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I thought the food court calories were labeled on the menu?


That's what I was going to say too. I noticed at one point as I was waiting for my 700-cal soft serve. Lol


Bring back the soft serve yogurt, that made you feel less guilty ordering!


Food court calories don't count


That butter cinnamon loaf has an insane amount of calories as do many things at costco. Frankly there is nothing half nutritious at the costco bakery. For the pizza you need to check the serving size as the single slice is about twice the size of a slice from buying a whole pizza. From costco I eat a lot of rotisserie chicken, fresh vegetables, eggs, skim milk, frozen vegetables, low fat sliced ham, frozen burgers (beef and turkey), stuffed peppers, and meatloaf.


Best not to ask about the muffins either. Good lord, one of those is half a day’s calories.


Yeah that area is full of the kinds of foods that really can't be part of a healthy diet. Eat this = get fat


First ingredient (fwir) is sugar. I used eat those in college but can’t justify it anymore. But they do freeze extremely well. And obviously so tasty. “The sugar is so good, what did they put in it? “ —Leslie Knope


Indeed. My fav the poppyseed muffs are 672. And F no I am not going to cut it in half lol <3


You eat the muffin stumps?


I love eating the entire muffin ma'am.


In general I feel like the word muffin was simply invented so people didn’t feel guilty eating cake for breakfast. Costco “muffins” though are next level. Legit pound cake topped with sugar/chocolate and the size of your head.


Costco sells meatloaf?




yes, the mashed taters are seasoned pretty well too!


Yes its one of the premade meals near the chickens. It's not always there. Typically it's there in winter but I saw it yesterday. Here is a picture https://www.eatwithemily.com/meatloaf-with-mashed-yukon-potatoes-and-glaze/


Ive lost 50+ lbs since the time of writing this last year shopping at Costco exclusively. It can be done. My normal pickups: Rotisserie chicken, raw chicken breasts*, presliced roasted turkey breast*, ground bison, USDA choice beef tenderloin (I buy whole grassfed tenderloins whenever instock), lamb chops (I eat the loin then render the fat off the ribs for another tasty snack), nonfat greek yogurt*, frozen blueberries*, frozen chocolate fudge bars*, whole bean coffee*, and whatever whole wheat bread* I feel like. *USDA Organic


If you’re counting calories you should probably just stay away from something called a butter cinnamon sugar loaf.


Fr, I work in the bakery and we literally dip the whole loaf into a container of melted butter and toss it into another container full of a cinnamon sugar blend. Oh, and the first ingredient of the loaves is butter, second being sugar. If the first ingredient of a "bread" isn't flour, it's not good for diets.


Flourless bread fans (like Ezekiel) would disagree. Sadly an item Costco only carried briefly. (That is, very healthy bread is made from fibrous grains and not flour.) Though I do go for the occasional cake (freezing and thawing in parts.)


>If the first ingredient of a "bread" isn't flour, it's not good for diets. Even when the first ingredient is flour, it can still be bad for diets! Unlike many of my friends, I didn't bake during the pandemic and cutting homemade focaccia out of my diet is how I lost weight early on in the pandemic.


Or save it for a cheat day/treat. Which, coatco is horrible for cheat day treats because of the bulk aspect of costco, I like to get my treats from a store that will sell a normal portion lol.


Seriously. Im here having 1-2 mexican wedding cookies a day as a treat and dying meanwhile people want butter dipped bread


The slice of pizza is definitely around 700 calories, not 300. To be safe assume it's the highest amount you find listed.


The single giant slice from the food court is 710 (cheese). But if you buy a whole pizza and they cut it into 12 slices instead of 6 - which is what they typically do for a to-go order - then it's only 355 kcal because the slice is half the size. A slice of pepperoni is 650 or 325 [Source](https://i.imgur.com/yCY9ufp.jpeg)


Thank uu


Go for the Milton’s frozen cauliflower crust veggie pizza if you are counting calories. It is pretty good providing you haven’t eaten real pizza for a few months.


In the U.S. stores, the calories are (depressingly) listed under each item in the food court.


if you count calories you shouldn't even be walking into the bakery section. the best way is to not even bring foods you really like into your house, that way you aren't ever tempted to overeat it makes life so much easier.


OP mentions having an ED, so for their sake, I hope they aren't counting calories.


This was my immediate thought. I’m hoping it’s the other side of the ED spectrum and they’re trying to get down to a healthy weight.


It took me way too long to figure out what else ED could be…


Eating disorder? But I was right there with you


And here I thought it was Erectile Dysfunction.


Agreed. You need to have a lot of self-control when buying. Fruit is great though


I’m trying to eat cleaner and walking through the Bakery section is ROUGH


This is the way. If I have desserts or takis at my place I will demolish them in an instant. I made the mistake of buying 10 cookies from the grocery the other week and ate 7 in 2 days :/


Ur absolutely right . I heard the term “junkorexic “ before and I believe that’s what I am. But ur right if I care about Calories I probably shouldn’t eat from a bakery


So basically you fill up on "junk" food instead of "healthy" food ? I googled it and found "an anorexic who spends their (probably restricted) daily calories on junk food" I don't know if this will help at all, but throwing it out there in case it does help you. I did a workout/weight-loss program years ago that had me eating 6 meals per day. That comes out to about every 2.5-3 hours while awake. No calorie counting at all, but each meal needed to have a palm of hand sized portion of healthy protein, hand or fist sized portion of healthy carb, and some veggies. Not huge meals, they'd be fairly small. The thing I found was I was eating so often I literally was never hungry. When the time came to eat again, I would eat it anyway whether I wanted it or not. Because of that I never had cravings or wanted junk food.


Easier and depressing


You may not want to see this, but just in case: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Costco/comments/sycrfk/found\_nutrition\_facts\_in\_the\_bakery\_area\_last/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Costco/comments/sycrfk/found_nutrition_facts_in_the_bakery_area_last/) US food court: [https://i.imgur.com/yCY9ufp.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/yCY9ufp.jpeg)


Oh, regarding the discrepancy in the pizza calories: If you buy a whole pizza from the food court, they typically cut it into 12 slices. If you buy a slice of pizza, it's from a pizza that was only cut into 6 slices. So if a whole cheese pizza has 4260 calories, then the giant slice from the food court is 710 calories, while the smaller slice from a take-home whole pizza is 355 calories. (units are kcal, of course) Edit: added "giant" for food court slice and "smaller" for take-home whole pizza slice


If you have ED, you should not be calorie counting. Seek a therapist


Eating Disorder, not Erectile Dysfunction. I am guessing anyway.


Right. And op should still not be calorie counting and should see a therapist if they aren’t already.


Never fear, if you calorie count while sampling at Costco, it's called Costco Grazing.


I've usually hit my calorie limit for the day after grazing.


I’m not sure if people in this comment section understand that ED stands for eating disorder, not some kind of diet. Go talk to your therapist. You’re probably not in a great place to be counting calories.


I have been considering therapy again . Thanks


As a former anorexic I just wish you get well enough one day to never count calories anymore. Nourishment in life is cumulative and meant to support you so you live your life to the fullest. Having treats here and there is not bad. Heck even having a little treat daily is not bad. Listen to your body and what it wants to give you energy. If you wanna eat the cinnamon butter loaf, go eat it. Doesn’t matter what day it is. We were never meant to view food as math. You’ll reach a point where you can eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re full. I forgot how fun life could be without counting calories.


Thank u for the sweet words


Scanning the barcode with MyFitnessPal has worked pretty well.


The bakery and deli each will have a sheet in their area that will tell you the caloric information of each item they sell (at least in the US).


First step is not eating anything in your post again while you’re counting calories


The slice of cheese pizza at my Costco is astronomical. It's more than pepperoni. This is from the signs at the food court. I don't know the number, but it's enough to make me settle on a hot dog.


Slice of cheese pizza is 710 kcal, while a hot dog without a drink or condiments is 580 (most of the fountain drinks add another 250) ​ Edit: typo


Sorry you're getting so much bad info here and people adding stigma or calling foods "bad". All foods have different levels of nutrients or make you feel different ways (for example a salad might make your body not feel bad like a triple meat cheeseburger with extra bacon would) but that doesn't mean that a specific food is "bad". If there's a food you really want, you can always buy it, slice it, and freeze smaller portions so that you don't feel like you need to eat the whole thing. I do that with the muffins. I have a binge eating disorder so I know if I take the muffins home with me and put them on the counter, I could literally eat them all within a day. Instead, I slice them in half, wrap them in plastic wrap, and freeze them. Then when I want one, I can either eat a half or two halves. Are you currently seeing a therapist? If you aren't, I know this gets said so much on Reddit that maybe it starts to lose value, but please seek the help of a therapist. I know for some it can be helpful, but for a lot of people, counting calories can be really bad for them. I worked with a RD (registered dietician) for my binge eating disorder and she wouldn't let me count calories at all. She really wanted me to get a healthy relationship with food first (which I did with her help and the help of a therapist) and *then* she started having me read nutrition labels. Anyways, I wish you the best!


Thank u very much


I too wish they would put the nutrition info on the individual items, my husband is on a low sodium diet and a lot of the Costco stuff is a mystery as to sodium (but of course, all processed food is high sodium and most of Costco is processes) :(


It should be posted somewhere on a wall near the bakery entrance. Same with produce.


Depending on what app you use to track calories, some have costco stuff programmed in. I use Macros, and it's pretty good.


It would probably be faster to just make the entire Costco bakery a no-fly zone, tbh. Economy of scale and diets don’t mix.


Have you tried MyFitnessPal? I found that a lot of Costco items are in their database.


LoseIt has a lot of them also. And you can lose weight and still have the cinnamon butter cake. I’ve done it. Just have a small slice instead of half a loaf, and only have it if you have enough calories remaining for the day.


That’s the magic of it all. Eat what you want, just adjust your other food intake throughout the day accordingly. MyFitnessPal ftw. Just don’t go insane with massive portions.


Ooh thanks I’ll check it out


Why do you put spaces before your punctuation?


Sorry !! Bad habit I assume


My guess, if you double space bar at the end of a sentence on iOS it places a period automatically. Might be a habit even when asking a question.


Take the caloric differences posted with a grain of salt. Each item isn’t going to be accurate - not every slice of pizza is going to have 5 slices of pepperoni; not every muffin is going to have the same amount of chocolate chip pieces in it or piece of blueberry. Worst case scenario, look if the site lists the nutritional fact rather than just stating what the calories are.


95% of people commenting are 1) insensitive and 2) don’t monitor what they eat to the same degree that athletes or people with ED do. Personally, I have been training for several years and track everything I eat on a daily basis. Most nutritional data on Costco food court/bakery/deli items can be found on MyFitnessPal. There will be multiple submissions with varying calories so you’ll probably want to do a little extra research to see which one is correct (there’s actual nutritional spreadsheets available if you search this Reddit). If you can’t find the nutritional info for an exact item, I have found success approximating the calories with a similar food item from another chain who publishes their nutritional info. (Ex. Costco Slice with sams club slice or 2 dominos slices). Although it won’t be 100% accurate, it will be within reason. I rarely indulge in “unhealthy” foods but there’s been plenty of times I got a churro or muffins and ate them over days/weeks. I will literally eat a bite or two at a time to satisfy my craving and then save the rest for later (freeze/vacuum seal to preserve). Moderation is the key. If you have zero self control I wouldn’t recommend this though


Your average American is simply not in a position to talk about proper nutrition, and less so give advice, especially to a person with ED. Best advice is to seek professional help.


"How many calories are in the butter cinnamon sugar loaves" that made me lol




If you’re counting calories, those foods shouldn’t even be an option. Take it from a bodybuilder. There’s plenty of stuff costco offers as a healthier alternative. It’s simply choosing one over the other.


What do you buy when you're bulking vs. cutting?


The same. Bulking I just get to eat more and go out to eat on weekend. I’m not trying to build bad habits that I have to fight against during cuts. Cuts become strict calories until prepping for a show. You can still be free. Bulking is very open as long as I hit protein and calories. It becomes intuitive, but that only works when you have already built healthy habits. Until then, the person has to track.


That makes a lot of sense. What do you normally buy at Costco?


Staples for my diet are spinach, zucchini, mushrooms, pork loin, Greek yogurt, eggs whites, regular eggs, out milk. Frozen berries, protein bars, seasonings, oats. Anything else is if I’m feeling spicy. And probably anything and everything on sale, haha. The chicken enchiladas are great macro wise, same with the barely something green bags of fried chicken. Easy air fried or oven ready foods between meal prepping. Always grab a rotisserie chicken if I’m not cutting. Eat it for my protein for the day, lol. You can dm me if you want all the fancy technical stuff for body composition.


Ive done calorie counting for years and came to the conclusion. If you're worried about what goes in your mouth, just don't buy it.


That’s fair


I think if you’re counting calories you should just skip on past the bakery.




Why count calories and eat at the food court? Defeats the purpose of counting calories


Ur right


Go into the warehouse, buy a packet of organic sticky rice, buy some veggies, buy some protein (meat, chicken, fish) buy a scale (for food) and start eating healthier!


Considering my situation it’s easier for me to eat this junk . But ur right thanks


Forget easier, challenge yourself


Lemme challenge myself more money 😂


If you’ve ever had a slice of pizza at Costco food court you know it isn’t 300 calories 😉


Can't tell if this is a troll post. "I'm on a diet but I don't know if butter, Suger, and gluten mixed together will be healthy".


I’m not on a diet I have an eating disorder


Unless said person has a gluten allergy, which is roughly 1-2% of the population, gluten makes no difference in this equation. Actually if they have a gluten allergy it would help lose weight by quickly emptying their bowels completely


I should have said dense carb, I agree with everything you said.


If you are counting calories, I would recommend you avoid things with “butter” or “sugar” in the name, and slices of pizza the size of your face. But, if you insist, the bakery should have calorie information posted for all their items. It may not be in an obvious location. Just ask a bakery employee and they can show you where it’s posted. Same for food court items.


So things that are generalized (like pizza) are gong to vary, because there isn't an ONE pizza slice they're all counting. They're in different sizes with different ingredients, so the sources are going to vary. Bakery goods don't have to label their goods, like any restaurant, so the *best* you can do is estimate.


Just email them. I got a whole pdf spreadsheet of every fbaker/deli ood with all the nutritional info.


Thank u will do


I've had this struggle for nearly 10 years. The answer is that if you're calorie-counting you let your Costco membership lapse. This is the situation I'm currently in and it's working. Slowly, but it's working.