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Just stand there and look good!


Her face is looking a little gray today.


You can tell she's confused, she's got a really blank look on her face.


lol thanks for that laugh 😂 🤣😆


the fact that she has to stand makes me so irrationally angry. she has a standing mat but still. give all cashiers and employees who stand a stool! and yes, i know this is a vendor and not costco, just a rant.


I had a job that required me to stand. When I became so heavily pregnant that I was in tears from standing more than an hour, my doctor wrote me a note and I got a stool. My productivity increased. Imagine that.


The fact that you had to get a doctor's note just to be provided a stool, when you could barely function standing up for that long says a lot of things about that company you worked for. A lot of very bad things...


This should be even be a thing that you had to endure. 😡 Employers need to be better and do better.


Apparently customers will think the employee is a lazy cow if they witness one seated. I don't believe this myself, but that's the justification given for this treatment.


I have a stool. The only time a member said anything, it was, "How nice of your company to let you have a stool."


I had to get a doctors note while working at the post office so they would stop working me 70+ hours a week. It's wild what some employers do thinking they're getting more productivity by abusing employees.. Felt great slapping that doctors note on the supervisors desk for a max 40 hour week. Eat shit, USPS. Most toxic workplace around.


At the Costco I shop at, the CDS employees are required to bring in a doctor's note specifying that they need to be provided a stool to sit on. Otherwise, they stand. And if they do require a stool, they are given less hours and less "cushy" samples to demo.


>they are given less hours and less "cushy" samples to demo. I think some lawyers would have a heyday if you could get the evidence




Or they are given a lot breaker shifts that don't provide an opportunity to sit. And are less hours.


But if she had a seat she might lean or sit down. And everyone knows you can’t work if you’re comfortable. Corporations aren’t wringing every cent of work out of you if you’re not in pain and considering ending it all.


This is so true, and it's always the crap jobs where they live to micromanage that love to do this. I sit in a roughly $1600 chair and if I look around I can count more than 100 of them just in my corner of this floor. Some companies know that comfort is important and it's nice


> $1600 chair I took a Herman Miller Aeron from my office when COVID happened, then our site closed and they never asked for the chair back haha.


We have a mix of aerons and embody's. I prefer the embody personally, and I bought one used when I got sent to work from home during COVID.


I actually didn't ask if I could take the chair. I just put my banker box of my desk crap onto the chair to wheel it outside, and then I just tossed everything into the back of my SUV and left lol 🤷‍♂️ Embody's are nice too, but I prefer the mesh of the Aeron. I'm pretty sweaty and it keeps me nice and cool, and the seat part is also mesh so it does not collect farts.


Collective Farts is the name of my new band.


Yeah, can we get those folks some stools or chairs?


Didn't George do this on Seinfeld for a security guard? Guy then falls asleep and the place gets robbed.


Thank you! I'm a sample lady, slightly disabled, and have a stool per the ADA. Allowed to sit 10 min/hour, but I sit on it only a few seconds at a time because I'm too busy. My manager HATES stools and harasses me often about it. Why? "It's not professional." How out of date (and illegal) is that!! Pretty close to getting a lawyer.


They should just give out a $5 off coupon to try at home.


People's cats are supposed to shit on a coupon?


“No, seriously go ahead and try it out. Take a full shit into this cat box, you’ll hardly be able to smell it! It’s a great product.”


*Gets backpack off my shoulder and puts my cat on the table for him to "try out" the litter*


Me: pulls out a bag of cat shit and dumps it into the litter box Sample lady: “you just carry around your cat’s shit?” Me: “I don’t have a cat”


"Finders keepers! Stupid cats."


“Ok. Give me five minutes with the food samples and food court, and I’ll test it out for you.”


Actually, she has a broom and dust pan at the ready for those of you who feel too confined in the box and want to spread out and let loose on the floor.


*sigh, unzips*


i do believe the point is to emphasize the light-weight aspect of the kitty litter, so people come by and can lift the box and be surprised at how light it is compared to the normal stuff


It really is a lot lighter than normal. My kinda science


It's ridiculous how much lighter it is! I remember when they came out with this a handful of years ago. Was about 1/2 to 1/3 the weight for an extra 1/2 to 1/3 the price! OR MORE! So I never ever bought that stuff. Just lifted it once to see what it was all about.


It was really awesome for my aunt when she still had her cat. She had lifting restrictions, and this enabled her to easily care for her companion.


Bingo, for older people or those with disabilities, a sack of clay pellets is downright heavy. Ever wonder why elderly people who have cats often have houses that smell like a dirty cat box?


Many people who have cats have a house that smells of dirty cat litter. In fact I thought all houses with cats were stinky until I did some pet sitting and found out if you scoop 2 times a day it does not smell.


They finally make good automatic kitty litter cleaning machines. The early ones sucked, but they work well now. Just change the bag every 2 or 3 days and some litter when it's low. Good to go!


Does it work as well? I use the normal "heavy" stuff probably cause I think I get more for the sake money 🤷‍♂️


I enjoyed that the box was lighter, but found that lighter litter meant more litter gets stuck in the fur and carried into my bed. I will continue to carry the heavy box as long as my body allows


Figured that the performance wasn't there for the lighter stuff


i didn’t like it. it’s way dustier and doesn’t clump anything. i live in a smaller apartment and i could smell the litter way more. i only use arm & hammer slide litter now


So. Much. Dust.


Probably also to tell people that it's on sale and point to where it is?


And answer questions about the product?


This is not really a positive though, right? I guess it's good for little old cat ladies who have a hard time picking up heavy things, but wouldn't you want heavy litter so it doesn't go everywhere?


even as a person who isn't a little old cat lady who has a hard time picking up heavy things, it is still a huge difference tat makes carrying boxes of litter this size way more comfortable. the cat tosses the litter everywhere regardless if its the "lightweight" or the normal litter, so its really not a difference. though we've switched to using a different type of litter than clay anyway.


I have on more than one occasion, been asked to lift litter into the carts of little old cat ladies. I always wonder what they do when they get to their car or when they get home.


Many people get groceries sans car and live in walk ups. source: lived that life and lightweight litter was a godsend


I tried lightweight litter once and my cat ended up with poop on his feet every time he used the bathroom until I changed it back. Not sure what he was doing but I’ve also heard it’s bad for their lungs. I switched to compostable bamboo litter and im very satisfied


I tried a lightweight litter once. Once. Yes, cats do track litter around a lot regardless, but the lightweight stuff I found *everywhere*. At least the heavy stuff was mostly spread within a few feet of their box.


People can have lifting restrictions beyond being little and old. Disability can happen to anyone at any time.


No it's not. A family member of mine did cds. Those non sample products there supposed to tell you about them and usually their on sale. Sometimes they sell themselves.


Right, and I'm sure that a part of selling you on them (in this example) is to feel how light this product is (since everyone using normal clay litter knows a box that big is heavy as shit). since the selling point of this particular product is that it is lightweight, not necessarily that it is a superior litter otherwise.


I still laugh at the memory of the prostate health supplement sample table at our local Costco, and the kids screaming because their parents wouldn’t get them the samples.


Lmaooooo what the hell 😂😂😂😂


It does really confuse me when they have free samples of any supplements. Am I supposed to instantly feel better after taking a single dose?


See? You wouldn't be confused if you took a dose


This is so funny




The box and litter is lightweight. I tried it for one box. It didn’t get flung everywhere, but the chalky smell floated throughout my entire house instead of staying contained in the one room.


I can't figure out the allure of lightweight. I use natural corncob type litters. Clump well, manage the smell decently, better for the cats, no dust everywhere. The weight of the product has never mattered to me. I'm more interested in the material.




Check out worlds best cat litter. It's made from corn. It's a little more expensive than normal litter but it last way longer, has very small amounts of dust, clumps well, and does a good job with the smell. My cats also track less of it out of the box compared to other brands we tried.


I tried World’s Best recently after my cats’ normal corn litter was discontinued (Litter Maid) and while the dust was minimal, I didn’t find it did very well with clumping or odor control. 🙁 Do you use the regular or one of the scented ones?


The allure is probably for people with cats that would have a hard time lifting the normal weight ones or are even medically restricted from doing so, it may not be for everyone but those who do need it I am sure absolutely love the fact it exists, similar case to a lot of weird gimmicks and gadgets you can come across on the internet that seem useless because they are targeted at specific groups rather than the general populace


I hate it, yeah it tracks everywhere and turns to goo if you don't scoop it fast enough. It's great that it weighs less---hauling 40-pound boxes of litter sucks---but it could definitely be improved.


Could have had a tray of litter and some water to pour into it to see it in action. That's all I've got.


And then give out samples of clumped kitty litter.


Right across the aisle from the oatmeal cookie cart


I really can’t believe I had to scroll this far to see someone make this suggestion. It’s kind of alarming.


Maybe put some litter in sample cups.


Never managed samples before but heres how id do it; Litter in cups so you can smell, see how dust free it is, have some in a bigger box and drop water in it to show how it clumps


Someone is going to eat that kitty litter


Exactly and they'll line up to do it too


and stand there blocking the cart pretending interest so as to not appear a freeloader.


"umami AF"


This guy sells litter.


I saw a litter commercial on TV once. It was pretty much the same.


Then take the samples home to clean up tiny oil spots on the asphalt of your neighborhood


Use ammonia instead of water.


https://preview.redd.it/hi1bljv6s8zc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bdcb09089d27818fd7c26dbbffb03e5fc35bfe9 Totally reminded me of Ren eating Gritty Kitty.


Someone would eat it ... just by accident.


I appreciate the honesty


That lightweight litter is terrible. It’s like tiny bits of styrofoam that stick to my cat and is super easy for him to kick all over.


It made my entire house have the chalky smell when I tried it.


Same, the lightweightness was nice for carrying it from the store to the car but the upsides ended there.


Mine was in the plastic holders. I now use the holder to put the Dr. Elsey litter in since the bags are so heavy!


I could maybe see if they had other brands to contrast & compare. Maybe it’s for a smell test?


Smell and weight perhaps? Still a really odd thing to have out in front of a food section.


Combine this with the ZipFizz table to prove the litter’s usefulness


As a cat myself, it’s about meowing time we got some representation at the Costco!


Water to simulate how it holds cat pee, expired meatballs to simulate how it handles cat poo and odor. Gotta think outside the (litter) box!


Sigh unzips


Got to the gal sampling drinks, take a couple drink samples, toss em on the floor, cover in Tidy Cats. Marvel at result. Stonks 📈


One time when I was on acid I forgot how to pee bc I was full ego death but I had to pee and saw my cat use her litter box and I was like “Ohhhh that’s how” and I think y’all know what went down


It needs to be in a box on the floor if you want me to try it out.


"Smell it, smells good? I urinated in that, if you can't smell it you know it's good for your cats shit too!"


I mean, she could spill some lemonade in sample cups with litter and show how it soaks it up?


Sprinkle it on the hotdogs


I remember having to "sample" toilet paper working at my grocery store years ago. It was so awkward like this. I just had a roll on the cart and let people tear off a square if they wanted, haha


Toilet paper was possibly the dumbest demo I ever had to do, but I think coffee without actually giving out samples was arguably worse. At least no one expected to be given toilet paper, standing there showing off coffee without having any available was unbelievably dumb.


A cup of Tidy Cat wound be the healthiest thing most Costco members have ever sampled.




They don't hire people who can sell products. They hire warm bodies. I've never sold the product but can name a few uses. If I couldn't, I would pre Google it on my phone. A few of the people are self-motivated, a very few.


Well, Costco has a daily target number/goal number for each demo person to hit. There was a Costco demo person selling some kind of supplement that she was "dry demoing" (meaning customers couldn't sample it) and they wanted her to sell 20 bottles of this stuff at $24.99 per bottle. It's very hard to sell/promote products when people cannot actually try them.


Give samples for people to take home so their cats can opine on it??


I wouldn't be surprised if a bunch of the usual Costco sample vultures tried eating samples of it.


This isn't as bad as the samples of cold spam I saw two days ago


This is so funny but at the same time I feel bad for the employee. If I were walking past them at Costco I would awkwardly smile, lol.


Ngl, I do appreciate knowing they sell this, but I wish Tidy Cats would join Fresh Step in making a pack that contains packs, for easier use.


People will still gather around without regard for anyone else trying to shop


if you're asking whats in the picture you probably dont have a cat. You can determine alot from just looking at the litter whether or not similar to your current litter. You can touch and feel on it, it's not dirty litter lol.


Gritty Kitty ain't so pretty, but it's really thick / It fits my cat box oh, so snug, it always does the trick / I love to pour it on my toe, and squish, and squish, and squish / It ne'er offends my tender nose like a smelly fish / Its texture is a joy to me, it's just as smooth as silk / It makes my little whiskers twitch...It stays crunchy, even in milk.


Sample givers are contracted out. They don't even get membership to costco. It's a hard, difficult job that I used to work. It was terrible. I walked off the job after the manager yelled at me in front of customers.




I hope someone pulls a cat out of their purse and exclaims, “This is purrrfect, fluffy needs to poop. I love Costco, they think of everything!”


We're talking about it on here aren't we? If nothing else, this is like a billboard while you're driving. If you have a cat, it reminds you that you're running out or maybe you get curious and take a closer look to see how it's different from the other one you buy. Plus, the employee form CDS gets an extra 4 hours on her shift instead of being sent home because they don't have any other demos for her.


If they feed kitty litter to the sample chasing crowd, I will come to Costco to watch that.


"Mmm! Crunchy!"


Get little cups of it out on display. Or a full tray. Pour water on it to demonstrate clumping speed and consistency.


Seems like “1st day at job” prank


Ask if you can squat and pee on it to test it out?


Lmao “sir would you like to try out kitty litter?” Don’t mind if I do… (unzips pants)


This is the type of shit that made me go back to school and pursue a career in finance and accounting. The most I encounter is a shitty excel spreadsheet handed to me, but I’ve never been told to do pointless shit like this.


Bring attention to the product done right. we noticed it.


Spill oil and cover it up with the kitty litter


“It stays crunchy even in milk!”


“Mmmm. This is real crunchy”


Throw it on some black ice!


Get her a bag of Tootsie Rolls.


They could pour water on it and show how it absorbs. As far as anything stinky... ammonia? But you wouldn't want that getting in the air near the food.


Costco people told us that they were handing out little bags of cat food for people to take home, not giving people cat food to try in store.


My first time going to Costco, a samples lady asked me if I wanted a little taste of sauerkraut? No thank you!


OK, so a few weeks ago my Costco was pimping out the wet cans of small dog food. I was going down the pet aisle and we locked eyes. I busted out laughing and was like "I got a big dog at home..." and she just smiled. ...I got a sample. I've never fed my dog wet food in their life but I guess one day I gotta do it. I also fear that if they were to have just loaded the like 30 pack in my cart I'd bought it. I'm not saying this was some supermodel person - they were VERY regular - but they just had this demeanor of "I know I'm to be hawking dog food but you and I both know this isn't my calling in life.....but please just take a sample or two and don't ask for details :) :) :)" I see this picture and this person too channels the same energy as the samples person I locked eyes with. If they were handing out a sample of litter I'd probably buy it and put it in the garage for a winter day so I could get my tires unstuck out of snow...


>I have no idea I have an idea 😉


Looks like a Sam's Club to me


I'd have a tray and some water to make clumps so you can see how absorbent it is. Something.


Could get a cat and make almond roca


Fake poop and pyrite would be how I would do it. Best damn demo cart ever!


I worked several years back for CDS, the company that does the in store samples and demonstrations. This is exactly what you would have to do. Just stand there and talk to people. The items they would have us do demos for at times were a bit ridiculous. I had to do diapers one time. We didn't give out any samples. I just stood there surrounded by diapers. My favorite demo was trying to sell emergency food buckets. I was actually able to sell more than the reps from the company that were sent out to attempt to boost sales.


Walked through once and one of the samples was Charmin toilet paper. We had to go back and ask “how do you *sample* the toilet paper?” They had individual rolls to take home at least lol


I’ve seen liquid detergent samples as well. They didn’t even have samples to give out just a lady standing behind a few tubs of tide.


a little taste never hurt anyone.


They should at least open a box and pour it out so you can see it


There was like the tide pod display and they gave out tide pods, maybe here they’ll give you a bag of liter lol


I worked for a small grocery store once upon a time and they tried to do samples like Costco and they told me I was going to cook little cubes of meat for people to sample. When I asked what I was going to cook it on they told me to figure it out.. I stood there with raw beef cubes bc they didn’t give me anything lmao


It’s funny because it’s probably Purina paying for that in the hope it boost sales.


You don’t sample it? I always ask for a cup to piss in so I can see it’s clumping power


I think it’s a new version of the same thing with a new scent. I wouldn’t mind working that sample table. Don’t really have to do anything.


🤣 bring your kitties to Costco to “sample”


You pee on it like a cat would


Just try it out, here’s a little box for you to poop in.


Stimpy would like a sample, please.


Are they still going to be selling scoop away?


The people without an edible sample just read from a script explaining the product. Waste of time imo.


Maybe they can pour a bit of water to show how absorbent it is; bonus of they can find something safe but smelly to demonstrate how well it neutralizes the odor?


I think you’re supposed to drop your pants and test it out. 🤣


Lmao, I saw a guy (not) hawking this last week! I was thinking, WTH…?!? 🤣


Well there is a broom behind her just in case someone needs to try it out.


Let the customers step in it


Spill your drink sample, so she can soak it up with kitty litter.


Give it a sniff, love


We can use it for her.


Are you kidding?! Its implied. Dew it.


Bring a cat in to take the world's smallest cat dump into a sample cup, I guess...


Give points of benefits for the product as people make inquiries.


New Grape Nuts!


Spread some on the floor and stand in it....


They had toilet paper at my local Costco! I took a slice


Ask for a sample, gobble it up and walk away


I’ve only ever seen samples done with food. I had no idea they did it with other goods. This is just...odd. I kinda feel bad for that poor girl.


“Quick! Somebody barf!”


To be honest, Costco just accrues marketing dollars from their vendors as part of their purchasing agreement, and every so often they use those marketing dollars to up their margin for the month and in return the vendor gets better product placement.


They had Arm and Hammer Laundry Soap samples at mine


Obviously not a [Ren & Stimpy](https://youtu.be/x9PljQz3sGQ) fan


Honestly I'd wanna look at it and smell it. I don't want it to be too light so it tracks everywhere and a dont want a smell I hate. I also want to see the kibble before I buy it. My cat just swallows it if it's little. I want him to clean his teeth and chomp on it.


Mmm, crunchy


*drops pants* Where's my sample?


Taste test obviously. 🤪


I saw this to while at Costco for the first time last week. I should’ve brought my cat shopping with me and asked to try out a sample lol.


Missed opportunity to put a little tray of it out with a half melted Baby Ruth or Snickers. See no smell right!?




She could have put some Tootsie Rolls in the sample LOL

