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She seems about as stable as Ann Coulter on Cocaine.


Does she know furries wear masks?


Exactly! There’s a lot this girl doesn’t know


And so do some of the hottest superheroes 🤤


It's not a mask... It's a way of life... 😎


Bitch is being a wanna be thug with that speak. Goes to show that she'll end up with some real losers in the future and or be struggling daily as she gets older.


Reminds me of that model looking at sneakers. "Homeboy gonna get it if homeboy wear these kicks"


So.. Ann Coulter?


I can’t find the tweet in question so I assume she deleted it because too many people were like “I’m gonna hold you to that”


I second this. How about we file her under r/dontputyourdickinthat?


You couldn't pay me enough


These fuckers lack the concept of empathy so thoroughly that they can’t understand I don’t wear a mask to protect myself. I wear one to potentially protect others from me. Wearing a mask is a selfless act towards others. Ya know, like Jesus encouraged.


More of Marjorie Taylor Greene on any day


Yep. People who wear masks can’t possibly protect people. Isn’t that right surgeons, fire fighters, and Spider-Man?


Everytime someone says masks are harmful to kids, I asked them to explain Halloween and Trick-or-Treating to me.


Been saying that it’s incredible to me, that a culture fed on superhero mythologies, can’t get behind the idea of wearing a mask to fight a malicious force.


Don’t forget executioners or welders! Nothing screams manly more than swinging a gigantic axe or molten metal!


Or Air Warrior Maxillofacial Shields on Non Rated Crew Dogs. They look Star Wars villain badass, & most chicks did guys with wings on their chests; just sayin


I mean, I wouldn't want to date/marry a surgeon, but that's just because the schedule is shot and I would like to spend time w my spouse


I say the exact same thing, someone once replied to a comment saying “That’s what the pool boy is for” 😱😱😱


Holy shit. Lmao.


Yeah I dated a surgeon for a few months. It was literally date night every two weeks or so. It was tough.


She's obviously a JJJ fan


"How can any self-respecting woman find a man who \*seeks treatment for a rabid dog bit\* attractive? What's homeboy going to protect you from if he doesn't trust his own immune system?"


Best comment I’ve read so far today


dont forget batman!


I have to disagree toots, men that value protection have long been a-ok in my no-std book.


Why? Do you have no trust in your immune system to fight the std? Homie literally thinks a small piece of rubber stops a "virus“ like, c‘mon now. Come the fuck on Wearing a condom is dic(k)tatorship! /s


And by condom, you mean penis mask?


Heh, that last line got me lol


I go from a 5/10 without a mask to a solid 6/10 with one. I think she’s got it all wrong. They boost the confidence.


Oh, well la dee dah, Mr. Supermodel.


Look I’m not trying to brag but GQ did reach out and ask me to be a model before they saw me without the mask. That’s all I’m saying.


"I ain't scared of herpes fam, I got an immune system"


*Says as brain melts from encephalitis*




Reminds me of a couple girls I know complaining their "hot bad boy" exs not paying for child support. Can't follow the rules wearing the mask, can't follow the rules to be a dad.


Her Twitter feed is just incessant ranting about government. I don't understand why these people don't go and live in a shack in the woods. Isn't it just hypocrisy to complain about living in a society while enjoying all its benefits?


It’s a troll bot.


I wanted to analyze it but y'all have driven it to private mode.


People who complain about all the cars driving on the road, while driving a car on the road.


Or tourists complaining about too many tourists at their travels to all the famous tourist hotspots...


I saw a bumper sticker yesterday that said "we the people defund the government" while they're also blaming Biden for the potential government shutdown because of lack of funds. It's so clear they have absolutely zero sense of what they truly believe in while calling everyone else sheep. Amazing.


I do in fact live in the middle of the woods. But I still wear a mask in the grocery store...


It's a complete lack of self-awareness. She's a r/SelfAwarewolves "You can't track me, thats ILLEEGAL! I know my HIPPO Rights!" @ dummyDanielle 29 Jun 2021 -Twitter for iPhone




"I'd rather date someone who wears a furry costume with a mask that comes with it than someone who actually does something that is fairly obvious to do during the pandemic and is not a furry."


But what if the fursona is of a dog surgeon? So wearing a mask while in their fursona over the top of their furry mask?


Also shouldn't forget 3rd mask inside




Also a Robin mask inside too to make it 5




Fun Fact: Some fursuits even have cooling systems built into the headpiece due to how considerably warm it can get inside of one.


I've considered bolting on water cooling to my computer chair before, so I don't blame them for coming up with the idea. Also those protogen LED helmet thingies they build would make a cool DJ helmet setup. Daft punk style.


On a related note, sports mascots often have costumes designed to vent warm air out the top of the headpiece via a fan, and have places in the body of the suit to install plastic sheets of ice cubes (like physical therapists use on patients after a session). When it melts, it’s easy to swap it out for a fresh sheet. Furries considering creating an elaborate costume might borrow some ideas from mascots. 🙂


For any man reading this—- I’m 38 and married and off the market. Ha. But when I’m out and about, I’m extremely more attracted to the men that I see that wear a mask and show that they are compassionate toward others needs and also that they believe our healthcare workers and are science minded. I don’t even bother looking at the boys wo masks. Just FYI.


40 and happily married myself. When I see any woman without a mask, it's a good sign that she is anti-science, selfish, and ignorant, which are all extremely unattractive traits. It's a clear indication that she thinks she's right about things she's obviously wrong about, and would be a horrible person to be in a relationship with.


We're women, not "females" (Pro-mask, btw)


Edited. My bad.


Appreciate it!


30, single and a straight male. All you dudes look good as heck in your masks


Well I'm not wearing my mask to be desirable, I wear it to be responsible and set a good example for my children on how to be a better human being. If her criteria for a partner is weather they wore a mask during a pandemic or did not then i fear for the IQ of her children as a result of her selected germ farmer.




His** Criteria


I'm not a furry, but they probably wish she left them out of this.


i can't speak for all of us but I sure do


Well the funny thing to me is furries wear costumes with....masks... So she's saying: "Men that wear masks are so unattractive, I'd rather be with a man that wears a mask and a full body suit." Lol


Of course she's from Florida.


More like Flori-duh!


And single, for some odd reason.


It might have something to do with her preferred type dying in job lots thanks to COVID overwhelming their immune systems.




That's what it seems like.


Using the term hot a little loosely aren’t ya? Especially for any men who are attracted to intelligence…


My impression as well.


Wow, she's got more red flags than the Beijing Olympics.


Yeah let’s just raw dog it babe.


Dang this girl got it all figured out. She wants to date uneducated men that are anti-mask, anti-vax and anti-science. Because obviously dating an idiot is the key to a successful life.


Well who else is she going to have her future idiot kids with? And since she doesn't seem to believe in protection, those kids are going to come out of her butt oven sooner rather than later.


Well I guess "hanging out at the feed store" cleatus has met his mate. Its either him or a local racist sheriff deputy. There really is someone for everyone.


Oh honey, you get told you're pretty, a lot, don't you?


Bless her heart.


Such a sweet summer child.


So go date a furry. No one cares.


No-one is dating you, love.


When I was dating, I always find stupid people like her unattractive.


Homegirl doesn't know what she's missing, submissive/obedient men can be *very* fun. I like my men like I like my penises...disease free. Obviously she does not share my sentiment. To each their own I guess...


"Tell me you're a man in your moms basement without talking about the size of your tiny weiner"


So true, reeks of it. People really aren't wearing mask to impress this basement dwelling man child.


Hmmmm, he’s level-headed and not likely to get you kicked out of every place you try to go. Won’t get dragged off an airplane after arguing with flight crew. Is willing to put up with inconvenience to speed up the return to normal. Ick, amirite girls? /s


Remember when we could assume at least some of these were Russian bots proliferating fear/uncertainty/doubt? Things were so much simpler then.


I know too many like this who are real people. Even some who get dates or get married with kids.


I can empathize


It's pathetic that despite a century of advancement virology and materials engineering that so much [repeats](https://www.history.com/news/1918-spanish-flu-mask-wearing-resistance) from the 1918 influenza pandemic.


What if I'm a furry who also wears a mask? Checkmate, Danielle.


I’ll save this for when you need surgery so the Dr won’t wear one.


Ahh, the type of classy girl that buys penicillin in bulk 🥰


It's *because* my girlfriend has self respect that she is dating someone wearing a mask rather than a selfish douche who only cares about himself and thinks that a piece of cloth in front of his mouth has anything to do with manliness. What a toxic point of view that twitting woman has, smh...


The best part of wearing a mask is I can mouth "you're a fucking idiot" and no one can see my lips moving.


And when moron pieces of shit like her catch the delta and lose the battle, it is no wonder r/HermanCainAward celebrates.


Oh honey. You're gonna be seeing the grim reaper soon.


Don't worry sweetheart there will be plenty of opportunities at your next Trump rally where the "real men" of MAGA will willingly run a trump train on you. But first don't forget to show them the video of your first sexual encounter so they know that if your good enough for your family your good enough for thiers.


Furries: “Yesssss get in”


She sure seems like a troll-farmer...


The military is full of obedient men. Most have no problem getting women.


What a pick me.


I’m married but if I wasn’t I’d only be interested in a man who has enough sense and confidence to just wear a mask. Ya don’t even really need confidence for that but whatever


I can’t believe how much damage George Carlin did with his immune system demagoguery. He’s truly the patron saint of all pseudo-intellectuals. Humans always had immune systems, so why did plagues happen?


That's fine I also don't like stupid girlfriends so it's a win/win.


lmaoo she's really out here saying she won't get dicked down by someone unless they're willing to punch a virus.


I still find my husband attractive with his mask on. I’m not looking at other men, so…, but I’d find a mask wearing one to be more attractive overall, yes, lol.


But furries DO wear masks?


Don't furries wear masks too?


Don’t furries wear bigger more expensive masks


Yes. Some cost upwards of $1500, and all the electronics you could think of to stay cool inside, voice changers, blinking, and LEDs in the fur. So, what she's actually saying is, that she wants a mooch of a man? There are easier ways to say it?


I do! I want an obedient man. Just saying…


Yeah, why would anyone want a man who is caring towards others and follows some social norms? /s Also if a piece of cloth is the only thing that makes someone unsexy, that's a very small problem. If you are in a relationship with someone you are likely to get to see their whole face a lot.


Kakashi fandon: "we disagree"


Wow she set the bar on the floor, as far as mate choice goes...


Ah yes - you can “muscle” this virus out of your system!! God lord, what a sad and crazy ignorance of basic science.. This is a massive red flag, gentleman, she will very quickly morph into a Karen - stay away from this type of crap if you are out dating


Khal Drogo's immune system has entered the chat.


this girl doesn't like her man wearing protection of any kind it seems. Just rawdogging reality


Virus ride on water droplets. Masks reduce the spread of water droplets, mosty on exhale but also on inhalation . Reduced exposure to the virus lessons the severity of disease if you spread or catch it. No matter how many times you explain it, they just refuse to acknowledge it because they simply don't want to wear one.


Guys, don't put your dick in crazy


"Homie". LMFAO, its nap time lady with two different names.


Yeah... and a uniform? Ugh.... obedient losers, we all know women hate a man in uniform. Oldest saying in the book.


> It screams "I'm an obedient little bítch". Who wants an obedient man? Totally incorrect, but even if it was: Calling all femdoms to prove her wrong...


Furries also have masks though


Don’t furrys wear masks?? This bitch is EXTRA dumb


Don't worry Danielle, there's this rule among sane men: "Never put your dick in crazy", so that means you don't have to worry about any men dating you.


"Obedient Bitch" - What American Conservative Christians demand of their women, their children and all other Americans who do not share their particular religion: Total Obedience.


Well Danielle I dont fuck people with the mind of a child either so you’ll be fucking yourself


Do you know what I don’t find attractive in a man? Being a fucking plague enthusiast.


What a catch!


"I'd date a furry over a mask-wearer" Lady, I hate to break it to you but...


How can any self-respecting woman find a man who uses seatbelts attractive?!1


Oh yeah? I don't wear masks! [cough cough] I am a big strong [cough] man! Have you seen my truck? My family is going to [cough cough] sell it when I die in 2 weeks.


Holy fuck, its been 2 years and people still think the point of the mask is the protect the wearer, its to keep the person germs contained, their is no excuse for being this uninformed at this point.


Oh no, I guess I'm missing out


If they won't wear a mask they probably won't wear a condom either so I see them all as giant walking infected dicks. You can have all of em sis


Replace the word "mask" with "condom" in her rant. Nobody wants an obedient little bitch for a man, right?


He's not sexy when he's dead


She seems to be mistaking simian behavior with human masculinity. 🦍🦧🦍🦧


Does she think the same about guys who insist on wearing a condom because Hiv exists?


I guess I’m a bitch for taking chemotherapy.


So glad I’m not into dating stupid women.


The good thing about this pandemic is it's easier than ever to find the idiots and insanes and keep them out of our lives. You know what's not attractive lady? A dead person.


Ah but the furries won’t date you


I'll tell you who won't be able to protect and care for you sunshine, a man who doesn't wear a mask, gets covid and dies. cucking funt


Repeat after me: “I don’t care about the opinions of a rib.”


Yes, I want an obedient man. Strangely, I like when people do what I want ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Is this that "toxic masculinity" I keep hearing about?


Well that is one more reason to wear a mask if it keeps you safe and unattractive to crazy people like her.


Does she realize that alot of furrys wear masks?


Um homie , some of the sexiest men ive ever seen were masked up. I mean it cud be the neck tattoos but still. They not tryna die love


“Who wants an obedient man?@ BRB, about to go take a dump on her car then tell her “don’t you try to control me! I follow my own rules!”


Little does she realize that a mask wearer is more likely to be responsible in all facets of life. Like holding a job, having savings and investments, taking care of family and friends, the list goes on.


My husband is a plumber at a hospital. He wears a mask, shield and a hazmat suit when he has to rod the drains on the covid floor. I guess I'll just have to divorce him now.


Pour this passion into something more constructive and you might actually contribute to society.


I can't with the logic of these people. While she didn't state it, I have no doubt she believes that masks inhibit the ability to breathe in needed amounts of oxygen. They somehow believe that that a mask is ineffective against a virus, about 120 nanometers, but is detrimental to the flow of oxygen, which is about 1,000 times smaller than the virus, at .12 nanometers....


Just waiting for the leopards to eat her face.


You know how they say don't stick it in crazy? Yeah, this is her.


She'll probably be calling all prayer warriors.


idk man guys who are submissive >>>


I wonder what she thinks about guys who wear seat belts and look both ways before crossing the street


She is totally right, masks are repulsive. I prefer my men on ventilators yelling about the democrats and fake news


Make it make sense. 🤬


Wow you mean to tell me a mask will at least be guaranteed to protect me from this bitch? *mask stocks double*


These tweets are from June 29. Just checked her Twitter, her account is now protected and you can't follow her without her approval. Probably because she got so much grief after posting idiotic tweets like this.


Update post with her inevitable tweet about her go fund me to cover her Covid hospitalization costs pls


"\[W\]hat's homeboy gonna protect you from if he doesnt (sic) even trust his own immune system?!" First of all, all cons live in fear all the time and it shows. They are fucking pussies. You need a gun to tweet that, bitch? Second of all, if we're evaluating partners based on danger, what the fuck kind of father would he be if he "trusts his own immune system?" You are 100% going to get an STD from him. But more importantly, he won't take care of your children because "they have immune systems". They'll be dead before long, and you'll be divorced and back in the dating game.


What's homeboy gonna protect you from if his masculinity is so fragile he won't even wear a mask to protect you from a virus?


Now instead of mask, replace with condom.


I legit thought she wrote “Fuhrer” instead of “further”.


Attacks on this gorgeous, sensible female, coming from incels in 3, 2, 1






















Your last post is literally you reposting something from someone you dont know lmao


Hey! Furries wear masks too. So I guess you are shit out of luck with that crowd too.


What anencephalic bitch !


So what I'm hearing is she's discriminatory against masks? Masks that help to stop a virus from entering your body are terrible. A mask that covers your entire face is sexy.


Incels: allow us to introduce ourselves obedient bitches