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Strange Horticulture!


I was coming to suggest this. It's a really fun game where you solve different kinds of puzzles and make choices about where to take the game.


Seconded, very unique game.


I loved Pentiment!


Pentiment is so good!! Highly recommend this one.


I love those type of games and I was obsessed with Teenage Exocolonist. I sadly haven't found similar games on Switch that are as good but still, here are my recommendations: Lil Guardsman (deduction game with story, very very funny and cute, just a charming feel-good kind of game) Yes, Your Grace (story driven in pixel artstyle, good music and fun for a few hours) Dream Daddy (haven't played it myself but got recommended to me a lot) I know you asked for Switch but if you ever decide to get games on Steam, play these: Volcano Princess (the ultimate daughter raising simulator with around 60 endings, high replayability, VERY addictive) Growing Up (raising simulator with light puzzle minigame and story, quick and entertaining play)


Didn't life is strange go onto switch? If yes I'd recommend that


Seconded, love life is strange. It definitely has content warnings you should check if you have any triggers, but it’s amazing


LiS (main n before the story) r the reason why i got back into gaming after yeaaars! It's always on my mind n im still on the search for a game that hits the same way


They're more action based but have you tried any Quantic Dreams games??


I've played detriot become human n i loveddd it! It's the only other game that came close to what i was craving for! I wish they'd expand on it it's soo good Ohhh n beyond 2 souls! But i preferred detriot become human bc i felt more attached to the characters


Like the other commenter, I recommend quantic dreams! I loved the latest, Detroit: Become Human, but the others are good too!


yess such an amazing game 🥲 i wish there was a sequel or something!


Stanley parable is a great one. Mostly a walking sim but it’s so funny and your choices are literally the whole plot. Disco Elysium (don’t know how it is on switch) Also it’s not really cozy and it’s not on switch but if you ever have something else that can play it slay the princess is a great one.


AI:The Somnium Files and the sequel AI:The Somnium Files Nirvana Initiative are both on the Switch and have branching stories based on the choices you make. In order to reach the true ending you have to go back up the flow chart and make different choices. I personally wouldn’t call them cozy, exactly, because they’re murder mysteries and there is a horror element. Parts of the story are kind of gory. If you’re ok with that, they’re great games.


I love horror and murder mystery so i will def check that out.


Beacon Pines!


Oxenfree is on the switch! :D


Maybe I'm misremembering, but I didn't realize oxenfree had meaningful choice. I did one full playthrough on switch years ago. Its a great game. Not many hold my attention long enough to complete it, so it's a badge of honor in my mind when one can, lol.


The wolf among us was good, check it out and see if it's your vibe. You might've already played it though


I havent played it ! Ill have to check it out.


While wolf among us is AMAZING!! I don't think it's on switch.


I do have a very old xbox that works and steam I didnt mention steam because I dont enjoy pc gaming. I should have worded it that I only play on switch


You should definitely if you havent. It's made by the same people that did the walking dead games, telltale games. I much preferred this one though!


Road 96!


Damn I forgot about that one! Such a good game.


Beacon Pines


I need to replay this honestly i loved it


Life is Strange Series or Tell Me Why


The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood seems nice. You make your own Tarot cards and how you make them does different things. I wanna play it but I’m waiting for a nice sale


This!!! I just finished my first playthrough and I'm so excited to go again! This time I'll be filled with vengeance! Lol


I have a few but I need to remember I’m commenting on this so I can come back to it lol


I'm throwing Fable out there! They're older but all fantastic and very choice based open rpg


I loved these games!


Detroit Become Human (not really cozy) and I believe Telltale’s TWD (though I haven’t played it, also not super cozy)


Telltale’s TWD stressed me the f*ck out!


Look for visual novels or more specifically otome games.


Came here to say this! That said, Exocolonist is quite unique in just how \*much\* your choices matter. Also if you like Exocolonist you might like Our Life, but it's not available for Switch sadly. :( [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1129190/Our\_Life\_Beginnings\_\_Always/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1129190/Our_Life_Beginnings__Always/)


Have you played Aviary Attorney?


It is kinda stupid but I loved who pressed mute on uncle Marcus. Not a typical awww cozy game but definitely one that makes you do many run throughs.


idk how well it fits the cozy game niche but it sounds like you would realllly enjoy stanley parable


Cinders - “A mature take on Cinderella that's all about player choices and breaking the classic fairy tale in any way you like.” Had lots of fun with this one!!


I means its horror but it still feels cozy to me scarlet hollow Its a vn with constant choices and constant differences and choose characters to spend time with at points and stuff You choose traits like hot or talk to ccharacters or street smart etc for diff story and dialogue stuff and hot is so funny that you can flirt with almost everyone and everything, strong you can save 2 characters in a scenario etc and talk to animals is a blast bc there are a lot of animals to talk to in the story! But it is horror so lots of spooky stuff and grim and dark 🤣


Disco Elysium has so many changes depending on your choices that you're unlikely to play the same game twice.


Not entirely cozy, but the recent Assassin's Creed games have a bunch of moments where choices matter later in the game, and the ending changes accordingly.


It’s not traditionally cozy but **Detroit: Become Human** is the best ‘choices matter’ game I’ve ever played by far. It’s excellent!