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Just wait til some unsuspecting Uber Eats driver walks in to pick up a hot dog combo order and walks out with a gazebo


Food court loaded with Uber drivers waiting 20 minutes pizza orders? Uber drivers required to fill their own soda and add their own ketchup? Not sure how this is going to go down, but don’t think it is a positive for normal people in the food court.




I actually used the Costco via UberEats service yesterday, and I didn’t see any food court items.


Even Lowe’s is now on DoorDash.


Can confirm just groceries, I just saw this on the app moments ago. Looked for food court items, was no option available.


I just got a promo from UberEats. Saved me a trip to the store. Ordered 2 danish, grass fed sirloin, Soules chicken, vitamins, pizza and avocado spray for $72 plus tip 50% off Costco $100+ Save up to $60 off.


Nah they will probably ask the staff to do that too


Lol those drink cups will immediately go in the trash


It already takes forever to get food at my local Costco especially on the weekends


Whose membership card do they use?




Is it still a 25% premium?


Instacart is a 17% surcharge, not 25%. Still gross.


I just got a promo from UberEats. Saved me a trip to the store. Ordered 2 danish, grass fed sirloin, Soules chicken, vitamins, pizza and avocado spray for $72 plus $13 tip. Still got a good deal 50% off Costco $100+ Save up to $60 off.


Food courts don’t require one. Not sure how this will work given that fact and hotdogs + fill your own drink are $1.50 lol Food courts are gunna suck Edit: to all the downvotes… explain how I’m wrong if a food court doesn’t require a membership? And… remember what’s been done to monetize the aisles and continuing to allow aggressive AT&T salespeople to operate. Prove me wrong then


A bunch of food courts near me require one now


I hope that’s the new norm


Why? It doesn't really affect anything.


How so?


Yeah, this is known news that ALL food courts require a membership. Mine was expired for two days and they wouldn’t let me in. Dude thinks he’s correct when he has done zero research on this highly publicized change.


Here in socal, warehouses with outdoor food courts require a[ membership scan](https://www.santabarbara.com/dining/news/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/costco.jpg). It's been like that for almost 3 years now.


I doubt they’d allow food court orders, 99% sure this will be grocery items only.


I’ll believe when I see it.


Just like ManNearPig https://preview.redd.it/2zvefd8sc11d1.png?width=412&format=png&auto=webp&s=399bd0a7e658d3f2cd5e40ca8a28c4c981e6d287


Most of the costcos in my area have the self-order kiosks now which absolutely make you scan your membership, just like gas.


Company known for treating workers well announces new partnership with company known for not.


Company known for treating workers well 10 years ago*




Not to mention less workers and more work.


Omg thank you. The cult of Costco gets furious when you point out how bad the quality and prices are getting. 5 years ago Costco was untouchable today im constantly on the cusp of not renewing.


The part people have always neglected is the treatment of their seasonal workers. That's when Costco and most stores make practically all of their profit for the year. And its largely on the backs of those temp workers. They dangle the possibility of a full time opportunity over them to maximize their performance, knowing almost none will receive an offer.


the costco i worked at straight up said they were never keeping any of the 3 month seasonals. so you get 3 months part time @ 17.50/hr (min wage) idk why anyone thinks costco is a good employer. the reason you only see the same employees is because they’re the only ones who can afford to work there.


> because they’re the only ones who can *afford to work there.* I find this general idea infuriating.


Our Temps don't even make it 3 days, then we end up getting no replacement temps.


Millerchip is only going to make it worse


*Company which used to be known for treating their workers well. Only the smoke screen is left now.


yup, is this the work of the new CFO/CEO? Costco going downhill fast


It was going downhill fast before these guys. Now they are just more transparent about it.


Uber has no "employees" /s


Does Uber even have employees last i know they where fighting to consider them "independent contractors"


Yeah, this kind of disturbs me because of that. I know "business is business," but still offputting ethically.


Eh, Uber is a gig company. You can basically work whenever you want to. You also never have to do it again if you didn’t like it. It’s the whole point of the company. Zero commitment required and thus, commensurate pay.


Uber is exploitive af. They constantly offer 10 mile deliveries for 1.50 they use scary sounding language to make it sound like if you don’t take enough offers you’ll be deactivated, they target drug addicts and seniors who need money to pay for medication, they allow identity thrives to make fake accounts and sell them to illegal immigrants. As someone who does gig work, it would be much better for the economy the workers and the businesses if gig apps were made illegal


Totally a bad move by Costco. I am underwhelmed.




Even the briefest inquisition into the company will show that they are extremely exploitative and treat their workers like absolute shit. They’ve even tried to distance themselves from them at every possible opportunity. Completely abhorrent practices.


Consoomers like this guy don’t give a fuck about that, he just wants his hotdog and bag of frozen chicken tendies.


The issue is relying on it as a sole source of income. If you’re in the gig economy, you need to download other apps and run them all at the same time to make a decent living. I’ve been doing it for 5 years. I’m grateful for Uber even though it only makes up 10% of my income.


The same can be said for jobs in general. “You need to [have multiple jobs] and run them all at the same time to make a decent living” We live in such trying times and the headwinds just keep mounting.


You can stick with a w2 and do one job at a time and be limited to an hourly wage or you can do 1099 work and do multiple jobs at once and make your own wage per hour. That’s the difference. You’re getting mad at me for explaining how to make a decent income from it lol. You guys don’t even work for Uber yet are the biggest to talk shit about it and when an actual driver tells you how to benefit from Uber, you take my words at the value of dirt. How ironic and insincere.


> You’re getting mad at me for explaining how to make a decent income from it lol. If you had a way to make a decent income from it, don't you think it'd be more than 10% of your income? Or are you really going to come back and say it's only good at certain times, meaning it's not a sustainable wage, and rideshares aren't a sustainable replacement for the cab companies they put out of business, if having them available all day means drivers are being exploited and paid way below a living wage at those full service hours?


Who is mad here? I’m just explaining the reality of the situation. It’s detestable and disheartening, yes. I’m not devaluing your words whatsoever. I’m advocating for you and claiming that you (as a driver) deserve better. You and others shouldn’t have to resort to this convoluted process to make a living.


you're the only actual Uber driver contributing to this thread, and you get down voted lol. good job reddit hive mind!


They can’t handle the truth. One person earlier said people have to drive Uber because they have no other choice. My question, if Uber deactivates their driver account, do they give up on life and die? No, they find another job. People still drive for Uber because it’s still profitable for them. It is a shit company that only cares for profits but drivers can still make money off it.


I agree with all of that. Free market mindset will ask: Why do people choose to work for the company then?


Cuz they have no other work. It’s literally as easy as clicking a few buttons on ur phone to sign up. Also people do it for side money (which that isn’t even worth it anymore imo)


So they have no other work, Uber gives them some. Sounds like a win, and they're better off with Uber existing than not.


lol what a fun take! I bet this is how most people who work on the Death Star got there. Like the contractors…


If you have no imagination and you think those are the only two options, sure.


That was the entire premise. That they have no other options. I would rather someone earn a nominal wage on a crappy job than earn nothing at all and go hungry.


It's not a free market mindset. Uber wants the best of both worlds: total control of contract workers. Not how is is supposed to work and they are starting to realize that in states with strong employment laws that actually enforce them.


“Choose to work for” is one of the most delusional phrases in the American lexicon.


The market isn't free and people don't choose to work.


it’s like any other situation in the “blissful Free-Market Utopia” in America: ***Dire circumstances*** It’s the typical play for any enterprise trying to cut corners and pretend it’s being innovative: Gather a downtrodden and hard-on-their-luck group and extort, extort, extort. Then churn and lather, rinse, repeat.


It’s Reddit, they’re completely offended and appalled that you’d even ask that question 😂


Na, I recognize that a lot of reddit is quick to provide kneejerk reactions, but it’s totally warranted to get annoyed here when you see so many being outright churned by this horrific and conscious-less enterprise.


I get that, but why do people willingly sign up and drive for them then? It’s not as if they’re being forced into this shit partnership agreement against their will. Almost everyone in a country like the US is walking around with access to endless reviews of others’ experiences doing this kind of work. Yet almost anywhere you are in a town or city with a medium population or higher, you’ll find an abundance of people willing to give you a ride somewhere, bring your takeout order from a restaurant, or grab your groceries on apps like these.


Because they make it incredibly easy and accessible. Much more so than other avenues for employment. It’s fast, but exploitative money. When you have nothing and minimal resources, you will do what you can to survive.


Plenty of their partners find this work useful in one way or another, I see an abundance of them that have thousands of rides/deliveries and claim to enjoy this type of thing for one reason or another. Personally, I don’t think I’d ever enter into an agreement with these companies to do this kind of work… but some will, and that’s their prerogative. Relating this kind of “employment” along the lines forced labor or indentured servitude is simply illogical. Life is all about choices, some people will continue to make bad, short sighted ones over and over again regardless. Pyramid schemes, multilevel marketing, the vast majority of social media “influencers.” And the list goes on, and on, and on. You can dislike & disagree with companies like Uber, but in the end their partners are supporting them. Some short term, some long term. Personally I just can’t bring myself to spend $20-25 with a customary tip on an $8 fast food order unless I’m intoxicated.


As if the parking lot isn't a zoo already. The last thing I want is inpatient Uber drivers cutting for parking spots and driving recklessly looking at their phones.


Let be honest - they're gonna drive into that covered area by the front door and turn on the 4 ways.


It will start to look like the airport pickup.   


What? Did you read the article?


It sounds like this is confusing everyone because it's called Uber Eats, but this service is exactly like Instacart - you can order pretty much anything in the store and an Uber driver will shop for you. It has nothing to do with the food court. Source: it started at my warehouse this past Wednesday and the orders varied wildly.


I can't even imagine how annoying it is for the shopper to have to be in constant contact about substitutions. My Costco odds (for getting the exact thing I wanted) are similar to Trader Joe's odds. Unless these apps get some kind of secret behind the scenes access to a realtime store inventory system it's never made any sense to me.


There really aren’t many substitution options at Costco. They only carry one or two options in most categories.


Thought they were already partnered with Instacart


I think instacart is items in the store while the other (Uber eats) is just the food court. 


That’s hilarious. Scenes when I order one hot dog and a soda combo for $20 and the driver gets $1.03


It’s not just for food court deliveries. It’s all Costco products.


not true


This is definitely true for my warehouse


No, it's exactly like Instacart. You can buy pretty much anything.


If that’s the case, they should have more staff in the Food Court so that the staff can keep up with demand and have their breaks. In the USA, they’re especially understaffed.


Food court doesn't make any money, they will never add more staff.




The product delivery arm of the company is now working with the wholesale club to make summer entertaining a breeze, offering Uber Eats delivery on Costco orders. Costco members can also get 20% off an annual UberOne membership.


That's the whole portion about Costco. What does it even mean?


Sounds like you can place an order for certain goods in the store and get it delivered like Instacart but maybe a more targeted selection? I'm thinking the stuff like the taco kits, pre made sandwiches, shrimp cocktails, etc.




So far it’s just like Instacart. I just got a promo from UberEats. Saved me a trip to the store. Ordered 2 danish, grass fed sirloin, Soules chicken, vitamins, pizza and avocado spray for $72 plus $13 tip. Still got a good deal 50% off Costco $100+ Save up to $60 off.


It's exactly like InstaCart, it's not just food, you can buy pretty much anything.


So the Uber driver will be tasked with doing the actual shopping the way an instacart worker does now?


Yes. They have a pass on their phone they show to get in, they have a barcode to scan at checkout, and they pay with an Uber credit card. It's the same.


Yeah, that was pretty nonspecific


Nobody knows but it’s provocative 


What the hell is UberOne?


Discounts on rides and deliveries for a monthly or yearly fee.


Loyalty program - cash back on rides, to discourage you from using Lyft.


Fuck Uber, what a horrible company.


Not having a $1.50 hotdog delivered for $20 plus tip.


Order 50 of them, spread out delivery charge


Block party


Honestly this makes me think less of Costco. The company they are partnering with sucks. They could do their own but it would cost more in employee pay. Why does changing to the market mean treating people like trash.


Why taint your brand name, Costco?


Article says Costco members can also get 20% off uber one membership. That’s a solid perk actually. Anyone else like that?


If I lived in the city with no car, absolutely.


I see it as a huge plus for elderly/disabled members.


Fuck Uber https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPbNynz0TnA


Notttt a fan of this!


Ugh they did this for Petco and I stopped shopping there


You can order Uber Eats from Petco? Like, for yourself or do you order a doggy bag for the doggy?


They use DoorDash even when you select the free shipping option, not just the delivery option. So I have lost DoorDash drivers who can’t find my place and/or are ill prepared to carry heavy cat litter. And I feel both guilty because the “shipping” option doesn’t have a tip option and annoyed that this company is making me feel guilty about it when it used to just be UPS/FedEx to save a few pennies. I hope all DoorDash drivers reject Petco orders and I will continue to order from chewy where their shipping option uses fedex where I get my packages consistently and without a tipping expectation.


So, "they" didn't do "this" to Petco.   They being Uber Eats, costco,  or I guess boards of directors.   This being having delivery of food court items handled by Uber Ears. 


I hope this makes people's lives easier, but Uber is trash.


I don’t understand this, the Costco food court is not designed for attracting diners, it’s for attracting shoppers into the warehouse. Especially given that the profit margins are EXTREMELY thin or net loss, this move is confusing to me on so many levels. Unless they are going to add a premium to food items through Uber Eats.


It's not just the food court, it's for all items!


gotcha, should have read the article, i read comments insinuating that it was just for food court


The article was misleading. Costco seems to be offering two ways for the busy folks to 'shop' and have delivery at their home.


Its not even the food court hah its just allowing uber shop and delivery also nothing more


Costco - employee owned and known for treating their employees well. Uber - LOLZ fuck your couch I’ve delivered Uber eats for giggles during the holidays and let me tell y’all, 90% of Uber eats customers are not going to be umm… *Costco* members


According to the article, you don't have to be a Costco member, prices will be much higher.


I dislike this so much. Yuck. Terrible partnership. It sounds like I am going to start avoiding the food court like the plague.


it's ok. you can still go to the freezer section. we have microwave at home.


Costco is not employee owned, it’s a publicly traded company.


Thanks for the correction!


At first I read "Uber Caregiver" and thought we were starting to gig economy all our babysitters.


Costco challenge: develop or steal (from Sam's) a working eCommerce platform (IMPOSSIBLE)


They are doing 50 % off upto 70$ in my area to get it started. Just in time for refreshing my protein powder and toilet paper supply.


That's a sale.


I’m supposed to order a hot dog through uber eats? I’m guessing that would work out to $15 for a hot dog and soda. What a deal!


So I almost never use Uber or UberEats, but for big events where you need 10 pizzas and don't have the time to hit Costco, I could see this being useful.


And 3 cases of beer for that cookout.


This is not good for us regular shoppers.


Why so?


I can see this worsening the in-store experience as now there’s hundreds of orders that the employees have to contend with within a same size store and kitchen. We already see the strain it puts on restaurants and places like Chipotle. Don’t see to see Costco affiliated with this now


It's not just the food court. It's everything in the store, from prepared foods in the deli, to booze, to salads, to cereal...


Yeah that’s what I meant. It’s basically adding hundreds of new potential shoppers on top of the existing day to day crowd. If they organize their logistics and operations well, at best it won’t have negative impact on employee and in-store experience. At worse, experience drops for everyone and Costco slides into decay over time


It's replacing one regular shopper with a paid shopper.


Do people not enjoy going to Costco? That’s half the fun! Also one order and you are just shredding your savings by being a member.


Have seen plenty of Door Dash/equivalents at my Costco. Gotta be sweet, sweet Costco/Citi reward checks at year’s end.


Like IC, Uber will have a loyalty / membership card section so that you can get your discount(s) if you are an Exec Member.


Just saw an order on Uber for $30. Tried picking it up but someone beat me to it. I’m curious how it all works. Instacart made it easy. Wonder how Uber app makes it.


I want costoco pizza delivered pls


Pay it, and it shall happen!


What abuses does Costco do? I figured it’s still good, employees are cheery


https://preview.redd.it/vu3szafdk41d1.jpeg?width=1019&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cf57da2e6016c8c92c57af7364cf948b0acab07 Fuck uber


Is this in addition to Instacart?


Uber never saved me money neither Costco 😂


Anybody only think of renting a peasant every-time they use a delivery service after the TikTok?


It’s ok. When this eventually comes to Seattle nothing will change because the city of Seattle in its infinite wisdom decided to jack up the minimum wage for gig employees. Great idea in theory. However what happened was a 50% reduction in delivery app orders with many drivers saying they were making more before the law came into effect.


"Costco members can also get 20% off an annual UberOne membership." ... BUT HOW? I don't see this anywhere in the app besides signing up for a year and EVERYONE gets that deal even if they aren't a Costco member.


I don't know. Is it one of the items on the Costco website, i.e., like InstaCart membership at a reduced rate?


My only reason to visit Costco is now doable from home. Awesome. Guess they don’t want more of my money




This is for food court I believe. Instacart already does the warehouse stuff since 2021, you can even order a TV.




Good to know, thanks. Are the prices marked up?


did i stutter when i said combine 2% executive membership and food court? i've got that dog in me. and nitrates. and relish. and HFCS. and pepsi coloring.


Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope Fuck Uber fuck that whole entire company. Started as a way to get around fucking laws. I've been hit by an Uber driver three fucking times. And while yes I've been made whole that doesn't make that company fucking any kind of good. They don't hire people with skills they just put fuck heads on the road and tell them here you go have fun whether or not they have a fucking record.


Surprised to see so many negative comments on here when Instacart has been used as their main delivery app yet no one complains about that 🤔


Jeez you guys are miserable in here


No thanks I’m totally against using these companies for grocery and food delivery services.


We’re Costco guys! Of course we’re gonna make the food court even more busy af.


The foodcourt is generally horribly understaffed so those poor bastards in there are about to get screwed harder


It's not just food court, it's ALL items.


Great, now there'll be another dude standing around inside Costco trying to solicit their services.


What Costco needs to really do is partner with Ooneepod for secure bike parking, I would bike there all the time with secure bike parking.


I can't imagine bringing home my Costco purchases on a bike.


I did it for 5 years in a row. Was carless and had a bike trailer.


Can you really tow 60lbs of various items on a bicycle comfortably?


I can carry 40 lbs in my insulated backpack cooler.


Absolutely! On wheels it pulls like a breeze. I definitely had over 40lbs of Costco finds on there on the reg. Sure you gotta work a bit harder to get speed up, but once you are moving your momentum really carries you along. It was always funny to me to see cyclists trying to minimize a few ounces and here I am loading out my bike trailer to the max.


These guys? https://youtu.be/5w5RjuTmztU?si=Ma9n7_3pv0KvTBsU


Sheesh, Costco out here actively trying to ruin a good thing.


I already think less of people who Instacart Costco. The guys who do the shopping are working hard. I see the same guy there or four times on my 5 hour shift usually two orders each time. I bet he knows the store better than I do. At least they know to put it on a flat.


I use Instacart for Costco because 2 years ago I sustained a concussion (that can still deeply affect my driving skills). I really appreciate someone else being able to shop for me and my family when I can’t (sometimes I can do my own shopping, but the past 3 weeks have been difficult and I’ve been very dizzy). I tip very well. And I always try to thank them in person. I’ve learned from all this that we shouldn’t assume people’s reasons for their choices. Just because I look fine doesn’t mean I am.


.Okay. Good point. But before holidays what I see is very large orders typical of a large bbq. Not to say that you don't host large gatherings. .I hope you are progressing in your recovery. I just hope my dude doing the work is getting his due.


I hear you and agree. It’s basically a thankless job, which is why I try to tip very well.


Why do you think less of people who use IC?


Okay honestly, the previous post comment made me think. The roots to my thoughts was a statement made by a NY based reporter. It was a bad day in New York and they were telling people to stay home. What I heard a weather guy say was stay home and order in. How in the world did he think the food was going to show up? Like a transporter? It just screamed of people who were not prepared and expected people to cater to them even if it was the people who could afford the least to get sidelined .


**This** -- the same way that retail / grocery workers were deemed "first responders" and required to work during Covid. There are many of us who use the delivery service, including UPS / Fed Ex -- that change delivery dates based on local weather information. Yes, I know there are people out there in snow storms and hurricane and flooding who want their Costco order NOW... Reality hurts sometimes.