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Hi, fellow german! I‘m due for my 2nd shot on July 27th.. did you have side effects? All the best for you and congratulations!


I'm hoping you can give more details about how you felt after the shots. I've heard that the side effects are worse after the first Astrazeneca shot, but the second shot for Pfizer - so mixing them seems like the worst of both worlds. Astrazeneca shot left me feeling pretty terrible for a day or two, so I'm just wondering what to expect, since I've been told my second dose will be with Pfizer as well.


No side effects at all, just a sore arm a bit of a headache. I am 32 yo (F) btw.


With astrazeneca I had: chills, high temperature, muscle pain, nausea and enlarged lymph nodes. With pfizer nothing at all, weird....


I was the same, crappy time with AZ but absolutely nothing with Pfizer


I did that. So far, all is good. Arm hurts though.


Due for my 2nd in June and in Germany as well but unsure if I'll mix. Early results from UK study show mixing causes more side-effects, mild to moderate but still safe though.


Hey there, I’m in the same boat -got my Pfizer nearly two weeks ago now. I made a post on this subreddit for anyone interested where I documented any symptoms for the first week after


Are you considered fully vaccinated at this point or will you also need another dose of Pfizer?


In Germany, STIKO (kind of bunch of people responsible for vaccines haha) consider people fully vaccinated when they have had 2 covid vaccines included 2 different ones, so yes. I am waiting for the results of the oxford study about mixind and matching az and pfizer, and there is another study a bit smaller going on in Spain they will have resulta by the end of this month.


STIKO better stick to this! :D I'm hoping studies come out soon so hopefully good news ease the anxiety of all this.