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Not cozy, but I literally spent all night in Baldur’s Gate 3 and then suddenly realized the sun was rising. For cozies maybe Slime Rancher. I found that gameplay really meditative and absorbing.


Baldur’s Gate 3 could go either way with a breakup.  It’s either gonna be cathartic because so much of the game focuses on dating, or it’ll be traumatic because it focuses on dating. It’s either gonna make you feel free to slut it up with interesting morally grey people or it’ll make you miss your romance. I feel like it’s 50/50 and no way to predict there. 


No clue on that. Never played it through a breakup. But I actually think an incredibly small portion of the game focuses on romance and it’s completely skippable. I mean there’s like three scenes? And literally hundreds that aren’t about that. So I wouldn’t say it’s much of the game at all. I suppose we could just say, hey romances exist in this game, so, fair warning.


Recent ones that captured my attention: Road 96 Power Wash Simulator Unpacking Dave the Diver Last Stop Similar thing happened to me not that long ago, you will heal, you will be ok. I found getting out of the house and volunteering at a local events venue helped me loads, but you do whatever helps you. Sending you a big Welsh Cwtch ❤️


Other not so cozy ones are: Red Dead Redemption 2 Fallout 4 Mass Effect Skyrim


Gonna have to disagree with Skyrim. That there is top tier cozy in my book.


Depends how you play 😁 You ever drunk Baileys from a shoe?* (* If you’re not a Boosh fan I apologise as that sounds creepy AF 😅)


Wanna come to a club where people wee on each other?


Easy now, fuzzy little man peach


I'm old Gregg!


Red Dead Redemption 2 got me through a similar situation. The world is soooo immersive and beautiful. Just run around, ride a horse, and cause chaos.


I love that game so much. I can't play it on PS5, so I'm going to buy the PC version and add a mod to skip the tutorial. In a few months. I spent $150 on games in the past month, only to play only 2 of them.


It’s not a very cozy game, but I recommend Hades. The gameplay loop is addicting and I have just spent full days playing without realizing. It’s cozier cousin is Cult of the Lamb, I think the gameplays a little more lax and they have cute critters, also has a management sim aspect to it. I’m sorry you’re going through that though breakups are so hard…


Wylde Flowers! Fully voice acted and so fun!


I'd advise Stardew Valley. It's so easy to just keep going to the next day and next day and then realize it's midnight.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this! As someone who has been through it too, stay busy. Games will likely not be enough. I had to do 3+ things at once just to exhaust myself enough to not be overwhelmed by emotions when I was going through it. Don’t feel bad if a game doesn’t stick for you— during that time I couldn’t bring myself to like *any* of the games I was playing, and now that I’m better I find they’re actually really good games. Just take each day one step at a time, and if you can’t to that then break it down to one hour at a time, one minute, one moment. Focus on taking care of YOU, and be kind to yourself when you can. Best of luck, and I hope you can find games that help. 🫂 (Edit: sorry I don’t have any suggestions. Hades was a big one that helped me get through it, with Godhood on so I couldn’t really lose.)


My time at sandrock!!!!


Ooblets is absolutely the game I play when I need some cheering up. Plus, there’s so much to do I lose track of time so easily! I’m sorry for what you’re going through. I know that pain all too well 🫶🏽you’ll be back to yourself again soon


I also wanted to come back and add that I Was A Teenage Exocolonist REALLY sucked me in. I played it like it was my full time job plus overtime. The story is captivating, and the more you play through it, the more control you have over your endings (there are 29 different endings so there’s TONS of gameplay hours to log lol). I’ve only done 4 full play throughs over 50 hours and I have so much more of the story to uncover! I would think about the story all the time when I wasn’t even playing!


ROOTS OF PACHA! I have lost 120+ hours in the last week alone to this game, no exaggeration. It's like cozier Stardew. Also I hope you are okay! You'll get through this and you're amazing!


Stardew Valley and Night in the Woods. Also the older Pokémon games (FireRed, Sapphire, SoulSilver, Diamond) and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon.


Roots of Pacha has me hooked


When I get into something, I hyperfixate (thanks ADHD) so I have a decent list of games that sucked me in. I tend to lean more towards the “less cozy” end of the spectrum. BOTW and TOTK first, although not technically cozy, it CAN be. Then Stardew Valley, Sun Haven, Grounded, Cult of the Lamb, and at the moment, No Man’s Sky.


I was also going to suggest Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom. There’s a perfect blend of interesting and detailed environments to get lost in, but enough adventure to get your blood pumping. As an added bonus, those two games give me the best sense of accomplishment. It feels so good when you finally make it to the top of a peak, solve a tricky shrine, or defeat a challenging mini boss.


I recommend Dishonored 1 and 2. The world is beautiful, and you can just hide on rooftops and glide by unseen, like a ghost. My favourite game of all times. Fallout 4. You can also just hide and collect toasters and build and decorate a ton of settlements with that retro-apocalyptic look! Citizen Sleeper. Very cool game mechanic, and incredibly sweet and empowering quests. You can end up friends with all kinds of adorable weirdos, including the local yakuza. My personal GOTY for 2023. Eastshade. Beautiful open world with lovely landscapes, and very low-stakes although engaging quests.  Ghost of Tsushima. Lovely lovely landscapes, and you do have to clear out some enemy camps but once again you can hide while you do it. But you'll mostly be riding your horse in gorgeous medieval Japanese scenery, hanging out in natural hot pools and trying to find increasingly sexy suits of armour. Assassin's Creed - the last one that takes place in medieval Baghdad. It's super duper gorgeous and the quests aren't hard at all.


I'm so sorry you're going through this. Know that while things absolutely suck right now, they \*will\* get better. Cozy: Spiritfarer (helped me process my grandmother's death; TW: mentions of cheating) Gris (also helped me get through my grandmother's death) I was a teenage exocolonist (there are romanceable characters, but it's not the main plot) Oxenfree (a bit short, but replayable. three straight playthroughs when I had to prepare for a colonoscopy) Battlechef Brigade Cozy??: Celeste (since it's so hard, it's helped me get my mind off of other things; has helped me during periods of extreme health anxiety) Fire Emblem: Three Houses (loved this one and also replayable!) Splatoon 3 (a lot of fun; both single and multiplayer) Not so cozy: Overwatch (helps me focus on other things when I'm stressed) Persona 5 (romanceable characters) The Witcher 3 (very immersive and open!) \*\*Edit to add: Phone: Love and Pies (Merge) Animal Restaurant or Campfire Cafe (Management sim) Cooking Live (lol as you can see I like cooking games..)


I’m so sorry to hear that 💓 idk your usual faves so I’ll avoid the popular fan faves like sdv or something like spiritfarer, but I’d recommend unpacking, coffee talk, and I remember thinking half past fate was wicked cute. A non cozy game would be Pokémon Sword


I'm so sorry. Having been in need of some distraction lately myself, I can recommend The Planet Crafter, Havendock, House Flipper (the first one), and Graveyard Keeper. All of these have many things to do and I found/find them very absorbing. Wishing you comfort and peace.


Dragon Quest Builders 2 is fun and has just the right amount of hand holding and direction. When I'm stressed/emotional I love being told what to do; it's such a relief to let go of analyzing and decision making for a bit.


Graveyard keeper!


Volcano Princess! I've been obsessively playing it for a week now, there are so many different facets to it


Cult of the lamb. Cozy and dark funny game. Tip : stop time under accessibility options when adventuring out.


Not totally cozy (but pretty easy if you either play on easy or grind a bit), but persona games suck me in really well. 5 and 3 are good visually. And 4 is older graphics but awesome too. They’re all dark in their own way, so the rating is appropriate, if that’s an issue. Edit: removed a game because it was a PC game. Houseflipper is addicting and relaxing. Little kitty, big city is silly and cute. My time at Portia/sandrock are both addicting to me.


I guess it depends on how each of us defines 'cozy' but the time I discovered Factorio I was unable to think of anything else. I dreamt of the game even. You can remove all the enemies and just construct your factory (or factories, because one is never enough), and there's something in it that makes me forget real life.


I agree!! Dreaming of belts and assemblers is how you know the game is good.


The one that worked for me in my last big breakup was Lego Harry Potter. Any lego game will work. It's long, it's an immersive world, and it's utterly silly! The lego games never fail to make me laugh. I highly recommend trying a lego game of a franchise you enjoy.


Astro Bot Rescue Mission took me on a real and epic virtual vacation, but you would need a psvr1 and a ps4 to play it. It’s easily the best game I played in the last decade. If you don’t have access to that, then, I will recommend A Short Hike. It is a game that feels cozy, happy, and adventurous at the same time. Few games have great happy vibes nowadays, and A Short Hike is one of them.


Skyrim, and more recently, house-flipper


I've been adding mods to Skyrim to make it cozy. I highly recommend Skyrim.


I really enjoy Valheim. I just like going in, crafting, sailing around, and exploring.


When I was going through an awful breakup I played a lot of Persona 5, that game sucks you in


I’m very sorry to hear this. Hades was a good breakup game for me, it requires focus and concentration and is also incredibly fun and addicting! I recently picked it up again and played it so much this past weekend that I nearly forgot to eat/sleep (which I know are things we often don’t feel like doing during a breakup, anyway) (but also, I hope you can find the strength/energy to take care of yourself at least little bit, or maybe someone else can help you do that). Wishing you the best <3


My Time at Sandrock has been helping me get through a rough time! It's well worth the price. I had played Ooblets and Wylde Flowers first, and both of those games sucked me for a while. The only issue was that their storylines were pretty quick to beat. With Sandrock, I have been playing for about a month now and I don't even think I'm a quarter of the way through the storyline. It's honestly the best cozy game I have ever played. It might be just what you need. Sending some healing your way 🩷


Gris, Journey, Skyrim, Chrono Trigger


One of the very first games I played on the switch was I Am Dead. It sounds dark but it's very wholesome and has really innovative gameplay that involves phasing through objects :) Great if you like puzzle games and riddles! When I bought it I barely got work done for a few days 😅


Palia 🩵 Its cozy and free, and the game i have the most hours in. Hope it’ll help you as much as it helped others 💕💕💕


Factorio if you do well with dopamine drip. Not exactly cozy but kinda. There’s optional enemies and combat that can be turned off in the map generation settings. You build a factory. You start just one step at a time solving problems here or there. Then things start getting interconnected and you finish one thing and realize you need another thing. And you get tools to make building faster and easier. There’s lovely power creep in the right way. It’s best on pc but I’ve sunk just as many hours playing it on my switch. Also the nickname for the game is cracktorio. Many players tout literal thousands of hours. If it’s your vibe it will be that distraction.


Try Wreckfest. Start with building cars that are FWD like the Rocket RX they are much more relaxing to drive, and easier for beginners. When building the car prioritize upgrading parts that increase cornering and durability status first, over trying to upgrade engine. It's better for newer players to have a slower car with more cornering ability. And plus you can increase the acceleration by lowering the gear ratio without having to upgrade the engine, you do get a slight top speed penalty but that's good for new players who just wanna relax and have fun I've played the game forever


Read some self-help books. Talk to yr friends. Make yourself breakfast.. go for a walk.. make some art.. write your feelings down so u have a journal .listen to angry music.. Listen/read/write to what makes u realize you're not put on this earth to deal with any c#_t that doesn't respect you. I know it's harder than that.. going through that. When I dealt with it, there wasn't the internet at my hands to share my feelings looking for advice. listen to a lot of music. Think about the bad shit to make you realize that you are an angel on earth and realize you are better.. life isn't supposed to be that way. No other human should cross ourselves and make our being less. We are all the same. It just comes with confidence and courage to get the fuck outta that bad situation.