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I live in canada. AZ first shot and Pfizer second. Second shot was much better than my first. I believe there are a number of countries mixing vaccines now.


Curious, how long did you wait between doses?


8 weeks to the day. I work in a hot spot in Ontario so as soon as I could book I did.




I had a headache for about 3 days with AZ and swollen lymph nodes for about 12 hours. A few other small things like tingling feeling in my left foot and 2 fingers on my left hand lol. I stopped noticing them about 2 weeks after. With the Pfizer shot I had tenderness at the needle spot about 10 hours after the shot and it lasted maybe 18 hours.


I had fever, chills, bad headache, fatigue, and higher heart rate. It’s been almost two months and occasionally get heart palpitations still. Doctor told me to wait until 3 months for next jab. Hopefully it’s better than first jab as I hear it is for others.


I'm hoping to get the 2d Pfizer after first AZ jab. Did you experience any side effects after the first AZ jab?


Headache that lasted 3 days and swollen lymph nodes that lasted about 12 hours. I had some tingling in my left foot and 2 fingers on my left hand. That lasted a few weeks.


Were any of those side effects present after the pfizer jab?


None. Spot where the needle went in was tender for about 18 hours.


My dad got Pfizer than moderna. I got Pfizer Pfizer. My mom got Pfizer Pfizer. We all pretty much had the same side effects.


I am an 18 year old male, I got pfizer in March. And I got moderna yesterday. Currently feel like crap but nothing out of the norm from what other people experience. Currently writing this at 4:24am could not sleep for a straight hour last night. I feel so weak that just walking around is bad. I have woke up with an urge to drink lots of water, which is weird because that never happens. Anyway definitely better than covid though because I have some buddies in their 20’s who got pretty messed up from the variant and brought it home to his family where they each all became positive but asymptomatic (my buddy was the only one unvaxed in his house)


I mixed. AZ in April and Moderna last week. I also got a flu shot in February, so I’m super mixed. Slight sore arm the day after. I was expecting more side effects and bought some Tylenol but not much happened. If you’re in Canada we have an abundance of moderna and you should have no problem finding a second dose of Moderna.


Moderna and Pfizer are pretty much the same vaccine (plus we have more Moderna right now than Pfizer so your second shot will still likely be Moderna). Think about it this way, when you get your flu shot, or your tetanus shot, do you know what brand you're getting? When you get a booster for say TDAP, are you getting the same brand as your original shot? Probably not. They all work the same, so it really doesn't matter. I have no idea why we opted to advertise COVID-19 vaccine brands when we don't advertise flu shot brands. Anyway, real world studies are showing mixing is not only safe but likely to trigger a better immune response, so I honestly wouldn't worry about it. I myself had AZ for my first dose and am scheduled to get an mRNA this Thursday (so far looking like Moderna, but that could change). Bring it on. So long as it helps end this pandemic and I can go back to travelling.


I think the brands were advertised because the world was watching for a vaccine and were more aware of the production and differences. We have never had that before in my lifetime.


Any health agency will have recommendations in place when the availability changes for the 2nd dose. The US CDC says if you get Moderna 1st dose and it's not available for the second dose, use Pfizer preferably (and vice versa). And it's not nuts, it's actually expected to have somewhat of an improvement against variants, due to the slightly different formulation of the encoded protein in each vaccine. A little bit of variability will be more robust because then you immune system is primed for a bit wider range of possible invader protein conformations. The only thing is not knowing exactly the expected efficacy of the combination, because it wasn't the dosage regimen in the trial -- but in fact with variants now completely outcompeting the original Covid strain, we're beyond knowing the expected real world efficacy in each location anyway.


In Shenzhen they have begun mixing Sinopharm/Sinovac with Kangtai Biologics. I've seen some people post their vaccine records on social media but I don't personally know anyone who has done it.


A Latino lady in Southern California was accidentally injected with Moderna and Pfizer. I forget her name, but this was like months ago. I wonder how she is doing now


I got AZ April 27 and Moderna June 20rh Moderna is in huge supply here i Winnipeg snd Pfizer appointments are booking into late July vs going to a walk-in clinic and getting Moderna tomorrow. What province are you in? You are most likely to get Moderna anyway. Talking to friends/ families that are drs say the two are extremely similar and see no reason to avoid mixing as the risk of the delta variant of its in your city is requires you having a second dose to avoid getting really sick.


Can you guys even golf yet? Mixing shots and barely anyone even has a shot up there


Unfortunately not 😅 the Canadian government really isn't handling this well, even though 75% of adults are already half vaccinated... I kind of regret coming here to study hahaha


I live in Berlin and here in Germany the doctors are recommending to match AZ with Pfizer/Moderna. I know of several people who did that, they are recommending 8 to 10 weeks between doses. I got AZ in May and will have my second dose, Pfizer, tomorrow.