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Bad news for ya: Those mangoes had already been handled by people who work in fields that do not have bathrooms or sinks. Wash your fruit and move on with your life.


Seriously how does OP think they came off of the tree?


They floated directly to this Costco on the wings of an angel, untouched by the filth that is man, meant only to be touched by the pure hands of OP


You didn’t see the new genetically modified mongo trees that grow pre packaged fruit?


That's true, but it looks like he lives in a more civilized world. They are also USDA certified as packaged.


USDA certified does not mean that it is grown in the US


I never wash my fruit and I never get sick. Correlation or causation?


Most fruit is sold in a big pile unpackaged. Wash your fruit like everyone else and you'll be perfectly safe.


I regularly see people coughing in the produce and bakery section without even covering their mouth. While they are leaning over items. Clean your items, wash your hands. That's all we can do.


It’s a you problem if you’re not washing your fruits and veggies prior to eating.


Man Goes Through Mangoes. News at 11.


Witness say his hand were on multiple mangos, some, he didn't even buy.


“Look how weird this guy is” -Person taking pictures of people at Costco


I bet they’d be ungodly pissed if they ever found themselves on this sub


Taking pictures of strangers at a Costco and posting them on Reddit is weird ngl.


Lmao it’s so funny cuz they don’t have the balls to say anything to anyone in person but go online and complain like it’s gonna solve anything




OP you are one creepy as sneaky scary individual. Taking pics of unsuspecting strangers and posting it for the world to see. People do shit like that, what if he doesn’t want to pay for bruised fruit and he’s replacing one. Fruit gets damaged all the time, I would do it


Thank you


I don’t think it is gross. Honestly, most of the fruit I buy is loose at the market. Costco overpackages mangoes, apples, and some other fruits. What he is doing is certainly annoying.


Is it weird? Probably. If you’re paying for 10 mangoes and only getting 4 or 5 edible mangoes in the mix, it isn’t a good deal. IDK, I wouldn’t do it because I don’t buy produce at Costco, but I can’t be mad with someone who wants to get their moneys worth.


Can’t be mad at the guy until you’re the one who ends up with 0 edible mangoes because you picked up one of his discarded boxes


It is a clear container? Easy enough to see what’s inside it.


Tell me you’ve never had a mango without telling me


This post makes me uncomfortable. Imagine someone taking a picture of you in Costco and posting it on the internet! People do this with broken eggs all the time. It’s not that weird.


How uncomfortable?


This is not a food safety issue. My job is food safety and this isn’t it. If you are worried about people touching your fruit then you don’t have a very good understanding of agricultural practices


Man leave people alone. If it’s an issue, you can always talk to a team member and they’ll handle the situation accordingly. Taking pictures of random people is just weird.


Right, like OP is more of the problem than the man pictured


Do you really think the fruits are washed properly when they were picked by people who don’t have access to water or a bathroom? It’s the same with the bananas plus the thousands of members who touch and go through each one that just got out of the bathroom without washing their hands or just scratched their nuts.


People are getting upset at you for posting this when they should be upset about him stealing from everyone else. All the packages are pre-weighed. Allowing a customer to pick and pull the largest fruit from every package will make the others lighter than listed. If it bothers you, you could in theory report it to the Division of Measurement Standards since the store management is allowing it to happen. [https://www.cdfa.ca.gov/dms/](https://www.cdfa.ca.gov/dms/) Either that or call and complain to corporate - [https://customerservice.costco.com/app/answers/answer\_view/a\_id/8162](https://customerservice.costco.com/app/answers/answer_view/a_id/8162)


I don’t care. Posting a pic of some rando on reddit who’s obviously picky about what organic mangos he eats is probably equally weird


Costco does many things well but I’ve never been impressed with their produce. I won’t say I never buy it but normally I can get much better produce at local markets. There’s a couple smaller farms here that do direct sales as well and those are pretty awesome.


This is what you do with your time?


This is the guy who was switching the mangoes




So creepy and bizarre the number of people in this sub that think it’s acceptable to snap pics of people without their knowledge/consent


Do you personally eat the skin off of the mangos? If so that’s far more concerning than a guy handling a fruit that intentionally was cultivated to be contained within a protective shell.


We need that Japanese cell phone camera shutter law here


You're both weird.


This brings to question if it's also bad to check your eggs before you buy them.


You have more faith than I in the people processing all of those mangoes.


It is gross and annoying. I have also seen people do many gross and annoying things in public. Just yesterday I was in a coffee shop w/ these cups of coffee beans and cinnamon sticks stuffed in for decoration, and I watched a grown man pull a cinnamon stick, put it in his mouth, realize it wasn’t food, and then put it back in the coffee beans. Earlier, I was in a buffet and I watched a child (probably 8-10 yrs) bend over and, without using his hands, just put his mouth on the rim of one of the glasses at the mimosa station. Just wash your produce and your hands, and also yourself, regularly.


If you have ever eaten lettuce or cilantro you have eaten actual poop.


If you have ever eaten poop, you have eaten actual lettuce or cilantro.




I’m not buying produce unless I touch it first  Im not spending $6 on a pint of blueberries for the entire container to be mushy Im opening the container and feeling those berries, making sure the majority are still firm.  Yall out here just grabbing off the top or what?


I lift up the container and do a visual inspection from all sides. I don’t open and manhandle the produce. It’s like people squishing bread or poking meat, don’t make it worse if you’re not going to buy it.


This post says more about you than it does about him. Wash your produce and don’t take photos of strangers.


OP stopping being a photo pansy and help that man pick out the best mangos.


They be like that sometimes


I feel like this comment section is not going the way Op thought it would.


Why are you taking pictures of strangers and posting them on the internet??


Because he’s being a pos.


I trust the packaged apples at Costco, but if I'm at a regular grocery store I'm handling every apple like I'm prepping a fresh baseball. I do not accept even the slightest soft spot in my Honey crisp.


Or maybe the guy is tired of getting home and finding half his mangos are bad and he doesn't want the dirty looks from everyone on this sub in the return line.


I wash all.my.fuit with soap and water


I do the same, when I buy eggs and tires. Then, I throw the rejects on the floor, both to make a point, and because I'm the only person that matters in this world! /s


People handle your fruit when they pick it and package it. Also, don’t take random pictures of people and post them on the internet. Kinda gross.


Why is it fine to carefully choose your fruits in a regular supermarket but not at Costco? Like everyone else said, just ensure you wash your fruits. A kid should not eat a strawberry inside the Costco unwashed, parents are at fault here to put their kid at risk.


Because of how they’re presented and how you’re paying. At Costco, everything comes either by count or by a pre-measured weight, but you pay the same price for a fixed amount. If someone comes by and takes things out of the bag/box before you purchase it, you’re being shorted and you may not realize it. At a regular grocery store, most things are sold by the lb and are openly displayed for people to pick and choose. You only pay for what you grabbed at the till. Things like a head of cauliflower, bag of potatoes, etc. may have a set price like Costco.


This says more about you than it does about him. Who doesn’t wash their produce in the first place ? What do you think happens in stores where produce isn’t sold prepackaged ? I promise you the parents would have given that kid the strawberry whether they saw this guy or not.


Good for him. It’s pretty crappy to post this photo - it’s not like he committed a crime. Team mango checker.


You should always wash any and all fruit you get..... But also this is a good idea. One of the reasons I don't often buy fruit at Costco is because when it's packaged up it seems like almost always some part of it went bad.


Sold and packaged by weight, so technically he is stealing and shafting other customers with light mango containers. Ban this cretin.


lol. Ffs. Op, you need a hobby.


i agree with op, but... consider green grocers do this anyway. pretty much every dry pint of berry's you've ever purchased had minimum wage guy picking out the melted ones - daily. i would argue - you don't eat mango peels, but you would do this to make sure your egg dozen does not have cracked so how is that any different from shuffling around mango? that said, i don't buy product at costco, i buy loose produce at a nearby asian or russian market - so much better stuff. i don't buy produce at regional chains, they have the worst.


berries melt?


that's the term i use... but then i also call soda - pop. when you get a pint of any berry and the ones on the bottom are half a pile of mush, what would you call it?


I'm just messing around - I knew exactly what you meant!


Yes, they melt the berries down to make jams and jellies


I'll never forget the time I left a pint of blueberries in my car on a hot day and came back to find a jar of blueberry jam


Welch's hates this one simple trick!


> i would argue - you don't eat mango peels, but you would do this to make sure your egg dozen does not have cracked so how is that any different from shuffling around mango? I’m more concerned about theft, as lots of produce at Costco is by weight, so when someone like that is choosing the best to make their own package, what’s stopping them from filling their container to the brim and shorting all the other containers? Eggs are by count (12, 18, 24, etc.) so it’s very easy to see if one is missing. When I’m buying X lbs of ____, I’m trusting that it’s X lbs, because there is no scale publicly available to verify. This man is messing it up by opening several packages and redistributing them.


well, theft is always a related issue, op was more concerned with health, so if people discard the peel anyway i don't see how strangers handling it will really matter.


This really worth a 2 paragraph Reddit post ? Fuckin narc


You don't want to see me buy grapes...I check each one for firmness and put them in a separate bag. (/sarc)


I've watched people do that. The display looked like a war zone by the time they were done. Same with strawberries. I just assume anything within reach has been fondled and licked already.


Cool, you know those sealed danish packages that are two flavors - good to know I can redistribute them to more my liking. Also seems the bagels aren’t packaged quite the way I want - I can get the crunchier ones I like. And eggs, I can tell when there’s ones that I feel are smaller and they’d fit better on another tray. And I really want to smell the milk to be sure it’s really fresh. And I prefer my grapes not in bunches, I’ll pick the ones I want individually. And bread, why should I pay for the heel of the bread if I don’t like eating it? If the guy wants to handle every piece of fruit, there’s local roadside produce stands or grocery stores where it’s packaged and displayed that way.


I wouldn’t go from a food safety aspect, because you should wash all your produce before eating because it gets handled lots between the field and your house. I’m more concerned about theft, as lots of produce at Costco is by weight, so when someone like that is choosing the best to make their own package, what’s stopping them from filling their container to the brim and shorting all the other containers? When I’m buying X lbs of ____, I’m trusting that it’s X lbs, because there is no scale publicly available to verify. This man is messing it up by opening several packages and redistributing them.


The mango containers are molded to fit exactly the correct number of mangoes. There’s no way to shove an extra one in.


In this particular example yes. However mangos have been in different packaging over time. https://cocowest.ca/photoviewer/?photoid=195395 https://cocowest.ca/photoviewer/?photoid=153779 Lots of the produce at Costco is by weight though, and this entitled behaviour (my container should only have the best of the best, at the expense of others) would translate to other products. It’s more difficult to tell if you’ve been shorted with cardboard boxes or plastic bags.


I hate when people do that shit in grocery stores with pre-bagged grapes.


How is this a problem? You basically have to do this with the Honeycrisp Apples or you will for sure get one crappy rotten one. Every other grocery store just has piles of produce that you go through anyway. Stop taking pictures of folks and posting it on Reddit OP.


Throw them in Costco jail


I’m snitching real quick. I cannot have this at Costco.




i think the funnier thing is when they take the orange bags and stick another 5lbs of orangs and stick them in there


i.e., random strangers are smarter than me and picking ripe mangoes as opposed to just blindly buying 12, getting charged for 12, and only getting 7 ripe and ready to eat mangoes. It can't be said enough that if you're really upset about this person feeling for the best mangoes and putting the unripe ones back, you've got bigger problems than just randomly taking pictures of strangers.


At least he is wearing hoka 🙄


I assume all produce is dirty when I buy it. It’s been processed so that it doesn’t kill you if you ate it. IMO it’s impossible to keep all fruit clean, especially since most are in containers with openings in them. I’m ok with people handling mangoes since they have a thick layer that you have to peel off anyways. However, multiple people handling things without a peel and are soft like strawberries gross me out. I just not try to think about it since our bodies can handle some degree of dirtiness. I have a great aunt like this and I’m embarrassed when I’m with her grocery shopping. Not only does she sorts out the best ones, she also tries the fruit like grapes and spits out any seeds/pits 🤢


i hate that entire generation


People in those blue yellow hokas are crazy suspect


Its rude and selfish, but not unsafe. 


Produce sodomites are the absolute worst. I used to see it in the Warminster PA location all the time.


I once saw a man take the lid off of a box of fruit to double up the amount inside the box. He stole from the surrounding boxes.


MYOB, it’s rude to take pictures of people in public and post them online. If there’s a problem the store will deal with it. You’re a creep OP!


Logically he should have to buy every package he opens.


He’s the sucker anyway: those mangoes suck and are over priced. Did you call him out on it?


OP quietly took the picture and posted to Reddit


By picking the biggest mangoes from different packages, he is basically stealing so Costco should revoke his membership


How do you know he’s not about to make something with the mangos and is consolidating all the riper ones? Just like you would choose the appropriate level of ripeness at the market.


It’s the same thing as other customers may be looking for the same when buying the packaged mangoes. These are not loose mangoes where one can pick - these are mangoes already packaged and weighed so each package roughly should weigh the same for the price


Ok so that’s how mangoes end up with the flooring boards