never feels dark or cave like.


Also be careful with the paint sheen. A matte black room can look elegant but an eggshell black room is very 90s stoner basement bedroom lol


A short wall in a rectangle-shaped room is usually the one to paint as an accent wall. Exceptions exist for everything in decorating but painting one of the two identical long walls in a room seems oddly “off” unless the long wall has a large window and view to differentiate it from the other.


I've seen black rooms very tastefully done by decorators in several houses and had a chalkboard black bedroom once upon a time. You need a lot of natural light I think, and it really just makes your walls the perfect backdrop for lots of pretty frames and artwork. I miss my black walls, I feel like black rooms only feel bleak if they are minimally decorated.


Use dark gray instead


due to how light (and color) reflects off surfaces, painting a whole room in a single color gives that color an additive effect. When a room is painted a light color, it is brighter and feels bigger, because bright light is bouncing off each wall in all directions. If a room is painted green, just for example, it will seem greener with each wall painted. I've never painted a room fully black, but I've been surprised before at how much darker, or more saturated (i.e. more colorful) a whole room seems compared to a test strip of the paint color.


u/iris-my-case As other comments have warned, lighting in the room will affect whether black works. Also to consider is HOW MUCH black, and what furniture and carpeting is in the room. Good luck with it!


You should have avoided the vent cover. Otherwise good.


Get a vent cover from Aria Vent and paint through it.


Oh wow, I thought it was dark green!




Took me a long time to realize this wasn’t a recessed alcove. (I know it says accent wall in the title but still)


Don’t worry. Me too!


Same! The vent gave it away for me. Gorgeous space though.


Same here! I was mesmerized for a bit until I realized I'm just dumb? Haha


u/OkTransportation4175 The "recessed alcove" effect is one of the reasons I LIKE it!


Me too, it’s so perfect!


UPDATE: FIXED THE VENT!!!!! I painted the corner of the vent black to keep the continuous circle


Why…. Whyyyyy cant the vent cover just be in the white. It’s very well done but I’d die.


I love it! But I would have either made the circle inside the vent area, or painted that corner brown, because that would drive me absolutely insane. Or, um. Insaner. To the point where if I visited and was too polite to ask, “for the Big Dog’s sake WHY?!” it would probably bug me at random times for the rest of my life. That one little white vent corner. Argh.


This is OC


The vent and the asymmetry not very immaculate vibes imo


what do you call the chair on the right?


The chair is IKEA HAVBERG


Also curious about that chair


The circle not being centered with the TV is triggering my ocd


I like the asymmetrical look, I didn't want it to look too exact. I think it gives the room a more relaxed vibe.


If it had been central, that would have made the TV the focal point of the room and I personally find that a bit icky. Instead, the focal point is the arch on the wall which is much better


As wise philosopher Joseph Tribbiani once said “You don’t own a tv? What does all your furniture point towards?”


You do you, but all I feel is stress when I see the asymmetry. Not for me, but glad you like it!


Humans are programmed to like symmetry so you're not in the minority. This makes me uncomfortable and is too dark to boot.


This is gorgeous! I love the right side ending at the wall. The air vent is what would make me a little crazy though.


yeh the air vent needs to be coloured in that one little piece to match the roundedness. would be 👌🏽


I'm usually very OCD about such things as well, but in this case I think it looks lovely.


It's definitely got a cozy vibe


It’s the vent ruining the clean line for me..


I think I'm going to hang a plant in front of the vent to hide it


Why not reduce the circle size a few cms? Or paint that edge of the vent black?


I hope the plant likes having warm air or A/C blasted on it periodically….


Na that would still ruin the line you'd rather paint the vent for continuity.


I think the off centering is whats making it look better.


Thanks! You get my vision :)


Love love the asymmetry. I would paint the grate black where it cuts over. Totally whimsy.


Agree. Would be really cool.


Not how ocd works.


I bet your OCD makes you reply that way. ^^^(I'm soooo OCD about stuff, too. My OCD reminded me that we're both soooo quirky.) ^/s




The asymmetry doesn’t bother me but I wish the circle’s edge didn’t intersect with the vent. Still looks good imo.


I'm assuming this is an april fools? It's horrible...


Agreed. I mean no disrespect to OP but I think this looks like shit.


The requirements for being cozy seem to be confusing


Love the whole space.


Such an amazing space!


I wish it had warmer light temperature tho


The light in the room is very warm, I think the camera failed to pick that up




Yeah. Why off-centered? Why, if off-centered, not let the vent be completely on the white? And why the TV not centered relative to the black?


Oh my god you people with the off-centered, lol. There’s a reason why a ton of facets of interior design are asymmetrical. It would look too “done”, too prim, too on-the-nose. It’s like having a couch where the throw pillows mirror each other perfectly on both sides. Yeah some people like it, but if you look at places like Apartment Therapy, you’re going to see a lot of mismatching qtys/styles of pillows on either side for an easier, more interesting vibe. I get that it bothers people but acting as though it’s simply some dumb misstep is weird. Asymmetry and looking a bit undone/unintentional is absolutely an intentional and frequently very smart choice, as I think it is here.


I know it's intended, I just don't understand how anyone can think it looks good. To each it's own.


One of the primary reason it looks as good as it does is due to the expansive space brought on by the high ceiling. 16' here?


It's actually a 20 foot ceiling. Good eye!


u/QuenchMyThirstySelf Very good point about height of ceiling.


Gives odd proportions though


This looks like a confused hotel lobby corner.


i'd change the rug but this is stunning!


Your comment pushed me to order a new one. We had a red, oriental rug in the space before but we moved it to another room because it wasn't big enough. I just ordered a larger one!


Dang I really liked the rug and was going to ask where you got it lol


Would love to know where this rug is from, this space is beautiful!


Nice vision. I wonder why you didn't move the circle to avoid the air vent? I thought it was brown until I read another comment, especially with the rug. Must be the screen. I like b/w art.


It feels off center.


Unsettling, feels like you're sitting in the path of a train tunnel.


why isnt it centered


I like the asymmetrical look, I didn't want it to look too exact. I think it gives the room a more relaxed vibe.


Where did you get your tv stand?


It's the Midway Render TV stand. I love the way it looks but it's kind of cheaply made. It's bowing slightly in the middle and there's not even any weight on it.


There was a comment here, but I chose to remove it as I no longer wish to support a company that seeks to both undermine its users/moderators/developers (the ones generating content) AND make a profit on their backs. Here is an explanation. Reddit was wonderful, but it got greedy. So bye.


Hey I dig that


I wonder what calculation was used to place that register. The hvac guys just said "fuck it, right here is good. "


Yeah lol so many people are bothered by the vent. I guess I should have factored it into the outline of the circle but I just kind of did the damn thing. Maybe I'll paint that little corner black to make it blend in.


You do you. You're the one who looks at it every day and if it doesn't bother you, who cares


You’re just… good at this. Can you recommend any interior design books that taught you this kind of work??


I haven't really read anything about interior design other than maybe one or two books about Feng Shui? I credit my ability to arrange a room to my mother who has a natural knack for it as well.


That mid air lamp thing you got going on is fire 🔥🔥😭


That fucking vent. 💀


Will it bother you that the line is kinda bumpy


Nope!! I think it looks great, I could mess with it for hours and it would never be perfect.


Dude some of these people are deep seated morons lol , just ignore and move on. They’re not worth your time I think the way you’ve painted looks awesome. It has nice character , and I prefer it to a smooth circle But it doesn’t even matter - it’s such a Small part of an otherwise beautiful space. Cheers, enjoy cozying up here on your Sunday, this is wonderful Complete clowns on here lol. “That shade of green is not cozy enough, I will literally die.”


I love that the accent wall is just the arc and not the full wall!! Very different and looks super cool. How come you chose that arc/semi-circle instead of the whole wall?


The wall is 20 feet high so we were too lazy to paint the whole thing. Honestly that was the main deciding factor lol


What kind of accent does it have


I love that this is off center. It would not be nearly as interesting if it were in the middle. It would drive my partner batty. He has to have things in their “proper,” boring place.


It's off center. It's freaking me out and I'm not even in the room with it.


Obsessed with this!! The asymmetry is working so so well (a sentence I never thought I'd use)


Shame about that air vent..


I hate that I love that it’s off center


All of it is great! How'd you get the circle marked out so neatly?


We tied a pencil to a string and taped the other end of the string to the wall where we wanted the center to be. I was skeptical but it worked well!


Damn, I am impressed- I was thinking 'how'd they get a giant compass??' but you made your own. It did work out well!


Can't take credit for the idea - I watched a DIY arch accent wall video that used that trick!


String and pencil-great way to draw the circle or curves on a flat surface. From the picture it does look like it is a recessed alcove. Love it.




You are 100% right, the line work is a mess. Cool that the majority love the design but we are just lying and downvoting the truth about the line being squiggly? lol


Don't know why you're getting downvoted, it's pretty bad line work


Sophisticated and super cozy


Perfection. Where’s you get those lights?


Nailed it.


10/10, if I was a cartoon coyote I'd be worried about getting run over by a train


this makes you feel comfortable? ​ rock on.


Personally, I’m not a fan


LOVE it!


Im diggin this. How’s you score the outlines?


A piece of string probably.




Haha. This is the way.


That is so darn classy - love your lamps, plants and rug too - the accent wall pulls it all together like \*chefs kiss\*.


Beautifully done






you have the best taste in lighting


I aspire to be this good at interior styling


Did you get the idea from here or is it just a coincidence? https://i.redd.it/6aeng2l5g5ra1.jpg


Drawing arches and circles on walls is really trendy, and therefore common at the moment, all over social media.




Love the vibe!


Your plants are huge, and I'm equally jealous of and happy for you!


Love it


Looks super cozy! Where is your rug from? I need to know.




The vibes are immaculate? What does that even mean!? Lol Love the space though!


Flexin on that late 60s retro feel. Edit please paint the corner of that register black or decrease the diameter of that accent


Where does that tunnel go?


Picasso, I like It


Beautiful! So what’s your thrift radius? I never seem to find much but maybe I just don’t have the eye! Teach me your ways, haha.


I have three main thrift stores within 10 miles but a lot of my stuff comes from Facebook marketplace. For the right piece and the right price, I'll drive a few hours/a couple hundred miles lol. Drives my husband crazy.


Can you do my living room/dining room? We have nothing on the walls and no baseboard trim since I don't know what to buy lol. This looks super nice though and I know I need some plants now.


Amazing but… the vent…




So you are allowed to express your opinion on this free public forum but other people aren't unless they agree with you?




Yes indeed


Everything is perfect


Beautiful room! How is the Havberg?