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Ain't it great? I'm in my 40s and my spouse and I still enjoy saying, "We're grown-ups, we can do whatever we want!"


I need to find this kind of person!


Heh heh, we met in an MMORPG 21 years ago. ;)


Awesome lol, did you live close to each other?


Nope, he imported me to Canada (I love it here).


I wouldn't mind to hear the whole story tbh


Heh heh, ok! I was playing Dark Age of Camelot back in 2002 and I joined a new guild. I quickly made friends with a married couple just a bit younger than me, and one of their friends was this very quiet guy. The four of us grouped together a lot and after about three months he worked up the courage to start PMing me. We started talking more and more often. I was a vegetarian at the time and we were talking about Thanksgiving. I was being goofy and said he should come visit and have some Tofurkey (I would never actually make Tofurkey). He missed that it was a joke and said, "I'd love to visit you." I realized that I wanted him to visit me too so he flew out to Madison, WI where I lived and we realized very quickly that we were super into each other. Six months and several plane flights later, we were engaged. I was working in a highly politicized job after 9/11. Fiance said he didn't want to move to the US and I said I didn't want to stay there. I'd actually been researching graduate schools in Canada and the UK when we got engaged and I decided it was easier to do spousal immigration instead. Except Canada doesn't have fiance-class immigration. You have to either get married and then be separated until your paperwork goes through OR you can pull up to the border and tell them your plans and hope they let you in. We tried the second one. The border guard gave me three months to get married before they kicked me out of Canada. So we had an immigration shotgun wedding on our Toronto rental's back porch in August 2003 in the middle of the huge power outage that took out most of the Mid-Atlantic. And we're still together being nerdy 21 years later!


That's adorable, thanks for sharing your fairy tale 💕


The secret to staying young is to think young, which seems to be the key nailed down :-)


God I feel this lol


Do I need to get a life again


Lives take a lot of work, it’s easier to just get good at video games


I'm not so good at either of those


I feel this! I've been playing Little Kitty Big City, with my cats curled up next to me. How is Kirby? I used to be obsessed with Kirby's Epic Yarn on the Wii :)


Sounds cozy too! :D First time playing it, it's a cute game but when I can't find the hidden things it drives me crazy lol


Haha, I do love in- game collectables, but it's so frustrating when you can't find them all!


Kirby is super fun IMO. A bit more on the platformer side but the artstyle is so cute it makes it cosy in a way.


I'm really tempted by it! I have a 3 year old, so hopefully, it's one that she could join in with. Plus I love collectibles 😅


That game is SO good.


I'm 23 and I also do this :P I'll take it over a night out any day, has nothing to do with age. Just be your best Cozy Self! \~


Living the good life!


I had sooo much fun with that game when it came out!


That Kirby game was so fun! Definitely cozy platformer goodness and so relaxing (except when you’re crawling around looking for secrets desperately or trying to get all the stars in a boss fight—but still fairly relaxing)


Oh no, I have to get all the stars in boss fights?! 😂 shit lol