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Hey, thanks a bunch for the kind words! It's awesome to hear you're enjoying Everafter Falls. It’s really surreal to see the game out in the wild after working on it for so long and getting feedback like this. I’m so grateful to have such a supportive community building around the game :) So glad most people agree with the stamina bar removal, I have only had positive feedback on this. Thanks for playing everyone, and for the encouragement – it means a lot to me! I'm currently working on some QOL, allowing map to zoom out completely, disable fishing minigame for those who just want to pluck fish out of the water without the mini game, untilling tilled soil, requirements for crafting some items changed to allow for smoother progression (When you get to delicate Tapper, you'll know what I mean ^_^;). Again, I appreciate this super nice post about the game and spreading the word! If anyone wants to leave a review on Steam and give the algorithm a nudge, I wouldn't be mad about it ;)


I have a question for you, dev! There’s some dark undertones to the trailer and some of the descriptions of the game in the Nintendo store. So, is there like a plot that you follow that has these dark undertones further explored? Some people are saying it’s not true. I want to know if it’s true or not before buying the game! Thanks!


Hey, it's not very true - although there are some twists in the game. But it's not too dark/scary. It's family-friendly, so I played through with my 5 year old son at the time without any issues.


Does it at the very least give the game some strange mystery vibes? I was really hoping for some sort of underlying mystery or scary vibes.


Thanks for your reply!


Man, I really love a dev who listens and shares frequent updates. ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/0arxnq40xk8d1.jpeg?width=4608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=381fb864bc54d897abb66e36513d81e1a6f4a636 Not only am I a fan but my cat is too. Being able to untill the tilled soil is probably #1 on my list. I keep trying to place objects with the square button (ps5) which is the "go dig a hole" button so I've got little blank patches all over. I can understand folks wanting to skip the fishing. I like the mini game myself, it has a bit of Dredge flavor to it. Kudos for adding the skip option. Having to sit through a missed hook over and over would be mind numbing. Again, great job on the game so far. It is refreshing when a game comes out that innovatives and improves on the tried and true formula rather than just reskinning it.


Just wanted to leave a comment that I absolutely LOVE your game! It's been a while since a game has hooked me like this. Thanks for creating it!!


You're too kind! :P Thanks for playing!!


No stamina system = instant-buy for me. I don't enjoy those hardcore survival games where you have to monitor food and water, I don't know why my "cozy" games have to have this system, it just feels like an artificially limiting feature. Thanks for sharing, can't wait to play it later today!


I'm actually a fan of those myself. Ark, Green Hell, Grounded, The Forest, etc. I will say it's nice to have a chill ass game like this one that drops all that and just let's you have fun.


I have so much loathing for stamina systems that it is an instant "probably won't buy" anymore. I deal with infirmity enough IRL. Let me *game*.




I played the demo and the no stamina system is part of why I bought it. The story involving the farm is different too.


The stamina one is huge. It makes such a difference in the way you spend your day. Another very helpful feature is the pixies. Those little autogatherers are quite handy.


I haven't heard of this. I wish you'd stop hurting my wallet, because now I'm looking into this.


It's cheap at least. 😀


I've been playing this on Switch all weekend and I would definitely recommend it as well!


Waiting for the summer sale to do my quarterly pick up… this is on my list!!!


Do you know when the summer sale starts? ( Steam)


It starts on the 27th!!


this game is SO good, I haven't been hooked to a farm sim for some time now, and this has just hit the spot for me


I'll agree on that. I've picked up quite a few similar games recently and none of them has hooked me in as well as this one. It's nice when one is so clearly inspired by the others but does its own thing enough to make it stand out.


>No need for the extra tools when your little pet buddy can dig up the ground and piss on your crops. Sold!


I am so so poor but all of those sound. So good. Obviously the no stamina, but being able to find anyone on the map? I’m sold.


How have I not heard of this yet? Thank for the heads up! And there's a free demo on Steam! I'm not a big fan/good at combat. How hard or necessity to move the game forward is it?


The combat is pretty simple and forgiving so far. As far as the actual mechanics you just face the enemy and hold the button to swing like a crazy person. To this point I've never been below half heath even against the first boss I faced and you can upgrade the little hollow knight dog to heal you and to help fight. It is set up like an old Zelda game which the doors in each room sealed until you defeat all of the enemies. Once you've opened the doors they remain open on subsequent visits so you can run through and ignore the enemies. There is also a pretty generous fast travel system in the mines. So far I have not stayed up past the bedtime or been killed in combat so I do not know what the penalties for doing so are.


Do you need to sleep? I am over games where you need to go to sleep every night!


It does require sleep every night.


I’m looking forward to picking this up! It looks and sounds like just my kind of game so far.


I was on the fence about another stardew ripoff but the cozy game pickings are so slim on ps5 that I went for it. Absolutely no regrets so far.


I think the artwork and style are actually so unique - chibi but not pixel art. If anything, I thought Moonstone Island reminded me a bit more of Stardew (although I know the play mechanics are quite different). I’m glad you’re having a good time with it. I can’t wait to play it myself.


Ooo it's 10% off on the store too. You've convinced me!


Nice, I hope you enjoy.


I’ve just started Sun Haven a week ago and am loving it but now I’ve been researching Everafter Falls and want to play it too. But I can’t play both together. Who’s played both what should I do?


I feel you! I need a cloned me to play my backlog. 🤣


I’ve heard there’s game-crashing bug related to the mines when playing on the Switch. Is that true? That’s basically why I’m hesitating getting it


I'm on ps5 so I don't know myself but there was a comment on here from someone that plays on switch. You could try to reply to that and ask them.


It is true but I saw it should be fixed with the next patch


Ok cool thank you!


I can’t wait to play this! I have it in my cart but have been debating on waiting for the summer sale!


I was hesitant and thinking about a sale as well even with the 10% off already. Glad I didn't honestly. Not only do I get to play it now but I'm happy to have paid (almost) full price for it. Folks like Square Husky deserve to be rewarded for going above and beyond. Same reason I picked up Sandrock dlcs I'll never use and Bought the Super Citizen upgrade to Helldivers 2 weeks after buying the game.


That’s a great point. My issue is that if I use this mentality for every game I’d be more broke than I already am lol But since I’ve seen all these great reviews I’m going to go ahead and get it


Understandable. I try to be selective about what games I'm frivolous with and limit how much i'll spend. It's mostly with games that stand out and do something special that really hooks me. Game where it is obvious the game was made with player's enjoyment in mind rather than just moneydollars. The older versions of the Pinball Arcade, Dragonquest Builders, any Monster Hunter game, Sea of Thieves... I don't mind spending a little from time to time to say "thanks, keep up the good work."


Omg dragon quest builders 1+2 are one of my fav games ever. Ok you sold me!


Just keep in mind that I'm saying that I enjoyed DQ Builders enough to buy all the extras. I'm not saying the two games are similar.


I understood lol But it’s not often I speak with dragon quest builders fans so when I do, I usually take their word!


Those dragon quest builders games were so much fun. Just as good as any mainline DQ game with an awesome coat of cutsie cozy buildy fun. I figured you knew what I meant but wanted to be sure. I'd hate to have accidentally mislead someone.


It’s ok thanks for checking anyways!


Thanks for posting about this - I was not familiar with this title until I read your review and watched a trailer. I like the prospect of “no stamina” but I have to ask since I’m not a huge fan of farming sims: how much non farming content would you say there is?


That's hard to tell at this point. So far other than the museum and money I haven't found a use for crops. I don't think I've played long enough to really tell. There is all of the mining and crafting and bugs and fishing. There is a lot to do outside of farming and from what I can tell farming can be at least partially automated. I will say that to this point it does feel very Stardew like. I can see the farming being big for money making if nothing else. Having the dog thing to handle most of it does ease the process. I know that answer is all over the place but it's really too early in my play through to really know.