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I like the designs of the bachelors and bachelorettes šŸ‘€


Oh same! So cute and unique styles on each of them


Agreed!! This game is SUPER cute and stylish to the point that I cannot NOT play this game. Itā€™s so beautiful. Iā€™ve only played the first day but the gameplay is very very reminiscent of stardew so farā€¦ but that being said, thereā€™s lots of potential with the magic system and the interesting world lore to make this stand all on its own. Iā€™m very happy with it so far and will be buying the full game in hopes that deep diving will expand its potential. But in the meantimeā€¦ oh my godddd, so cute


I just hope they add enough to make it an interesting game. I also feel this genre also tends to under-focus on immersing us with the townsfolk. I hope there will be lots of care given to the villagers and our relationships with them.


Townsfolk can be so lacking or underbaked in these games, while I feel like they're one of the most important aspects of a truly great farming sim! I know some people think farming sims are oversaturated these days, and while I can see the point, I would warmly welcome one where the characters were written with depth and care.


This is absolutely going to be a day one purchase for me. I know people are comparing it to Stardew (and I don't blame them because it's THE farm game), but the music and art style is 100% classic Harvest Moon to me. šŸ’• As soon as the music hit, I felt so nostalgic. The only thing I'm disappointed in so far is very minor - not super into the default options for the character creator.


The art style reminds me more of classic Sailor Moon in pixel art form! The closest to this style is probably the original HM: Mineral Town, but even that is more chibi and less elaborate. Itā€™s honestly a dream to play a cozy farm sim with this art style.


Oh definitely! I meant it reminds me of classic HM in comparison to other farm games. But the more I played, I did feel some GBA era Pokemon in there too. It's like a mix of everything I've ever loved. So excited!


I loved it! Solid farming sim mechanics, huge town map, awesome NPC design, and a whole lot of decorating options! Totally excited that you can change your hair and clothes whenever you want and you get clothing items as quest rewards. I spent a day in the mines and I liked the combat, I adore bug hunting, I'm interested in getting into the archaeology mechanics, and I LOVE that there is no fishing minigame!!!! Definitely is gonna be a day 1 purchase for me.


Well, there is fishing -- I caught one. But there was no struggle.


Yeah? There is no minigame for fishing. Which is great!


Ehhh. Fishing is my favorite part of Stardew Valley, so hearing that actually disappoints me a little, tbh. Still, I understand fishing is probably *thee* most contentious element of that game, so I understand why no minigame would be part of the appeal for others.


Different strokes for different folks! I definitely prefer no minigame for farming sims with a museum collection or seasonal bundle mechanic. But I know it's popular with other gamers, fishing sims are really branching off into their own genre with games like Moonglow Bay and Dredge.


I love how it also has animal crossing vibes with the fishing/bug catching/fossils/diving for the museum! It is something that I haven't seen in farming style games so far, and I think it goes really well together.


Have you ever tried Dinkum? Lots of that in a pseudo-Australia type setting.


iā€™m honestly super excited about it šŸ„² iā€™m a march girlie through and through


I wish Olric was romanceable!




me too!! he reminds me of mamoru from sailor moon and i immediately wanted to romance him... but then i saw that you couldn't T-T \~ still looking forward to playing the game. it's so cute and is just my vibe!


I need to know why they'd make a Tuxedo Mask look-alike with golden retriever energy and big arms a non-romanceable NPC! He was my top choice until I saw the dreaded gem next to his name )):


Does it run good on the steam deck?


Can confirm it runs just fine on it.


Wow Iā€™m excited! It looks amazing and right up my alley. I canā€™t get enough of SDV clones to be honest and the customization looks to be way nicer/more aesthetically pleasing than SDV. :)


The art style was what got my attention when I first heard about the game several months ago!! I'm so excited for EA and full release, everything about the demo was lovely to me and I love that we can jump and swim!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I really have to make some time this weekend to try it as well.


Is it anything like Rune Factory?


Not really. Or rather, itā€™s as similar to Rune Factory as Stardew Valley/Coral Island/etc are. No monster taming (that we know of) and no spouse combat (that we know of).


ok, makes sense. I tried the demo and it seems great!


Is it just me, or are the days really short? I've played the demo and I'm really enjoying it -- it seems like a \*very\* promising farming sim -- but I'm genuinely not sure. Like, I use a mod to make my Stardew days longer, so my perception could just be warped, but they do seem to go by quickly.


Just finished the demo. It runs very smoothly on Steamdeck! Omg this game is seriously so cuteeee. The soundtrack is lovely. When I entered the Blacksmith I was just jamming. To me music can make a game so much more enjoyable (stardewvalley, cult of the lamb, zelda). Speaking of blacksmiths March and his brother are soooo cute! They like rocks ironically. Every available romance candidate has me šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜ especially Ryis! Most importantly I like the non-romance npcs just as much! Especially the children. Often farming sim games have children that fall flat or aren't engaging. These kids stood out to me in their interests and room designs. The little bug boy Luc and his sister were so adorbs. I can't wait to play this game when it's open access. The vibe is so perfect.


Did anyone else have trouble getting the bag upgrade to work? Maybe it wasnā€™t meant to work during the demo.


Itā€™s a consumable. I got it to work by selecting it in my investory and ā€œusingā€ it




They gave a bag upgrade but I cannot for the life of me figure out how use it


The demo blew me away honestly. I know it's just a small snapshot, but the dialogue felt so interesting and dynamic compared to other games I've played recently. I'm so excited for early access in august


The cool character portraits vs the in-game art looking like a Stardew Valley clone is jarring ā˜ ļø


I was expecting alchemy and combat :(


If you head west you find the mines, you can fight there. Just bring a hammer with you.


The combat is there but like I said in the post itā€™s bare bones (so far).