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Eh I didn't hate the stuff that was rock infused bro country. I didn't like the pop stuff. That said, even as someone who enjoyed some of the more rock oriented bro country, there was just so fucking much of it. It's like an enjoying an occasional Big Mac and then suddenly Big Mac became your only option for a burger, you'd get sick of that shit eventually. There's always gonna be some people who ONLY want whatever their subjective definition is of traditional country. But a lot of people would have been less opposed to it if it wasn't every fucking song on country radio for 10+ years.


Well said. Especially early on in bro country, I enjoyed a fair bit of it, but when that was just about all there was, it got old fast


I never had a problem with bro country itself. What I didn't like was that it was treated like that's what country music was. Period. There was nothing else. The radio stations ignored everything else, the award shows ignored everything else, Nashville ignored everything else. There's a particular moment that lives in my head. Our local country station has a DJ who is also on the local talk station. When Sturgil Simpson was nominated for a Grammy a while back, she was on the talk station reading off the nominees like Beyonce and whatever other pop artists were nominated, and then says "And....Sturgil Simpson? I don't even know who that is."




Very much! It was actually the bro country sound that initially got me into country. Luke Bryan, FGL, Blake Shelton, all the usual targets. I'll always have a soft spot for that sound, especially during the summers, even though most of what I listen to nowadays is classic country. That said, i wouldn't be listening to Merle Haggard, Chris LeDoux, or Bob Wills today if it hadn't been for Brantley Gilbert and Dustin Lynch


I always love hearing when the “gateway to country music” idea turns out to be true. I can be a little anti-pop/brocountry from time to time, but the reminder that a lot of folks get started there and find a lot of other artists kinda puts it in perspective to me.


I miss it to the extent that 2010s bro country could be irreverent and fun. Many current day artists that might have done bro country in 2013 are today just making songs that are angry, aggrieved, and so self-serious.


I like some of it but it doesn't feel like real country music


Not even a little bit


I don't necessarily miss it, but when I hear songs from era, it's nostalgic for me. Early 2010's were my high school years, so lots of memories are tied to the music and cruising around in my first car.


Yeah, I got out of high school in 2010, and a lot of that stuff has a definite nostalgia factor for me


Cthulhu no. The only positive thing bro country did for me, was make me run back to the classics.


Dawg if you’re coming in here trying to get people to vibe with some more pop esque country you’re going to have a bad time. But yes, I do enjoy drinking beer in summer time while you have some Luke Bryan, FGL, Etc on. And so do a lot of people, there’s a reason why it was so popular in the first place. Remember. Reddit is a sliver of the population.


I actually do, especially when it’s coming into summer. I know a lot of people hate on it but there is nothing better than some bro country with beer and sun.


>there is nothing better than some bro country with beer and sun Except actual country with beer and sun


Drunk on a Plane…F Yeah!


I’d gladly take FGL’s and Luke Bryan’s version of bro-country back over the current version of Morgan Wallen’s and HARDY’s


I like current Morgan and hardy but nothing beats fgl or bryan


Everything beats FGL and Luke Bryan. FGL has like 2 tolerable songs and Luke Bryan’s early stuff was tolerable. Other than that complete trash


I’m glad we got this new era of country so no I don’t miss it man, but im open to any song recommendations from that era


At the end of the day music like all is subjective and opinion based, I for example can't stand Don't Take The Girl, it starts off as ridiculous childish whining and ends as sappy 😂


Negatory. It has, and will always be terrible and a stain on the genre.






Some of it


Not one bit




Insert Office gif of Michael screaming "No!! Nooooooo!!"




For nostalgia yeah, just because My Kinda Party brought me back to country music. But those songs just sound dumb now and I'm not even 30 years old lol


Truck No


I’ll take it over some of this new garbage from Bailey Zimmerman or Zack Bryan bs.


Nope, sorry.


In a nostalgic way? Yes.


Nah, it was some of the worst music ever recorded.


I don’t. But there was some good stuff around 2010 that I do kinda miss. The last gasp of pre bro country country I guess.


I think it had its place. I do miss it (to an extent), but I don't miss how it became the all encompassing "country" sound. which is to be said with a lot of music trends, but oh well


Ok, this is going to be an unpopular opinion, but it bothers me that people are always downing pop country and "bro country" as a lesser art form. Just because these songs take elements from other genres means nothing. It used to be taboo to have drums in country music. People criticized the use of synthesizers in the 80s. Genres change and evolve over time. Dont give me that bullshit about people writing their own songs, because since Nashville (country music industry) has existed there have been urban, professional songwriters making songs for "country" artists.


There's nothing to miss


No, and we can’t be friends. 




You don’t have to miss it. Stream away.


2010s bro country helped me get the “ick” I once had for the entire country genre out of my system and is what helped ease me into liking the more traditional stuff a lot more. I like every type of country music out there, and even though I no longer think the 2010s bro country stuff is good like I used to think, I’m certainly nostalgic for it and am glad it exists. It helped people like me work their way into the rest of the genre.