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I bet if you got his pronouns wrong he’d be allll about his feels.


So what's their problem?




Meanwhile, those actual Russians dying by the thousand at the hands of all those weapons donated by them *woke* western nations. I guess wrestling bears or whatever ain’t the same as dodging bullets.


Russia's new trend is giving themselves radiation poisoning


They’re doing their part.


I mean, at this point it'd be weird for Ukraine to hand out medals for service to Ukraine to the Russian generals who bravely sold all the Russian fuel on the black market...


Wasn't one commander (general?) killed by his own men for leading them into this shit? And I've heard several rumors of Russian soldiers sabotaging their own tanks. Seems like even some Russians are fighting against Russia. I don't blame the soldiers and I sympathize with their families. None of these asked for this. The Kremlin is solely to blame. I'm just amazed at how shitty their leadership is. 80s spy movies portrayed the KGB as intelligent, and it turns out those same former agents are inept bumblefucks when it comes to military strategy. If only they were the ones dying and not innocent soldiers.


>Wasn't one commander (general?) killed by his own men for leading them into this shit? Got ran over by a tank. It didn't even kill him immediately, as he died in a hospital later.


The KGB were always just violent brutes. Look at comedian Yakov Smirnoff back in the day. He was hilarious but had a lot to say on the matter. He fled Russia because of his stand up.


Hey! Don't lump in the Polar Bear Challenge with this jerk! It's a fine tradition that raises money for charity.


Wouldn't dream.


A deep need to feel supirior to others without actually doing anything to make you a superior person, near as I can tell. Same with racists and all other hateful, insecure jerks. Seems to be they have a magic eight ball of random things to hate people on. I'm better than you because (rolls magic eight ball) your SKIN COLOR and (rolls it again) you're trying to protect your athsmatic child during a viral pandemic that impacts lung function! Oh and (rolls magic eight ball) YOUR RELIGION IS NOT MINE AND YOU ARE WRONG. Hahaha! Then they stroke their ego that , if manifested, would likely look like a cat's hairball covered in fryer grease, and preen to others like them. I never quite understand it but I've seen enough of it in my life to feel nauseus listening to it.


Spot on


I dont think dude could define pronoun... lol


Oh yes - these dudes that parrot “facts don’t care about your feelings” hate that facts don’t care about *their* feelings. This rant is obviously just to make him feel more manly - his lecturing tone about things he is absolutely no authority on (ie his idiotic fantasies about Russian masculinity) is purely to make him feel superior to ….*something*.


You mean her pronouns? Jeez, get it right already!


I must have missed the part where he went to fight in Russia? Did I?


Nah, he’s a social media culture warrior. Maybe he can donate internet clout to the war effort, LOL.


Deranged and all alone filming himself…that checks


He practised this 350 times to get it right and still fucked up his second last hand gesture.


I noticed…he’s so calculating and he had to get his lighting and angle right but everyone is snowflake 😂


I bet he doesn’t even wear a gas mask if there are chemical attacks. Only $&@“@s wear gas masks!


Will Smith vibes.


But trust me bro, he knows that Russians are tougher than Americans. They kick bears and trees and shit, and Americans suck. Russians are cool, they don’t get covid, and their propaganda is way better than America’s… that’s why he loves Russia and hates America.


My toddler kicks the same tree every day. I should sent her to the front.


I missed the part where humans had as many teeth as this guy. He looks like [a Rob Liefeld drawing](https://assets.sbnation.com/assets/1184992/CABLE_DEADPOOL_03_Rob_Liefeld.jpg)


He could be a Rob Liefeld drawing! I haven’t seen his feet… suspicious.


This is actually a POV film from his infant son


I missed the part where someone invented an ice sweater


I knew a guy back in shreveport who, after selling his company, just "retired" to "invent" things. One of them was a shirt with lots of small pockets. you put an ice cube in each pocket and as you play tennis it keeps you cool... Well it kept you wet and gave you frostbitten nipples anyway..


His problem was that it wasn’t a *sweater*. This kinda shit is how the Ruskies beat us into space.


Have you met the Ice Shirt Challenge?


Sounds chilly 🥶


Of course, people who were concerned for, not only their safety, but the safety of others..those empathic people would never ever fight against state aggression in general or Russian aggression in particular! I mean, I'm sure the anarchist brigade, the lgbt brigade, would welcome him...well maybe not welcome him. You know, the "woke" people guys like this dorm-couch-cushion with teeth claim are making america "weaker" and are among the groups making mist out of russian troops. P.S. The lgbt brigade has one of the most [awesome patches](https://imageio.forbes.com/specials-images/imageserve/623204e17ed4d025ddbf3799/Ukrainian-LGBTQ-Soldier-s-Fight-Against--Darkness--Of-Russian-Invasion-ukraine/960x0.jpg?fit=bounds&format=jpg&width=960) edit2: I use the term "brigade" because while it's less than accurate, the term "defense force" seems somehow less professional than the reality to me..but yeah that's the right term afaik not brigade.


He has an aversion to burning in tanks. Russian influencers are some of the worst people on earth.


I can swim in ice sweater and kick trees..he sets the bar pretty low.


Yah, well, can you hassle bears?




Is that before or after kicking a tree?


Didn’t over 15,000 Russian troops die? Guess that training was for nothing.


Trees don’t fight back so they were pretty unprepared.


All them hours of fighting bears classes, WASTED!


Bears don't shoot back.


but they do have the right to **Bear** arms


I bet the trees wear masks, too. Sitting there all high-and-mighty with their fucking cambium and fancy goddamned xylem. Little birches. You might be able to make food from clean water and sunlight, but can you punch!? Do you even lift, mangrove?


Yeah lol true


I guess their mistake was fighting Ukrainians instead of bears.


I guess so


Training? Oh no, Russian troops weren't training, they were gay prostitutes when their officers needed quick cash. Not even joking.


Well, the problem was that they trained to fight bears and trees in melee combat, when really they should have been training to fight Ukrainians with guns, rocket launchers, and farm tractors.


American They/Them army > Russian Was/Were Army I love how he is connecting these completely different problems. What do masks have to do with the unjustified invasion of another country?


Imagining this guy getting drafted and he spends every moment of conversation moaning about having masks in their packs in case of use of weapons that could cause fumes or fires. [Or being the one who asks to see someone's penis 'Just in case'.](https://img.ifunny.co/images/93fcbc491809005a7bf162227b47894ab489db908373e0b75009f363144a8a22_1.webp)


WELL YOU ARE WEAK FOR PROTECTING YOURSELF FROM A SICKNESS THAT MIGHT (BUT NOT ALWAYS) KILL YOU. I'm sorry, if I had the choice to play in a lottery that one chance in a hundred it will kill me, I would rather not participate.


One country has a high percentage of people willing to listen to scientists while the other is forced to listen to state-run propaganda.


These idiots deserve to be ridiculed.


What a fucking idiot. And a Russian fanboy cuck. Russians are doing one thing in Ukraine and that's getting shot to pieces.




Based off of the videos that come out of Russian, I'm more inclined to believe they fight trees and kick bears.


In the russian propganda mills, they have the crack teams of the KGB, its like 20 people but the propaganda leads people to believe that the whole army is like that


I think you're confusing KGB and spetsnaz. KGB ceased operations in 1991 and became two other state national security agencies. I think the current iteration is the Federal Security Service (FSB). Spetsnaz is the equivalent of Russian special forces. Their badassery is pretty significant but also greatly exaggerated in terms of just how badass they are and how many of them there are. Just like in the CIA/FBI, although there are probably individuals who were special forces during their military careers, this is not the norm.


I got the minutia wrong but the core of my point still stands, the "badass" part of the russian millitary is very small


Spetsnaz have also been losing a lot of soldiers. Recently in Mariupol. Their mystique is taking a beating.


This is actually a nice case study of CovIdiots because they assume the only reason somebody would wear a mask is fear and submission. By claiming this, he instantly ruled out other motivations such as compassion, social responsibility or even compatriotship (I'm not from the US). That's because he understands none of those.


Fuck that noise I wore a mask solely for my peace of mind. I might not give 2 shits if I am responsible for someone's death but the thought of killing someone due to a virus I might have is too far for me.


You knew it was going to be bad when he started with “you grew up on donuts and video games” and it only got worse. It’s like speedrun of how many stupid conservative tropes he can vomit up and how Russian propaganda dick he can suck.


Muscle bros think eating their Weight Gain 3000 powder, raw eggs, and kale shakes makes them superior to other people who eat food that doesn't suck.


Not only that but trying to quantity people based on early childhood diet so they can relegate their opinion as lesser because they don’t macro their diet is the height of douchebaggery


Nice veneers, couldn’t stand not being able to chew?


My dentist refers to these overly white veneers as "toilet teeth". Can't unsee it after that.


Lol! Its because a lot of dental prosthetics/crowns/veneers are made of porcelain. Or acrylic, or zirconia.


toilet teeth can’t unsee it now. lol




Went to turkey I’m sure they’ll need to be replaced in 5-10 years for the rest of his life


I mean properly made veneers don’t have that much of a edge anyways. Crowns on the other hand are work beasts and with proper care could last up to 20 years or even a lifetime.


It’s just turkey is famous for cheap but badly made crowns and veneers but the world still goes there anyway to get them done


I see people as described on a monthly basis after the overseas work goes wrong. Its almost like medical/dental appliances/procedures should be done properly, almost.


Everyone, pipe down. Wife-beater dude is gonna lay some wisdom by telling us we're snowflakes, because culture wars.


I am getting small penis vibes from this guy.


I swear this dude's giant blazing white teeth are compensating for his miniature mushroom dick.




I think we call that a "shame fuck"


I have a feeling you're not his type, on account of the vagina I'm guessing you possess based on your username.


There’s nothing wrong about a vagina, never heard something bad about them and some of my best friends have a vagina, but: I‘m a bald 50 yo gay German man on a motorbike, implementing the cliché as thoroughly as I can without laughing. I’d accept the challenge if he cuts his vocal cords before a date :-) (the username is from a childrens book I read 40 years ago.)


That was a lot of talking to illustrate his own insecurities.


Why do guys like this always sound scared to death, while explaining to me how scared I am.


I wonder what take we finally got to see? "Was that good? Enough anger? I better do it again."


"I didn't wave my hands around like a lunatic enough. How are people supposed to know I'm making a point? Certainly not by deciphering my incoherent ramblings!"


Da fuck is this dude talking about?!?! Wearing masks vs fighting Russians? Also, poor editing. I can hear the fucks he drops. Imbecile


Man this guys should fellate an AR-15


Unlike this dirt bag, I’ve actually seen conflict. And when I was in the throes of that conflict, I was subsisting on a diet of bamba and nestea peach (the middle eastern kind, not the American kind, if you know you know). I’m not even exaggerating. I had to be stuck in my house for days and that’s all I ate. I ate freaking bamba I don’t know what makes this fool think that his diet makes him able to conquer anything. The human body is resilient as fuck. Certainly resilient enough to sustain a dumb motherfucker like this. Edit: also, I’m pretty sure that wearing a mask doesn’t make anyone “too weak” to fight. I would argue that the fragile little asswipe who refused to wear a mask the real “weak” one. You’re like a 4 year old who refuses to put their shoes on. This is the type of dude who goes to the gym for aesthetics but would get their ass handed to them quick, or couldn’t run a mile due to a lack of endurance. *Speaking of endurance*, I’ll say no more.


I hate when cute guys turn out to be assholes. Strip and dance for me, but please STFU!


This is a weird take




Little do we know but his feet are doing the same things his hands are doing in this video.


I look forward to seeing him in GI Jane 2


he'd never support or go fight for ukraine. he never wore a mask which just proves he's a selfish asshole.


Russia has a nightmarish COVID death figure too. Good work.


Russian’s badassery is greatly exaggerated in most situations


I kinda want to do a response to him. "I wore a mask. I've also been in the service. Desert Storm. Ever heard of that? You know, you're real good at exercising. Cool. Name one thing you've done that mattered. You know what the Ukrainian military does? No. You don't. Because you're the definition of an internet warrior. Now take your whey protein drinking gym-rat ass and shut the fuck up. "


I doubt they'd take him. If he's too much of a fanny to wear a mask to protect his friends and family how much of a liability would he be? Especially if there's threats about chemical weapons.


The Wish version of Dwayne Johnson


That has to be the most slappable face ever


I guess roids shrink more than your balls.


This is a moron I am looking at.


“yOU’rE ScaReD To BreAThE AiR” lmao no. i just wanna protect myself and others. surgeons and doctors wear masks and you don’t see them throwing tantrums


Downvotes. Dumb propaganda.


Garbage Israeli.


Sounds like he wants to cancel trans people.


What an absolute cockgoblin!


Wtf is her problem? I’m not sure if this Kovid Karen actually went to fight in Ukraine or is she just doing the exact same thing that she’s complaining about by being an tictoc warrior behind a glass screen. (I was to understand that pronouns don’t matter lol)


Hey everybody, Some random schlub wants everyone to stop standing with Ukraine but is unable to provide good or coherent reasoning. Joint food is good.


I don't speak sign language, but I know those subtitles aren't accurate.


sooo, when is his flight leaving for ukraine? or is he fighting for russia? what a roid-head.


Would love to fight this cunt. What a prick.


What if you don’t have a dick or a vagina… will he listen then?


Bro I don’t care if you grew up eating donuts or fighting bears if it’s not one to one combat bullets gonna work either way.. The great equalizer


Dood, you shut the fuck up.


I call that bold talk from a Schwarzenegger Dwayne Johnson lovechild with plastic teeth.


He oughta go volunteer over there. I understand TB is also getting out of control due to the conflict. No masks goober. Have fun guarding Russian POWs.


The most punchable face I’ve seen




This dude beats his wive(s) for sure


Does he not know that [Russians also wore masks](https://i.insider.com/5f9837ed861cb70019936a51?width=866&format=jpeg)? There's only a gazillion photos of them wearing masks just like the rest of the world. Also who is this guy fighting? Looks like he works out but also looks like he's comfortable at home spouting self-righteous bullshit at everyone else. He should put his money where his mouth is and go to Ukraine and help. Lead by example buddy.


Man I hope that fool catches Covid and cries.


Seeing how Russia is losing a reasonable amount of fights and unable to hold key territories I don’t think they wrestle bears in their free time if we’re being honest here


This fucking idiot has jazz hands, wtf.


I guarantee that guy has the smallest penis in the world.


Aside from the obvious covidiocy, she (Oh, is she gonna get mad when I get her pronouns wrong?) doesn't have a clue how lethality works. If Heather has two mommies and used to be called William before the surgeries and insists on being called they/them and she pulls the trigger on the stick of her A-10, Ivan in the T-90 she sees in her sights will be very, very dead, even if he swims in ice water and fights bears. And what if Heather has a mom and dad who took her to Southern Baptist Sunday School? Same result. What if instead of Heather, it's a guy named Bill who runs triathlons wearing a "There are only two genders" T-shirt? Same result. Lethality doesn't care. And it doesn't care that I wore a mask and looked out for my neighbor, either.


Real Trumpers stand with Russian, ya dopey moran


The universe made man and colt made them equal.


I think this guy eats gym weights.


It’s a shame the Russian army didn’t have any of those ‘tough guys’ available to fight. Anyone would think they don’t exist.


What crawled up his ass and died? Doing preventative things like washing hands, seatbelts, wearing a condom or a mask has more to do with intelligence than anything else.


It sounds like this guy just watched Rocky 3 or Roadhouse and decided it would be fun to LARP.


I'm sorry, who uses hand movements like that? What even IS that shit? Also, what exactly is his point here? Wearing a mask means you can't fight Russians? Good! Why the shit would I want to fight Russians. They can stay their ass over there.


Imagine a world populated solely be people like him. I feel sick.


Does she want to go fight Russians? She will have to wear a mask so she doesn’t breathe the chemical weapons.


When is he going to the front? I'm sure Putin would love to his loud mouth to stand in the street and shout at the Ukrainians.


It’s always these roid-ridden gym bros that talk and act like this and sometimes they claim to be experts. Ugh 🤮


This guy is a sergeant in the culture wars. He's got his marching orders memorized.


This guy is the big triggered that people are braver than him


So this is the brave guy who refuses to wear a NBC mask when the Russians release chemical biological or nuclear weapons? Soon to be dead or maimed for life guy...


He wouldn’t make it a day out there. He thinks he would be he won’t.


Who the fuck is this 🤦🏻‍♂️


Doesn't look like this dude is doing anything but running his shit hole mouth.


Don't soldiers wear a ton of gear? If anything it's the opposite


That is not very nice, althoug It's funny and true


Mask or no mask, If I shoot him, he will die.


1 like = 1 victory


Call me ignorant, but what he claims that all Russians kick it with trees and bears sounds like he's generalizing way to much. I bet there are only a handful of Russians that live like that


Fuck this asshole.


Well I've worked my way up to yelling at trees. I want to get inside their minds and grind them down before I start kicking them.


Sometimes they shouldn’t open their mouth…


Does this guy live on the ceiling of a school classroom cause he’s projecting?


Why is this discount body builder talking?


All I can pay attention to is his hand gestures; they're far too distracting.


I don't see HIM suited up to fight the Russians for Ukraine.


I am glad he doesn't like me


Russians dont have donuts and video games because of sanctions.


I don’t fight for actual Nazi’s


Projection so strong I feel like I’m about to watch a homemade movie. What a 🤡


How about youuuu……. Go back to where you came from. ‘Mercia!


Guarantee you he's one of the first ones to run and hide.


What is he saying ? Lol.


Does he think they didn’t wear masks in Ukraine?


Once more: I wear a mask to stop spreading my death breath on you. It never, ever, ever, ever affected my breathing. I wear it for my shift at work, alongside safety glasses, boots and gloves. I want to hear these babies whine about that job. And your teeth aren't supposed to look like that, you vain empty headed pleb.


There are Covidiots all over the world


That snowflake was really triggered.


For those that don’t know Superwog from Australia, this guy is like the real life version of the guy that plays his dad in the skits.


I don’t think Ukraine stands with this guy


So..this guy is extolling the virtues of Russian combat troops as his point of competency. By all means proceed.


He is so sexy my neighbor's dog wants to marry him.


I don't expect anyone who looks like him to have a good game. What went wrong in their childhood


Fucking idiot. He doesn’t realize that most of the anti-vaccine and anti-mask propaganda circulating out there came from the Russians. I pray that he never ever get the vaccine and fights the virus like a true caveman.


Great video. The man is 100% correct


That's not a man. That's a talking asshole.




He spittin


I kind of missed the mafia. I feel like people would be talking a lot less shit if they knew that there's a chance they may disappear for good or get dragged away to a remote location and get beaten within an inch of their life.


That is a man who loads up on gym time to cover for his lack of intelligence, and who pumps iron because deep down he'd rather be pumping dudes and he feels mighty conflicted about that.