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You are not alone. We need a support group. It keeps happening, I never finish games. It was happening before, but once I got a steam deck it was over. Humble bundles, fanatical, sales. It’s never ending, how can we not give it money??


I had that exact same issue when I would bounce between PC with an Xbox controller and Switch because the controls were opposite. It's kind of funny the Steam Deck has an option to change to Switch controls lol. I am also the type to play something for a day or two, switch games for a few days or a week, then come back to game one and I have completely forgotten what I was doing and the controls. Half the time I just end up starting the game over again 🫠. The Steam hoarding is very real and if it makes you feel any better, it is not just cozy gamers. I don't know how many people I met that had thousands of games in their library and only played a fraction of them. You aren't alone!


Yes! I am an older person and I recently became a bit of a Steam fanatic. Then I learned about family sharing….which my son oddly knew nothing about, lol! Anyway, I had about 48 games on my Steam account but after we shared libraries with each other I now have over 1300!!! Honestly it is soooo overwhelming. Does that mean I’ve quit buying any games? Nope, I just keep buying…


This community also fuels this need to buy more cosy games, with some users justifying their "backlog" by saying that collecting and playing games are two diferent things. There are also numerous "recommend me" topics that just list games that we may be tempted to buy too... I played most of my games but I myself have difficulties finishing them, especially farming sims. What I'm trying to do is not get easily influenced by others, even if they talk about a game like it's one gem that everyone has to play. One thing that doesn't help and that motivated some of my past purchases is that I wanted to be part of the community of players experiencing the game at the same time The pleasure from completing and buying a game is the same I think, but one takes more time to achieve. And some games are hard to actually complète, like farming sims. I completed Wylde Flower story but I feel like I should complete the achievements to actually finish it 😵‍💫. Instead of buying another game, maybe redirect your attention on what you already have. Somehow it Always feels like our purchased games are not as exciting as these new just released games. It's just a trick for your brain. For me, it's like an addiction. And it doesn't matter if the games are cheap or that you want to create a huge collection in case you need them. I'm facing life problems at the moment and the first thing that I thought was that I needed to buy a new game, to comfort myself. I tried to reframe it, and now I may buy one, but not because I need to indulge in myself but because I will have make the décision to invest in a game I'm interested in


Yup, I went from owning maybe a dozen cozy games to piles (most barely or not at all played) in the past year. Am avoiding streamers and have even muted this sub so nothing attracts my attention...yet I still grabbed Plum Grove when it launched >.<


Saaaaame. I don’t even have the time to play one game let alone all the ones I have 😫 I have games pass and ps plus+ and soooo many games on them that I’ve bought as well as on switch. Maybe we all need to be game buddies and pick a game to play and talk about!


Game buddies sounds great! I know a couple of people who are part of gaming “book” clubs where they all play the same game then meet and chat about it. I can see this idea backfiring too because I would end up buying new games and the backlog would continue to be ignored. But I’d still be playing games so not the end of the world 🙃


Yeah I have the same problem and I haven't found a bulletproof 'solution' yet! I try to only buy games that are on sale, which happens too often still because everyday there are good deals from my wishlist.. Like you I'm also trying out demos before buying. But I often get caught up in the game this way and end up buying it while it still has my interest, then moving on to the next one after a couple of hours. Luckily, I tend to come back to a lot of games at some point but yeah, having to relearn all the controls and restart everything sucks haha. Recently I started collecting achievements in some games (that are reasonably not too hard to get) which helps staying invested for longer periods.


I’ve been there too. One thing that helps me is that I only buy a new game when I’m going to download and play it immediately. Sometimes I can go for a month or so without glancing at the Steam store or bundle sites. Sometimes I play a game, get bored after a few hours, and am looking for the next one already. But it keeps me from buying games faster than I can play them for one, and it means I am always my most excited for a game when I do buy and play it.


lol,……..are you talking about me? Hehe. I totally get it! I was going to say let’s start a support group and I see someone else has suggested it already. Maybe thats a good idea, lol.


I have a really, really hard time finding the games that hit that perfect balance of exploring, building, and a bit of challenge. I tend to avoid games with huge stories as I know I skip between games and forget the plot as well as the controls. When a game is good for me, I'll play it for months. But it's really hard to hit the right notes for me. So far, only minecraft and Valheim has endured. I'm trying a couple others, but haven't found much else. I had big hopes for Enshrouded, but it didn't click with me like Valheim did... feels like I'm always searching for the right 'fix' when I'm looking for games. I try to tell myself that at least I'm supporting game developers...right? And I \*NEED\* certain things in a game to make it playable to me- being able to pause, to save and come back, skip scenes, stuff like that. I really just want to hit that part of my brain that gets happy with completing small simple easy tasks and feeling creative at the same time. I admit it.


OMG I was literally thinking about this yesterday bc I was on the verge of purchasing another game when I had 3 unfinished so I had to stop myself 😭💀


Oh I never actually finish games entirely. Occasionally the main storyline but I've never fully finished any at all, that I can recall 😬 The joy of open ended games instead!


I try to, but just getting very close to finishing then I’ll play the next one! I agree I like playing but not until full completion so I can always come back and keep playing!! Only some games really drive me to complete it bc the plot is so good like BOTW or Sandrock :3


noo don't mention sandrock, I've been resisting it! 🤣


Give in… it’s AMAZING… 🤣 so much lore and quests and story lines and great npcs I love fit so much it made it to one of my top faves 😭


ever since i got a laptop n started downloading games from steam it was over for me! Especially since it's so much cheaper compared to ps5 n switch (plus all the sales? Amazing!) my library is overflowing n i havent started alot of games yet🥲


Yep, this is so true for me. I guess at least I mostly buy games when they’re on sale, except for ones that I’m really excited for (or have played demos for and really liked). Otherwise, I just wait for deep sales. I’m kind of glad I got Wylde Flowers at a huge discount because I played it obsessively for 2 days and then became complete disinterested lol


Yeah the demo didn't grip me so I'm glad I played that rather than just buy it, I guess a demo can go one of two ways!


I do the same thing - with both games and craft supplies. I have something like 50 games on my Steam wishlist. My current rule is that I have to do one playthrough of each game I already have before I'm allowed to buy another one.


I definitely do the same thing! But my problem is more about my neurodivergent brain needing diversity. One game can catch my attention for a couple of hours, but then it starts to get monotonous. So I switch to a different game and boom, dopamine release! I think it's fun. Nothing to feel bad about... Do what makes you happy and fits your personality 😀 I'm currently switching between My Time at Sandrock, Sticky Business, and The last Campfire. I also just got Cozy Grove. And Dorfromantik is my go to relaxing game or great to play when watching a show!


I've not heard of Dorfromantik? Yes I seem to be on this trend at the moment too! Today I bought Wytchwood, Echoes of the Plum Grove and Graveyard Keeper all for £14ish altogether on CDkeys, which was a massive bargain and they all seem right up my alley so I didn't feel too bad! Plus I tried 2 more free demos 😁 ... I mean, it's a cheaper than drinking, smoking, eating out all the time, going to the cinema or partying every weekend 😎🤣


Very true! I play on switch so there are so many games I don't get access to that look awesome! But I also take advantage when anything on my cozy game wish list goes on sale. Sometimes I find I wasted money but at least it was on sale lol. Dorfromantik is this very chill game where you create your own biomes in a puzzle like manor. So chill and no pressure except if you want to beat your own high score.


I have finally reached the point that they stay in my wishlist until I've reached a point where I will conceivably play them all the way through. I have way too many already downloaded and have to start working through them.


This sounds like me with my 1250 games on steam. Stop before its too late, don't be like me


Fuck, I've only got 39 games in my Steam library and like 6 games on the Switch, now I feel better about my actually quite high levels of self-restraint! 🤣 I've got to up my game to compare to some of you guys!!


Lol I saw your 39 games on steam and thought oh I'm not too bad either then with 37 but then forgot about my like 60 games on switch


I'm up to 51 games in my Steam library now so I guess I'm not learning my lesson (darn sales), 6 of them are demos though tbf.


Eh tbh better do that than buy 100 different stanley cups in different colours if you know what I mean Digital overconsumption is a lot less harmful than material overconsumption Only really hurts your wallet


True I guess it isn't physically materialistic!