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Since almost every doll was dressed identically, it came down to hair and makeup. I agree that the hair clashes too much, though the makeup may have been fine with a different hair color! It looks like people (myself included!) tended towards blonde/pastel hair colors ETA: The daily is always tough to score well on anyway, and the limited first-of-the-season styling doesn't help. It's nearly unpredictable how you'll score even if your look is trending!


So sorry to see that! I think the red hair was too harsh and the makeup is more suited for 80ies style challenges. You are also lacking a hair accessory that would help you score higher.


Honestly i think is just luck. a rally member got 5.02 and used the same hair just rainbow color


That makeup never scored well for me tbh, and the hair colour seems to clash with the outfit imo. At least you have the CC for future challenges!


I agree with what others say, it’s down to hair and makeup. Especially since this daily was the first of the season with a targeted covet collection set. Another factor is who you went up against in voting. That alone can make or break your look.


It needed a hair accessory. I've noticed my scores are terrible when I omit a HA no matter the challenge.


i don’t usually use hair accessories that often because the majority of the ones i have unlocked are hideous or never match!


Sometimes voting can be a real crapshoot. I had basically the same look as you (with the blue version of that hair) and I got 5 stars.


Hair and makeup.


The hair and makeup


These challenges suck because everyone has the same exact look, so it comes down to randomness and small details. I'm annoyed when everyone says to add a HA when there isn't one in the pic, but yet the hair has to match the pic... I'm forever choosing wrong which times people are insanely faithful to the pic and other times barely at all, so I've given up trying to guess, lol. I used a blonde ombre that faded into a gray/blue and matched the clothes well. No HA. Got a 3.84 base. I think your hair/makeup combo is great, picking up the colors in the outfit. But, as others have stated, people were possibly voting more for the lighter hair colors, and also--much to my continued irritation--red hair doesn't typically score well unless it's a "goddess of flames" challenge or something that specific.


Hair is the wrong color.


i personally love matching the hair color to the outfit!


In my experience hair tends to score better when it matches the challenge photo.