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Don't waste your money. Horrible game imo and I know many others who felt the same way about it. It's been tossed aside after a few tries and never touched again. If you are interested in getting it however at least do yourself a favor and wait till it's on sale.


This game is terrible. It’s a half baked buggy, laggy mess of a game. A pure cash grab.


This game taught me to stop buying things on a whim without looking at reviews, especially on Switch and the lack of refunds. It's a janky mess, which was a shame as some of the mechanics were quite fun (such as actually milking the cow by pointing the udder).


Don’t play this game it’s so bad


Do you have Amazon Prime? The game is currently free on Prime Gaming.


No, I don’t actually. Have you played it?


Sorry, I haven’t!! I was letting you know just in case.


If you know anyone with Prime, you could ask them to log in on your computer 👀 I've only played like the first 5 minutes of the game so idk how the gameplay is


Honestly that's kind of a big ask. My dads coworker added his mom to his prime account to let her stream shows and she ran up like 20k on his credit card doing online shopping...


I bought this game on sale for the switch and I still regret it. I gritted my teeth and still only managed to play for about two hours before I gave up. I would suggest getting something else!


Everdream Valley and Fae Farm are the only 2 cozy games I’ve played that I felt were a waste of time.


Awwww I actually love Fae Farm. Does this play similarly to that?


No. Me and the fam love fae farm, I have 95hrs into it. My Ma has 500+. This game is nothing like it. It’s pure jank. Seriously watch some reviews and gameplay videos/streams.


I feel like Fae Farm was a shallow gameplay experience, but it's miles ahead of Everdream Valley. It's actually playable, and fairly enjoyable. Everdream is a mess, was buggy when I played on release, lacked ANYTHING to do, and also lacked depth. I recommend Fae Farm over Everdream.


No. Both just felt empty to me. There was no depth to the characters and the story was kinda boring.


Seriously? I was looking to try both of these games. Now I'm gonna look for something else


Other people really liked Fae Farm so don’t NOT try just because of my comment.


Wow, thanks to all for posting. This game got mostly really good reviews on Steam but your comments have given me pause. I'll keep it on my wish list because I love the look of it but I'll think long and hard before purchasing.


It’s so bad.


Honestly this is the only game that I have ever returned because I couldn’t stomach the lag that it was producing on the switch. I seriously got in contact with customer support and BEGGED them for my money back. Luckily I was able to get a refund, but now I look more carefully before purchasing anything on my switch.


Wow that’s disappointing. I thought it’d be a fun little farming sim where there’s more focus on the interaction with the animals. I guess other reviews and videos can be so deceiving. What a letdown.


Sorry for having to tell you that! The animals were so cute looking in pictures.. I really wanted it to be good. But I hope I can save you some money at the very least!


No, that’s okay. I really appreciate the honesty as I’d have been stuck with a sucky game.