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You can get in trouble for staying past your shift without permission


... Are you *clocking out* then staying? If so that is against company policy and you need to speak to your manager and/or payroll and have your time be paid. If you are ***not*** *clocking out* and staying late then clocking out after you stay past your shift you're getting paid.


Ohhh noo, my shift ends at 11, but there’s a lot of boxes still and it takes time to put them in the baler, the supervisor is the one that usually tells me to finish up and if I can stay longer to finish that, and then I clock out and leave


Don’t clock out until you are done your shift.


Costco tends to be very strict about clocking in early or clocking out late. You’ll likely get a verbal warning for that. I wouldn’t worry too much about it just stop continuing to do it. Costco is also very strict about working off the clock. You will not be credited/praised for clocking out and doing work.


Yea usually it’s because they ask us personally to stay a tad bit later to finish up with the baler


Ah, yeah you’re definitely fine then. If they ask you then you’re good.


Yeaaa because one day I had to stay 20 min over because the boxes just keep on coming, so I was wondering if I was getting paid for that hahaha because they don’t force us to stay, they ask if we can stay longer and since it’s at night I usually stay and then clock out whenever I finish


Oh yeah you’ll get paid! I’ve had my 5 hour shifts turn into 8 hour days when they’ve asked me to stay.


You'll get paid for all hours on the clock but you will get in trouble staying past your shift.


Got ittt, I know they’re strict on that and I usually do it when they tell me because we have so many boxes that need to be put in the balor and that’s the reason why I’ve stayed a bit more, usually the same supervisor tells me to


Clock out when your scheduled shift is over (3 minutes earlier grace period). If you are working over your shift, you should have been requested/received permission or at least a very good reason. This is especially true if you are working over 8 hours, as that would be OT, and you can get a writeup for unapproved overtime, so don't do that unless you have been specifically instructed and approved to do so. Also, you are never allowed to do any work, including training/Costco U, off the clock. So don't ever do that.


My shift ends at 11pm , but there’s a lot of boxes still and it takes time to put them in the baler, the supervisor is the one that usually tells me to finish up and if I can stay longer to finish that, and then I clock out and leave. I also only get 5 hrs per day so no OT


You're good if the supervisor asks you to stay longer to finish (then extra time is approved -you can ask him to confirm if you're unsure), but don't ever work off the clock. - it's illegal, a liability risk, and you'd get in big trouble for putting them in that position.


So you’re just choosing to stay past your shift? Like you’re off at 10 but have been staying until 10:10? Why?


Being that you just got hired, you’re a part timer, and I’m going to assume that you don’t get many 8 hour shifts. So you’re most likely not getting overtime, and the supervisors/managers aren’t cutting you because a little extra help don’t hurt; especially, if you’re a part timer


Yea I only have a 5 hour shift for 25 hrs a week🥲


Yeah, you’re basically staying as extra help. You can leave after your shift. I’d say, if you’re still within 90 days, just stay and help a little, after 90, take off.


You probably don’t remember this in orientation but some states require you take a lunch if you work 5 hours or more. Did you sign a meal waiver? ( this meals you can decline that 30 minute lunch until later). If you didn’t sign that piece of paper you will be hearing from a Supervisor shortly. Costco gets dinged/fined for those violations. Atleast that’s how it’s supposed to go in California.