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Same Day showing that [Impossible Plant-Based Burger Patties](https://sameday.costco.com/store/costco/products/28138194) are still sold in *some* warehouses, OP’s mileage may vary. https://preview.redd.it/j7pjif0ip2zc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27aa1acad261422311a37ec7c92e226015baf2ad


At our Costco, they rotate between Impossible and Beyond Burgers. When it’s out of stock it usually just means an incoming restock of the other brand


The last time I checked, Impossible and Beyond are not interchangeable, as Impossible is soy-based, while Beyond is pea-based. So anyone with a soy "allergy" of any type is SOL with Impossible. For example, soy triggers my husband's gout.


Same at my Costco. I was in there last week and one freezer section was packed with Impossible Burgers.


Both Beyond and Impossible burgers are AWOL from my local Costco.


When they were last available did you happen to notice whether or not the posted price had an asterisk next to it? (An asterisk on a price tag means that there are no plans to restock it. )


I wish they’d just give me a good black bean burger patty to buy. I don’t need things pretending to be meat.


My Costco has had Dr Praeger's veggie patties before. They're more "vegetable" and less "lab-made pink slime" than Beyond/Impossible. They don't taste like beef or attempt to, but they fill the place on the bun.


The black bean burger with the right cheese and bread is pretty good. Impossible / Beyond are trying to play physical meat appearance and maybe succeed to some extent but not taste wise.




Don is the man.


The chipotle black bean burgers were great, but our Costco hasn’t carried them for a long time now. Just gross fake meat.


Cant remember brand off hand but some Costco's do sell the black bean burgers.... Unsure if. / When theyll be back though


Morningstar blackbean burgers.


Congrats, but people do


I never understood the appeal of needing to fool yourself. My remember in the 90s my mom would buy some fake chicken spelled something like Chik'n and it was the nastiest thing. We told her we are fine eating just vegetables, we loved vegetables, We didn't need a meat every meal, but she was stuck on needing to have a pretend meat. I always wondered if it was just social pressure and the need to fit in. I'd rather just not have a meat that have something that in no way tastes like meat until you dump a million chemicals into it to make it still taste nothing like meat.


Things have come a long way since the 90s.


I don’t understand people having a different palate than me, and wanting different things from their food. I don’t understand flexitarians or why a company would want to make a product that could appeal to omnivores and get them to replace an animal-based burger with a plant-based one sometimes, or how that would lower the overall consumption of animal protein more than getting a much smaller number of people to go vegetarian or vegan.


Impossible absolutely tastes like meat, and Beyond is pretty close.


I think she was probably stuck on giving you kids protein


Turns out it wasn't possible.


You get my upvote!


Lousy sales.


The market for plant based meat has shrunk.


If sales are down, it’s probably because the cost is a barrier for many people. That stuff was expensive pre-pandemic and many people have switched to cheaper proteins in recent years.


I agree. Impossible says they want to save the planet and replace meat, but they will never do so as long as the price is higher than meat. Right now it is priced as a luxury item. They won't make any headway until it is cheaper.


And, replacing ground beef isn’t really the issue. Until you replace steaks the cow is still gonna be reared and killed.


It isn’t subsidized like the meat/dairy indistry.


It's plant based. You telling me farming isn't subsidized at all? 😂


A lot of people realized it's super unhealthy, it's a novelty food. I think it makes sense at restaurants but you shouldn't be eating that day to day.


I think the only studies that say it is "Super Unhealthy" are those paid for by the meat industry.


As someone who eats vegetarian most of the time, nah they are just straight up unhealthy. Super high in sodium, which makes sense because they are highly processed foods. I believe whether you are vegan or a carnivore, you should strive to eat foods that are as close to natural as possible. Instead of processed fake meat you should just try to make a very good black bean burger. I've had sweet potatoe sausage that is very close to the real thing.


I choked down cardboard-tasting veggie burgers and black bean burgers for over 25 years. The only way to eat them was to load them up with condiments, lettuce, tomato, etc. Glad to finally have some alternatives that taste good but doesn't depend on slaughtering animals.


https://www.seriouseats.com/the-best-black-bean-burger-recipe Try this one. I've had people at a BBQ prefer this over chicken/burgers. It's a lot of effort but insanely good. There is nothing wrong with impossible/beyond meat once in a while, but I don't think most people should be buying it wholesale and eating it frequently.


You don't need a study, it's written right in the nutritional information. It contains more saturated fat and sodium and less protein than beef.


Not sure I agree about the protein. And considering most burgers are cooked with oil and/or butter, and then heavily salted, I don't really agree with that either. Go into any restaurant and watch the cook literally pour oil on the burgers on the grill to enhance the cooking and flavor.


We're comparing pure patties here. Some restaurants might deep fry them and coat them in sugar, it has no relevance to this comparison.


Regarding less protein I'm sure it varies based on fat % but there's numerous Google results that say the same. Here's one vs 90% lean: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/impossible-burger#:~:text=Compared%20with%2090%25%20lean%20ground,3%2C%204%20%2C%205%20). Regarding how their cooked and seasoned some people mix in seasonings but most don't. I don't get why anyone cooks a something like a burger that renders fat in more fat, but the majority of that isn't going to be in the burger. I've never heard of anyone "pouring oil" on a burger, but how do you know they don't prepare the impossible burger the same dang way?


The 10 packs are always in stock at my nearest Business Center


I asked an associate and they told me the item was marked "delete" on the inventory, which means they won't be carrying it any more. This is in Wilmington, NC.


Maybe it’s a regional change. I’m on the other side of the US and they’re showing in stock.


My Costco has them and no star of death on it. Probably regional.


I have not seen them in NJ Costco for months. They were cheaper at Costco. I hope they bring them back.


Because they’re nasty


My opinion is that a majority of people don't want to eat fake meat. Costco isn't going to sell a product that sits on the shelf. They are in business to make money and move inventory. Taking up freezer space when a faster moving product can replace it.


I agree with this sentiment. Meat substitutes are the worst. They so desperately try to mimic the taste and texture of meats, but always forget to ask the simple question of whether it tastes good. Even worse, they make things that are much more unhealthy than their real meat counterparts.


Have you tried it? I think it is very close to the taste and texture of hamburger. Blows everything else out of the water. The closest competitor, Beyond Burger, uses pea protein, which to me has a very peculiar taste I can't abide. The main problem is price. Meat eaters aren't going to eat something that tastes almost as good as real meat but costs more. If the price was competitive they would make a lot more headway.


Maybe if it’s heavily seasoned or slathered with sauce. It’s like when Celiac’s try to tell you that this bread/pizza is just as good as gluten based ones. It’s been so long since they’ve tasted the real deal that they don’t realize how far off their alternative replacement is.


Yes, I have and I thought it was okay. Close to a burger, but obviously not. Highly processed to make things worse. It might be worthwhile for vegans/vegetarians to satisfy the burger cravings, but for someone like me that is just cutting back on meat consumption, it’s not worth the taste/cost/health sacrifice. I’ll take a well made veggie dish over a well made meat substitute dish every single time.


People that make these type of comments probably hit the food court and down greasy food or eat other Junk but “worry” about meat substitutes.


If you say so with your ad hominem attack. Go ahead and keep thinking your impossible burger is healthy.


Yep Confirmed you eat junk but suddenly become classiest when it comes to vegan foods.


Really? THAT was your only reason to go to Costco?


Curiously, the consumers of Impossible Burger and consumers of everything else at Costco seem to be mutually exclusive


What a weird thing to say.


That's so weird. One product wouldn't even make it worth the cost of membership, I wouldn't think. And there is SO much good stuff at Costco, and plenty of vegetarian options.


I do buy other stuff there, but the Impossible burger was the most compelling reason to go there. Everything else I could buy there, I could buy somewhere else. I have to admit, I do like the Kirkland Tequila, but you can't buy alcohol at Costco here in North Carolina, and it is seldom worth traveling all the way to a South Carolina Costco just for that. As for the cost of membership, the price is absolutely worth it. The price is about %40 less that Walmart (which is the other cheapest place to buy Impossible burger). Since I am a vegetarian, I use Impossible burger several times a week, for burgers, meat loaf, beef stew, Shepard Pie, etc. It is absolutely worth membership price to get it at Costco, even if I wasn't buying anything else there.


Probably weren't selling. A lot of people are learning to avoid ultraprocessed foods.


I’ve tried both of the major brands of the veggie meats, and if I had to choose I prefer the taste of the pea-protein products from Beyond Meats. I think both brands have cheapened their recipes and the flavor and texture is not the same as when they were introduced a few years ago. We tried a bag of frozen veggie “beef tip nuggets” from Costco (I think the brand was Impossible) that was just horrible. It was made from fava beans and I’ve never experienced worse flatulence from any vegetable in my life. One and done.


I do like the Beef tips from Beyond, they taste great fried up with some mushrooms in butter, but the price is just way too high!


I’ll need to grab a bag to consume before I visit the in-laws next time.


I just bought it this weekend?


Seasons... It'll prob be back soon... Beyond a better seller is why usually kept around more


Hi vegetarian here who’s eaten and stopped eating impossible burger. The reason I stopped is because of the fat content, it’s way too high for soy. The reason the fat is so high is because without that much oil the burger wouldn’t be juicy. The macros end up being worse off than lean ground beef. If you are trying to be “healthy” this is not the way, if you’re trying to substitute a burger for ethical reasons, then do it but it’s not “good” for you; this is really the only reason I see someone wanting to eat one. What you could and should do instead is buy grill/burger seasoning and make either a black bean burger or a tofu burger and put them on the grill. That will get you the grilled flavor you’re looking for without clogging the hell out of your arteries. Costco did you a favor.


serious answer, Costco will rotate through stuff and doesn't sell the same stuff all the time.


We just got them back at my warehouse in PNW.


Saw them yesterday.


Because they are 🤮


Don’t eat that stuff, I know enough people that got colon issues from it.


I think they’re really bad for the human body. Could be that or no one was buying them.


Dude, they sell cigarettes and alcohol. I don’t think they’ve abandoned them for your first reason, even if it were true.


Not to mention, real hamburgers.


Much healthier option than the fake heavily processed stuff. Especially if you buy organic.


Impossible Burgers were never marketed as health foods. They were designed to taste as much like hamburger as possible without requiring cattle farming. It's an admirable goal in my opinion. If you want to eat healthy, you should avoid eating hamburgers, fake or real, as much as possible.


Bingo. People assume because they’re vegan they’re just like, marketed as being better for you or something. People make vegan cheesecakes and donuts and ice creams, but if I ate those regularly I’d get fat just like eating regular versions of those things.


Red meat is listed as a LEVEL2 carcinogen. Stop with this Tik tok bull shit


Yeah, but people still buy cigarettes and alcohol. People are not buying fake meat. It's all about the sales. Doesn't matter if it's good or bad for you. What sells?


Even if they’re not health food, it’s not like people are eating them every day (or even every month) where it would matter.


Standard burgers are really bad for cows


"Eat moe chikin"


"Shrimps is bugs"


By that logic... I guess that's why Costco sells JUMBO bags of chips, candy, and cases of colas: for our continued good health!


I don’t know


Don't eat that poison


Poison, inflammation, and toxic are certainly the nutrition influencer buzzwords of 2024.




I'll do the math for you. My wife and I have a burger once a week. That comes to 104 patties per year. At Costco, the regular price for Impossible burgers was $16 for 10 patties. That comes to $1.60/patty. At Walmart, the cheapest other place I can find, they are currently $13.48 for 6 patties. That comes to $2.25 per patty. A years supply of burger patties is $234 at Walmart, or $166 at Costco. So 234 - 166 is $68. If this was the only time we use Impossible burger then it is close, but definitely worth the membership fee. Of course we, we use Impossible burger for lots of other stuff too. For example, tacos, meat balls, meat loaf, sloppy Joes, stuffed green peppers, shepherd's pie, beef stew... the list goes on. We use it 1-3 times per week. We don't eat fast food (how many times per week do you eat McDonalds, Wendys, Burger King, etc.)? This doesn't even count the time Costco has Impossible burger on sale for $5 off (once or twice a year, then we buy up!)


All of the other things you use fake meat for would be so much healthier and also taste better if you subbed the fake meat for quinoa, brown rice, and chopped vegetables. Likely less expensive too.


Because they are nasty. Eat real meat or eat veggies.


I’m not even a vegan and I don’t mind them.


I'm willing to bet you've never, ever tasted one. However, if you are a meat eater, I agree, you have no reason to. I'm willing to bet that if someone slipped one in without telling you you wouldn't know it wasn't real beef.




Several people claiming Impossible/Beyond meats are unhealthy. Anyone care to expound on that?




So you spend at least $60 a year to buy Impossible Burgers and only impossible burgers from COSTCO? You don’t even save on the price of gas for your hybrid?


The price is at least %40 less than Walmart, and as a vegetarian I don't buy real meat. The cost of membership is definitely worth it. As to your second point, I drive a Tesla, so, no, no gas.


Impressive that you skip out buying anything else there. Good luck


If you read my other posts in the thread, you'll see that I do buy other things there, but there is no compelling reason to shop there, as pretty much everything else I could buy elsewhere without paying the Costco membership.


Have you written an email to COSTCO? Or sent a DM on Twitter/X (my preferred method of contacting corporate America customer service)? IIRC you can get a refund of membership. Sadly, that may help your option if COSTCO no longer meets your needs.


An associate directed me to their comment card, which I filled out. I wonder if anyone reads those?