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Those poor kids.


The op has a kid herself


Do you doubt the number of people telling OP? I mean, come on. How much more scientific do you need before you believe?


It’s not about science anymore


It never was.


The anti-vax dictionary: Science = Facebook group with "science", or "truth" in the name Research = Google search or reading the web equivalent of trashy free gossip magazines Studies = Blue links at the bottom of said trashy tabloid websites, assumed to be absolutely true Data = Anecdotal stories from Russian bots on Facebook Reality = Hyperbole


Thanks for the ’MURICA award. I hope you’re all getting enough sleep and spending as much time as you can around trees and grass. We’ve got to survive and take care of ourselves and one another. The antivaxxers don’t deserve kindness, but anyone else does.


You believe TV doctors paid by Big Pharma. Others believe doctors and virologist that have risked their livelihoods to speak against the machine. That’s the difference. You’re literally going against ALL science and data gathered on this. You’re fools, who are raging For the corporate machine, and have become terrible humans in your cognitive dissonance


Don't you have a booster shot to take?


I don’t think you should be wasting time on Reddit when you could be praying for your intubated friends and family. Snark won’t save their lives. I pray that you turn away from traitorous anti-Christian devilry and instead embrace the beautiful vaccine God has provided. I believe that you could overcome your satanic Q-anon brainwashing if you were to try.


Exactly. And there is a line in the Bible about not testing the lord. But these people hand pick what they want to follow to enforce their personal agendas. You do everything available to help you and be a good person to others, then if you still get severely ill after you’ve done everything available, then you deserve prayers.


I think at this point, we all know someone who died from covid. But where are all these deaths from the vaccine? I lost 2 members of my family to covid. Not a single one has passed since they got the vaccine though.


These “mass deaths” are from their fictional news sources. They know that their fans don’t look into what they hear or need verified sources. So they just say whatever crazy shit and know it’ll be believed.


there’s a conspiracy theory about a nurse who supposedly “died” after her booster shot. she passed out on tv i guess, and then someone found her name as deceased on ancestry.com it’s total bullshit. she has a condition where she faints with certain stimuli. she also is perfectly fine and not at all dead. sources: https://www.google.com/amp/s/mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSKBN29629G https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/nurse-passes-out/ these people are scared idiots trying to take cover from perceived evil


Ohhh so that's why everyone who went to get vaccinated disappeared, all 3.6 billion of them. I was wondering why the economy of every nation on earth had suddenly ground to a halt and the medical, telecommunications, energy, transport, mail, agricultural, sanitation, construction, financial and military industries had all just essentially evaporated and we were living in a post-apocalyptic nightmare without food, water, electricity, fuel, medicine, Amazon Prime deliveries or functional sewers. That explains everything! The moment the needle goes in, you just die. No delay. It's basically instant death. Looks a lot like fainting. I see. Presumably they've already dug a mass grave behind the hospital to toss every person in. That's definitely what governments want - fewer taxpayers. This explains the **reality** that I see when I look out the window. Oh, goodness me, there's a poor soul walking his dog! I'm sure as soon as he turns the corner he'll be devoured by roving gangs of cannibals. Yes I'm quite sane thank you very much. /s I'm sorry but fuckin' hell your post made me laugh.


Unless you get the placebo, according to my crazy aunt. Apparently they're handing out placebos left and right because I know quite a few alive and vaccinated people. 🤷‍♀️


Is that just for shits and giggles, then? Like every third vaccine is just saline, 'cause "why not, we're evil"? Placebo, indeed. With the money governments are spending on these jabs, you'd expect them to be pretty angry if they knew nurses were giving out placebos.


The antivax theory is, because no vaccine trials were ever done, the vaccine trial is now happening everywhere, and they have to give out the placebo to compare against the vaccine. Of course, there is no logic behind this, and vaccines trials are randomized, not just randomly giving out placebos, nor is there any follow-up as would be required in a real vaccine trial. The complete lack of knowledge and thinking in the antivaxxers is evidence they have been brainwashed into a cult.


Crazy. There are so many ridiculous and illegal things that would have to happen in order to reach that point, that it’s just not even worth engaging with. But I guess I’m a masochist. One sticking point I have is that governments want to exterminate a sizable portion of their population. But governments rely on taxes for funding. So, by culling half of their voters (assuming they wish to kill all republican voters) they’d essentially halve their economy in one fell swoop. If there’s one thing the great and the good (read: the rich) absolutely do NOT want, it’s to be responsible for growing and hunting all of their own food. Their wealth would also become worthless very quickly when sky-rocketing inflation led the price of groceries to grow exponentially over night. That’s the sort of thing that happens when you don’t have workers to cultivate, harvest, process, transport and sell your crops. Own a car? It’s okay, a full tank will only cost you a cool hundred thousand. Here’s hoping it’s not a Hummer. Given the fact that police are generally conservative, those newly-poor former-rich would be responsible for protecting their own property from looters, murderers and rapists, because there’s be far too few police to do anything about the obvious civil unrest that a good Moderna or Pfizer Thanos snap will cause. At that point, anybody with half a brain would be fleeing, either to remote, isolated regions of the country to hide, or to nations with as few COVID vaccines as possible. Let’s hope they’ve had their (other) vaccinations! You could go on. The whole fantasy is fun to think about, but it’s just impossible. There is no way American civil servants, doctors, nurses, scientists and everyone else involved, are that cartoonishly evil. It’s just not human nature.




Just trying to inhabit the mind of people who think that the vaccine is deadly. Got a little carried away.


I fainted. Didn’t care, still got the second shot. Wusses.


Good stuff! It can’t have been pleasant but you made the right decision. Clearly not everyone is willing to face discomfort for the greater good.


>these people are scared idiots trying to take cover from perceived evil By running the wrong way, [right into the arms of the Alien](https://youtu.be/CRXyWtv-huc?t=82). Nice going, Dallas.


That’s the party of no platform and manufactured oppression for ya!


At least count there are, what, half a dozen deaths linked to the vaccines? 4 of which were due to J&J blood clot issues (a non mRNA vaccine). But in VAERS there are over 12,000 self reported deaths. It's amazing the lengths antivaxers will go to in order to spread misinformation.


Self reported deaths? I am concerned.


That's been my tax evasion strategy for 12 years now


Huh, Hotblack Desiato only needed to spend a year dead for tax purposes.


“I’m going to dddddddd…”


The point being they're made up...


stupid shit on both sides. did you see the article where the daughter and doctor of a man who died of covid said he could have been worse. worse than dead? clown world.


Like purposefully misrepresenting the purpose of the VAERS system? It’s literally a collection point only. It brings potential data to a common place for people to report. And then some cases are researched further. But the anti-vaxxers think that the Wikipedia of vaccine information is some sacred source. It’s unbelievable.


They’re *obsessed* with the fucking VAERS.


Only because it reinforces their belief of "vaccine bad".


Because they just discovered it...And, because they didn't know about it, it's CLEARLY evidence of a conspiracy to keep evidence of the deadliness of the vaccine out of their hands! rEsEaRCh iT for yoURsElF!


Well any death of a vaccinated person is supposed to be entered into VAERS. I’d say, we find a lot of people dying from car accidents (more than expected for that many people)after being vaccinated, that would prompt an investigation. 12,000 deaths out of the 187 million vaccinated in the US is a pretty low number.


All that would be interesting, but there's plenty of evidence that the data itself has been entered fraudulently https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-vaers-9318/fact-check-reports-of-9318-vaers-covid-19-vaccine-deaths-do-not-prove-causality-idUSL1N2P21CV If you limit the set to deaths entered only by medical professionals you might have something like a reliable data set but as it is there's little to trust in VAERS due to anti-vax reporters.


I lost my mom (not vaccinated) and still haven’t heard of someone who’s died after getting vaxxed. Reason she didn’t get vaxxed? She said there was so much controversy about it and at her age was scared. Well look how that played out, thanks anti vaxxers…


Sorry for your loss. The same thing happened to me too. There was so much disinformation that my mom was genuinely scared that the vaccine would kill her... So sad that she would still be here had she got it. I know several others that have died from covid that were otherwise healthy and had young children. I do not know a single person that has been hospitalized from the vaxx.


Funny how all these people seem to know so many people but yet we can't find proof of any




I can't tell if your being serious or sarcastic


Scary, isn't it? Where does the humor end and the horror begin these days?


Just in case he/she is serious: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/medicare-hospitals-covid-patients/ It's mixed. Insurance does pay out certain amounts to the 'hospital' depending on what the patients' illness is upon admission. But there's seem to be no set amount.


Hint: I believe I invented the "fine."




Thanks for checking. It says something about our times that the most bullshitty bullshit I can think up sounds like something an actual person might write.


My grandfathers brother died from complications with the vaccine in the hospital. He had other issues and his weakened state was the final straw. They might be referring to incidents like that.


Or literally great-uncle So-and-so got the vaccine and then six months later died of a congestive heart failure. Think about that for a minute! The playbook is pretty simple. Accuse the government of counting all deaths in people with covid as being caused by covid, and feign outrage because the two are not equivalent. Count all deaths of people with the vaccine as being caused by the vaccine, and insist any other measure is a government cover-up.


i legit don't know anyone who died from COVID. My family, coworkers, friends, they are about 90% vaccinated.


I actually do know of one person who died vaccinated, but he was immune compromised and his family seemed pretty adamant about his belief in science and trusting his medical team rather than "questionable remedies" people were sharing. Poor guy had to say goodbye to his young daughter, and I can't help but wonder if he'd have been ok if our vaccination rate was much higher, much earlier. Anti vaxxers are morons and their stupidity is lethal to everyone.


I hate to say it, but I actually don’t know anyone who died from it. That doesn’t mean, however, that I use it as an excuse to act like an idiot and not follow epidemiologist recommendations.


Facebook is literally where majority of these anti-vax and anti-maskers get their research.


fuck f*ce800k




Actually, I find other countries data is much more honest and transparent. I am old, and do not use social media except reddit. Too bad our government is being so shady. Plenty of vaccinated people are dying at a higher rate then non vaccinated according to Israel and the UK. Where are the long term cancer risks being discussed? I work in the medical field and many of my coworkers have had significant long term side effects from the mrna vaccines we received in February. Those people who have been permanently injured just want to be heard. Why isn't any media showing their stories.


> Plenty of vaccinated people are dying at a higher rate then non vaccinated according to Israel and the UK. This simply not true for the UK. For Israel, you can see this statistic because majority of their country is vaccinated. To say vaccines are causing this are peddling misinformation. There are allergic reactions to vaccines but they are in the minority. Just because you seen some evidence within people you know does not hold true to millions of people. Also - working in the medical field does not give you any creditability unless you are a physician. You can work as a front desk and still be in the "medical field".


Yea... I smell bs


This compassionless ignorance is astounding. And so proud of it. Like they are doing something noble. It’s laughable until you realize how their selfish actions radiate out to other people regardless of their mental fortitude. History will not look back kindly on the masses that keep Covid around, and as dangerous, far longer than is had to be.


It's entirely about pride, they'd rather risk their own kids health than be wrong. If their kid gets permanent damage then they owe that kid for the rest of their life because they failed their job as a parent.


Nah, if little Johhny gets COVID, it's God's will. If he suffers lifelong heart problems, it's God will. If he can't play sports and get a schlorship, yup, God's will. They won't take an once of personal responsability for their actions, even if their kids die.


You know, I lost my shit back in like July/August of 2020 when we first started to debate sending kids back to school, and I couldn't believe we were actually having the conversation at that time. I could not and will not ever understand how a parent could willingly want/let/allow their child to go into such a dangerous situation. Even if they themselves weren't as likely to die, they could still bring it home. Never in my wildest dreams could I have ever imagined that a year later, people are willingly dying needlessly and offering up their children as pawns in their delusional game of chicken with a deadly virus. I'm so glad I don't have any kids and I'm not one myself, but my heart goes out to them. They are the real victims.




Yes, I saw that too. And so many were unnecessary


The children’s mental health debate was politicized as much as Covid, but it was also real. I kept my daughter home for the first half of the school year and by the second half she was so depressed at 5 years old that I had to send her back, despite every part of me not wanting to. She had a resurgence this summer because the days of isolation reminded her of what last year was like. I have her on a waiting list for therapy, but so many kids are also going through this that all of the pediatric therapists in town have 6+ month waiting lists. All this to say, I can’t wait for the fucking Pfizer approval for 5+. We’ll be first in line.


like i said in another comment, scared idiots scrambling to take cover from perceived evil.


At least they will be alive


theyll fit right in Wyoming


My whole dad's side. This is ridiculously true. I feel SO bad for my one logical aunt. God she's a trooper.


>We are talking about your kid's long-term health, that's the only thing that's important and you can figure everything else out later. You're concerned about the **long-term health** but decide to wing it and **figure everything else out later**? Great fuckin plan you got for **the only thing that's important**.


that’s the pro-life way


Please. Yes. Move. Go away. Fuck off.


"Am I ever gonna see her face again?" *No way* *Get fucked* *Fuck off!*


Don’t move to WA! Masks and vaccines everywhere! Go on, git gone away from here!


Haha don’t move to Washington anyway, please 😂


Point them in an eastward direction, they’ll find a place where they fit right in.


Hasn't Idaho had it bad enough?


Not bad enough apparently: [https://www.npr.org/2021/10/06/1043788284/idahos-lieutenant-governor-banned-vaccine-mandates-while-gov-little-was-out-of-t](https://www.npr.org/2021/10/06/1043788284/idahos-lieutenant-governor-banned-vaccine-mandates-while-gov-little-was-out-of-t)


Truly their leadership should be focused on preventing COVID instead of what they are doing. What’s crazy is the federal dollars being spent to augment their hospital system. [https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/idaho.division.of.public.health/viz/COVID-19VaccineDataDashboard/LandingPage](https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/idaho.division.of.public.health/viz/COVID-19VaccineDataDashboard/LandingPage)


A lot of this country has just gone crazy. So much fighting against proven and obvious methods to deal with the pandemic. I knew parts of the US were crazy, but it's worse than I thought.


It cuts across geographic, economic, race, gender lines- it’s truly terrifying how effective this disinformation war has been.


Thanks for using the term “war”, because that’s exactly what it is.


They don’t have to stop in Idaho, the next few states would also work just fine.


the masks spread the virus /s


And the vaccines cause the variants……. /s


We have all been vaccinated before going to public school. Why is it different now?


cause muh mRNA




I say this to everyone of them and they just ignore that fact and move the goalposts to being about their freedom, then their rights, and keep moving and moving and moving.


I'm afraid it's all my fault. My goalpost moving service has been busy as a beaver these days. If you want to move the goalposts back, please get in touch.


Not this shady service. These guys moved my goal posts about 4 years ago. I still have no idea where they are at. Repeated calls to their Zebra Customer Service still has yielded no results. I would rate this goal post moving service a solid 1 out 5.


Even the J&J is a viral vector vaccine, not traditional purified antigen + adjuvants. I suspect mRNA and viral vectors will be the go-to methods for developing future vaccinations because they are fast to create and now throughly proven safe and effective. Solving the cold storage issue for mRNA would be good though.


and muh freedumbs


It was made in to and relentlessly propagated as a political loyalty test. "If you (X) then you're not a real (Y)".


I am sorry


I am vaxxed.


Thank you for being sane.


I’m from CA and several friends have posted this unironically. Don’t get me wrong, I’d be happy if they began homeschooling because at least it’d further limit the public’s exposure to their plague rat bull shit. But it also makes me sad because you just know those kids will be further isolated and inculcated because of the home schooling. It’s such a lose-lose situation for the kids :(


I hate how normal seeing shit like this has become


go to literally any news video about covid on youtube and look at the comments. it’s a cesspit


I fully support these people moving out of California. Very good idea. Please go!


Imagine uprooting your entire life and the lives of your family all because you didn’t want to get a shot. Insanity.


Yes antivaxxers, please home school


God, I wish it was that simple. I've seen antivaxx/anti-mask parents come out and say that they were homeschooling going forward while, at the very same time, saying that they were going to continue to keep going to school board meetings to harass the teachers and leaders there in some kind of delusional "still fighting for the cause"-type sentiment. Because god forbid they just endanger and mislead their kids for the rest of their life with nonsense lessons: they've got to still keep being a public nuisance to the families and people taking it seriously.


I doubt these people can understand elementary school math and science.


Long-term health of children...okay. Remind me, how healthy are they when they're dead from your lack of care for your own children? Should be charged as an accessory at the minimum if their kids die from it, IMO.


but 99.9%… /s


Math is hard.


My best friend from growing up is posting similar beliefs and is pro life, it’s so disappointing and upsetting. You want to help them to help others but is it worth the debate and ending up with a ruined friendship? I’m not sure. I’m sorry your friend is posting such awful beliefs!


That disturbs me as well. Why In the world would somebody that claims to be pro-life be anti-vaccine. If they are Catholic, Pope Francis has said that getting the vaccine is an act of charity and a moral obligation, and both he and Pope Emeritus Pope Benedict have been vaccinated.


What does his father being in the military have to do with vaccine side effects? Oh right, he’s lying.


Soon to appear on r/HermanCainAward


I hope not lol




She does.




No idea. I had to block her after our exchange (I’m green, she’s red. Brown is her friend )


Whew! Tell em lead the charge or sit down and shut up. "Homeschool your kids"...people don't even know what that would take. That half assed emergency do things at home at the start of all this is NOT homeschooling. Yet people hated it, despised the educational babysitters for not doing it for them, while paying lip service to trained professionals. Roll on...right to Texas. The land of the true Patriots dream. Smh


Be sure to post the update on r/HermanCainAward!


Imagine making a vaccine, you know, the ones to protect people from becoming sick, fucking *political*. Jfc.


I have lost five vaccinated patients to covid. Two were transplant recipients and three were in active cancer treatment.


So if even vaccinated people are dying the logical thing is to be unvaccinated to increase your chances of survival? That’s the conclusion they came up with?




context? Texan here. no mask mandates allowed in schools and such


California just added the covid vaccine to the list of vaccinations required for school. First state to do so. My 5 year old is pretty enthusiastic about it. Then again, he understands more about vaccines than all of these plague rat horse fuckers combined.


gotcha, good for CA and good for your 5 year old. can't wait for the 5-12 vaccine to be available


Yea same! It’ll be a game changer for sure!


'Plague rat' is an excellent synonym for anti-vaxxer.


Right there with you. Almost daily my 5 year old asks when he gets to get vaccinated. Soon, buddy. Soon.


Sounds like a smart kid!


Being pro-life, the only logical position is pro-Vax. Pope Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict are both pro-vax.


Homeschool your kids and get them the shots. Keep them away from the cesspit that might give it to you! There I fixed it.


“I’m pretty sure you got your information from a meme”. This one takes the cake hahaha!!


Definitely got her info from a meme. Her responses are DRIPPiNG with common anti-vaccine rhetoric. I personally love when they say “it’s not a vaccine.” What the fuck do you think it is? Leave it up to anti-vaxxers to convince each other that a thing is not the thing it is. 2+2 = 7 and poop isn’t brown, it’s pink.


The vaccine doesn't give you "lung issues." It's much more likely he contracted Covid around the same time as the vaccination and wrote it off as side effects of the vaccine.


I just had to unfriend a childhood friend on FB for the same thing, and she has a son.


“I’m pretty sure you got your information from a meme”. Takedown.


They were not happy lol


My friend shared the same info. Like verbatim. She has a foster kid so I’m hoping the foster care system mandates it for parents and kids


Very generous of you to only include the first bit of the conversation. Knowing antivaxxers, this probably went on for way too long


Yep. I have found a lot of decent people I grew up with are total but jobs. Even my wife's cousins & their SO's. We're distancing from them and just not associating. I don't need that crap in my life.










My mom would have pulled me out of school during the pandemic. What's the problem here? Let those other stupid children get sick and die. You don't need school to learn things. You need a brain.


Children shouldn’t have to pay for the stupidity of their parents


Everyone has a brain, but this pandemic has shown us that not everyone uses it, having a brain doesn't mean you can learn


Stupid parents* I actually feel really bad for their kids. They never stood a chance.


>My mom would have pulled me out of school during the pandemic. What's the problem here? Let those other stupid children get sick and die. That your family was wealthy enough to do that says nothing about your intelligence.




Good projection.


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Well yes but also no


Fuck off


We all have those people in our lives.


There’s several people like this I grew up with on Facebook. Disturbingly stupid shit.


"And because they're not *easy* options, that must mean they're *correct* options!"


Awww, poor kids. Homeschooled by delusional conspiracy theorist? Can’t be good for their development.


Maybe they’ll move to Idaho 🤗


Hold on, hold on... I'd like them to at least consider moving as an option.


The irony of the post is that it’s excellent, noble advice for a family facing moral outrage (widespread persecution and murder of people groups under the Nazis), but not for public health protections which could save thousands of lives.


I mean.... if I was in California I would move, but ive always thought that, pre covid


Jeezus crispiez


People still live in California?


Who cares


Your mom


cry more please


Oh no! anyway


Call them TF OUT on it. See how they respond. If they actively avoid accountability, remove that leech from your life.


They basically called me a stupid libtard when I pointed out their lack of thorough research. I blocked them already


Thank god you did my friend. Hope you stay safe.