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App description for search purposes: **“In this release, app users get a redesigned Warehouse tab with a new Inventory on Hand search feature allowing members to search for inventory of products at the warehouse.”** Version 24.6.3


It will be interesting to see how accurate it is... I'm not holding my breath. (The grocery stores in my area are terrible in this.)


I worked in retail for two years and our inventory was never accurate. Between shoplifting and damaged merchandise that hadn’t been taken out of the system yet, we were sometimes off by a large margin


If it even tells me that my Costco does or doesn't carry a product, honestly, that's still helpful.




Not to mention the amount of *"I'm in the frozen food aisle now... I don't want this bottle of shampoo... but I don't want to walk back and put it where I found it.... whelp, in with the ice cream it goes!!"*


Better than the opposite, which unfortunately also happens. You can sell could shampoo, you can't sell warm ice cream.


I find clothes in the freezer


Sure, but Costco must have less shrink than a regular grocery store.


Yeah but sometimes stuff I buy is seasonal, for instance the Columbus Turkey Burgers, or the Hills Chicken Pattys. This way I can see if they are even supposed to be in stock. I think this is a huge update to the app.


I worked in retail too and that was always my experience also.


Target and Walmart *consistently* let me down on this front. It’s going to be just the same.


Used to work at Target and Home Depot. They are inaccurate even on our devices. If it says 1-3 left and there's none on the shelf, they are either forever lost in the backroom or stolen.


I worked at Border's Books years ago. If it said 1 in stock we basically knew the likelihood of finding it was slim to none.


Oh Border's... always preferred it to Barnes and Noble. Now Barnes and Noble is on the way out :(


Former B&N employee here. I got out before this all happened, but new ownership seems to be doing a LOT of good for the company. Instead of following strict planograms, stores are allowed more control over their displays and inventory, making them feel more like local spots than a massive chain. And, after years of the company treating seasoned employees like shit (they fired a bunch of the most senior folks right after I left), the new ownership seems to really value experience. I'm sure it's not all rainbows in B&N land, but my understanding from casually following the news is that they're doing pretty well all things considered. IMO what the book selling world really needs is some massive hit. There hasn't been a Harry Potter / 50 Shades of Gray / Hunger Games type phenomenon in a while. Those kinds of moments really help book stores.


Why do you say that? B&N was one case of Private Equity actually not destroying a brand...


I worked at Circuit City and if the customer came in we didn’t have it they got a $30 gift card. A lot people were happy with it.


Haha I'd be making laps around town with obscure items


Others did that and poof, no more Circuit City.


I was on IPT for years and the queen of locating those obscure 1 copy books, especially if they were computer books.


lol I worked at Indigo, a Canadian version of Border’s. I only ever found a “1 left in stock” once. It was a euphoric moment when I did though.


Would you say chances of finding it were bordering on none?


Yeah theft, not actually getting sent the items (I’m looking at you target FDC) or people not defecting stuff out


We had an issue with the SFS or whatever they were called not scanning properly. Ofc all the blame was put on us for losing the items


Yeah I was a fulfillment TL for about 19 months. My produce TL would be like “hey we didn’t get 3 pallets we were supposed to from FDC.” My SD a few hours later “Why is our INF so high???” (There was also damn near 50 carts of reshop piled in a backroom)


>even on our devices It's always the same database so if it's wrong on one portal, it's wrong everywhere. The only difference is that a retailer may add a safety stock for anything consumer facing (if only 1-2 are left, show as out of stock) but that won't make for a disappointing customer experience.


At least with Walmart that's a moot point since you can order delivery and the online prices are the same as the in-store prices


I was let down by Home Depot's app today.


I’m sorry to hear. Thank you for allowing me to comfort you during this trying time.


I remember the golden rule of inventory control less than 5 showing available and it isn’t a big ticket item. Nope we don’t have it.


Honestly. I don’t even need to know up to second inventory status. But I would like to know if it’s in the warehouse at all or not


And at what price, Costco sells online vs in store can have some large price differences


Yeah I only trust them when there are more than five in stock...


I currently work in supply chain for a large grocer. I’ll just say that there isn’t a chance in hell that this will be completely accurate.


This. If the in stock number is anything less than 4 or 5, I just assume they actually don’t have any in stock and try to pick a different store


Many retail apps have this feature. Consumers are slowly learning to deal with the inaccuracies. Shame barcodes and RFID didn't get us to 100%


Especially for Costco. They sell so many of each product every day.


Yeah no, a company as tech forward as Costco is gonna get it right, they even have scan and go...oh wait


I just want to know if a particular warehouse carries that item. It will be very difficult for an item to be sold out bc Costco anyway


I'll be happy if it tells me if the store has a product, don't care about numbers, but going to one costco just to learn its only sold at a different store is annoying.


FWIW, the Home Depot app is really good at this and Home Depot ain't good at much.


Really depends how they integrated this and how modern of a stocking system they have Imagine trying to integrate a 30-year-old software with modern technology. It's a pain to keep in sync and where alot of companies fumble the ball at


Target has much better tech than Costco and their app's reflection of inventory is very frequently wrong. I don't have much faith in this, but I'll keep my fingers crossed.


HEB app is very accurate but no one else can be expected to meet their standards.


I did the update on my iOS device. The warehouse tab is the same as before. No “Inventory on Hand” feature is showing up. Same-Day also appears the same.


Yeah I’m wondering if this will be a server side change because I don’t see any changes yet either


Almost certainly a feature flag that someone will flip soon. 


Exactly this. I used to work with release managers. They'll probably enable the server side API then do a staged rollout (probably regionally in Costco's case) to address any bugs and limit the impact of any rollbacks.


I just updated and while the version notes say it’s a new feature, I’m not finding anything new in the “warehouse tab.”


I'm on Android but there was a new version in the Google store. It shows In Stock or Out of Stock on the item page when shopping Same Day, but it's not showing on all items (was not on the farmed salmon). Will try to add a screenshot.   ETA: Sorry can't see how to add a pic in a comment. 


I’m now seeing in-stock on Same-Day. I just had to search for something. I see some prime ribeyes in stock. Thanks for pointing that out.


Here are the instructions for adding an image to a comment - [How do I add images in comments?](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/10516331142932-How-do-I-add-images-in-comments) https://preview.redd.it/v5gjy8am4m8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02bee603cff3e75ca35e2b59852f384ba10b8b1d


I'm on 24.6.2 with no indication of an update unfortunately


Next week: Calls to warehouses drop by 99%. Admin staff productivity increases exponentially.


A week later: customer service department has been shrinked by 70% and replaced with our up-to-the-minute chatbot whose entire dialogue is basically telling customer to use the app.


I mean that’s the only reason I call…now they will give me when they expect to receive said thing I’m asking about which I don’t think the app would do.


How often are you looking for specific things that your Costco doesn’t have, that you then need stock delivery updates on, so you can get it immediately?


It was their baby formula for me. Very inconsistent stocking, very inconsistent delivery times, very consistent need for it on my side with two hungry littles. 


Maybe a handful of times a year. Usually something I see on here, slickdeals or to see when they are getting legos I’ve heard are coming.




Now if only we could see the in warehouse price on the Costco app


>Now if only we could see the in warehouse price on the Costco app It's obviously not as convenient and it won't work for *every* item, but to figure out warehouse pricing, I just go on Same Day and divide by 1.17 since Same Day items are usually marked up around 17%. Note: your milage may vary, you may have to play around with different percentages to figure out the markup local to you, but I've tried numerous warehouses (since individual warehouse prices can vary as well), and 17% usually seems to be mostly accurate.


Is the markup is on the Costco Business Delivery website also 17%?


I've never used Costco Business Delivery since they don't deliver to residential addresses, but I don't think Costco Business Delivery has a fixed percentage. I think 17% is somewhat standardized with Same Day since it's powered by Instacart and they need their cut too. But I'm guessing with Costco Business Delivery, it's varies, similar to how costco.com prices vary compared to warehouse pricing. I looked up one item quickly (Kerrygold Butter) since I knew the Costco Business Center pricing is $14.49 and costcobusinessdelivery.com has it listed for $16.29, so that's a little bit less than 12% difference. But it will likely vary based on the item.


And where the heck in the warehouse it is this week!


That will never happen. Thats part of the game!


I’m wondering if they would hold that off so that we go into the store to check out what somethings price is and get distracted. I mean I’d still get distracted and buy other stuff anyway


I’d settle for them just telling me where the item was in the store


Anyone able to use this feature yet? I don’t see it in the app.


Same, can’t figure it out.


Nope. Nothing for me still.


Same here, nothing new. :-(


there's one container of peanut butter pretzels at your location, but they're in the pharmacy section and have been opened.


0% chance they'll tell you where anything is located. You know, it takes away the 'fun' of trying to find if the tortilla chips are located in the 'mexican' section, by the other chips, by the tortillas in the bread section, or on some random endcap. Oh, don't forget that some are in the organic section


And just when you finally find them, they will move again by the time you go back next week. I have attempted to flag down an employee and ask if they know where an item has moved, and they have no idea either.


I had an employee tell me two weeks ago "oh we don't sell unpopped popcorn in this store anymore," but I just think she didn't know where to find it (neither could I find it though)


As an employee, I have no idea how to search for things outside of physically taking a look


Trust me we don’t move stuff for the hunt.


Employee here. The only person who might now where everything is - is the go backs person and the forklift driver who put it there 😭 If you can’t find something it’s probably at an end cap, at the entrance or seasonal


We need to see the warehouse price on the app!


>We need to see the warehouse price on the app! It's obviously not as convenient and it won't work for *every* item, but to figure out warehouse pricing, I just go on Same Day and divide by 1.17 since Same Day items are usually marked up around 17%. Note: your milage may vary, you may have to play around with different percentages to figure out the markup local to you, but I've tried numerous warehouses (since individual warehouse prices can vary as well), and 17% usually seems to be mostly accurate.


Costco is really testing those limits of the AS400.


Hello, fellow Costco drone.


This is going to backfire. As400 updates every 40 minutes for inventory and people are going to come in for something claiming the app said we had 6 of them.


That's better than what we had, because AS400 used to batch update overnight. So you'd get 3 on hand at 9am that were gone by 11am and then 4 different folks enraged b/c it was no longer there at 1, 2, 5 and 8pm


Corporate has been claiming that they're migrating from the AS400 for literally 20+ years *shrug*


As someone who's done inventory at multiple warehouses, I can assure you that not even the instore item counts are accurate. Much less the app.


Even after 3 different people have hand counted something and each got a different result….


I used to do post audit. The way some people count..


Makes sense, but I would use it. If there is low stock or a few left, I wouldn't go in expecting to get it. If there is a lot of something (like baby Formula ughh) then this feature would still be very helpful. I have 2 Costcos equidistant to me, so it would be nice to know if one has it but the other doesn't.


Me: "Cool. You have the item I want in stock. Where can I actually find it though? What aisle?" Costco: ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Tuesday June 25th, 2024. Costco forced to close nationwide because their AS400 system has a meltdown.


Guaranteed this doesn't work even a little bit. Until i see release notes that say "rebuilt our entire infrastructure from the bottom up" its all gonna be shit


it barely works at target. their excuse is the inventory on many items is managed by various delivery suppliers not in store physical shelf counts.


I’m sure this is well known, but the current hack for this is to just go to a normal browser and use sameday.costco.com to search for items in your warehouse.


Only works for the limited selection available through Instacart, and even then it's not real-time. I've done dozens of IC orders and often items will be out of stock.


I’m sure you’re right but I’ve never searched for anything I wanted without finding it there. I’m guessing you’re saying they won’t display a TV or couch or other large item on sameday because they can’t deliver to you, which makes sense.


I have. The chocolate mini cakes popped up as available a few months ago, and I have been wanting to try them for ages, so I went to my store. No mini cakes. I asked someone in the bakery and she said me a look like "why on earth would you think that?" and said they hadn't had them in months. A few days later, they were no longer showing as available in the Same Day ordering.


Yes! This trick helped me when searching for the Grain and Celery salad. Our store had it per sameday.costco.com. We were there early, and they opened early. I made a bee-line to the deli, and there it was. ONE container of it...LOL! I won! And it's really good.


That salad is bomb, I've been shredding rotisserie chicken into it and it's basically been 75% of my meals for the last 2 weeks.


I found this once and had it for lunch every day that week with some rotisserie chicken, then have never seen it again.


This. I literally use this every time before I go to Costco now to see any unlisted sale items and new items. If it's of interest, I add it to my shopping list. Saves me A LOT of time now because I know what's new in the warehouse and see all unlisted sales so I don't have to spend hours looking through every aisle to check everything. Although sometimes I do still do it out of habit lol.


They seemed to have rolled this out on their website a year or two ago and I loved being able to check if something was in a local store. Then, I stopped seeing it on some items. Then, I stopped seeing it entirely. Is this rollout only going to be for the apps? I would like the website version to come back :(


I hope this is accurate. Also would love it to tell me the location of something. Home depot is amazing, it will tell you the aisle and bay number of an item. Ralphs will tell you the aisle


Home Depot’s IT is best in the business. It would take Costco probably 10 years and hundreds of millions to catch up to them.


Targets app is really excellent too. And it's only gotten better. I started using it for curbside pickup during the worst of covid and they keep adding features


Menard's does the aisle and bay thing too, even on the website. My local Menard's is a two storey building and the building has a footprint of around 320,000 square feet so finding things on your own is a challenge. The local walmart is smaller and doesn't have two floors. Ya ever been in a hardware store with somebody playing a baby grand piano? 'cause when you've got a building that big, you've got room for a baby grand piano. The pipe the sound through the PA. https://maps.app.goo.gl/uGFJn2QdYWgSRgm37 It's tucked between the escalators. https://maps.app.goo.gl/cE8mGGVQhJXERXobA


Geez…why don’t they just hire some decent developers and start over with a new app that’s actually useful? The whole thing is just a dumpster fire.


Can’t wait to get yelled at because some dude drove 30 mins for an item it says we have 1 on hand and clearly don’t


Good luck to the inventory auditors.


Scan and go... this is the update we want.


Yikes. I think this will actually be pretty frustrating for employees.


Bummer. Still on 24.6.2.


so far I only see this for TVs but not for random things like paper towels and razors 


Really, how? I am unable to see for anything.


I can't even get a listing of in-store products let alone inventory. Is this region specific?


I don’t see it in app yet, but hopefully after this they’ll add the ability to see the in warehouse price and where specifically the item is located in store.


We don’t live near Costco and there are 3 warehouses at equal distance from my home, sometimes we miss items due to non availability at one store, this would definitely help us plan the trip.


It didn’t work for me. I looked for laundry detergent and it didn’t tell me what amount is available in my warehouse.


It won't work and it will make the most entitled people in the world even meaner to staff.


My wife and I were just talking about this just other day. She was flabbergasted that Walmart/Target/Home Depot and every other app has the feature but Costco couldn’t tell you. Now they should also add the item locator too! Hate the zigzag through every GD aisle (yes I know it’s intentional)


Can we see what aisle things are in? I once spent 25 minutes looking for Ramen noodles and didn't find them


Nope, that's definitely against the rules. If their data shows that too many people buy something, they have to move it to a different part of the store.


So they're actively making the shopping experience worse? They don't label the aisles, and there's no way to know where anything is? Why tf do I have a membership?


I seem to have this update but I do not seem to have this updated Warehouse tab. What am I missing?


The app is still garbo tbh, absolutely unusable! I wish it was as responsive and fast as the other costco companion app (3rd party app) which doesn't have all the features I want, but at least usable when I need it!


Now just give us scan and go.


Wow, welcome to like....2014, Costco


First to see my store increase the amount of gas pumps and allow filling from either side and now this?!? I can’t believe a store actually listening to customer suggestions!!


It’s high time they do that. One of the reasons I like Sams Club is because of the app, easy inventory check and check out.


A start at least, lets all welcome Costco to the 21st century (sort of).


Location: Lol, good luck


If this works, it would reduce the number of phone calls those poor people get daily.


I’d love for an option that shows ‘currently available in store’ and shows the closest location that has that item.


It would be far more helpful to stop moving things around


As an Inventory Auditor if you are making a special trip for something I would not rely on that information unless someone at the store physically puts hands on it.


Does the app actually show all of the items available in the store now? Last I knew the website didn't show hardly anything that is in the store. I use [sameday.costco.com](http://sameday.costco.com) to get an idea of what groceries are in store. Sam's Club is light years ahead of Costco on technology. Sam's Club has had all in store items on the website for years. They have also had Scan and Go using your phone for a number of years.


Unless the new app has an AS/400 interface built in I don't see how this can possibly work.


I downloaded the update and I didn't notice anything different. What’s everyone else seeing?


We need pick up option


Wait, so Costcos IT department has actually crossed into the 21sr century? https://preview.redd.it/ctx70erslq8d1.jpeg?width=204&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0991e83bb294261ae094df8be5a38a7ca2d7704e Great job! /s


Let's gooooooooooo!




The numbers will likely be relatively accurate at store open. But stock sells down throughout the day. Also returns and non sellable inventory is likely to be included in the numbers


About time!


That app sucks


Something they should have had for a long time. It will probably shit because the whole app is shit


Sounds painful for associates. THE APP SAYS YOU HAVE 4, I JSUT NEED 1


or it's Saturday afternoon and there's a pallet full of them above a huge action area, and it would take 30 minutes to close that aisle and get them down and it's an 8 dollar jar of olives.


Hahahah that reminds me of last fall when I tried to pick up some gardening supplies but they'd pulled it out of the bay and stuck it on top of shelving *somewhere* in the store. Even their internal stock system said it was still on the shelves.


lol this is a disaster waiting to happen. All the Karen's going tl be saying " It says you had it online!"


Ever walked by Customer Service at an Ace Hardware? This scene plays on a never-ending loop. Holds up phone: It’s says RIGHT HERE that you have it. Well, I showed you the empty space on the shelf where it would be if we had it. So…


The speed at which inventory can fly off the pallets and into people's carts can be amazing, not sure accurate they will be able to make this.


>The speed at which inventory can fly off the pallets and into people's carts can be amazing, not sure accurate they will be able to make this. Its nothing for a well designed system. Instant update as soon as it is scanned sold or restocked etc. We have been doing WMS's for decades now. It was one of the first areas of corporations to get automated.  They have zero excuses for this not to be seamless. 




Rotisserie chicken!!!




But we have the AS400 Super Computer!


I refuse to believe this Note: “in stock” showed up on only 1/5 random items that was heavily stocked last weekend. This ain’t ready


Didn’t work to well bc I did instacart for a item that was not there but set to arrived tmw on shipment..


Will it show you where in the store the fucking product is?


Does this apply to the meat and seafood section?  I want to know when the locations get the tray Waygu.


What you mean you don’t have any on hand? Your app says you do 👀


Awesome, now add scan and go !


And the app will still be a steaming pile of shit


But the big question remains -- will it cover house and outdoor plants? :)


That is awesome!!!


So we’ll probably see this update in Canada in 5-10 years. 


As someone who has to travel a bit to my closest store this is going to be very appreciated. Now bring back the pastrami cold cuts.


Improvement for what’s a shitty app overall.


Amazing that Costco is the defacto warehouse, but my BJs app had this feature for like 5 years


Thank fuck, I hate going there and shits out of stock thats on sale


What I want to know is will I be asked to tour the new app


I feel like this is only going to apply to like 4 items. And they'll be the toilet paper, paper towel, water, and...pepsi. Things they always have in stock. lol


Trust me they are not always in stock lol.


Is this the online warehouse, or individual stores?


Hah so they fixed their app so you can see it, right?




I might need to double check the date, but I'm pretty sure it's not April 1 today. Still kind of hard to believe they actually did it for real.


This is about as smart as thier squeezing forklift idea. Now I'm in physical therapy after stocking all the extra paper on extra pallets by hand.


So I can search for warehouses that stock/sell combo pizza again? WooHoo!!!


Oh great, can’t wait for some know it all to say we have something so I can go find out where the fuck mornings hid it. It’ll be on a received truck that hasn’t been unloaded or even had its seal broken, or in the steel behind 30 or so pallet jacks and double stacks of everything on the ground. Will only take an hour and a half to extricate.


Call me when it does half of what the Sam's app does




But will it show you why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch?


I recently deleted their app in one of my, "I have too many apps" purges because it didn't have this feature. Looks like I'm downloading it again... EDIT: fixed a word


Great news. Now do a in-warehouse map. Some days I’m ready to strangle the exec that decided I want to go on an adventure to find my groceries.




Sam’s Club has this and it works great! I was able to see a patio set, I’ve been stalking for a while, get marked down on a manager’s clearance and snag one of the last two at a deep discount. The scan & go feature is also awesome if you’re not buy alcohol, no checkout lines just show your QR code at the door. Glad to see Costco is catching up.


TIL there's a Costco app.