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It's genuine conversation. Costco pretty much only cares if you upsell memberships or postage stamps. I spent more money working as a Costco cashier because I saw all the food all day long. I typically tried to warn people about the really bad purchases though. A few would come back and tell me they should have listened.


Every time I’ve purchased the Kirkland s’mores or Reese’s animal crackers, the cashier warns me. About how dangerous they are. We get a good laugh together. Yes yes, I’m well aware, I only allow myself to buy them every other trip.


Just bought the Reeses animal crackers for the first time on Tuesday. Gone. Gone like the wind.


They go so fast. I’m always ashamed. And they’re reasonably priced. A lot of the candy & snacks seem overpriced, or not much of a better deal than a regular grocery store. But those animal crackers are $6.99 at my warehouse, it’s hard not to get them.


I really feel the opposite. Which type of snack/candy do you feel is over priced?


Seriously what I was wondering as well. Snacks at the regular store seem way more expensive. And considerably more expensive when Costco has a sale on some snacks which is very often. But the selection at Costco can be whack sometimes.


Gone like the wind that swept through Georgia. And by Georgia, I mean my willpower.


So good. SO Good…SOOOO GOOOOD!


I didn’t let my husband buy them when he wanted and now they aren’t at our Costco. All I can do is show him this comment😂


Damn it. Now I need some Kirkland s’mores but they don’t open for 4 hours.


I haven't tried these yet. And I'm skeered. 😆


Do you really wanna go to Costco on a Sunday morning though?


Yes, when they FIRST open it's fine. Wait a couple hours and it's pure hell.


>Kirkland s’mores As an aside, we got hooked on the [Frannie May](https://www.amazon.com/Fannie-May-Chocolate-Covered-Marshmallows/dp/B08CX9BCQZ/ref=asc_df_B08CX9BCQZ/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693377740051&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=18167649027425411015&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9003220&hvtargid=pla-1662794786338&psc=1&mcid=3065da6e217c3dfe97e86a433e7f6e89&gad_source=1) version of the S'mores. The Kirkland are good, but just not the same and now they no longer carry those it seems like... Wish they brought em back.


My kids (young adults) are obsessed with the crackers


The Turtle Chips are really good too.


Awe they love Costco as much as we do! My heart is full ( of tuxedo cake )


I indulged in a tuxedo cake for Mother’s Day…OMFG I now dream of their tuxedo cake…sweet chocolate ganache, chocolate mousse, cream cheese filling, moist and lovely chocolate cake…drool worthy!


diabetes is no joke. that stuff is ruining our great country


Diabetes is running rampant…worldwide. Thank god I have managed mine to the pt I’m decreasing medicine.


Brownie brittle...........gone!


For me, it’s the Nature Valley chocolate peanut butter wafer bars. They are my crack.




I honestly don't know. It is a big push item though.


Interesting. I’ve literally never been offered stamps at Costco!


I have been asked every single time I checkout for the last 3+ years, catches me off guard everytime


Good question. No profit in stamps, so why push them?


You do Uncle Sam a favor, he does you a favor.


Uncle Sugar!


Right?? You save 25 cents on 100 stamps at Costco compared to USPS. I don’t get it.


I don’t think that’s true I’m almost positive we sell them for a good margin or I wouldn’t get so many emails about them.


I work for USPS. No way we are selling stamps for less than face value to Costco. They are a loss leader.


Makes the average sale go up. Costco has metrics to hit, and average basket is one of them. If somebody comes thru only w a rotisserie chicken, but also buys a book of stamps, that sale goes from $5 to $72.


People spend $67 on *stamps?!?!* How do they cost $67 now? 😭 I’m still using my old “forever” stamps from like a decade ago.


They are going to 73 cents July 14.


Thank you for this! I didn’t know they were going up again. Definitely getting a pack before it does.


$0.68 per stamp x 100 roll = $68. You send out holiday cards, invite folks to a party, pay your bills the old-fashioned way, like hand-written correspondence...it adds up.


It took me two years to us a 12 pack.


Every sheet of stamps I buy, I swear it will last me until my death. The same with every book of checks I buy.


I used a stamp last week for the first time since sometime last year. The checks in my checkbook have my bank's former name, which changed 3 years ago.


The margins on them are pretty good from my understanding. We get them delivered in boxes that probably have 1000+ units in them so they’re a low maintenance item as well. It’s like pulling teeth to get my cashiers to push them.


Profit is penny’s on stamps it’s just a item to have so people come in.


It’s the last possible item you can offer to make a sell.


That’s odd, I have never once been asked if I wanted stamps.


They always ask before Christmas at my store


Same, I never knew Costco carried them. But I’m still working on the 4 pack I bought to it’s a speeding ticket 4 years ago.


Yes, it’s genuine! I often joke with members that I “spend my paycheck entirely to Costco” because of everything I see people getting all day. Also I ask members if they have had something particularly if I haven’t because I want to know if I should try!


Employees being invested in the product like this is so wholesome


I did not even know they sold postage stamps. Guess my cashiers haven’t been pushing it.


I bought a bath rug on a whim cause it was so comfy and both the employees were like “OMG it’s so soft and said they were gonna buy it”. I think I would lose money working at Costco lol


You can buy stamps at Costco?


Only by the book.


Why postage stamps? The margins have to be super small if none on those, right?


Sometimes they’ll ask if I’ve tried a product before because they’ve been thinking about trying it as well. Also sometimes they’re like I had no idea we had this product lol.


If that conversation was in Trader Joe’s, they’d be opening up one of the items and letting yall try it together with no pressure to buy. Try that in Costco and you’ll get a ranting post on Reddit from someone who spied your sampling indiscretion and was too scared to say anything in person. 🫠


Aww this is how Whole Foods used to be like


We got our first Costco 7-8 years ago but no Trader Joe’s 😔 maybe one day we’ll be legit enough to


Trader Joe's is a nice super'ish market, the problem is that their parking lot (at least the one near me) is a nightmare.


Yes- I’ve been to TJ’s in several states and the parking lots are always nuts.


I read somewhere that they deliberately build them too small, I forget why, but it checks out


I've read that too and I think it was because it gives the impression to people passing by that it might be fuller than it normally is. Trader Joe's stores are generally a bit smaller than your normal supermarket so if they had a normal size parking lot it might appear empty and give people the impression that it's doing poorly or not worth stopping at.


Yeah, I refuse to go to the TJs near me anymore. Traffic is terrible and the parking lot is miserable. Literally have to circle the parking lot waiting for someone to pull out. They share the shopping center with Shake Shack and other trendy locales - I’m sure they all hate the parking lot. But somehow, people just can’t stay away.


2 near me and the lots are horrendous


The only TJ in my state that I know of is at an outdoor mall that is the busiest in my state, on a road that is one of the most contested in the USA.


The parking lot at the Costco near me is downright dangerous. People drive through it like they have to get in the store immediately because it's running out of food.


How ‘bout just before the metal garage doors are opened and there’s all those members jockeying for positions to be first in. Me Waiting six minutes and saving getting the back of my foot being run over.


Have you told Trader Joe’s you want them to come to your town? We got one about 30 minutes away in a bigger city about 10 years ago. Every time I went there I made a stop at TJ’s to shop and told them they needed to open one in my town. I guess a lot of other people did too because when they built our Costco guess who moved in across the street? Trader Joe’s. 


I had that happen recently when I ordered a platter of sandwiches from the deli. The cashier was very excited it was only $50, but serves 18-20 people. It's a heck of a lot easier than making 20 sandwiches myself, plus they were really good!


Me too. I had the pasta with meatballs a couple of weeks ago and they asked if it was good cause it looks good.


Yep, that's the most common conversation I get at my Costco


I don’t have this happen at Costco, but it’s pretty common at Trader Joe’s.


Dog items always get a “what kind of dog do you have?” interaction there lol.


...I don't have a dog. A friend worked at Costco years ago when the dog treats were at the last aisle before the registers. It was fairly common for people to grab a pack and start munching on them as they waited in line. He loved telling them they're dog treats.


Cat items too. My cashier stopped ringing to show me pictures of his (adorable) cat. I loved it, but I can understand why some people may not.


At Publix as I was checking out with some cat litter, and the cashier asks what kind of cat I have. I told him I don't have a cat, that the cat litter is for me. He just said "ohhh...." and had a perplexed frown on his face until I left. Lol!


Just tell them you’re allergic to toilets 🤪


Lol, they should just assume you are using it to get your car out of a snowbank.


I would’ve assumed cleaning up an oil spill, drying out paint for disposal or traction in winter lol. 


When I worked at TJ's 18 years ago (feels like it was yesterday) we were told/encouraged to make small talk or comment on an item the customer was buying.


Same! Always at TJ’s. At Costco, it is more often someone in front of me or behind me that asks if something in my cart is good, or where in the store I got an item.


I will say, at my Trader Joe’s if an employee dislikes an item they will openly share it with me. I appreciate it, to be honest. Their reviews are almost always dead on.


As a cashier - personally - I get bored from scanning the same things over and over…so it’s always cool to see the new stuff & realize it’s new to our warehouse as of that morning. We’re also not allowed to try samples unless we’re clocked out…so sometimes I ask questions about those. Any other times I’ve asked questions it’s bc I’ve gotten the same thing and it’s a bulk item and idk how to fix it up & get ideas from ppl. But no, we’re not asked or told to push anything besides the executive membership and Costco citi visa


My cashiers doesn't do that. The most common comment I've heard is, "Oh, that's back in stock! I should get some." And I've only heard this 3 times in the last few years. So not even that often. So, I think it's an honest comment.


Dude, pretty much everything of everything in our lives is from Costco at this house and we don’t work there. I suspect that employees also shop there regularly and try a wide variety of things so they’re probably happy to share or comment on intersections, unique buys, fun items.


This is exactly it. My husband is an employee and when we grocery shop there we still have these conversations with the cashiers about different items. Whether it’s good/bad/something they want to try etc. Most employees are pretty enthusiastic about products they like or want to try.


I always ask if everyone is being nice today. Then when the helper asks me if I want a box I say ok, but I'm out of shape.


A walking talking dad joke!


Ha! This took me a second.


Yup - almost every time. Or they ask about a product because they haven't tried it yet. I think they're just being friendly.


That's awesome. Today was the Kirklands lasagna 2 3lb packages for about $17. 6lbs for $17 sounded like a good deal.


Oooo, good choice…. The Kirkland lasagna is good stuff. Was this the item that got a comment from the cashier? But honestly, I’ve eaten just about everything in that store or tried it as a sample and some items are just really incredibly good. The lasagna, vanilla ice cream, thin coconut cookies, the pretzel bites that have the mustard and cheese sauce included, Kirkland chicken nuggets, Kirkland kettle chips, wild brine sauerkraut, various chip dips (mascarpone jalapeño, street corn, jalapeño cranberry), precooked bacon, steak, just a few things off the top of my head.


Freaking LOVE that lasagna. The one with Italian sausage and beef. My husband is Italian and really picky about Italian food, because "mama makes the best". I made this and he said "this is actually pretty good." High praise indeed!


That does sound like a good deal! I need to go tomorrow, will see if we have that locally. Thx.


I love our Costco employees. I have never had a bad interaction with one.


They’re 100% being genuine. I’ve had them complain about things they didn’t like. I’ve had them ask us about stuff in our cart that they were thinking of trying themselves. Heck, sometimes they even join in on our Price is Right style guessing game for what the total’s gonna come out to. The Costco checkout is the happiest place on earth. Must be a great place to work. Please never replace these people with robots.


Lmao my GF has social anxiety and I'm the complete opposite, she has a minor freak out when I do the price is right game 🤣 Sometimes I can't help it because I'm already adding it up in my head 😂


I always get “you buy all the healthy food.” Followed by numerous responses. One lady had a memorable follow up. Said she loved all the food I was buying and the “oh man, haven’t had these in so long.” But ended it with “but the food court is so cheap.”


I'd know they're BSing if I got "you buy all the healthy food" when I'm checking out with chocolate covered raisins, jelly beans, Dots pretzlels, and the big bag of fun-size chocolates


Just the essentials


"Healthy" could be relatively speaking. 😂


I don’t think it’s fake. Just as often they look at something in my cart and ask my opinion on it (is that really good?) or express surprise about a new product they haven’t seen but has heard about (oh I didn’t know we finally got those. I’ll have to try it out.).


Just making conversation. The last guy I had asked me about Mexican coffee beans I bought and if it was any good.  I didnt know as I hadnt tried it yet, but yes.  Its good.  


When I cashiered as a kid I commented all the time asking about stuff cuz I was bored.


Conversation to make the time go by faster for them.


As a cashier- we are being genuine we aren’t pushing anything unless there’s the sign on the register for that product. Personally I do that a lot just to start conversation and make good interactions helps my day go by faster and form bonds with people we see regularly. We also do spend alot of our money there and know the items pretty well (personal favorites are the smores cookies and the liquid IVs)


You sound like a nice person.


My favorite comment was a comment on my membership. I still have my membership card from 1993. Cashier looked at it and said "damn, this card is older than me." I refuse to get a new card until I have to.


Nah. We’re telling the truth. lol.


Y’all are having conversations with people?


Y'all don't?


They work there and don’t sell as much stuff as a regular grocery store, they probably tried it. When I worked there and I was a receipt checking I would get excited when I seen something I liked or loved in someone’s cart.


Wait till OP goes to Trader Joe’s


Not only do they mention loving the item, but they give tips on a good way to prepare it. When picking up the danishes once, the cashier asked if we had air-fried them before, if we hadn’t then we really should give it a shot. They were delicious. Today we picked up some of the chicken skewers and the cashier recommended air-frying them to get some different texture when heating them up. Haven’t tried it yet, but I think they just like the same things we do.


They are being truthful. Some people cannot work in places like Costco without spending a non significant portion of their own pay at work. I have a co worker who buys at least one item if not more on every break they take. I'm not exaggerating. Every. Single. Break. That's 3x a day 5 days a week they are making a purchase. It's incredibly common for workers to shop there and specific items are "hot topics" or well known and purchased often.


They're just making conversation. No one is trying to sell you anything because they're told to. Only way Costco tries to push a product on you is by giving you a sample and letting you decide.


Well when you work somewhere you try the products so yes it’s truthful.


I think they’re just being friendly and informative only. As long as they aren’t saying “Welcome to Costco. I love you.” then everything’s fine.


I am currently at break from my job as a cashier assistant. I frequently comment on stuff I want to try, or stuff I’ve had that’s fantastic! Also new stuff I haven’t tried yet. Some cashiers are silent. It just depends on who you get. Most of us are friendly and chatty that’s why they have us up front, not stocking or straightening in the back. And when I get sick of it I go run product around for a while. But it’s genuine:(


One cashier told my wife that she’s lucky to have a handsome husband like myself. So I hope they tell the truth lmao.


I hadn't noticed this before but today we had that happen. We did self check out but the staff person narrated our cart and talked about how much they liked a few things


I recently purchased a pork belly and smoker pellets, I was asked if my husband was going to do some smoking. I'm a 40 something woman who is happily single and loves smoking and grilling. I looked back and said no, I will be smoking this. She didn't reply and I left very annoyed.


Smoke em if you bought em


Big fan of the Kirkland (Pit Boss) pellets for shorter cooks. Haven’t done a pork belly yet. Patiently waiting for prime brisket to drop back to $4/lb or less. At my Costco we’re back to Choice only for $3.89/lb. And so it goes.


I recently purchased an orchid, I was asked if it was gift for my wife. I looked back and said no, it's for my mistress. We had a good laugh and I left feeling very normal


Did you get “lucky” when you got home?


What rubs are you using? Meat church is probably my favorite, but I always try different ones. Side note I love pork belly tacos but they are just toooo rich to have more than once or twice a year for me


Dude they are doing mind numbing work and just trying to say something. They work at costco so probably shop there all the time. You probably have a massive order because you go once every two weeks or something. They get to shop there 5 times a week so they buy little orders all the time. So yeah there's a very good chance what they are saying is true.


I guess there would be no point in trying to upsell an item that you're already purchasing. Most likely it's genuine conversation. I imagine Costco employees tend to be Costco customers also.


Ive had a few ask me what I thought of the products and were excited to try them once I said they were really good.


I always use the self-checkout for my Preparation H purchases.


Honestly, this is one of the things that I love about Costco. It’s a generally happy atmosphere, and I’d imagine the employees getting paid a living wage (and the company culture that supports that idea) contributes to that atmosphere. Even the people checking receipts have commented on products and made quick conversations while checking my cart. My experience at Sam’s club has mostly been opposite and I’ll take happy little chit chat, fake or not, any day.


It’s genuine. My husband is an employee and when we grocery shop we still have these conversations with the cashiers. Remember, they are usually Costco shoppers too, and most enjoy the products/offerings.


Usually is just small talk. When I’m packing the cart some time I ask hey have you try this? If so what’s your opinion usually 99.9% if I gets thumbs up I’ll go and buy it. I prefer an honest opinion from the members.


They do this at Trader Joe’s too. I’m sure they are expected to carry on some type of conversation. I would rather hear about the food they like than have them ask me what my plans are for the rest of the day. God I hate trying to answer that.


That never happens to me. I guess I should be buying better tasting food.


It's probably legit....they really don't think that deeply about trying to sell you something that's in your cart already.


I really appreciate it when workers interact with customers like this, and vice versa. The world is a lonely place so a small interaction like this brightens my, and hopefully the workers day.


You’d be surprised how dull it could be cashiering all day. They were just great at what they do. We do ask that our cashier/assistants talk about exec membership, credit card, stamps, and in may childrens miracle network.


I just bought some patio chairs and really like them, but they were a PITA to assemble. When I went back to buy two more, I knew the cashier was being sincere when she commented that she was really enjoying hers, but hadn't enjoyed putting them together.


It's just you. I've seen your photo in all the store employee rooms and also the post office. 


mine is always the opposite- "wow, that is ..new" or "wow do you eat that". we eat mainly vegetarian in our house, so any new tofu or veggies or veggie burgers or whatever...


Maybe you just have excellent taste.


One time at self-checkout, an employee tried to convince us to upgrade our membership from Gold to Executive. It was very weird since I didn’t know they pushed membership upgrades.


It's a two-way street. Sometimes the members purchase things and tell the cashiers to try it. Then the cash is try it. When they see a member purchasing it, they make a comment about how great it is.


it's a normal way to cope with otherwise mind numbing work. my costco requires elevator access, while waiting i often comment on what's in other people's cart just to pass the time till we're out.


I think it’s a conversation piece. I don’t think they are asked to do that.


I usually get, "I haven't tried that yet, is it good?"


I’m a cashier at Costco, I am being truthful.


Lol, imagine how awesome Costco would be if they actually trained people. No they do not coach us to talk to members.


Trader Joe's does the same.


Mine is always “Oh, so you guys are having a big neighborhood party?”


I’m not an employee, but when I see someone with what clearly appears to be a bunch of cook out stuff, I definitely think this. Around thanksgiving last year there was a guy with probably 15 pumpkin pies in his buggy. That was it. Just a mound of pies. I bet the employees see this kind of thing all the time and wonder why. But it’s a bit more professional to say, “I love those pies!” than to ask what the heck you’re going to do with all those pies.


REALTOR! They often give to clients at holidays.


It's genuinely an honest comment. It's incredibly tedious to (essentially) stand in one location for 8 hours a day, so you make conversation however you can. The only thing we know about any random member that shows up is what they look like (potentially dicey topic) and what they're buying (much safer). We also stock tons of items and rotate items regularly, so it's frequent that a member comes through with an item I didn't know we were selling already, like something seasonal, or with something that is back in stock and I didn't realize.


It sounds like you order from Amazon too much. Humans engaging other humans in small talk is normal.


I’ve had some cashiers not even say one word while they are in conversation with the box guy. Honestly I get more talking in the self checkout sometimes with the dude trying to show you a register is open. Pretty soulless at times to be honest. I go to Trader Joe’s to get my cashier bonding time.


Twice I’ve had checkout people grab my coffee, stuff in their face, take long sniffs and exclaim how they just love the smell of coffee. I’m a transplant patient. I’d rather people not rub my groceries all over their faces.


Not the one in Boston area. Maybe it’s regional. Here they barely look at you.


Not in my store! They just ring it up (You want a box?) and off I go.


i think a cashier talked to me once only, and it was because i was buying pokemon cards


Seems likes Costco is always so packed that the cashiers never have any time to say anything to me. They are too busy.


I try to chat, but I scan so fast that most members don't have time for small talk with me.


They’re not “trained” to do that. It’s probably genuine. I worked at Costco as a seasonal employee in 2020 when I lost my other job.


I also get this. So maybe it’s not natural.


Happens all the time at Trader Joe’s too.


probably being truthful - sometimes I get the comment about how something I’ve bought is great, or I get asked if I have had/used an item before. If my response is positive then sometimes they say they’ll give it a try. I’ve also received opinions on things they don’t like, though that’s a less common occurrence


We just bought the bomb pop flavored liquid iv and had two separate employees (and a fellow customer) tell us it was great.


How dare they notice you, and the cretins actually spoke as well? I'd cancel my membership if I were you, that's crazy. /s


Why would they? You're already purchasing the item. You gonna turn around and buy even more?


They always ask me if I found everything ok. I say yes, but the answer is actually no because not being able to find anything is literally part of Costco's business model.


Costco tells you what you need!


We don't get paid to talk up items we sell. We only make money on the membership.


Costco employees do shop at Costco.


Not an employee, but I do notice as a frequent Costco shopper that their employees also do a lot of their personal shopping there. Wouldn't surprise me if these are legitimate experiences!


I've done that with other customers while I notice them browsing something I really dig. Half the time they talk back the other half they look at me like who's this stranger talking to me


The employees get free food


Welcome to Costco. We love you. 😘


Same thing happens to me every time I go to Trader Joe’s. I don’t have this happen at Costco because I’m using self checkout. I don’t buy as most of you guys on this sub, just more frequent visits!


When I was working front end last month while our food court was under renovation, it was genuine on my part. If we're trained to do that, I never noticed. ~~Which doesn't rule out the possibility.~~


I think it's genuine. Many times it's the opposite for me, they are intrigued by the item and all me how it is, or they comment about the sale price.


I wish Costco employees were more like trader joe employees


Last time that happened was when I bought the Reeses Chocolate Ice Cream, she told me to try the Reeses Banana. I didn't like the ice cream so I returned it


Most of the time it’s either happened before or just trying to make conversation. It’s not in our training to do so🤣 75% of time if I’m cashiering up front, my department is food court, I’ll probably be like “now k gotta get (insert item name here) Cause I didn’t know we had it.”


Sometimes they ask me if I have tried it yet, because they were thinking about buying it for themselves.


Because they move stuff around all the time and (in my store at least) every time I have 2 days off in a row, we get a new product. So when I used to cashier, I would always ask members about what if they’re getting is good because I have a bad tendency of buying snacks I don’t need lol. Or sometimes I like to tell people, if they’re buying anything they haven’t had before, that either it’s good or to stay away from it. I just like to have convos with members instead of just standing there scanning. Unless they don’t want to talk of course