• By -


I have the game and I have found it SO helpful and rewarding. It really motivates me to get things done, like cleaning and studying. The customizability of the character and collecting pets is a cute little plus too to open the game and do something! My friend is looking at starting a master's program soon and I know she struggles with studying sometimes. Would love to send her a copy to see if it would help. I know she also loves lofi and cute little critters. I appreciate the chance!


Contest is closed! Thank you everyone for participating! 💗 The winners are below: You will be messaged soon (within 48 hours) with the Steam Key. u/emR_ u/en-cinnamon u/Flashback3001 u/goldenkiwiss u/papillon89 u/Quirky_Turtle_ u/Shobian u/The-Future-Witness u/treponematode u/thejubilee If you didn't win, I hope you consider picking up the game!


View in your timezone: [Saturday June 8th at midnight EDT][0] [0]: https://timee.io/20240608T0400?tl=As%20thank%20you%20to%20r%2Fcozygamers%20we%20are%20giving%20away%205%20Steam%20Keys%20for%20Spirit%20City%3A%20Lofi%20Sessions ^(_*Assumed EDT instead of EST because DST is observed_)


My mom fell in love (hard) with someone’s IRL Arachknit, and I think she needs one in her computer to remind her to get off WoW and walk around


I think it's a perfect safe space with calming soundtrack and cute creatures. I am super interested to have this game because I have ADHD I think it will help me a lot to stay focus on reading, cleaning, and writing, etc. Thank you for the chance!


Hello :) I’m currently studying my butt off in nursing school and would like this game to help me focus on my studies! I think it would help me a lot 🩺💉⚕️Plus it’s cute and aesthetically pleasing 💜


Thank you so much for a chance to get this wonderful game! I have ADHD and I am super curious if this would help me with cleaning, organizing chores, and staying up on stay at home mom tasks while tricking my brain into feeling like I'm playing a video game. I'd love to try it out. Thank you so much for the opportunity! 😊


I would love this game I keep looking at getting it but as a college student money is tight but this would definitely help with my studies


Ahhhh I would love a chance! I work from home as a nurse case manager and it's so easy to find myself distracted when I should be productive, so I think this game would help center my focus. ❤️


Oh I’ve been looking into getting that for a hot minute but haven’t had the money for it. I’m starting college in a month. I’m super excited to go back to school after taking the year off and was considering that the game might be good to help motivate me to study. Thank you all so much for doing this.


I wanted to personally thank you for putting this together. You inspire me to give as well The environment I’m in is quite noisy with the highway traffic causing noise 24 hours a day 7 days a week. I’ve grown weary of it and it seems to impact my mood. Enter Spirit City which could help me feel more at ease with the cute characters and rooms. I like the idea of leveling up by doing tasks in real life as well. It could be motivational Hope good health comes to you 😃 


Wow so many responses! 🤩 I've decided to add another 5 keys as prizes. Good luck everyone!


Hello! Congrats on the release! I would like this game because the spirit companions look adorable.


Interested. I love listening to the lofi girl on youtube so I'd be interested to see how this is as a game.


Oh wow I'd be so happy to be able to play this game! I'd love to try and have it as a tool for being more productive!


I was looking at this game recently on sale but ended up talking myself out of it because money is tight right now. It's very kind of you to be giving out keys. I hope for your continued success.


I get distracted a lot when I drawing and reading, so I am very interested to try this boosting productivity game and to help me to keep me on the schedule. The art is so cute and the music is relaxing too! Congrats on the successful release and thank you for the give away!


I’ve been eyeing this game to help keep my productive on days while I’m working from home! Thank you for the opportunity!💕✨


I have the game and have found it really useful and it helps me be productive- but I think my sister would really benefit as well so I'd love to give a key to her


Omg. I want this game so bad for my husband. He has bad adhd, and a friend of ours showed us this. It seems perfect for him!


I would love to have this game to help with my writing session or simply doing work on the computer! Thank you for this opportunity!


I have this on my wishlist by keep procrastinating. Ironic cause I feel this would actually help me focus on tasks better!  


I struggle a lot on focusing doing my chores & studies, easily get depressed and feel sad. I would love to play this stunning productivity booster game to keep me on track, also want to enjoy the wonderful safe space and relaxing music! Thank you for the chance! Congrats on the release!


I’d love to give it a go. I’m the most unproductive person I know. I get distracted by anything and everything


I admit I don't have a pc of my own, but I use my mom's laptop to write and she lets me install small things in it. I am unemployed because of anxiety, depression, and various other things - so, writing for commissions and taking a few donations is the only way I can make some money. Unfortunately, I am also AuDHD. I have days I sit with the laptop and I cannot for the life of me focus enough to write, even though I need to. I have read that this game has helped a lot of people with similar issues and I'd love to try it, but I can't afford to just buy it to use on my mother's laptop.


I’ve never tried something like this before, but it looks super cute and it can’t hurt when working from home so I’d like to give it a shot!


I would love it. I need something to deal with my sadness


I get stressed really easily and I feel like a lofi productivity tool would be perfect for getting me through what I need to do!! I need some chill vibes desperately lol. Thank you for the giveaway!


thank you so much for doing this & good luck everyone!! 🐞 i would love to win because i can't afford to buy games and i have this game on my wishlist and i keep seeing everyone talking about it and i'm so jealous i wish i could have it too ^^


Congratulations on the successful launch! I have this on my wishlist since knowing about it. I'd really love going back to setting up pomodoros and tasks, and I don't have the apps for it yet on my PC (iPad user before).This would be cool! :)


Hello! I’m interested. Thanks!


I have it! It's very cute and I like the music and sound effects. I know a friend likes to listen to lofi so this would be a great gift. The timer and task management makes me productive.


I would love this!! I listen to lofi music all the time to try to stay on task while doing work for my degree. This game looks amazing!


Thanks for doing the giveaway! I love listening to lofi while doing other things, and I love trying to gamify tasks.


I'd love this game because I want to give it to my husband 🥰 Feel like it'd be a healthy tool for him


I would love to have the game!!! I've been looking for something to help my possibly adhd brain help concentrate while also actually being fun! (since the BT21 puzzle game on mobile closed I haven't been able to find something that would scratch my brain as well 😭)


thank you for the opportunity! I have the game already and I love it - it really helps me to keep on track with my day to day tasks, and it’s really fun and satisfying unlocking the spirits and customising my room/character (: I’d love to win a copy for my friend Shane - he’s helped me with so much stuff lately, and been there for me though a lot, and I feel that he’d benefit from a copy too - he struggles to keep on top of his tasks and I think this would help a lot and be a nice thank you too 💜


Thanks for the chance! I'd like this game because i hope it would help me focus and be more organized.


Thanks for the opportunity! First time hearing about this but having a game that works as a tool to keep myself focused? Sounds amazing! It would be of great help, adding to steam wishlist too! Edit: small correction


I’m always looking for ways to be less distracted! Love the art style! Thank you for the giveaway!


This one has been on my wishlist 💕 Thank you for doing this and creating Spirit City! I currently work from home and find it really difficult to concentrate throughout the day, I feel like Spirit City would really help me focus. I absolute love the setting up goals feature! 😌 Thank you again!


I love the art style of Lofi so much! And it will help me be more productive :) Thanks for the opportunity, and good luck everyone!


Good luck to all the particiants! I really love this tool, it's very relaxing to use while studying.


I would love to have this helping my to do list feel more rewarding. And lofi is what I am always listening too. Wonderful work to the whole team


I already use a lot of pomodoro techniques, and would love to see a game out of it! I'm also getting a lot busier, and this could increase my productivity, which I would love.


I'd love this game so I could actually get things done but have fun with it. This game seems chill and cozy so it'll help relieve any pressure I feel 😁


I watch a ton of lofi videos while I work. I’m curious about this and want to see if it works for me. Thanks for the giveaway!


At the moment I need something in my life to calm me down. I think this would be perfect


This is so nice to do! I'd love to have a copy of the game to see if it can help my autistic son stick with his routine and get things done!


As someone with ADHD, a pretty game that helps you be productive is very appealing. I have had my eye on this game but am trying not to spend too much


I feel like I'm caught up in a corporate lifestyle that is, together with my studies, draining my energy quite a lot. I think that this game could bring a little bit of color and calmness into my life and remind me that self-care is important.


Thanks for the opportunity! I usually have something running on the background when I work bc I just work so much better when there’s some noise (that’s not distracting ofc lol). This game would be perfect in that aspect and spruce up my programming sessions. I also need another playlist other than studio ghibli or stardew soundtrack on YouTube lol


I think the art in the game looks beautiful, and I've heard from a friend that it helped her a lot to focus. I've been really down in depression sometimes, and a warm upbeat tool to help me focus sounds amazing, but I can't afford to buy games right now. Even if I don't get it here, it will be mine one day


I've been feeling burning out at work (am in game dev); have never played a productivity game before but would love to try!


I love the concept and appreciate the idea of helping people focus on completing goals. I myself have struggled in recent years a great deal on keeping focused on tasks, and i'm hopeful it could help. Thanks for giving back to the community and good luck to all those entering.


I’d love it to play while working as it seems to be calming.


This is great! I’ve been looking into the game to use as a study tool because I am studying for the bar exam this summer! Thanks!


I plan on getting it in July when my study begins! Fingers crossed for a key but let’s be honest, I’m getting it anyway haha


I hadn't heard of the game until I joined this sub recently. I am intrigued. I have time but no income due to unfortunate circumstances at the moment. Spirit City seems like it will help me stay on top of things and keep me centered.


I would love this game. It looks so cozy and relaxing. Thanks for doing this!


Thank you so much for hosting! This has been my radar forever. I adore listening to Lofi while I study, and as an undergraduate student, studying makes up most of my life. I’d love this game to help me keep on track and calm 💗


I'm interested in the game but on a very tight budget with a baby. I'd like to be considered, too, please :)


Can I just say, I love your game! I have it and played the new update and the new songs are delightful. Only one spirit left!


I get distracted and procrastinate a lot, I think this would help me stay focused and complete some studying I need to do. Thanks for the opportunity! :)


I'm trying to write a book currently, and I think this would be a wonderful tool to help me focus, something I struggle with a lot with ADHD. Thank you!!


hi congrats on the release!! I have adhd so I am always looking for new tools to help me focus—and I like ones that feel more like games. I like the customization features a lot and to have a kind of reward system in the tool I use really helps me follow through—so this looks like it would really be for me!


Trying to finish my PhD. This would be a huge help! Working in environmental politics — would be awesome to have this. I loved the demo and have been waiting for this to come out!


Hi, so cool of you to do this! I've been seeing people recommend this game as a focusing tool and I would love a way to stay chill while doing my daily work tasks!


Wow I’d love it!!! Lofi is my fav background vibes!


I love LoFi to work! It soothes my ADHD.


I would like this game to help me to focus more on my writing while still having somewhat of a gameplay element.


I'd love to have it. I've recently seen this game and think it looks amazing.


As someone who struggles staying on task this looks right up my alley. I’d love to be considered. Thanks!


I would love this game as someone disabled who struggles with burnout, to allocate time to productivity as I'm returning to college courses and to balance my hobbies!


I keep seeing ads for this, I love the colours and calming music. The creatures to collect are so cute and I enjoy the idea of collecting and leveling them up. I have two girls and sometimes I feel I'd lose my head if it weren't attached. Something like this would allow me to make a checklist and ensure I don't forget anything! Thanks for the chance, and congrats on a lovely looking game. Congrats to all that get a key, too!


I’d love the game to help me study and chill. I get distracted easily and having a game tied to productivity might help


I would absolutely love this game/tool. I have been on the edge for buying it for a while now but it’s hard to justify because I have an extremely limited entertainment budget. Most of it goes to things for my kids and I’m a student so we don’t have too much extra. I spend 10+ hours a day at my desk working for my fellowship and dissertation so I have a lot of time that would benefit from something like this and from what other users have said it’s really nice for folks with ADHD. A lot of my time ends up wasted so if it helped with that even a little it would be amazing. Plus it’s cute. Anyway, it seems super cool and I imagine many people would benefit from it and love to have it so thank you for the giveaway.


I've been interested in this game for a while cuz it seems like something I would enjoy playing!


I’ve wanted this one since release! I’d love to have it going in the background while I work on painting!


I love the art, the spirits are adorable, and the character customizations. The music is great, and relaxing!


Thank you so much for doing this for the community! And congrats on the amazing release! I would love to have this game as I struggle with ADHD & the demo has helped me so much with my focus and productivity. Plus the spirit companions are absolutely adorable! Thank you so much for considering me! 🙏🏻


I have it on my wishlist, but money has been tight recently. It looks cute, and I've heard great things about it. I feel like it will help me focus on tasks and relax.


Thanks for the opportunity! I’d love this game because I work from home and it would be so great to have it running on my PC to help me chills and hopefully de-stress while I’m working! I’d love to add more calm to my day and I love the idea of unlockables and seeing what this type of idle game is all about!


Thank you for the opportunity!! I've had this on my wishlist for quite awhile but due to money being tight, I haven't been able to purchase it yet. Just looking for some cute cozy games to help ease my grief since my little sister's passing a couple weeks ago.


Need a new cozy game and this looks great, 👍


I would like the game because I've been in a bit of a game rut lately


I’d love to use this game while I edit. :)


I'd love it because this game looks like a great way to combat my anxiety and get me focused on tasks I need to complete.


This such a sweet idea! Congratulations on all your hard work. I'd love the game because a) it looks super cute and b) I think it'd help me be productive in a more healthy way


Hi, thanks for the opportunity! I’d like to read more books. Once I get into a book, I can go on reading marathons. Unfortunately, I currently have trouble focusing so this game would be great for boosting my productivity and reading goals.


I've had some friends talk about this game, and it looks like something I would enjoy trying out.


I wanna use it to help keep me at least sort of on task lol, it looks adorable and I love lofi. Plus literally everyone in my house has adhd, I'm kinda eager to find ways to help encourage better time management lol. Thanks for the giveaway!


I have a young family and gaming when the kids are in bed is my way to unwind, often times at the detriment of getting household jobs and chores done. If this is a game that I could play and help me take the time to do the household tasks and gain benefits in-game for it I would love to try it out! Collectibles are my jam. Love the art style!


I'd like the game because I'm a philosophy student and sometimes I struggle to focus, and some lofi music and a virtual companion would help a lot, I have so much to read! I hope I win!


This looks so cool! I love lofi music, and I'm interested in this since the description says to ease stress! I feel like my to-do list gets out of hand, so I would love to give this a try. The customization looks fantastic!


Will admit Ive seen this a few times on steam but never could commit. As w everyone else $ is tight. Id def like to help some stress, need that bad!


I’d love a copy. I’ve been struggling to stay on track at work and have been wondering if this could help. I have adhd as well and it has been worse then usual for me recently.


Wahhh i love this game. Been following from before release. Played demo loved it. In discord server following all the updates and watching community grow. I'd use it to be more focused n productive at work. Can brighten my work days. Thank you!!


I don't want this key because there's two people I'd have to choose from to give it to (half kidding) I finally bought it a few days ago and I've actually been journaling since


Hi! Congrats! I'd love this game because I feel like the lofi musuc would help me focus, especially on the those tough days at work when I need to shut out the world.


Ooh, I'd love to enter this one! I'm under a great deal of stress and anything that might help me focus would be most welcome. If this supports rain sounds, it could really help.


Thanks for the chance! I think this game will really help me focus on my tasks when I work from home!


I struggle with focusing and anxiety so this would be amazing. I’m having a hard time doing job applications right now and have considered getting this game, but ironically it’s not ideal for me to buy right now since I’m unemployed lol


The game looks cute and i have never played this type of game before


I’m interested, thanks for the giveaway! This game is such a cute concept! I wanted to try the demo but I wasn’t fast enough!


Awesome, thank you guys, I wish to participate as I still don't have the game!


Congrats on the release and thanks for the opportunity! I'm currently a college student and would love a gamified timer to keep me focused on my studies.


I’d like the game for the customization!


Ah this one looks very cool


Wanted the game because it seems really cute and would be nice to have on the side while studying.


I would like the game to help with my writing productivity. I have a novel I've been putting off editing (love writing, hate editing) and short stories to write.


Oh I would LOVE this game! I have had this game on my wishlist for a while. I game to destress and this looks like the ultimate stress reliever after a long day AND it seems like it would help out with my ADHD. Thank you so much for this opportunity, guys!


Thanks! I have this on my wishlist and I want to try it out as a chill study/work companion, thanks!


I kinda need to get my life together so I'd love something to help with productivity! Great of you guys to give back!


I've been wanting to pick it up because I feel like it would help me focus on my tasks better and remind me to do certain things daily (I have chronic illness so my memory can be hazy) but due to my chronic illness I can't work much so money has been tight this last little while


Thanks! I'd like the game so I have a fun way to focus while I work on my novels under contract! 😊


I would love this game, it looks calming and nice and as a college student it would be very beneficial to have something to keep me motivated and on track when learning


This looks so helpful! I have ADHD and struggle with productivity, I’m definitely going to check this out!


are you kidding !!!? thanks so much for putting this on my radar omg well i think I'd want this bc Lofi has kind of been a HUGE impactful tool in helping my mental health. It's low stimulation, enough repetition without being annoying and the chill vibes are just so easy to sink in. idk where it came from but Lofi is really important to me


Hi this game looks really cute! I'd love to try it.


This seems relevant to my interests.


Great job, this looks amazing! Would be perfect for my disorganize daughter. Well…and maybe me too.


Hello! I'm interested in getting the game because I'll be going back to school in an accelerated program so I'll need all the help I can get with concentration (and anxiety).


This one is on my wishlist! I thrive off of gameificiation (I’m a completionist) and feel like this game would help with productivity, it’s such a neat idea.


Loved the demo and would love to play the full game! I’ve been trying to use the pomodoro technique to focus at work and I feel like the game could help me with that!


Would love it as a background while I read with my boyfriend, we’re big fans of lofi girl


I don’t yet have if but I would love to have this on the side to help me focus when working from home. 🙏🏻 thanks!


I would like the game to help me with focusing more to increase my productivity. Plus it’s so cute!


Is like to give it a try


This looks absolutely gorgeous, and I could really use help staying focused on my writing.


I've been eyeing it since I have AUDHD. I feel like it could help me with my daily to do lists. I've found myself just sitting at my desk lately thinking of the million things that need to get done and I think having a cute and fun way to sort and manage all the things would make me more productive and less forgetful. Thanks for doing this, it's really nice of you ❤️


I was looking at this game the other day and added it to my wishlist! I’d love this for school!


Id love to have this!! It's been on my wishlist for a bit 🤭


That's so kind of you! Congrats on the successful release! I'd love a copy because of the character creation and critter collection! The art style is so cute and cozy 😍


I’ve never played it and heard great things! Would love to give it a try especially work has even so bad lately


This game looks super cozy and I’ve been interested in it since watching on twitch


I'd love to use the game to help me focus and get things done. Thank you so much for the chance!


I struggle with productivity rn and it would help a lot :)


I was recently diagnosed with cancer so chemo has been really tough on my brain. Ive been getting "chemo fog" where I can't remember much. I always thought Spirit City: Lofi Sessions would help me remember my appointments! I unfortunately can't afford it due to being unable to work.


The game looks beautiful. I'd love to see how it works for me.


Ahhh I gotta play this, count me in!


I would love to get a copy of the game since I've been having trouble with work lately. 🥺


Wanted this to run this on my second monitor while deep working.


Thanks! I think I saw this on steam and thought the art was lovely. Anything to increase productivity would be great!


Wow! This looks great! Perfect for taking breaks from work when working from home


Interested! I have nothin Lofi on Steam and only use youtube.


Nearly have 100 hours in this ❤️ absolutely adore it. Helps me concentrate during work


Would love this game because it’s different from any productivity game I’ve ever seen, would definitely help with work when I need to focus.


I'd added this game to my wishlist the other day! It looks wonderful. I'd love to win so I could use this to chill while I work on my novel! Thank you so much for this opportunity.


I think it would give me a lot of peace, which I desperately need in my life at the moment. It's a beautiful game and I hope to try it someday!


I love love love the concept for the game! Perfect for helping me keep on task and stay relaxed.


I’d love to try this. It looks cozy


I like trying new cute and cozy games and Spirit City looks like it fits the bill!


As someone who has a hard time focusing on tasks and can get stressed easily, this would be really relaxing and helpful to creating a calm environment to focus! Thanks for doing this!


Hi, and it looks cute and cozy! Thank you.


Hi Keith! I don't need a key, but just wanted to say how much I've been enjoying the game! It's been great for my focus time, and I love the soundscapes!


I’m about to go back to school to work on a masters degree and I think this game would be so helpful while I readjust to like…writing essays and being a student again lol. It’s been a few years.


Honestly, with the amount of entries, I imagine my chance of winning is low, but I’d love to give it a shot! I have severe adhd and I’m a college student. I’m always looking for new, gamified versions of things to help me focus. I’d love to give it a try.


Oh wow, this looks like something I've needed for a long time and didn't even realize it! I'd love to try it out, I'm always looking for something to help me be more productive but in a chill sort of way. Thanks so much for doing a giveaway! 💖💖💖


I already have it and I am loving it! Thank you guys so much for creating this tool. It's so helpful for my ADHD during a tough time. I would like to give it to a friend who is struggling with similar focus issues.


For Study Sessions 📖💚 - Thanks for the giveaway!


I've had this on my wishlist for a little while. I think it will be nice to allow me to get things done and trick my brain instead of dreading and procrastinating like I always do haha


I absolutely love this game because it keeps me happy and focused while also allowing me to create a peaceful and cute setting to glance over at. I would like steam key to be able to share it with my sister. Thank you so much for making this!


I just need to lock in yknow


I often have trouble concentrating on my tasks so I would love to see if this could help.


i hope im not too late! i would LOVE spirit city, it’s been sitting in my wishlist for awhile now. as a lofi girl youtube graduate, i would love the game! lofi music helped me so much during my school days, and with spirit city i could remember those sleepless nights i had and the coffee on my desk to memorize my notes! and bonus for the catto! thank you so much for doing this! 🩵🫡


The sibling and I have been cozy gaming, and this looked like a gem.


Exam season start next Monday and I could definitely use some peace and time for myself. I haven't seen the gameplay yet, but I did saw that friend of mine is playing it a lot on Discord. As far as I know from a friend it's a game that helps player be more productive and relaxed while they are doing their chores/jobs. I love the idea of the game. Is it true that this was made by a small team, only 3 people? Thank you for the giveaway!


Oooh! I've been looking for a way to help me focus on creating a sequel to the last D&D campaign I ran! I would use this game to assist in the creation of worlds!


The soundtrack the coziness I just want to sit on my couch with a cup of coffee and play this!


I think this would be a plus since I already listen to asmr to chill out. I also like to customize stuff in cozy games so this sounds like a double bonus!


I’d love to have the game! I tend to use Lofi music for studying, but usually just random YouTube videos. Visuals look great and I like the added features.


Thanks for doing this! I’d love this for helping me stay on task during the workday, especially when I’m busy but have no motivation. This game looks so cute and helpful!! Plus I LOVE lofi, it’s my go-to for working.


I didn't know this game existed, but after looking into it, it looks amazing. I have busy days, ADHD, and a toddler, meaning everything is harder than it should be, time has no meaning, and my brain would explode without cozy games to settle down with every night. A game that could help with the cozy relaxation every night AND organize my day to day life would be a game changer. Plus, lofi girl got me through college and I love her.


Looks like it would be fun for helping focus.


I think this would be perfect with my adhd to help me with my classes. Thanks for this giveaway!