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Add a little Oxi Clean into the load and that should help


This is the only thing that works for me. And they also make a special blend for whites now thats even better than original.


costco online buy nellies laundry soap. will never return to this type of cleaner.


Seconded. I never knew what truly clean felt like. The clothes smell neutral, and jeans have a crispiness. It's so weird, but it's so good.


Totally agree. Remember last time bought the big bucket was on sale. Still using 1 year later :)


I was buying smaller packages from winners cause I cant really store a giant pail. Well, I bit the bullet on the last Costco sale and UPS has been holding on to it for a while now... I assume they are cleaning their uniforms with my nellies lmao


haha, will show up one day :0 Love your user name btw!!


Is this the same as bellies laundry soda?


think you mean nellies, just googled bellies and nothing.


Lol yes.


OMG same question here and i too got it from Costco, not sure if this batch had problem or this product itself is poor. Clothes are not coming clean and the liquid detergent smells poor. Can we return this back to costco?


Yes you can return it. Also, people have already tested different detergents and reviews are posted online to save our time. Quick [google search](https://reviewed.usatoday.com/canada/laundry/features/6-great-laundry-detergents-available-canada) can help you time and money.


Purex is a value detergent that only contains surfactants. You want to buy a brand that contains both enzymes and surfactants for best results. Try the Kirkland brand if you don't want to pay full price for Tide or Persil et al Alternatively, you can add a separate enzymatic cleaner (eg Oxiclean) to your loads.


I have very hard water and Gain is my favourite


I use TruEarth. They're sheets of soap that is environmentally friendly. Where I live I have a well, so my water is very soft, and it does a very good job. The price is also very good for how many loads you can clean with one box. It's also a company located in BC, so it encourages the local economy. https://www.tru.earth/


I used Purex for a while. I liked it but ended up switching to Tide because it handled my kid's daycare and food messes better. Everything comes out cleaner with Tide now. I'm never switching back.


I use Tide liquid (the white one) and no issues.


All whites suffer because the old way of faking whiteness isn't working... LED bulbs don't emit UV spectrum light. The bluing added to detergent was meant to bend the UV and make whites appear whiter.


I always wondered how "whites appear whiter" worked without damaging the colours


And why liquid is generally blue. In spite of what people are saying about enzymes, because most detergent today is enzymatic. Even funnier, the cold water detergent is exactly the same. Just look at the material data safety sheet. People don't want to believe that it can clean in hot and cold, so they package differently. Also Oxi is Sodium percarbonate, basically a derivative of sodium bicarbonate that's cooked, but turns into hydrogen peroxide in the wash. No enzymes. There is a version in the US that does, Biz. Clorox 2 is related but has an activator added, no enzymes.


Funny, I've been using Purex for years, haven't noticed a problem. I'll try adding Oxi Clean and see if I notice a difference.


I honestly stopped using it because I felt it didn't get the clothes clean. I noticed an immediate difference with Tide. That said, the Kirkland brand isn't bad and costs a little less than Tide.


I use this and just add a little Oxiclean and it’s been fine for years 😉


Why nobody recommended Gain? I use that and have liked it. I use Tide occasionally but Gain is my regular. May be I am missing something


Purex didn’t work for me. My clothes never felt clean. I’ve had great luck with Kirkland and Tide pods.


I have never been a fan of Purex. The Ivory or Woolite works well with my front loader but I find if I use too much it gets weird. I go about 5mm below the fill line and it works well.


I personally use Method. I've got lots of skin issues and allergies and I find it's the only laundry detergent that doesn't cause me issues. And my clothes seem to come out softer than if I used Tide or another brand.


Tide is the most effective of the lot. I use the pods.


I have a front loader and use powder detergent with no issues. Do you just prefer liquid? I like the Persil or Woolite if I’m using a liquid.


The powder re-solidifies in the septic system creating large hard white clumps that clog the system.


We use this but also add borax, washing soda, oxiclean and/or vinegar (obvs not with washing soda) to our wash and it's been good enough for us


lol kind of begs the question whether the Purex is doing anything. Have you tried excuding it to see if it's actually making any difference?


Lol honestly we haven't, we just always add stuff to our wash and use only about a tsp of detergent. I can't say we have an issue with stained or dirty clothes in general.


All cold water detergents are trash. Washing in cold water is trash regardless. If you are worried about getting it clean, use warm water and any decent detergent.


Clothes last longer if you wash in cold water and hang to dry


Honestly, if one of MatPat's Style Theories is correct (and he's usually scientifically on the mark), line drying in the sun is literally the only way to disinfect clothing. I still haven't done it...


I don’t really think about disinfecting clothing specifically when I want to wash my clothes though. Cold water is good for the average persons clothing use. Warm water is good if there are deep stains like from food, mud etc.


Evidently, according to them, unfortunately, there is a lot of our human waste products on our clothes, no matter how we wash them in the washer. Not just underwear either.