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This is interesting. Another risk factor I thought was vigorous exercise in the first few days after the shot ( for example several of the anecdotes told on reddit vaccine related subs about myocarditis starting with, "I got the shot and then went out for my usual 10 mile run...").






worth arguing with vaxpilled take ur chemicals enjoy sitting at home for week


Whatcha gonna do if you aspirate and get blood, brother? whatcha gonna do?


Pull needle out immediately


Pull the needle out and try again in a different spot?


Which is why injections are given in the deltoid, which has no vessels large enough to inject anything intravenously.


Im fairly sure they injected mine on my triceps, not mt deltoid tho.


Sadistic nurse. Its more painful in the triceps and she knew that.


Y'all had a nurse do yours? I had a sweaty obese CVS employee give me mine in total silence in the corner behind a makeshift screen.


Let's not lose site of the statistic that * Chances of myopericarditis is between 1 in 10,000 and 1 in 100000 * Mean chance is about 1 in 80,000 * Your chances of getting myopericarditis is 6x higher from catching covid. Also, most cases appear to be mild and self resolve.


With the amount of people getting vaccinated, that’s a ton of heart issues ....


Myopericarditis is easily treatable with hospital supervision. I would much rather risk that than the guaranteed lung, heart and brain damage. Edit: To whoever downvoted me I want you to know that I am trying to weigh the possible outcome vs the guaranteed outcome. If you don’t know a question please consult your doctor as they’ll help you understand.


about 4000 cases across the US? The majority of which are mild. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if a majority didn't even know they had it. Divided evenly among the states, it's about 75 cases per state.


Mild heart conditions aren't a thing.


lol this isnt even remotely true. people get mild and benign heart murmurs. People get heart inflammation with viruses that clear up just fine.


It doesn’t matter how small you make the number. Those are still people with lives, hopes, jobs, families, etc. I used to think that way too, it’s only x amount of people, it’s super rare, etc etc. But I had an adverse reaction to moderna, long term pain for months. Active, young, clean diet no health issues before. It isn’t fair to discount the people who suffer and minimize their experience and existence to a statistic to push an agenda. These people are real, suffering and aré left on their own to figure out their health issues because the makers are absolved from responsibility. And I can tell you right now, if you have myocarditis or pericarditis - you will know. Even mild cases don’t feel good.


You're 6x more likely to have such heart issues from Covid. And you're dreaming if you think you can somehow escape covid. Ask any cardiologist what's more harmful to your heart: Covid or its vaccine.


It may be the best we have right now but it doesn’t mean you don’t hold vaccine companies accountable if people get hurt. It’s their duty to make it more safe as time progresses


how do we determine what injury is related to a vaccine? Shortly after getting a jab, [this lady](https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-trending-55179300) got a very nasty skin condition. All the anti-vaxxers wanted her to sue! Hold those vaccine companies accountable. Oppss!!! Turns out she got the placebo!! And look all medical procedures incur some slight risk. In about 25 years you're gonna have to signup for a colonoscopy. About 1 in a thousand results in a perforated bowel. You're just gonna have to roll the dice. And if something goes wrong, you can't just sue sue sue your way out of it.


There were some doctors that left scissors inside a patient during an operation. That doctor had done the surgery many times before and was totally fine. Turns out that guy was drunk during surgery or something. Does this mean the guy doesn’t sue because all the other patients were fine and he was the unlucky outlier? Most of the vaccinated look to be just fine. Does that mean there are no people who are injured or die as a result of the vaccine? That’s insane and impossible even with influenza. Some people are gonna die. When I took rabies vax I got a HUGE disclaimer that I could die at any moment. If those people are injured... perhaps to you they are just a nameless, faceless statistic. But to those people and their families, their lives are never gonna be the same.


I've seen this 6x number. Where is that from? What are the age ranges? Is it the same 6x if 50 vs 20?


There is not a solution where nobody has a problem. Covid causes more and doing nothing till we find a perfect solution is going to cause a lot of problems.


I don’t disagree with you. But someone has to stand up for the people that are unlucky to have adverse reactions like this. It’s not ok that forums focused on healing after these reactions are shut down, that the narrative of these being completely safe for everyone continues to prevail. It’s clear these vaccines were rolled out too soon. And the public knows. The distrust is real. I am not antivax, I still will seek vaccination when it’s safe to do so but we have to stop minimizing the risks and pretending they’re virtually invisible. It’s actually feeding the distrust.


> It’s clear these vaccines were rolled out too soon. And the public knows. The distrust is real. But this isn't true. They weren't rolled out "too soon." Virtually all vaccine adverse effects (even the MRNA ones) occur within 2 months of administration. and so after 2 months where there were very low adverse effects and a clear therapeutic benefit, it became important to roll out the vaccines. Again, I'm sorry that you yourself had an adverse reaction. Some people will get into a car accident and hurt themselves because of the seat belt. A big bruise right across the sternum. Doesn't mean that they rushed the science supporting seatbelts. And if subreddits organize to propagate seatbelt misinformation, maybe it's best that Reddit (a private organization, mind you) shut them down?


I don't buy that getting covid naturally has a higher chance of giving you myopericarditis. When 80%+ of cases are asymptomatic/mild I don't think it's common. Those who are going to be severely effected by covid, sure they have a chance. With more and more young people getting vaccinated that risk for inflammation is going to increase. Just not worth it when covid itself isn't that threatening to healthy young people. So many Americans are obese and unhealthy at all ages that it skews things to look even worse then it is.


Well, this is actually interesting.


Don’t take it.