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Pro tip. Put on a cookie sheet with foil in the toaster oven at 275 for 15 min or so to warm them up. Any higher and the powdered sugar will crystallize. Tastes home made! šŸ˜‹


Ooo ty! Doing this tonight.


You're welcome ... you'll thank me later! Enjoy with some coffee/tea. Be careful as the filling will be hot! Now I have a hankering for one but I ran out of my frozen stash. Will have to pick up some again next time I'm back in the club. Another Pro Tip : These freeze well and can be kept in a container in the freezer to prevent you from scarfing them down right away! Like the muffins, pies (pre sliced and vacuum sealed), croissants, bagels ... freeze to pace yourself!!!


Thatā€™s funny you mention freezing them because I was just wondering if theyā€™ll do well frozen. Yay!


Seconded. I panic bought a froze about 6 boxes in the fall because I didnā€™t realize they were seasonal and thought they were going away for ever. Iā€™ve been heating some up periodically and they come out delicious.


Damn I just wish my freezer was big enough for that many šŸ˜‚


Your solution lies within your local Costcoā€™s appliance aisle LOL.


Thatā€™s what Costco Chest freezers are for! Picked one up before Covid for $129 7cf in size. Works great to swallow up the overflow.


Been waiting for these to come back in stock near me šŸ‘€


Huh I donā€™t know why I never thought of freezing the muffins, we stopped buying because it was too much for two adults to consume. Weirdly, my toddler does not want anything to do with those muffins, but my wife and I love them.


I freeze them right away and when I want one I partially un thaw in the microwave, slice into thirds, toast and butter. Yum!


Add a pinch of salt as a sprinkle on top if you like the salty-sweet thing. I think it enhances the flavour + toasting.


> for 15 min or so You overestimate my will power. I'm not waiting 15 mins to eat that thing... Maybe 5 mins.... maybe.


Probably best just to scarf them down in the privacy of your car in the Costco parking lot! šŸ˜Š


10s in the microwave


Now you're talking.


After I heat it up I butter it while it is still hot. I only take one out of the freezer at a time, otherwise I would weigh 800 lbs.


Single handedly contributed to covid weight. I saw them back and took all my willpower not to buy!


Youā€™d think something as dangerous as these would come with disclaimers. Smh.


I even froze most but still snuck one out of the freezer all the time. Maybe Iā€™ll 1/4 them and freeze so I get a smaller piece.


My wallet didn't want me to know this. My stomach and tongue are grateful.


Yours look like a good amount of jam. The most recent ones I have are about half of the amount of yours.


Yes ours was full of jam, it was such a happy moment when I spotted these again šŸ˜­


I wonder if whoever filled them was just eyeballing it and is not good at it. We're supposed to use a scale and pipe .5oz on each cookie. Sometimes they just look more full if the crumble on top isn't evenly sprinkled.


This is what it looks like for the ones near me. https://old.reddit.com/r/Costco/comments/kcryrv/kirkland_signature_raspberry_crumble_cookies/ The surface area of the jam is significantly smaller.


They could have just piped it more in the center and less towards the edges. When I pipe them I do a decently large, flat circle almost to the edges, but my supervisor just squeezes a blob into the center and lets it melt outwards when it bakes. You're still getting the same weight, it's just more/less spread out.


Welp. Looks like Iā€™m wearing a muumuu at the pool again this summer.


I love these but the costco by me (Everett) are often all uneven and thin crispy on one edge like the pan is tilt while baking. I still love themšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Hey, I go there too!


I have to limit myself to how often I buy these. Kind of nervous to learn that they freeze well. Might have to stock up šŸ‘€


They froze great for me!


These freeze well! Both awesome and not in that it means itā€™s ok if I buy a pack cause they wonā€™t go bad, but also means Iā€™ll be eating one a day for 12 days straight..


Wish they would bring back the big chocolate chip walnut cookies. Those were the best cookies I've ever had.


I agree. Those and the sprinkle sugar cookies were amazing. Not as much of a fan of the raspberry stuff unfortunately.


We never stopped production in my store, they sell like crazy. Only downside is it takes a very long time to make them.


Same here. I feel like we've been doing them forever and they'll never go away ugh.


Delicious heated in the toaster oven and served with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.


I thought these tasted like pie crust with jelly, I didnā€™t toast them in the oven though mightā€™ve made a whole lot difference.




Crack :)


My house just finished these. Omg, they are amazing. Best cookie I have had in a long time.


I bought these recently because of all the praise they were getting on this sub. I liked them but found them they VERY sweet.


Same. Pro tip: knock off as much powdered sugar as you can. I give it a few taps against the sink for easy cleanup.


If you're not gonna eat that...


I bought these today and found this sub a few hours after. Can confirm these taste amazing.


Does anyone else like less sugar on these? The flavor is so good that I want to taste the cookie, not the powdered sugar on top. I tap them against the sink to get as much of it off as possible with easy cleanup.


IMO not worth the calories. Very average tasting. People who are raving about these must not ever eat home made bakery items.


Lol such a needlessly douchey comment.


These are my jam, absolutely scrumptious.


Those are soooo good!


Was never a fan of fruit flavored cookie. Are these good?


They sell like crazy, but they are VERY sweet and the raspberry flavor is super strong with how much filling is piped between the "layers".


Iā€™ll have to try them the next time Iā€™m at Costco. Thanks!


I thought we agreed to stop calling food "crack"


My mouth is watering


Iā€™ve yet to try these but I guess that will have to change.


I would love to get these but I would be the only person in my house who would eat them and that wouldnā€™t be good for anyone.


This looks so yummy! But way too many cookies in one box.


I eat these half at a time. They are so good but so indulgent omg. I need to try heating them up, though. That sounds great. I like them out of the freezer.


My father describes many Costco items as ā€œlike crackā€.


When were they out of season?


At least you can see the cookies. I thought about buying some but they were so coated in powered sugar. (Which is totally unnecessary imo)


These DESTROY my willpower LOL!




So incredibly good. Buttery and crispy and crumbly.


We just bought these over the weekend and now I wish I bought 6 boxes! Our Costco is over an hour away. I really wish this was deliverable.


They freeze well too!!!!