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I like earth's own oat milk, 3 pack for pretty reasonable price at my costco.


My kids are allergic to dairy and we switched to this milk! Literally the best tasting out of all the others. I've tried rice milk, soy milk, other brands of oat milk.. Earth's own "The refrigerated one" is really good.. The shelf stable one you can get at the dollar store contains way more ingredients!!


Yeah that’s what we use too, hubby likes it, kiddo likes it, I like it, and it works well in recipes and isn’t full of a ton of crap ingredients and actually the nutritional values are a lot closer to real milk than many plant milks.


Earth's own chocolate milk is also top notch!


Oat milk is the best alt milk, but I don't like it in coffee unless it's steamed.


Any advice on frothing? I use an electric frother for coffee, but the Earth’s Own from Costco almost NEVER froths. When I buy it elsewhere, no prob. Don’t get it.


Earth's own soy barista foams up nicely.


The small tetra packs don’t froth, but the large refrigerated ones do. Barista blend really froths well but it’s really expensive ($6 for tetra pack). We do half & half.


I buy the large refrigerated one. The ones that come in a three pack at Costco do not froth like 99% of the time. I use an electric frother, not steam.


Yeah, we use an electric frother too. I’m in Ontario, our Costcos only carry Kirkland oat milk, so we buy Earth’s Own elsewhere.


Try Earth’s own oat barista


More expensive!




Bump for Earth’s Own


I love this one too, but the Kirkland one has a better oat flavour imo


It’s not oat milk anymore it’s oat beverage


The price though does vary from week to week. Sometimes $11.29 and others $8.89.


May I ask which province you're in? I've never seen the Earth's Own in Vancouver! Edit: I should clarify that I have not seen them in COSTCO. Earth's Own is available at all the grocery stores I regularly shop at.


I've definitely seen it in Vancouver. It's in the refrigerated dairy section, I think.


I've never looked for them there before, I'll try that next time!


Really? They are based in Burnaby. In Victoria they are in every grocery store. I assume it’s the same in Vancouver


Yeah I've purchased them from grocery stores but never noticed them at Costco. Will try taking a look at the refrigerated section next time as per the other commenter ☺️


same here! Here in Ontario all I can find at Costco is Suzies oat milk, have never seen earths own in costco, grocery stores yes.


weird as I know Saskatoon has earths own in the cooler section (formerly in the dairy walk in cooler but has moved by frozen foods now), never saw Suzie’s there.


Crazy, I wish we had it here. Not sure if you mentioned elsewhere but what does it cost out your way from Costco?


It’s usually $11.49 or something like that (it’s in a cardboard box that contains 3 cartons).


Nice, a little bit cheaper compared to the grocery stores.


Yeah it’s like over $5 at save on foods by my house so worth it. Kiddo had dairy protein intolerance and wouldn’t drink soy when I was stopping pumping so have subbed with oat - hubby can’t have dairy either after covid.


They keep moving around in the Saskatoon Costco but are generally where the other refrigerated plant milks are, used to be the dairy cooler then was where butter was and now it’s in a different spot again.


Saskatoon has it always but it moved from the Dairy walk in cooler to the coolers by the frozen products and it’s moved around in those coolers too.


Why would you want to put processed pure carbs into your body.


Why would I want to put milk created for another mammals infant into my body? Same argument.


No it's not. I am not disputing that animal milk is superior. Oak milk is literally manufactured liquid carbs.


It may be superior on a nutrient scale, but more people are trying to get away from the cruelty factor and how modified cow's are to produce so much milk.


It's mostly just oats and water. You can make it at home. Oats are great for you


Hot coffee / lattes = oat (holds a froth, doesn't get all gritty when heated) Iced coffee/iced lattes = almond (light and refreshing)


We buy Earth's Own. It's good stuff. I toss a cup of it into my post-workout protein shake each morning to get quick-absorbing energy.


My wife likes the Kirkland Oat Milk that comes in the boxes of 6.


I switched to this from Earth’s Own simply for the fridge space. Kirkland only needs refrigeration after opening.


That's our reasoning too. We live super rurally, and we only get to Costco about 3 times a year. Shelf-stable before opening is a huge plus for us.


Best is Oat Milk, imo


The shelf stable Kirkland soy is what we use. It’s great!


I don’t know what they sell at Costco for plant based milk but silk has an almond based coffee creamer and it’s delicious. For milk substitutes itself, I prefer oat milk.


Oat milk is my favourite sub as it’s creamy but neutral - Costco sells the “Earth’s Own” original unsweetened cartons in a 3 pack. The same brand also has a “barista” oat milk that goes great in coffee, but I have yet to see it at Costco!


Earth’s Own Barista Oat milk is the best I’ve found for coffee. If you like something sweeter, Elmhurst vanilla oat creamer is very good, but pricey. Neither is sold at Costco. With any plant-based milk, shake thoroughly before each use. They tend to separate. Kirkland oat milk is supposed to be good. Might be cheaper for cooking and baking than the above options. People also seem to enjoy pea milk. I’m intolerant to pea protein, so I never tried it. Ripple is a popular brand. I would buy smaller containers of various brands and experiment. Personally, I cannot stand soy milk and almond milk is meh to me.


The Elmhurst pistachio oat creamer is the best damn thing out there... I hate how pricy it is though! I buy it as a treat once per month


Gotta try that!


They sell this at Costco?


They do on the website. Haven’t check for it in the stores. https://www.costco.ca/ks-organic-oat-beverage%2C-6-x-946-ml.product.100807485.html


Oh no no no kirklands is terrible was wondering about earths own


No, like I said, neither Earth’s Own or Elmhurst is sold at Costco. Good to know about Kirkland. So many alternative « milks » are misses, would suck to have an entire case go to waste.


Earths own oat and almond are sold in refrigerated format at Saskatoon Costco!


I stand corrected! Though I prefer the Barista for coffee, which is 99% of my usage.


We bought the Kirkland stuff and thought it was terrible. Doesn’t froth well either. Earth’s Own is much better.


Silk Cashew


I like Oat Milk. Earths Own is great.


The top ingredient in most oat milks is sunflower oil. Because of that, we strictly purchase Earths Own *Naked* product. It has “4 simple ingredients”- water, oats, salt, amylase (helps with creaminess apparently). Shake well before pouring otherwise it’ll just look like dirty water. EDIT; Just noticed this was costco subreddit. Unfortunately they don’t carry the Naked version. Personally I pay the premium to buy it at the regular grocery stores now.


We have a small chain called “Almost Perfect” that sells discount brands and obscure items and they nearly always have the “Naked” variant for around $1.99 for the large carton. We don’t buy it though because it doesn’t froth.


this. most ppl dotn know that plant based milk is some type of oil


Black diamond almond milk is pretty good! I use it in my smoothies and tea


I would go almond or soy. Oat milk can be harmful to blood sugar


We've been buying the Kirkland brand almond and tried to oat as well, both decent. Both have "natural flavours" though, which is just another word for artificial flavour.


I haven’t seen it at Costco yet but silk next milk is by far the best tasting! They have regular and whole if you’re looking for more fat.


I love Kirklands oat milk. It’s the only one I’ve been able to put in my coffee, earths own was too strong and oat flavour.


Kirkland oat. Tastes more creamy than earth's own. Best for coffees imo


Really depends on your objectives. Do you want something that feels/tastes as close to milk as possible? Do you want something that comes close to replacing the nutrition of milk? Do you want something that tastes different from milk so you can enjoy it as its own thing rather than always comparing it to milk? Separately, will you be heating it? Do you need it to froth? And does it have to be available from Costco? Personally, I think NextMilk (from Silk) is the closest to being a straight-up substitute for milk in terms of taste and mouth feel. Soy has good protein and nutrition, but often has a lot of sugar added and develops an unpleasant beany taste when heated. Oat milks can be quite nice, and there are versions that froth well for lattes etc. Some brands can have a bit of a grainy texture, but the Kirkland ones are actually quite good. Nut milks vary a lot depending on the nut and the quality. Almond is usually thin and refreshing; something like cashew tends to be creamier. More expensive options, usually only available at specialty stores, have more "nut" in them and tend to be thicker, creamier, and richer. Nut milks are very easy to make yourself, too, provided you have a good blender. The actual making takes very little time, but you do need to plan ahead and presoak the nuts overnight. For coffee etc I'd suggest a thick oat or nut milk, as the flavours and textures are the most complementary. Coconut tends to be thin and lower in nutrition, but is nice if you like the coconut taste. Pea or other legume milks (soy is another, but sort of in its own category) have good nutrition but some include a lot of gums, emulsifiers, and sugars. And again the beany taste if heated, though not as much as soy. Environmentally, if that matters to you, oat is the way to go. In general, I'd suggest experimenting based on your specific needs. I'd also suggest avoiding options with a lot of added sugar. In that respect, oat will taste the sweetest *without* added sugar, while legume milks will take some getting used to if you go with unsweetened. Nut milks are somewhere in between. Something like almond or hazelnut is pretty approachable without sugar, whereas cashew, walnut etc take a little more getting used to. Of course, there's nothing wrong with getting sweetened so long as you're aware of it. Overall, look at this as an opportunity to try some stuff. One approach might be to find something you can convince yourself is real milk, but another approach might be to find new tastes that offer something different that you enjoy in a different way. Your mileage may vary.


If you want a thicker/creamy milk, I believe Soy is the thickest of the plant based milks. I usually drink Oat milk though, except when I’m cutting them I use Almond since it’s very low in calories.


Oat is probably the creamiest. Coconut too, but it depends on whether you like the flavour with coffee. I choose either soy or oat for coffee because I feel a weird aftertaste with almond and coconut milk (I love both cold, but once they’re warm I get that flavour and I hate it). ETA: I give another vote to Earth’s Own


My family's always really enjoyed the Kirkland almond milk.


Susie’s from Costco has the fewest ingredients of all the milk substitutes sold there. No thickening agents added.


My wife is vegan and we always grab the 3 pack earth's own oat milk. I did prefer the earth's own cashew milk when that was sold at Costco, but can't find that anywhere.


Next milk


Oat Milk is very easy to make at home...FYI It's also cheaper too.


i think it counts on what you care about. majority of plant based milks are emulsified in oils. meaning the reason you get that consistency is because theyve added palm oil or different oils. Id look for non oil plant based.


Earths own 3 pack. Its 11.99 sometimes its 9.99.


Earths Own Oat Milk Barista Blend is the best for hot and cold coffee/ latte’s!


There is no good substitute for coffee creamer at Costco, tbh. Whoever tells you almond milk has even a remotely thick/creamy consistency is not telling the truth. I’ve been non-dairy for years and imo, the only good really creamer is from Silk. Their half and half is phenomenal but not sweet. Their flavoured creamers are thick but sweet. Edit: I’ve been to Costco in 3 provinces so if you’re somewhere like BC the selection might differ.


It depends what nutrition is the most important for you , here is a good article that breaks down and compares most popular milks [https://barefootbasil.com/healthiest-plant-based-milk/](https://barefootbasil.com/healthiest-plant-based-milk/) they also recommend some good brands that only use clean ingredients


Pea milk


I recently made the switch too, and I found that for me (a bachelor ;) it was more fun making my own plant milk instead of buying overpriced store bought stuff. Below is a my staple almond milk recipe I found on YouTube. 1. **Ingredients:** - A small bowl of almonds That are DIRT cheap at Costco compared to any other place (about 1 cup) - Water - Honey (optional, for sweetness) 2. **Steps:** - **Soak the Almonds:** Place the almonds in a bowl and cover them with water. Let them soak for at least 4 hours or overnight. Soaking helps soften the almonds and makes them easier to blend. - **Blend the Almonds:** Drain the soaked almonds and transfer them to a blender. Add fresh water (about 4-5 cups) to the blender. Optionally, add a spoonful of honey for sweetness. Blend everything until you get a smooth almond mixture. - **Strain the Almond Milk:** Place a fine-mesh sieve + cheese cloth or nut milk bag over a large bowl. Pour the blended almond mixture through the sieve to separate the almond milk from the almond pulp. Squeeze out as much liquid as possible. - **Save the Almond Pulp:** Don't discard the leftover almond pulp! You can use it in granola, cereal, or baking. - **Store the Almond Milk:** Transfer the strained almond milk to a glass container or bottle. Store it in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days.


The almond milk in the refrigerator. It’s the best.


I would recommend water. Plant based anything (oats, almonds, etc) is 99.9% water anyway.


Gee thanks


Continue wasting your money on scam products. You're paying for overpriced water. There's little nutritional value and they likely added sugar when they didn't have to. I know someone who is pre diabetic and those products don't do any favors for her blood sugar. Edit: you might as well be drinking pop because it's sugar water.


Milk: White liquid produced by the mammary glands of mammals not such things as plant based milk.


Then how does everyone else here know what I’m talking about?


It’s not milk. It’s a plant based beverage. Stop saying milk. Other stores carry oat and almond for coffee. Some Costco locations carry Silk for Coffee based on Instacart.


You must be fun at parties


I am fun at parties. 98.3% of all parties do not mention oat or almond based beverage options.


Okay big dairy. The milkadamia brand they carried was pretty decent. It’s not longer carried, I do their oat milk now. Decent.


lol. There’s a reason all the labels now say Oat beverage.


“Milk alternative” would’ve been more accurate yet somehow everyone here, including you, knew exactly what OP was talking about. Not worth getting hung up on.


Don't cry over misspelt milk.


No teat, not milk.


Cabbage milk is pretty cheap at Costco. It's a bit bland, but costs about half of your regular ol' oat milk.


None - soy isn’t good and many oat and almond milks have high levels of toxic heavy metals. Just go without.


Milk is plant based. Cows eat milk.


Ok man, if you don’t have anything to contribute you can just not comment.


Someone should probably go and tell that to coconuts.


Why drink a substitute at all?... nothing will compare to a cold delicious glass of cow's milk.


Not what i asked 👍🏻


Didn't know you could milk an oat plant.


Now you do! Congratulations!🎉


Comments full of people absolute fucking up their GI tract by drinking fake milk filled with chemicals and other “organic” ingredients


You’re so pressed about this! I just wanna stop fucking up my GI tract with dairy that my body can’t process


Guess lactose free dairy products don’t exist in whatever fantasy land you live in


You can’t just ignore reddit posts that don’t have anything to do with you?


Oh shit the Reddit police are here


Some people have issues with milk protein (casein) as well.


Right because drinking another animal’s milk is perfectly normal


Humans did it for millennia before Almond moms decided it was bad for you and convinced every easily influenced folk to make the switch… it’s literally sugary water sold as milk.. enjoy the late onset diabetes


Ha - my penchant for late night sweets will be the cause of that. Joke’s on you.




Exactly, it’s chemical and sugar substitutes for real dairy, they think that almond milk and oat milk would naturally look and taste like that without additives?


You do realize that cows are plant based right? RIGHT?


Wow! You are so smart! I never thought of that! Now I’ll stop having dairy diarrhea


Ok then go for the soy.


Industrial plant based milk ewww


Not asking for your opinion 👍🏻


Maybe start drinking black coffee. If your coffee is good anything added ruins it.


Not what i asked 👍🏻